HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-01-06, Page 3• THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 194* The Lucknow Sentinel, Luckngsw, Ontario ° PAGE THREE MAGIC'S 'CINNAMON VBAGIC'S CINNAMON ROLL -UPS 2 Opti sifted flour 4•tspns. Magic flaking Powder '/y tspn.•salt • 4 thepna.'ahorteni.ng .' 3/4 i:up milk (about) Brown sugar Cinnamon ?/Z 'cup raisin's' .Mix, sift first three ingredients. . Cut in shortening, until mixed. Add,milk, •to• make smooth' •dotigh. knead '/g minute on lightly floured board • rolldough Into '/4 -inch thick oblong. Sprinkle with brown sugar, an- ,. namon,raisins.Rolllengthwise; . cut into 1 -inch slices. Bake cut side down in greasedmuffin apans or pie pan in hot oven (450°F.) '15 minutes. Makes 10. • MADE'JN CANADA.;. .INSURES BAKING SUCCESS OBITUARY WILLIAM IfiR•MSTRQNG • .The • people of Lucknow and surrounding country were shock- ed. to hear of the death of one of the Village's oidest and highly esteemed residents in the person of William Armstrong, who pass- ed: peacefully away . on:Thursday, Deeernber 30th' 'in his' 8.4th year at the home of his -daughter, Mrs; A. 'C.•Batrett, 548' Elizabeth St,•, •Lon.don, • where_ Mr., .and • Mrs. 'Armstrong: acrd daughter Beat-, rice 'have; rinade t_heir . •homee ;for. the• ,past two and ' one• half years. Re •had..a kind ,and'friendl'y. position •by. which.' he .made and: retained many friends. •. �VIr. Armstrong • :Was born in: Birmingham,- .England• in 1860. coming to .Canada, in his; early youth. He, later neturned to Eng- land where he %,[married his . ;be- reaved widow, Celia ••Wheal in 1883. Shortly after.• their Mar- riage. ar-.riage, they. came to ' Canada and made their hoe in Lucknow and: vicinity, for nearly 60 years be- fore. leaving for London. He , had been in failing' health due. to'a. heart condition' for quite some tiMe but had remained fairly active till- about* 2 :months. ago ,when he ,became more or less confined' te • bed. �' He '•leaves to •mourn his lossR his:' beloved • widoW and ' seven children,• two sons, and, five. dau g e rs, , lain an i:s.. J J. ••(Harriett) of -Lucknow: and Allred; •1\lrs. Barrett (Acinic l,, • .7, • Mrs. • Buck (Ethel) Mrs. Mat- thews (Jane), and' Miss. Eeatrict of London: 'Ai • infant daughter died in 1899.. He 'also .Icaves- lu .grancichildr.en, four .of whom are. . •on•• active-' service , Harold. and. Gordon • A'rmstr:ong ;of London. , J. L. Armstrong of Lucknow .ovc..• '7eas and Francis. B1.tCk, :tt; Bu.r'tch, near•B�rant.ford,, as'w'cll .as six great gTan•dch'ildr'en.. The 'remains were brought' .to. Luckripw• where- a private fun-' ral service was held at the horns of •'his daughter, Mrs..J. 'J.' Wilson. on New 'Year's • Day. *Interment' Was:iii Greenhill cemetery. The pallbearers were six.. grandsons, Norman and Ariristrong Wilson; • ,"ict'Dr and Leonard. Barrett, Wil son Armstrong and LAC..•Francis. Buck. Presbyterian Y. W.- A. The. regular, meeting; of the Y.. \V., '.A, was held' tit the horns of 1\Liss Marion •MacDougall' on Dc- crmbcr 30th. The opening•. hymn -was ."Hark the .glade sound -the Sanious comes'', after which the', Lord's prayer was repeated ;• it • unison. The reading of the scrip- ' 'lure lesson from "Jonah" ..was followed by an ekplanat.ion of they '.book ' of Jonah . by - Mrs. Jamas Little., Roll call .was .answered , b.y• • ' • a :verse - of . scripture containing the word "salvation". The report of the nominating committee was given by Miss Katharine Mac-' Dougall and 'adopted by the Soc .iety. The following slate of off- icers' . will form' the, 1944 exelcu- • rive. .president, .Mrs. ' Wm. Reid; 1st 'vice' president, Mrs. J. Lit- tle: 2nd Vice president, Miss Mar - ,ion MacDonald; secretary. Miss. Gretta Campbell; treasurer;. Mrs. Morgan Henderson: pianist, Miss • Rostella Mullin: • welcome and \\ e1fare' conini•ittee• Mrs. A. Aber - dein and 'D1iss K: MacDou all.: ' stiplily: cummittee, i`.,irs, .S.