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TheeLucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario
Lyceum Theatre
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
JANUARY 6, 7, 8-
rwsc0.4iA, LAN!
f `Silvef-, Queen"
A melodrama of the Period'
Of 1870.
Matinee Sat. afternoon at 2.30
:Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday'
JANUARY :10, 11,'1:2•
* * in * *
'Flying Fortress
The story of an American fly-
' The held their Dpcc.11-
bey social, at the home of Mi
Gertie" 131.9\ql. , _Qffic6r8 for the
• new were 'elected which
were, president, Gordon Wall; •
yice-president, MrS Bill Scott;
Gertic- swn treas-
ur,er, , Jilin Richardson; worship
. conveners,. ,George , Moffat,. Mrs.
Widdis; missionary 'Conirnitte4.:4
convener, Gertie:Brown, Gordon
Wall; literary convener, Mrs. pill
Scott, Mrs. Farish Moffat: social'
convener, Charlie., Tiffin, Jim
Richardson. The • January .social
is to be held at, the 'home of Mr.:.
F. G. Moffat. • ••
Mrs •Widdis, Douglas' and •Mar-'
ilyn spent the holidays with
• rel-
atiyes 'at WindSor;
Mist. Margaret ,Moffat' -of. Sault
Ste. Marie, Miss Winnifred
.\ D�n-
aldson of Tees -Water, High. School
• ..,and Mr.. Ronald Ross • of Thistle-
'', town were holiday •visitors with
Mr- F. G. Moffat.
Mr. John McInnis Jr. spent the
• 'holicia,s with friends ,at :Owen
.• Sound: " •• •
• Mr -and Mrs..: Harold Percy and
baby. Mr. andMrs. Bill Lap.p and
Douglas, Miss Dolena Orr of the
R.C.A.F., Rockcliffe and
Miss Iscibcl Orr of Wingharn. were
New • Year'svisitors with Mr. and
,Mrs. Wm. Orr.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Moffat,'
C•on. 8. received word on Tues-
day that 11-wir son David of the
Ite:A.F. had 'arrived safely 'over• -
. Mr. and .MrsJack Ross spen1,-
• • New Year's eye- With Mr. and
Mrs. Farish Moffat.
This community wishes to ex -
.tend their deepest . "sympathy to
Mr: and ,Mrs. Wni. Brown. an
familk in the passing of Mrs.
• .,BroWn's father. . .
•• Mr. .and Mrs: Robert Donaldson entrthined i number of
friends on New Year's eve 'to a
bridge party. • • • •'
• Mr. and, Mrs. Parish Moffat
received word 'from Gordon B:i1
of the R..q.,A.F. 'stationed at Niw'-
'sau: B'aharnas, B.W.I., and he w, -
Very pleased to receive a parcel
• rota the Langside Red Cro• ss,
and cigarettes trom the Lueknow
•Branch of the Canadian Legion. ••
New Year's guests with Miss
Betty Elliott' were Mr. and Mrs.
Wilfred Elliott . and daughters
Joan and Jaqueline of Goderich
and Mr. and -Mrs. Arthur.Elliott
and son Harold' and Mr. arid Mrs.
J. -.J. Ryan; Dungannon.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wirclecombe,
WinclsoV lg pent a few days -at New
Year's with the latter's parents,
Mr.. and Mrs.. W: H. McClure.
Alias Marguerite ••Larnb, Toren -
to, spent a few days durm' g Xmas.,
week with her friend Miss Ferne
'Alton. •
• Mrs. ,Gordon Samson (nee Iris
Rivett) .ha a received word that
her husband of the, R.A.F.. has
arrived safely in Great Britain
and will spend the,folloWing .3
weeks' furlough with' his rela
tives in. Cornwall, England.
Mrs. 'John Garnis,s; Toronto,
who has been nursing her aunt,
Mrs. Stephen Weller, •Goderich,
has been visiting a few days With
her sister, Mrs, W. J. Robb:
Miss McCabe,, Lienntiller„.is
visiting er sister; MrS.- Harvey
'Alton. •
• Miss ''Ferne 'AltOn,.. who, has
,been attending businesS college in.
