HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-01-06, Page 8PAGt, EIGHT • s, • The LucknOw SeWilma Lucknow, Ontario -Make January A White Month •BUT .ONLY WHAT YOU NEED IF YOU ARE NEEDIN(10SHEETS—buy sheeting and make yoUr own—Revive an, old thrifty custom. In this way you get exactly the length sheet and hent you prefer. GENUIWE COLONIAL SHEETING •-• The same reliable quality that you have grown tised to. This firmly woven sheeting is durable, Pure and bleached to. a snowy white- ness. 72 inches wide. Yard 79e. .NOLEAtillED, SUE•ETING----k 1oeiy Ime wealic,fln un bleached sheeting, the kind that washes to a pure white. *Oven. and durable:$1 jn.,Wide: Yard • 65c BLEACHJD.SHEETIN4781 inches wide 69c DUNKIRK SERVICE YARN --Khaki only. Ball , .69c leton Farm . Sold Thomas Webster, of West Wa. wanop. 'township, -has cord a 100 - acre bush farm. on the 7th.,,ton cessibil of that township to Al7 phonse Boyle, of pear Auburn. $ • There is some fairly big timber. Pn' -the farm, :but no buildings. The price is said t� have been $1000. Mr. Webster still has two hundred 'acres left..--Sighal-Star. Pitiful. Plight Of Europe's Wild. Children Homeless and starved, subject- ed tq unspeakable horrors by the invading "SuPerrnen", fifty Mill- ion; vagabonds 'are devising as- tonishing ways ottaking 'care of themselves. Ninon Tallon, former. French new'Spaper woman, tells; in The American Weekly with •this Sunday's (January 9) issue. 1 GROUPINGS NOT- 1YET ANNOUNCED 44 • Hockey players and 'fans are getting. itchy for - seine action locally, but whatever is the de- lay groupings have not yet been announced by the Ontario Minor Hockey Association, and here we are with a ..week of 'January al-. most gone. • ' It is understood •that Clinton, Gederich,.Wirighain and of .course Lucitnew, have all entered., Juv- erille teams and the- secretary ot the 0.M.1-T.A. 'has been advised 'that- such a grouping Would be atisfactory.: here, and •"a requpst` •made for some action; now has had ice now for some time and could -have :Opened' the season last week. • • • ' • Luckno* should have a •classy Juvenile squad this .season, Prac- tically all of last. Yeart 7 local • players, are available, although the three GoderiCh lads who played here -last season will , be performing at. home this ;winter. However One of these spcits be• filled by likely -looking de-: fenceman, who is employed ill the Maple Leaf' Aircraft plant, and the locals have a .line oh seine other clever stibkharidlers,' who should round out a weil,bal, anced team. • • it • x • - New Year's copping Bulletin • CHOICE,. ADRIATic FIGS Lb. ••33e •For eating and Cooking • Tasty • MAYONNAISE Jar • .°• 25c iFREEZ-EASY MIX • Delicious Ice Cream ai Home Package • '• He Gold Medal FLOOR' WAX 29e 'DESSERT PEARS •' • (2 coupons) C.0 •15c • RED RIVER CEREAL ' 25e •For a nourishing breakfast, • • every day • RATION NEWS Now Valid • MEAT — No. 33 . SUGAR — No.• 23, 24 BUTTER .;.-- No..44, 45 • PRESEkVES — No. D10, D11 • TEA, & coFFgE -- No. 26, 27 , „A Resolution to fellow throughout the Year — • *SHOP AT . • THOMPSON'S 'PHONE 82 ,• . WE DELIVER of the Detroit 8unct,ay Times, the tragic story of tLe 'suffering the roving Children of Europe: have • endured. • Had NalpNV Escape • • LTSiviiitt—r Tara. ant • formerly. of Bervie had a recent • accident Which he\will not soon • forget. He was driving -a newly- " married couple to the depot. at • Tara from where they were de - •parting on their •wedding trip To: reach the station, it was' nec- essary to cross siding. A .freight train caught ihe car and pushed it down Ahe track for as consid- • erable distance, with the trapped • occupant S inside. Station Agent • 'Charles Blythe say the incident and. signalled the. train to ,stop but not before the .Car was badly damaged although the occupants escaped injury. FARMERS CAN GET. FARM ACCOUNT BOOK . At all times, 'the keeping 'of farm accounts has been asseciat- • ed with gOod farm thanageinent, but under.war conditions a pre- cise record of the business trans- actions in .the yearly operation of the farm is ' a 4iteessity. To assist. the farmer in keeping this record. the King's Printer, Ot- tawa. has available a simple 'use- ful .little account hook. It cors all farm operations and has the great advantage that the keep- ing of the hook does not incur -a special knowledge of expert accountancy. The book is en- titled "Farm Account Book" and may be obtained from the King's Printer, Ottawa, at' the nominal price of ten cents. DECEMBER BRIDE; WAS, MUCH ENTERTAINED. A bride of Friday, December 17th, Mrs: Clarence James, dab.- ghtet of Mr. and :Mrs Wiliiam Olazier'-was .Much entertained; according to - anitem • in the ,Guelph Mercury. • • Miss Mary Hurst was hostess at a • delightful miscellaneous shower.