- 1\'1•u1- - lin r.nc1 Mrs, •G. Fisher•:- soci�i'. committee. i\1rs: M.: 'Orr ,and i Tis: Rens: sick committee.. 1\Tis llari'e n• allacDottgall and 1tIiss MIpudie .Fisher: Glad Tidings sr'c.. Mrs. V. Mowbray; audi.tot•s. Mia E: Hen'derson and Mrs. G. Mac- Donalcls. Regoorts by the secretary Arid treasurer were.read and ad- opted. Mrs. J. Little invited the society to her home for the Jan. uary tneetin-g-•-The -tonic,- entitled . , "Christmas" was given by Mrs. fi. Gordon ' Fisher. Hymn 382 w•a- sung f?1lowed by a synopsis of the current events from, the Glad Tidings given by Mrs. J., Ross. A. reading "The 'Miser and. •hi; gctild" by Mrs. G. MacDonald psi sirs much .enjoyed. 1\.1iss Gretta Campbell' otos,: ' the meeting with .prayer. • • BOUNDARY EAST Mr. and• Mrs. George Kennedy entertained Mr. and Mrs. Robb and Mr. and Mrs. ' Mc11- wraith on Wednesday evening. Mi•. and Mrs., John MacMillan. and family spent New Year's day with Mrs. Morrison and ftamily of Wingharn. WHITECHURCH .......- . ... Mr. and' Mrs. James McInnes and daughters Janie and Anne, also Mr. 'Ezra Wellwood ' spent Christmas with Mrs. MVM&nnes' mother, : Mrs. Wm, Roane and' Mr. Roane .of Teeswater., . ,The Gillespie relatives spent New Year's -with- Mr. and Mr.. John Gillespie, 'Sr. Mr; and Mrs. George Tiffin and little daughter- Coleen, . Mr: and' Mrs. Wesley Tiffin of Langside .and Mr. Robert .Henry Purdon of the West spent New..•Year'S w-rti:n.: the latter's sister, Mrs. Wm. Dauer• ••sori'_:and Mr. DaWspn.. • Mr. and Mrs. 'Robert Mowbray, Mr. Angus Mowbray . and , Miss Roberta ''.1Vlowhray spent New. Year's with the former's daugh- ter, Mrs. James Wilson and Mr. Wilson: • • Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Kennedy of "V Tingham,, Mr... and Mrs. ' Harry Tichborne ' of Goderich a'tid 'Mr. and Mrs. Gorge Kennedy and: two ;sons Jack ' and ,Billy, also 'Mr. Peter Kennedy,. Miss Annie Ken, nedy and Mrs. David Kennedy' spent'. New • Year's with the lat- ter's daughter, Mrs. Lorne Dur- nin and Mr. Durnin of St.. Helens, • We are'sorry,to report Mr. feed Waddel, son of Mr, and Mrs Geo. Waddel is sick with pleurisy. He,•. came home from Wingharn hnsp•ital. Christmas eve; and is• not -so well since : and, had.- to returnn j back te• the hospital again nrs week.. We ,ho,,pct ,for. a'spee.dy re, covey. • , Mr. and 1\frs. Albert Coultes .rust Jack and Marjorie .spent New Year's with •Mr. and Mrs. Norman ':oultes ,of Wingham, and on_Sun Tay visited ' with Mr..:anal Mr>, Mel Leayer of near Wirigh•am and Mrs: Ezra 'Wellwood :lnd'son Gordon spent.New Year'; evcnin,g with Mr. and Mrs.,`J. D.{ 'Beecroft. ' a • Mrs., Neil MacCallum of Luck - now spent New .'Year's with hp: - sister,. Mrs. Albert McQuililn and Mi.•.. McQuillin. • Miss., Helen, Orr of. Lucknow,' who is attending Stratford' Nor-, mall School is '.practicing teaching' at S:S. No. 10 this ;week: • . A priest offered 25 cents to the boy who could, tell him who was the greatest nian in history. "Christopher Columbus", ans- wered nswered : the Italian boy. • "George ,Washington", answered the Am- erican lad. "St: Patrick", shouted the Jewish-. boy. "The quarter is yours'', said the priest, "but why did, you 'say St. Patrick?". "Right' down in my heart I knew it was Moses",said the Jewish