. •
Toronto , returned to •.her studies
on Monday. . • • • . •
We ., extend 'cur: sympathy, to.
Miss L, Dreney the loS,s:. by
• •
ea .01: er sis •er,.-• .,..rs. Len
• Mrs. Violet 'Johnstonof Blyth,
is :visiting her Parents, Dr. and
: Jos.' Hamilton,. ., • • ,:• -•
. and Mrs. • -W. 'Bryans.
' Miand Mrs John
•131yitt, were visitors- .We•dnes- •
day 'of 'last' week With 'Mr.• and
Mrs...Thos. Dickson Sr: and Mrs.
W.. 'Harvey Br•yans.
Abr'arn ,Culb ,r , in his 8 ith
year, passed away Monday morn-
ing: Though . in. advanced years,
Hi ,death was a• 'comPlete • shock
to the community. He had been
enjoying very good health lately,'
but .unfortunately,broke •hisleg,
on Saturday (New .Year's Day)
while attending. some: stock at
the barn. Mrs. Culbert,' thinking
was 'at the ,chOres. longer than I
usual, found- him- in this condi-
tion and .postibly suffering from
exposure. His . life ebbed away
less...than forty-eight 'hours after
the accident which was more than
his physical strength'.could stand;
With his wife, formerly Louisa
Congrarh of lyrood, ' they re --
tired thirty-two years ago, from.
their farm in Ashfield, :now op-
etated by his son Wm. Arthur,
'arid moved: to, live on a smaller
acreage ,and residence .south of.
the village where he was a deal- t
er in. lumber.. ' • .• • a
They have been bereaved, twice
by the loss of their two chil(!lren; ,
Earbara in young womanhood • •'
and , Melville' over five years ag9,
with their only, Son, Wm; Arthur R
shrviving.• Of a large family of b
brothers and '..sisters ••• only ()lie c
brother, Mr, Thomas Culbert, 4th c
Concession; WeSt Wawanosh,•is
Jiving...Others, who have passed h
away were his brothers Jim,. Geo. t
and Sam and sisters...Ellen, Mrs.
Rivett; 'Annie, Mr. join Hunter;
Eliz'a,-Mts. George Cantyvell. ...• •
- • Mi5,--Cirlbert•was a man having -
sterling qualities, being faithful
to his home, family. and church.
He was a valued member of the
'Dungannon . United church, serv-
ing• on:the Board and Session for.
a nuMyears, ber bf aslong as He -his health would permit: e. was.
also a 'staunch Conservative and.
'a'.member of the Loyal Orange
,A private funeral • was
held at his •lato residence ,at two
p.m. on 'Wednesday follo*ed by
a public service at the church
at 2,30 p.m. 'in. charge of .the
pastor, Rey, H. J. Vickerson, with
interment in Dungannon •Cern-
There passed away at js home
• in Port•Huron,'MiChigan, a high-
ly respected , citizen .in the per-
son of Donald Ross, .sop of the'
late Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ross,.
one of the pioneer •families of
He. received his early educa-
tion 'at S. S. NO. 12'Ashfield
(Laurier). At the age of 16 he
began the 'blacksmith trade with.
Mr.. Witham .MacBurney at Pine
River, later moving to, Port Hur-
on, :where he Wag on the „police
force for 18 year* ,
He: then. became .chief blapk,
smith for. Goodison and CoMpariY,
threshers of Sarnia.
• Surviving besides his wife; the
former Margaret Tupman are two
sons, William and Arthiir. of Pt: •:
Hurdn. A daughter Jessie pre
'deceased: him about ten years.
ago. Two brothers 'arid one sia-
ter also survive: They • are Mrs.
