HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-01-06, Page 4,1•. k 1
The Lucknow 'Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario
. - NOW
. fete _,•Lismiliti, F,
Lorl!e M Lennd 1, 'Phone .77-w'•.
The school meeting was held 1. Mree; and Mrs, Benson, Shackle -
.'on Wednesday last when Mr.:i ton spent Monday at • Wingham.
John Gardner was the retiring with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
trustee. Mr. John McDonagh was ..Jones. •
newly elected to his place. Mr., Harold Blake is spending 'a
We are glad to report. Mr. Rich-
ard Gardner is able to 'be out
again after 'hie recent attack of
flu and ;'pneumonia.,
•• Visitors over, the holiday with';
Mr. ' and Mrs. Richard Gardner
Were Miss-NoreenCobb of Hanle
ilton ' and . Miss Ada 'Webster of:
• Lucknow.
Master • Murray • and . . Charles
McDonagh spent last wee
their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Ander�n:
Mr,• and lt/Irs. Gordon Kirkland
and little • son 'David visited re-
cently with the forrner's mother;
in Teeswater.
A very pleasant social evening
was spent in the Orange Hail
here on • Friday evening last.
Mrd Lorne Ritchie. is assisting spent part of their.>holidays: with
re'l'atives •here •
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Maize, .Ken -
r eth McGuire and Mr. Will
Hasty . and Lorne ..spent • New
Years at Dave McWYinney's.
Mr.`\\ and Mrs. Wilfred Dren•-
nen, Lorainne :and J. C. were
New 'Year's visitors^ with Mr. and
Mrs.' Jack Bradley, Laurier.: '
Mr., and Mrs. Bert Treleaven,
Ronald ,and Gwendolyn and Mr.
and. Mrs. Jack Curran and fame
i13. spent New Year's with Mr.
and Mrs.- Vernon Hunter; Luck -
new: '
few days. .in ''Toronto with his sis-
ter, ' Mrs. Stanley Fines.
Mr.: Ivan Rivett and Mr. and
•Mrs: Lorne Emmons and Muriel
visited his parents,, Mr:: azd Mrs.
George Emmons at Sarnia .last
.Sunday. • .
Mrs. Wm. Crozier left. on Wed=
nesday 'for London .where she in-
tends: to .spend some time with
aug ers. •
Mr. and. Mrs. • Jim Sherwood
entertained a number • of their
riends on New Year'.s.
Mr. and . Mrs: Wilfred Drennan:
and Mrs - Beet Treleaven.. spent
Tuesday with Mr. .and Mrs. Jos.
Hackett, Lucknow.
:Mr: and Mrs. Palmer Kilpat-;
rick and children 'of Toronto
Mr. Richard • Gardner at • preser,-t.
„ (Intended for last . week)
'Those home for the holiday
were: *Misses Lorna Reed, Kath-
leen Gardner and Irlma Hackett
from. Toronto;. Mr. Keith Hack-
ett from Wingham; Mr. Harold
Gardner of Hamilton; Miss Violet
Ritchie of Listowel. ,
Mrs.-Ro.b&t Andrew. and Miss
'Ellen spent; Christmas week' faith
.friends lei Detroit and Windsor,'
Mr: and Mrs. Bill Hunter and
Marlene spent Christmais with
YVIr., and Mrs: Joe Freeman, Col- .
borne. The Christmas tree and concert
Mr. and Mrs. George Hunter Pixy on by the .teacher and pupils
were -Christmas visitor: with Mr. was 'a'great success. Every num-
• and Mrs. Herb Stothers, Nile.• her .was well given arid well re -
Mr. and Mrs. John Gardner and re-
ceived and after the program' • Pre -Nuptial Shower • .
Caryl visited Friday with Mr. and Santa' Claus. distributed the :gifts j Prior -to her marriage on Xmas
from ,a well laden. tree and all.I Day, Mrs. SidneyG. Gardner
Mrs. Lorne Woods ape Mrs. Helen
of Si. Helens. went home quite happy. . (nee Edythe Johnston) . was given]Mr. and Mrs: Sidney Gardner a• miscellaneous "shower at her'l
Pine cones are useful in Can- home, Concession 10, Kinloss,
• returned on Tlitirsday from their adiari° kitchens, Pot scrapers are '
wedding trip: The bride -elect received many
Scarce these days, but a Pike lovely' and useful gifts and 'she
Mr. and Mrs- . Ivan PapernicT One from the nearest tree will
of Goderich visited Sirnda 'with -suitably thanked all present fbr`
y db' the jobs -their kindness to her. The fol
Mr. and Mrs. Will Ritchie. Misses
Elsie and Violet Ritchie spent a lowing address was read during
few days' in Goderich the guests
o an rs. apern c evening:"
Mrs: McKenzie Webb and Mrs.
•Allister Hughes attended the fun-
eral of their aunt,,tMrs. Clark in
Guelph on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Thomp-
son, Donald and Patsy Jean • of
Lucknow spent theholiday week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. E. J.
