HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-01-06, Page 1••• t i -C1.4-41 $2.991 A Year—In Advance.; 50c Extra to U. S. A. LUCKNOWi. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 19*44 EIGHT PAGES• .DIED SUDDENLY - 'WANTED TO KNOW IF " • BERT HAD NEIGHBORS •• °, IN TORONTO - The death" of Miss Frances Sid - dal, daughtei of the late Mr..and Mrs. G A Siddal, arid who was born in Lucknow, "oeonrree:veith eshockingeS4ddenness last week •in• Toronto, where she has •resided • • for -many. ye.ars. • • For a ..ntirnber ofSr,ears. Miss 'Siddal held an important .exe- . eutive !positionwith a• T9eonp • firmlitit..../neee...recenty had been 9Perating, a guest home in Tor- onto. . •• • • • . . On 'Wednesday of 'last week she had accepted .ari •invitation to have New...Year's day dinner with Mrs. :N... L. Campbell and. Lorna .Carnpbell. As they awaited her sarrivat on , Saturday. afternoon, Lorna in glancing thru. thepaper rea•d..the annotincernent of her death: t • Miss, Siddal was. discoverdsit- ting. in in herl.roorn on • FriclaY•by a patron.of she': 'guest .• home: Death was attributed to 'a severe heart •.attack, .and it was • lieliVed thaL.,F,raneesela ad -he -en • 'Since the death of fiis wife last .fall, Bert Ward has made en- quiries about :bringing his sister Agnes Agnes to Canada, but 'haa.. been' • adyised,• that, • this,-woId pe*... be •fc•asible until.4fter the war: In reply to :Bert's. iPtter; his sister esaid..-plieWonld be delighted to. isconie to Canada, • but asked •Bert 'a number et 'questions abeut. the 'country. and community, one of which was "haVe. you any• bors?".- Bert hasagsn'ted her .'on .• 'that ,Point. • " PASSED AWAY MONDAY •• The death occurred. in Londen on Monday ' of Miss Margaret Nina 1VIiller, daughter of the late." .Mr. and Nip -Jacob.. Miller of Lucknow. 'She was 5p 'years of age. " • • the-fttneral service will- be held privately at the residence of her; brother, Mr. •Herb Miller; this Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, with interment in South Kinloss ctcry. • dead about twenty--fOur .hours • when 'the discovery was masle. • As no meals are served at her ."' guest home; Mis§. Siddal•Was 'not •in regular contact with her Pat- rone so_that _leer ala.senceedid-not • at fir -St Concern thern. She was ••• not known be suffering -ern 7 • 'a heart condition, but in sJig :t� Miss Campbell on Wednesday. •remarked about 'a severe pain in ' • her Vett ann. •. • . • • FolloWing ;a fUrieraleservice in the Miles funeral chapel in Tor• .= onto on Monday the remains were • hrohtto Lucknowon Tuesday far interment in the:family plot • 'in Greenhill Cemetery. The . • graveside service was conducted • by Rev: J. W. Donaldson, "and •the. Pallbearers were W. B. An- • der§on, T.. W. Smith,. W. W. Hill, H. R. Allin; Harold Treleaven and Campbell Thompson./ • h• Frances is survived by one br7is .ther, of Winnipeg, who at- ' • tended the funeral. After the death of Mr. Siddal,her mother • Made her home in Toronto with • Frances where she passed away ..• on December 13th, 1940. ' . • ON KING'S HONOR LIST. • • •• •The King's New Year'§,honors list brought honors to two Luck- • flow. born men. Major-General H. • F. G. "Jason, adjutant -general. of nue Canadian Army was appoint- • t d • a ton:inlander. of the ,Order of •the BritiSh Empire. Mr'.. Litton was born on Jack Gardner's farm • at Zion, and spent his .yotith in' • Lucktieve. „Mentioned in dispatches was \ Flight Lieutenant Roy Renwick, son '9f the late Ed. Renwick and Mrs. James Kirby of Teeswater. Roy was born 'in: Lucknow but grew t� young manhood in Tees - water. „ • • MORE STAMPS WANTED Mrs. Edgar Hollymari has ree ceived an Overseas request