boy, "but businessis business". • . •ya Take' it from me. say's. Old Dill • in the Dunnville Chronicle, there are tw•,i klndS:of woriie:.r you can't' trust with • a secret those' w'lth .0c;bi`1/45d hair and these' w:t.1wut : OBITUARY .MRS. HENRY CLUFF The funeral: .of Mrs. Henry Cluff, one of Huron County's oldest residents was .held. from the home of her -daughter, Mrs. James 'Nicholson of Auburn on. Monday..' ' She passed away on Saturday in her 90th year.' Th•bugh ''•confined to her bed for the past -.nine months,' ' Mrs. Cluff's passing was attributed to 'old age. She maintained an in- terest in world affairs to the, end, doing considerable reading.' 'She • n.e�rer-wore" spectacles Mrs.: Cluft helped the- Red Cross: and was known',througliout the district as a good knitter and loved to. sew, Formerly Ellen .•Dreariey, ., the departed ; woman was ban in iBrucefield on June 30, 1854,, a daughter of Andrew. and:Letitia Dreaney. At the age of two years she moved with her parents to Concession 4,. Ashfield, wh'er.e she lived , until • 21 years .ago .when her. husband died. Since then she had spent the, winter months with. her : daughter. 'Mrs: 'fluff .was. as member of .St.. 'Paul's Anglican 'church, Dungannon • and a life rnernber,of the W.A. , • Surviving are three daughters, Letitia; Mrs.James: Nicholson of Auburn; •: -• 01ive,'- 1Virs - Arthu .Straughan of Benmilrer, Ontario Jennie, Mrd. Wm. Plunkett of- 1VIAFEI ING Mr. Cecil Johnston spent Thurs. at Arkona. Mrs. Johnston return - with. him, also' Mrs. Richard Johnston. who had . been visiting her daughter at Watford. ° Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Stothers• Ruth of Arthur, Mrs, J. A. Cris- pin and.John spent Thusday af- ternoon at the farm. Stephen Jr. who :spent a few days at Win Andrew's, returned' home • on Thursday. Mr. Nicholas Schwartz of loch way visited' his; daughter Mrs. \'- ElMer Johnstan Iast week. • Miss Verna .Kilpatrick. visited '. during, the. holiday • week with Misses Hilda, , E1v4.. • and; Fern Twamley in- Lucknow,,• The Y. P I f are planning a' social everting in the • Hall . on Thursday 'evening. Miss Olive Blake is spending this week -with her sister, Mrs: Don. MacIver, Con. 4,' Kinloss. Holiday festivities: Dr, '.& Mist A. N., Aitkinson; Mrs. G: Broad' _and oMiss 'Margaret • :Elliott of Goderich, Mr. and : Mrs: S. J.Kil- patrick, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Blake and children of Crewe; :Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Kilpatrick' and 'ch11`-. dren. of Toronto,. Mr. and Mrs. Omar Brooks of Nile, Miss Filibs ' • of :Cedar Va11e arid' M'rs.. Mus=^ grave' of Mt. Clemens, Mich., with Mr. and Mrs'. Richard Kilpatrick Sioux Lookout, Ontario, .who was Mr. and' 'Mrs. Geo. Saunders• err : •_ e as S -be •'' and family -at' klolyrood at Mr ill .in a. Winnipeg hospital'. Also surviving are two' sisters, Miss' .Letitia Drearaly of .•D1trfgannon and Mrs'. George •Durnin,of' Sask- atchew'an; scyen ' gr•an.dch i'd) cri and four great • gran lchildrt'n. "Eilrre=d-alugli-tr�r:--Mi'a:- k3cnacl:.. 'hart, died a ,few''y'ears• ago. . • WILLIAM DONNE,LLY A life-long 1-esident . of tits township • of West., Wa•wanosiu, William Donnelly' passed on in Wingharn . General Hospital, on Monday-. December 27th, in hip 78th. year. He was . taken '.ill ori 1\iovethber- 25th and, entered' the hospital at that time. His whole life` was spent on the farm ac Lot., 23, concession 12,'• West Wa- wanosh, it • •being ..the 'farm On which he was born and which was pioneered by his parents,. the late Michael Donnelly and Isa-' bell. King.. He is the last'member of the family. The funeral'• 'set'= • vice ' was held at, St. Augustine Sacred . Heart ,Church ..Wednesday last . where Requie?n High . Mass was sting by Rev. Father Mcg Mahon, the '.parish:;' priest: .' The pallbearers were •John Aitchison, Andrew Gaunt, Mike fuming, J. Dalton. A. Purdon, W. R. Far- rier.. Burial took place in St. Augustine R. C. 