* : Guest's included •MrS. • William glazier; Mrs. J. Hurst Sr., Mrs. S. • Hurst Jr,, •Mrs; G., Hurst, Mrs, Chilton, Mrs.A. Brown, Mrs: Winfield of London, 'Mrs: J. Granger, Mrs. G. Grazier, Mrs. J. Jeffrey, Mrs. A. James;. Misses Joe Mooney, Kay Glazier and Betty Whittaker. • • On another occasion a towel shewer was given in honor of the bride at the home of Mrs. Wm. Glazier by the hostess Mrs. � Hurst. A delicious hot supper was served the guests. •UNITED CHURCH • LtICKNOW Rev. J. W. Stewart, B.A., B.D•. .,„Pastor SUNDAY, JANUARY 9 • 11 a.rn..—;‘The Pioneer Christ" • Story—"Neglecting the fire • doesn't put it out". •Junior Church. . 3 p.m.—Sunday School. 7 p.m.—"Sealed Orders". 8.15 p.m.—Y. P. U. - THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1944 • RAPID CITY • AC2. •Clifford •,,McNall of .the R.C.A.F._was home for the week- end from Hamilton. Clifford is just „recovering from pneumonia. • Mr. and Mrs. Rcibert 1VIcNall received word froin their son, that he has arrived in Italy. Suffered Leg Fracture .• • Audrey Stanley, eight-year-old daughter, of -Mr. and Mrs. Harold • Stanley' :had. the 'Misfortune to 'fracture' her leg 'Friday evening. After treatment in Wingham heme SLtUrclay evening: We Wish her s 'speedy recovery and return to •school af- •, • • ter a few Weeks,,Audrey suffered the mishap while sleigh riding. Mr. W: G. Reed was a Winner recently of a 25-113. turkey in at raffle at the Air Craft :plant. , • The funeral .of the, late Mks.. • •- Donald -Stewart took place from the horne of Mr. and •Mrs. Har - 1d Stanley on Saturday after- noon. Relatives from . a distance attending the funeral were Mr. Wilmer .•Fisher and son Bruce, Mr.. and Mrs. George Fisher, all of Hamilton; Mr • Stewart Foun- taine and children,of Detroit, Mr, and Mrs:, Jim Ste:wart, Toronto,. Mr, and Mrs. Murdoch •Stewart, son Wayne, Mrs. Ruth 'Binder' & datig4ter Susanne of 13arrie. • • ymeemaNri as: ,11w. with hy a Miss- 4 1.nd family of town spent New Year's 'with Mr. and Mrs. ROL Mr. and Mrs Matthew McNatl, Reoss spent ed.w • To_reneW old-penp6ints-p-lace- ^ •"`. the point over a flame for a quar-, ter•Of a minute then ;dip it into 'water. When . this is done, the point will be:retempered and ail set for another. life.. Leaflet On • Coal. Saving --1 - - Hints Is Available Householders who ' heat their homes with Quebec heaters, kit- chen -ranges, or circulators are going to get a lotiof geed advice on how to burn soft coal. A leaf- let prepared by the Department of Munitions and Supply and con- taining full direetions on. the use of bituminouscoalis being •dis-. tributed by :the • coal dealers in Quebec, Ontario and. the Mari- time provinces. • . In 'order to eke out available supplies of hard 'coal,' household- ter's supply in .bituminous coal, • and many _people are using soft Coal for the first time this year. Designed to acquaint consum- ers with the prOper soft coal fir- ing technique, the leaflet is pre- sented in question" and answer form. It gives directions for • everything from starting the fire to controlling dampers in order to obtain the best heating results from this type of coal. • Householders may obtain from their dealer a copy of. this, leaf- let, or 'a copy of a' furnace card,: or the booklet entitled "33 Ways to .Save one Ton in Viire", which have alSo been prepared by the department. • • farm near, Sundridge.- , Amill.111111111." SEPOY 1 Theatre • PRESENTS Friday, Saturday an MONDAY \ Rex Beach's Famous Story • on the Screen-. . "The' Spoilers" MARLENE DIETRICH, • • RANDOLPH SCOTT • • JOIIN WAYNE. Also SHORT SU13JECTS and •' Latest British Canadian NEWS NEXT WEEK . . . . . 'My Favorite S/611d& Bob Hope, Madeleine Carroll • CO1VIING.. . •• JANUARY 21, 22, 24 "'Ni• ght Mare" • Universal Thriller with }Irian Donlevy, • Diana Barrymore COMING iANUARY18, 29, 31 Bloildie's Blessed Event 1. ;1 1111111111111111111111111W WEDDING BELLS • GIBBON,THOMPSON In the hOine of Mrs. David Gib- bon, Sundridge, on Monday, De- cember 27th, 'at 3 o'clock, a pretty Wedding took place when Anna .; Rebecca,' • daughter, of Mrs. • Thompson • and- the late Uriah • Thompson, West Wawanosh, was united in inarriage to Donald Ross, son of Mrs. Gibbon and the late David Gibbon of Pevensley. The Ceremony was performed by .Rev: Chas. D. Cox of priceville, .and the wedding music was ply - ed by Mrs. Earl Gerber of Nipis- sing. Given in marriage by Dr. G. Gibbon of Englehart, the bride wore a gown of white satin on princess lines, with floor -length, ., Wile veil caught to a wreath of beaded pearls. She carried a bou- quet of pink Carnations. • During the signing of the reg ister, Mrs. Chas. Co sang "0 Perfect Love',.mThe wedding din- , ner was -served in the , dining - room, which was suitably. decor- . ated and lighted with eandle3. • The • table • decoraticins • were , • mauve chrysanthemums. A toast was proposed- by Rev. Mr, Cok. " • to which the groom ably resperi- ded. • Mr. and Mrs. Gibbon wi 11 • •take up,residenc,e on the groom's There are good stocks of underwear here for you to choose'from • During January You Can Get Bargains, in Congoleurns The Store With The stock MARKET :off C". Luck�w „0. ,..',..tumx-vvvbek.a.164.sionsz.b.-..hatialanattale:=7,131ftzik....•-•=44,1„ •