James IVIeNain of Laurier, Rod-
erick of Huron and Alex of Ash-
The,death of Mrs: .Donalrl Ste-
wart. oiccurred at the hone of,
her daughter, Mrs. Harold Stan:
leY..on Wednesday of last Week
just- f‘vb. week after •.she. ha
suffered a severe ,paralytip-sei47
nre. 1VIrs, • Stewart was 71 years
Of, age (it nd her death removes
a k. hid mother and a genial friend
and' neighbor. . •
Mrs.. 'Stewart Was ':•forrnerly
Susan 'Fisher, adaiighter • of the
late °Jacob .Fisher? and RoSanna
Sponsored By The Maple Leaf Club
Hall, ...LUMNOW
at 9.30 Sharp
Music By Carruther's Orchestra
Mrs. Morris Reid, •a11- in Huron
d Township;. Eyefyn.: Mrs. :Harold
13rotchie: was born '•nezr
Ao.ton but came -...to' thig corrimun-.•
ity 'as a child„with her parents
Who first settled on the 12th Con-
ceSsion tif Ashfield. After her
marriage to...Doald Stewart, thi..?3r.
had since been contin;uous' resi-
dents of the • Second. Concession.
I. •
of Kinloss vicinity.. Mr. Stewart'
predeceased his wife ;nine Years.
e funeral service was held
Of home of ,Mr. and Mrs..
Stanley on New- Year's Day, con-
ducted .13Y Rev: Herbert F. Dann.
nterrnenywas in South Kinloss
CeMetery,, the pallbearers being
J. L. MCMillan, Clarence. , Irwin,
Wm. George' Irwin, Wm. John
Irvirin, Harold Campbell.and Jas.
Lyons. .
,SurViving are Mrs. Jas. • Eng-
land' (Isabel) and Mrs. Harold'
Stanley (ROsie) of Kinloss; •IVIire-
doch of Barrie; Jim of • Toronto:,
Malcolm of Lucknow,; Harold
(Doc) -Stewart overseas, and
iner Fisher of Harnilton.. "
Of a family' of seven, one bro-
iler; George Fisher of. Hamilton
pd a sister Mrs. Bob Sanderson
f piCkforcl, Mich., also survive.
' The unexpected death of Mrs.
Robert 'Baird on Friday, DeCem-
er 24th came as A• shock ' and
ast over ti.e holiday' season a
loud of: sorrow.
Mrs. Baird was stricken at her
ome, South Line, Kincardine
ownship while preparing. Xmas
for her family, which was being
united for the occasion, and died
shortly , after. Although :not in
the 'best' bf- Health for the past
few years, her condition was hot
such to cause her friends grave
`concern, so, that her 'untimely
death carne to them as a Vow.
;Mrs Baird, whose maiden name
was. Margaret Evelyn Elliott, waS,.
a daughter of the. late. Mr.. and.
Mrs, Win, Elliott of Huron Twp.
She was horti there onl March 2,
1885 and with the exception .of,
three years spent in western
Canada spent her lifetime on the
south line. In 1907 she •wed flOb-
ert T. Baird, who survives, along
with five daughters, Lola, Mrt...
Goldwin Harris: Lednore. Mrs,
MerYyn '110-ey*' and „ Marjo -ie,
. • '
Owen Sound: arid MS,
thers Josehh'.Elliott‘ Windsor
George, Arriberley;,-Wm:., Kincar
dine: Ralph in Huron aidHow
ard, Detroit. Another brothei•
Jack, Vancouver,: predeceased
While health perinitted-, Mr.
Baird was .a deveut rhernber and
active. wOrker''..in • MillartOn- Un-
ited Cliusch. She j']so ' devoted
her tim.e to the Red CrOss, and
other activities and ,was- held in
high -eSteern bY her: neighbors
for her many a6ts. of kindness.
'• The large ;number in attend-
ance at the funeral, at the family
residence Sunday afternoon, De -
Cernber'26th,•arid• the fliciral tri-
butes SpOke" •eloqueritly of the
deep feeling of loss %experienced
by her friends. The Re'. Gilbert
Gomm, minister of MillartOn
Churolofficiated, assisted by the
Rev. J. C. -Nicholson. 'Interment
was made in Kincardine cemet-
ery. During the service Gordan
Bridge swig "Beyelnd . the • Sun-
The pallbearers -were her bro-
thers and Alfred Hollands.
Winhifred, Bairdlf SOuthamp-
ton:...•th.ree sisters Mra:..-Wesley
Pollock, Huron; .Mrs.. .P11114)
DowneY, Sparta 'and Mrs. AylrfiOr
Ackert, .HolyroOd 'and: five bro.