for ere -can -Celled .:postage-starrips:ol ali denominations. School child- ren in partkular have Contribtit4 ed liberally to past collections, and Mrs..Hollyman passes On this request through The Sentinel, an:- ticipating that the'Thildren, and adults too, will again get busy Saving stamp. A liberal margin of the envelope Shouldbe:: left around: the stamp. • Note From Veteran Subscriber• .W,e alWays look 'for a note from Frank Guest.. of Wadena, Sale., to accompany his • Sentinel re- newal. Mr. Guest is one of the • veteran' Sentinel subscribers and • accompanying his 1944 remit- lanCe is theefollowing note: .,. "We are haying a •nice, winter with. very little cold Weather. It • got clOwn to .27 below but has „been nice since. Crops were' not very .good.-13igs. are a good price and they can't handle them fast enpugh in Winnipeg". .PILIOTO` FINISH:. • ..• ISN HURON: RACE Campbell, president;. Celia . son, Secretary - treasurer, and. Walter M. Brown was elected Kathleen :McIntosh, pianist. • reeve •Of Huron . Township on •• • • •• • • THREE -SISTERS NEVER APART 'QR.CHRISTMAS • Mrs. M. A;, Treliiven, ' known as Polly to her friends here; is eighty-four years of ' age, and enjoys sufficiently -, •good heatthete/ spencl:Christ- • mas anti Ne* Year's with her sisters Sue and Lou Trelea- ven ' and other relatives. • :SemeWhat of a. recor:d. is established by these three sis- '• ters who never in 75 years • have missed being together at Christmas time. PRIZE WINNERS AT FIRE COMPANY DANCES Th d Lucknow Fire Company ,held- iwo _suecessful holiday dances' last week. At each 'idance, ,they gave away two $5.00 War Savidgs Certifie.ates for, •cloelr prizes;„. and, war stamps • to the value of $4.00. as novelty dance prIzes. 1 - • • START ND TO I DECORATE HALL . In the 'opinipn of members of, the Ltickriow Fire °• Company it is up to local organiiations which have:, theelese91-theePaenergie-Hal.1LL rent freee to. see, that the building .. is giVen much; nceled -Interi l. • recletoratin.g. • „ '• Winners...of the door pri:ic-S tile Witk•this' ine I)-ilnd a Cierninitlee first ' night were Margaret. wfst a•PpOhite,c1 Moe' day night', ers and • Doris. Taylor, with' the inCLIng arrange for the hohl- ••.• novelty de, • artis 'going of' da,,;ce 'atea,n early, date • .1yleki 'non a1, -;d Grace. Mc -'tri chit tiff 'thp fund: • -• • Kilmon •and • St P t d 0 1 • 1 • ati it Catherine tegnew es• •ted. • ) 1 a r • • • an es n 1..e oc. a cigar; . . s LUCKNOW H IGH (el 0: I v. . At: the second 'dance' the door raisiee• evcrts to boost theefund. • prizes wero• won hy• Harley Phil- Tirenean Dave • Milne. who. pm- iips aitc1'.Eddie Gaunt. The nee- oec....,/1 the plan .stated is. Was -up 'city dense prizes went 'to Mrs. 1. the Fire -CoMpany to!de some- Rou.Iston and Kenneth Webster. thine. in -this regard or start SCHOOL -RESULTS • / (Continued from Iasi issue) Grade XIII Defence • ' • MacKenzie, Helen 52; McKim, 'Alan 75; Prest, Stanley ,79; keld, Helen 56; , Weatherhead: Grace . •• IX SOcial Studies Aberdein, David, 55; Allin, Wrn. • 61; Alton, Arnold, 81; Barger, James, '73; Beaton, Florence, 54; • Don, 471-E-1-1iirtt.-Hatu , 30;Gammie, Helen,' 67; .Gilrnore, Gerald, Abs.; C,461.1ah, Grant, 32; Graham, Margaret, 65; Guest,1 Harold, 67; Irwin; Mayme, 66; :Ir- win, Wilda, 50; MacIntyre, Alex, r-Maelc-innore-"jeani--40; Mac-- Lenrian, Margaret, 57; Mactther- Son, Margaret, 53; MeQuillin,- Harvey, 56; Marshall, Jeisie, 76; Milne, Carrie; 41; Nicholson, Don - aide, 39; Reed; Eunice, 53; Ritchie, Alvin, 42;SherWebd, • Shirley, 59; Stewart', Allah, 58. F. E. McLean, (Prin.) • . and 'Grace carripbell and Austin Me x.t.:rt for the use ofthe Hall. Martin; Cameron M.acDonald act- . Member Resigns ed as, Master of ceremonies. * Treleaven," member . • '. e .. . • .4 'the. Brigade for, sixteen . years, • Specials in men's and boys' Work tendered a verbal. resignation ex - Clothing, Shirts, Socks, Mitts.