BORN—In Wingham General
Hospital on Sunday, December
26th. tee LAG. Clifford Purdon &
Mrs. Purdon (formerly Miss Mar-
garet Aitchison) of: Centralia., a
Mrs. Ramage of .P'aramount &
Miss Ruth Ramage Who has been
teaching near Bancroft; were
home for the Christmas vacation.
Ruth will attend .Normal at Tor-
Gnr.Hugh : Rutherford of the
Regimental Police, Orillia and
Miss Rowna 1 f ry of Toronto
were visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Ritchie spent, New Year's with Willa gutherford for•'the week-'
_th.eir parents. end,
" The annual school meeting was
held ' on . Wednesday afternoon
last. 'Favorable reports were giv--
len•, of the year's work. The trus-
tee board was returned•to office,
namely John Bark, Alex Percy
and epeeek Brown, George W. FOR SALE '--- large Mammoth
Haldenby is ,seca:etary-treasurer. Bronze' gobblers from selected
Mies Betty Gillespie . visited blood, -tested stock.', Apply to
during the Weekwith her father FRED MARTIN, R. 3; Lucknow:
Mr. Charlie G'Gillespiei in . Kincar-
dine arid with Whitechurch vela-
- dives.
.Mr. and` 1Vrrs Jack 1=I -ilk spent
the ' week. -end in '; London ' with
LAC. Mervin Cameron and Mrs.
Cameron. , STRAYED to the- Premises of the
'' Misses Betty° and, Dorothy Mace undersigned a roan ,;steer, . be -
Ever of London , visited during `tween 700 and 800: ,lbs. Owner
the. holiday :• With their: grand-' may 'have, same by' identifying
father; Mr. J. B. Hodgkinson re- animal and paying expenses.
turning . to London the end of the) JAMES McNAIN, R. 3,. Goderich.
week. .' .: . .
Miss Evelyn; McLean of Lon-
don spent .the week -end' with her
mother, Mrs. W. J. McLean.
Mr. and Mrs; Ezra,' Seitler and
family were visitors. with Tees -
water relatives for" New Year's:
AC2. Russell Scott; R. C. A. F.
at St. Thornas was a .New Year's
guest - with relatives ..here.
Mr. and Mrs. Eze Stanley and
family `visited New• 'Year's- with
Mr. and. Mrs. Albert ,Stanley, of
Kinlgss: •• .
Mr. -.Jas. Hodge returned 'home
after •visiting over the ho i•a.y
int Dunnville.
\.. Mr. J. Hodgkinson, Mrs Wil-
ert Hodgkinson and • Kenneth.
ent New Year's in London. •Wil -
b' rt `°returned.•home with . them.
rs.• Jane Percy is a patient
i'rin:carane Hospital critically
ill: Her many friends hope for
her recovery.
AC. Glen Pinnell of Angus
spent the week -end at his home
here. •
Mrs. Tom Hodgins spent a. few
days in Kincardine with relatives.
Mr. and .Mrs., • Harold Percy &
Billy ,were New Year's ,visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. W. Orr, Lang -
Miss "Helen. MacGregor : return-
ed' to Kincardine after spending
the past week with her aunt, Mrs.
Allan Wall.
Mrs. Fred Hodgins entertained
the Red Cross ladies .at a quilt-
ing • at . her home on Tuesday af-
Miss Ellen McBride. returned
to her teaching duties' in Kin-
cardine 'Township.
WANTED Pure' bred Holstein
cows; TB tested and blood tested:
Apply BROWN'S,- FARM:,:: R Rc 4,
Guelph .er phone L. Brown, 626,
FOR SALE H 4 young general,
purpose horse's, ' ' :well Xiroken
single and double; 2 Clyde horses.
weighing '1'706;e6 cows, 'springing.
R. 7, Phone 66-22 Dungannon.
FOR ' SALE—Village property . of
the late Maxwell Raynard-, in-
eluding house .;and ; suable and •:2
acres ofeland more • er less:
Apply to Walter Leltoi., •R;
7, Lucknow.
We require additional b'recd�-
•ing flocks all breedsto supply us'
with hatching' ..eggs for . 1944
hatching season: Flocks culled
.and nlooatestecl freeof charge.
Guaranteed premium paid. Also
turkey.floek. s needed; . Cockerels
wanted.: .Barred Rocks, White
Legli'orns,' White Rocks and Black
Australorps suitable for . breed-
ing: Write for full details immed-
Tweddle' ' Chick Hatcheries„ Ltd.
Fergus, •Ont.\
FOR SALE—good warm coerisk
coat, low priced. Apply .at Sen-
. tine) Office. '
FOR SALE ---• Bny's' and, man's
skati•ne outfit. size 3 and 71/2,
or• me reasonable Apply . at Sear-
• tine ('Fane?,..
ST. HELEN'S the course of this' pleasant social
Mr. and Mrs; Geo. Iunter and
Mr. and Mrs.' Will Hunter and
Marylyn and Mr. and Mrs.• Lloyd
I1unter spent New Year's with
Mr. • and Mrs. Will Hunter's.