'Cemete'ry. �ad)-Mad� Mnusf�r'., .. Tempting ... Convenient . Nutritionally Right! T`S easy to serve healthful meals, ifyou follow the timely menus in "Eat -to -Work -to t`s✓in"*. Sound, practical, interesting„ -this clever new booklet does all the' difficult, time - taking planning for you. And it's yours FREE. Never was it more important .thatlyou pro- -vide proper -food -.for -yclur=family,,..For ..good ,nutrition is vital toVictory'6bw—to health and happiness after the war. Yet recent Govern- ment statistics„ show that only 40 ,percent of Canadians regil.larly'eat the right foods, even though. seemingly well fed. Learn the "can't-go-wrong"way to tempting meals that fill.' every food' need of your . family! Send for your FREE 'copy of "Eat -to -Work -to - Win". Mail the coupon today! T9UR5 Timely.. , i me re sting ..:. helpful! Let this origi- nal new bookht bring l b.Mer health to your iamilar, _MAIL_ VOUR COUPON TODAYI' Spon:tored by THE I3RE'ti'ING I DL'STRY , O 'TARIt in the interests of nutrition Ind ha.lth 3s an aid to Victory. amemr,,, arm .*The Nutritional statements in "tat - o -work -to -win" Fare acceptable to 14Utrttioneaervices, Department otPen- slots and National Fieaith, Ottawa, for ttie"C'anadran; ISutrition Programme. . "NUTRITIO;`I FOR VICI'C)RY", ' BOX 600, TORONTO. CANADA. Pleasesetld me'myF1jEE^copy Of 'Eat•to-Fork-to-A in Same Address City . • Prot'. • 41 Eddie Thohipson's. • Mr. and Mrs. Will• Andrew and `family with, Mr: and Mrs. 'Geo.' ' Apdreiv, Lucknow Q.. ,Mr. and Mrs. George Twamley and. Mrs: J. Mcann at Nile with rs.•Bi1T!"cCann. • and Mrs.' J. J. .Faulds of'` St. Catharines with Mr:..and Mrs. Elmet- Phillips. ' , Mr. sand Mrs.• C. :Hallam° and family. and Mrs. Robt.; Johnston yyith. Mi.-, and Mrs. Eddie Johne stop 'at Blyth. • • Mr. and ' Mrs. -,Cecil Johnston; Mr. Si Mrs. Elmer Johnston with Mr. and Mrs. John Blake, Dun- gannon., •Mr„ and'' Mrs: ' Sam Sherwood' of .: Lucknow with Mr., and Mrs. Herb Curran. ° A family ` gathering was.enjoy- ed' at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Anderson on; New Year's day. • BOUNDARY EAST Mr': Frank Miller' returned home from London . hospital on Friday:- • Mr. and .Mrs. George Kennedy and sorts spent'New'Year's at Mr. t Lorne Durnin's. • Miss Annie Purves is assisting , Mrs. John, MacMillan for a few.. w'ee ks,, Mr .` and Mrs:,,,Alex Hackett S'=.-.. arid' Mr.' and .Mrs, Alex, Hacketit. • xvcre . ,N'e1,v • Year's .guests of . Mr, •and. Mrs.; 'Pharis- M;athers. Mr. Eddie. Waddell spent .Sum-. • 'day at the home • of his : sister.. • Mrs. Wm.. Henry; • 'and Mrs.' John' Barr and family of' Kinlough ,viste.d with • Mr. and • Mrs. Jack. Purves •on . Monday. • ' 'Huntley Dawson spent the weekend in London. • ' Inglis..spent . a . few days last 'week . at .Ilderton, and ' London. , Mr.. and Mrs: Jaek 'Smith and family of K,incardin, `visited at Mr. 'Frank Miller's `on Sunday. .' Mr. and Mrs.. Ed McQuillin 8i Grant spent the weekend. Paisley. • l\!r, and Mrs. Robert' Donald-. son entertained. the Bridge Clue on..New- • ?ear's eve. •Mrs. Ivan': Conley • and Mr. Foster`• Moffat held the high ,scores. Our :sincere 'sympathy. is ex - ter .:1•;d • ti .Irs. John „Kennedy an;4, family `in their. bereaven nt•: •