- plaining that his sole reason for The Store with' the Stock -THE doing so, was that his work did MARKET STORE. • n• ot allow him time to serve the FINANCIAL REPORT OF WARD FIVE RED. CROSS • The financial report of Ward ,Five Red CroSs 'of Huron Town- shiP is as follows: Net proceeds of dance- at Paramount $31.09; Sale of quilt at F'ararriZtint, 4do- natkl )5y Mrs. Breckenridge and Mrs. Lloyd Irwin $34.70; CiAlect- ions $245.93; Donations by Lewer SeCond to. boxfund, $1,6.00. Finance Minister Ilsley has an- nounced that the cost of selling bonds •,of the Fifth Victory, Lean • will not likely . exceed .87' • cents Organ4e Maple Leaf War Work Club The Maple Leaf Club ' is -spon- soring •a dance -in the Town • Hall on Friday.niglit to raise funds for the carrying on of war work by. this newly organized group. • The • Club is made • up of the lady employees of the Maple Leaf Aircraft Corporation, who • meet eVery two weeks for a work meeting and program.: Meetings are held 'at the homes of the Members and thle comfort articles which are made 'will be turned over, to the local branch of. the Red' Cross. • • TheClub efficeri are, Grace "Monday when he polled 'a total. • i of 258 votes, just seven more thariDonald„A. MacDonald who, polled 251 votes: • It Was a straight reeVeship race ,to succeed Herb Farrell, reeve for the past three years- and who retired because of the pressure of farm work. Both Mr. Brown and Mr. .1ViacDOnald had served on the council board' for the ipast- six years.• • . '• The fain; councillors elected by acclamation are Howard McGuire and S: W. Thompson, •meinberi of the old board, and Russell Os- borne •and William Steele . Who qualified to. fill the Vacancies res .sulting front Brown and 4/facDon- 'ald contesting the reeveshiP. Gordon 'Scott Ripley Reeve .. Beipley's reeve and council was elecTPd by aeclarnation. Gordon Scott stepped up to the reeve's chair succeeding George MFLean,• and .E1rner Morgan, Ripley'§ "honey king" tilled the Scott va-' cancY on the Council Board. ,Other,couneillors• are J. D. Bryce, "-re" Hre--4-.:on,j "eil MacLen- , . Returned Froin Hospital • Frank Miller whp underwent a - major soperation in St. Joseph Hospital, Lontlem, more -than • three' weeks ago; was able to be 1 -)fought to his home at Langside on Friday. Won Big Turkey, 4 - • The ' '.'25 -pound" New .• turkey which was raffled 'off last week was won by Mildred Ritchie': •- .• ' Bargains in girls' and boys School Sweaters •and Pullovers.— The Store with the Stock.—The Mar- ket -Store—. 1..emtim....4.V........,ruar*nag,....soit.•••••••*••••••••••••••••alti sss HANDLE EXPRESS AT DEPOT Due fo the illness and enforced absence from the Express Office of Miss Elizabeth Henderson, the express business :and wire service is being han.dlecrat the C. N. R. depot by A: W: Hamilton and Joseph Conley. The Village de- livery and pick-up service isnot affected, 'Rural residents however must call, at the depot for express parcels. The telegraph service is -also conducted from the depot: FORMER RESIDENT PASSES'. Toronto papers carpied the fc./1-: loWirig death thrioiiricement, ',re- ferring to a fOrtner Lucknow res- ident: • . ' • • BENNETT,'Mary—At the home for each • $100 —': a pretty small figure *for doing .stich a splendid. jab.. •, • .. • • Alt • • it old, "I have never. seen an 'cirgane ization•that,did as 'much good in the • Corernunity. and got as little alongcredit for it" andadded"gets so well." • •. • Harold: resignation