• An old .and highly esteemed
resident of the. Whitechurch'cohi-
munity. passed. away suddenly.
Saturday evening in the person
of Mr. •John 'KennedY, He was
born in Puslinch, near Guelph
and carne to Kinloss When he :was
a child. He has lived on the Ser.
ond Concession praeticalyy all his
life. He was in his.,eighty-fourth
year, and although • :in. failing
healthawas able.to be up the day
he passed away.. . ••
•• He 'leaves, to .Mourn •his loss
his Wife, formerly any McCoy -
ye, and four :daughters, Mrs:
Toynbee Lamb (Annie) and Mirvi
Daisy Kennedy, both of ,Goderich;'
Mrs: Wm. Cranston (Ruby) of St.
Helens and Mrs. Roy McInnes,
(Olive) of Toronto and seven,
grandchildren.. Three sisters also
survive, Mrs: Frank McCloskie
of Guelph; Mrs. Annie Mccarrel
of the Soo; and Mr. Jarnes Pur-:
vis'of Lucknow. The ftinefal was'
held on Tuesday ',afternoon to.
South Kinlosscernetery. conduct,
ed by Rev.' J. A. :Ward.
Pallbearers were Geo•tge Ken'.
nedy, Duncan K,ennedk, Myles
McMillan, Jarnes- 1N,./lefntosli;,Thos.
Gaunt- and . Russell Gaunt.
Mrs. Charles-Shiell and dauglir
ters Doris and Marlyn Spent the
'holiday at Mr. Chas. Cbrigrarn's.
• Mr: . and Ars, HoWard,Ha.rris
and Lar Mrs. Thos. Harris,
spent ,ChristrnaS 'day at Mr.
Goderich, ; •
' • Mr•.. James Turnbull, Under-
wood, is holidaying at her dau- -
niter's, Mrs. Robt. MacDonald. \• ••
Mr. and Mrs: Richard .Elliott •
spent Ne*Year's•evening at Mr.
RaYnard Acker:Vs. • 1,
.Pte. Everitt Johnston of Angus ••
is holidaying at his home here.,
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Harris
&and Lbrainne,•Mrs.- Thos. Harris .
and Earl 'spent New Year's,. at -
Mr. Amos Pali -nee& Kincardine.
Mr. Palmer is' 90 years Of age
and enjoying :his usual good
health. • '
• Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Congrami.
Clifford,, Mr. Williarri, Irwin ,aild
Fred Blunden were New Year's.
guests. at Ur.' Hai -Old ';Congrarn's. • •
Mrs: . Ackert .and . Jack spent,
Saturday With Mr. and Mrs: Wilt
Stirling; Clinton:
Mr. and Mrs. Reggie Browne,
and . Mary, t, Mr. and Mrs. George •
Saunders of Mafeking, Mr. and ,
Mrs. Art HOdgins,.Bethany, were
New Year's gueSts at Mr. Albert
Thompson's. ' . : . .•
Mr; and Mrs. Ernest Ackert
were at home with. their family
Ch -iStrria day.• ,
• ..
r.. and ,Mrs:Harivey Houston. ,
J. J. and Hughie spent Sunday at...
the Id horne„at Pinkerton.
Mr, and Mrs..Raynard• Ackert- ,
Yvere;.•1\14' Year's guett1s. at 11/1r.
John Reid's, Pine Rivet.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford John4ton
°entertained the Johnston family:
on. New Year's day.
Mr. Earl Harris spent Christ-
mas day .with friends at Tees -
School re.,opened:Monday with
a full attendance. There are 15
on the roll. ••
•.Miss Doris, .Johnston. is • assist-
ing with Work 'at Mr. 3. Cuy-
ler's, Durham Road.
M. arid Mrs, Will Eadie and
Lorne Spent Christmas' at ,Mrs.-
Radhel Culbert's. .
Mrs. Moffat. Culrossi :spent
Friday with her sister, Mrs: Will
Mr. Angus McIntosh shipped a
car load of prize Cattle the past
r.Blii 'Aloliat of Gait spent
the holiday at his home
, ' •