Mr., and Mrs Les -Ritchie .. and,
Alvin spent Neve Year's day with
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sherwood and
Mr. and Mrs. P. Cook: and fam-
ily visited with Mr. and Mrs. C.
MacDonald in Lucknow onNew
Year's day..
Mr. & Mrs: Jake- Hunter spent
New. Year's with Mr. and Mrs.
Will •Humphrey of Wawarn sh.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Alton Land
children spent New Year's with
Mr. and Mrs. John McDonagh.
Messrs. Leonard and Harold
Dear Edythe: •
We are gathered 'here this ev-
ening to honor ypu and to ex-
press our congratulations and
sincere good wishes on the oc•
casion• of your approaching mar-
We have known you a long'
time, ' Edythe; and have always
%und,.yeti ,a, true _friend, always_
ready to help and always done
in the spirit of friendliness .that
is so much a part of you. We will
miss you` from among • us but,
know that your new friends will
find in you the same spirit of
steadfastness and loyalty.
we wish for you and your life -
mate great hTppiness throughout..
your wedded life. May every joy
be yours as, youtread its path
'way.'We present you with these.
small gifts as a token of . our.
friendship and esteem rind with
them go every wish for, a bright
and unejouded future.
• Your friend:; and neighbor .
AUCTION SALE of 'farm stock,
and' implements at, Lot 7, an.
10, E.D: Ashfield, two miles west
of Bedfast on Wednesday, Janu-
ary '12th at one o'clock. See bi11s
for list & terms. Donald B. Blue,
Auc,; GILBERT • VINT, Prop.
TENDERS _ WANTED ---,by, S. S.
No. 3, ' West Wawanosh,. for 14
cords of • green beech or ;maple
hard bodywood, 16 'inches long,
to be delivered at the school not
later than April' lst. Tenders re-
ceivedup to January 15th by J.
R. MURRAY, Sec.-Treas., R. 2,
Lucknow. ,
5, Ashfield, for 12 cords of beech
and maple hodywood,T; 16" inches
long,. delivered at school any
The . family of the; late Mrs -
Donald• Stewart' . are sincerely
grateful to friends . and neigh, -
bort' for the 'many kind•• acts .and
expressions of sympathy tender-
ed them in ..their bereavement.
The family of the late Win.
Armstrong acknowledge with;
heartfelt appreciation 'and thanks
the acts of kindness and 'expres-
s.ions of sympathy extended thein
in the 'loss ofa dear :husband
and father.
Mrs. P. M. Johnston -;wishes to
thank the Lucknow' Women's In-
stitute and others vvho so kindly
remembered her, during, her re-
cent illness..
sincerely •th,ank the
Lucknow . Red Cross for the love-
parcel of knitted goodswhich
was 'very much appreciated.
Jack' Cook.
AlIan Treleaven; vtishes to ack-
nowledge with sincere`thanksand
app ,eciation` the love y and use-
ftrl, parcel . of . knitted goods i;e-e.
ccntLy received from. the Luck-''
now Red .Cross.
• Notice TO Creditors
All .persons'.- having claims
:against the Estate of Alexander
•Mafc:Diarreid, late of the' Village'
of Lucknow in the County of
Bruce,- Rett -red Farmer, -deceased,:
whodied on or about the Eigh-
teenth .day-. of October A.D. 1943,
-are. hereby notified• to tend to A.
Grant MacDiarmid, R.R. No.. 3,
Lucknow, Ontari4 the Executor
of: the estate of the said Alex-
ander MaeDiarmid on ,-or 'before,
the Fifteenth day of January A.D.
1944; full particulars of their
claims in . writing. Immediately
after the said 15th: of January
the assets of the :said Testator
will be distributed among . the•
parties • entitled thereto having
regard only , to the claims: of •
which theeexecutor shall then
have notice.
DATED this Twentieth day. of
December A.D.• 1943.
A. G. 1\ae.Diarmid, •
• R.R. No: 3, Lucknpw, Ont.
time before June lst. Tenders
,received by the undersigned to
January 15th, 1944.. Lowest or
F. T. �+.
any tender :not necessarily ac-
cepted. WM. HELM, Sec:-Treas., OFT011IETRIST
R. 3, •Lueknow: `
HODGKINSON—In loving mem-
ofy of Elizabeth Ann, ,wife .. of
James B. Hodgkinson, who pass,-
ass-ed away January 4, 1942.
`A" wondef uT'moiliet• yeoman 'and
aid, • -
One who is better, God never
made. •
A 'wonderful worker; so loyal . '
and true
One in a million, that mother wee
• you, -
Just in your judgment, always
Honest and, liberal, ever upright.
)dyed 'by your friends, and all
whom you knew,
Our 'wonderful mother, that
mother was you.
Sadly missed•.by husband and
, . FROM •
2 'p.m., to 6 o'clock
P.Stuart MacKenzie
Walkerton, 'Ontario.
Each Wednesday
Afternoon &' Evening