was • ac- 'eepted with regret, and his name added -to the list. Of honorary rriembeis It was pointed 91.4 that with :Sid Whitby 'on active ser - ice .was now short two .a.ctive:' members, and • steps areto be taken•to bring it up to, strength. • • ••• • • Plans were Clisce.ISsed for •the annual Burns Balkon January 25, when it is exPectecthat a §civai.e.' dance eompetitieriwill fceetai'e. . • this Popular • event. • '• DIF.cloantR . • • ,They 'tell us • some jtors are wAS AN so uNrst.44;,:k DISMAL moNTEL, sh6ft Of, everYthing yoti Can't . • • even find court there • • • • . , . -loins C. W. A. C. ' Mrs. John J. Cransten of 1\lia••• gara-On-the-Lake has joined the Canadian Wornen's Army Corps and is at present stationed a1 Trinity Barracks, Toronto., Mrs. Cranston' is now Pte. Florence M. Cranston. .FALL -CAUSE OF FRACTURED HIP . • . dyfFs., W. J.: Little.. received ,a, fall. at, home' 'On 'Sunday, dUe. to her,Weakened Condition following the, ••and x-ray pictureselater revealed that she had Suffered, a fractured left She . was taken by anebnlance to Hospitalelate Tue§clayeafteriikon, Many friends • • deeply re €t this mishap.' which, has befallen Mrs.' Little who is • among' 'the Village's- older and most beloved residenis. " . . . •• , • • . Mr.1 Little Is 92 .^ The accident occurred just .thecl day preceding Mr. Little's 92n birthday... which he observed on Monday, January 3rd, and nat- urally tempered the joy of this occasion.•. Both Mr. and Mrs. Little Were. seriously ill with 'flu. Mr. Little showed particularly '.ainating .iiCt- ality by throwing. off the attack and' is '.able 'to be out ,every day and appears•to have lost but little • December was an unusually dark niopth• official records show. • . •, Therewere 1. t FO. d f'' • on y w ays. o . total' sunshine and. ten day's ft part-time sunshine during • the month. ' • •• - ' • • • The temperature sank to•below • • zero on . eight occasioris.-the low est being 11 below: Highest tem--• • perattire:•of.;,the' month was 42 'degrees. There. Was slightly over a quarter 'of an' inch,. of -rainfall . and .20.5 inehes of snow, . • Comparisons are 'often•.roi,c01-. . sing and.speaking.ofsnow, during • ,. the caleridar, yqar • '1942. tot• E.:1 snowfall 'Nvas• 1.48:25 incbes. an1 in 1943. 126 inchesbelieve it-ce • hot. The same applied, to • •• • The 1942 total exceeded, 1943:V;/ 23.35, and '21.91 Inches . respect 'of her daughter, Mrs. J. D. Sri -lithe' of his "sprightliness. • • • 20 Arlington -Ave., 'Torortto, on That Mr Little may enjoy a Jan. lst, 1944, Mary Bennett,in speedy recovery from her acci- her 81st y'ear. '• 'dent, and that when another, Resting ,•at the above address years rolls round, Mr. Littre's.1 Funeral service re Tuesday '•at birthday r4y be more, approPL1 3 p.m into—•• riately recognized • is • the- earnest • 1 wit•h of 4/-eteeeleee ively. • REPORT OF WORK DONE BY BLAKE RED CROSS The following is the woic, re port of the Blake Unit Of tilt Red Cross Society, which' i af: 'filiated with the linneanno:I.' branch: . ••• 'Twenty-five truilts, 7 • suits pyjamas, 10 pair service 'socks 3 pair 26 -inch seamans socks; 5 pair of gloves, 1 navy sweater 2 handkerchiefs. . A• shower fOr; women oversea‘Ai resulted in , the follOwing• dorsa • tiors: 16'. bars of *soap. 5: pap( straight pins, 2 paper gafety 5 boxes kleenex, 2 lead pencii,... , 1 writing pad, 1 tooth brash: combs, 2 rolls white tape. 1 ca:: talcum powder, 1 jar cold cream, 3 cans tooth powder, 2 skeins cf mending wool, 5 papers of darn inti needles, 9 wash cloths, 1 car. I r Vsna4ixesnow&ramoc,..s........33.C.45.:C=Clidoviisontineern...6"....;WqraaelleitImal.aqa. . . •114".0. 14 • • , ‘.. .• • .,../ .. li . .,. . •