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. The Lucknow Sentinel, Lueknow,,knt'arsn
;,„ w:A•h �y ro-.Me� rrkwi+r..1
THV S., DECEMBER '30t11:, 1943
Lucknow High Schooi.
Christmas Examinations
a .
The' students of the Lucknow .high School .have' obtained the
standing indicated in the various sitbjects: 1st class honors:' .75-
100%; 2nd class .honors: 66-74; '3rd class honors: 60-65; Credit:
• 50-59; below 50 is'failure,.
The marks of Grade XIII."Defence• •and Grade 'IX' Social Stud-•
des,,' will be 'publis,hed iter:
F:: E. McLEAN, (Prin.)
•bio b S
W Al •
, . o •
0 0 •-
0." N..
NIac1>>onald, 'Isgbel .:, a• a a a a a
MacDonald, Betty .... ' .79 56
MacKenzie, Helen .... 63 ' ' 70 35 ' 80 74 77
:McKim,..Allan. .::. 80 ;_,.57 .-..42 ..:-.52 99 71..
MacLennan, Catherine . 52 .58 38 - •
P.rest,Stanley'. • 83. 68. ' 67 30 44 52
Salkeld, Helen '.:..:...c• 77 58 .84 75 79
Weatherhead,. Grace 48 -52 85 61
-Chin, W
Henry, .Harold
Irwin,, Ruby.
• Johnston, ' Ronald
MacDonald, Betty,
MacDonald;' Donald
MacLennan, Catherine
MacLerinan,' Christine
Shaw, Patricia
Thompson, -Murray
Allin; . Jean
o •
ra U
0 ° o.
74 •'.64 '77
.The wedding took place at St.
Marys Church, 'Barry , Dock,
South Wales on Thursday, '.Nov-
ember 25th, " of Gunner David
Grant Milne, -Royal. Canadian
Artillery, second son of Mr. and
Mrs. • David Milne of Lucknow,
and ' Miss: 'Joyce Langridge; only
u hter of . an
daughter d Mrs. George
• Langridge, Barry's Dock.
The "bride, given !in marriage
by her father., wore. 'a silk floral
The Spring Litter -7.
Just Around The • Corner
'(Experimental Farm News)
Pcjssibly the best insurance of
strong healthy litters next spring.
lies in, throe proper feeding and
management of the brood sows`
this winter. The care and feeding
of .sows.•no.t only af-
fects the size and thrift of the
pigs at birth, but also influences
the milking' ability . of the. sows
.after :farrowing.' Thus, it ,is 'good
.• dress. .'witinh.-Raw- b1:ue . aeoesserres•. 'business; to, treat the- brood sow
as one of the favored animals
and a' spray of carnations She
° th f � d this will tie
avis attended by Miss foyee on e. . a.�:nz And- •
amply . repaid with a . •trigoraus,
thrifty litter -of pigs,. says E. B,
Fraser; Dfv4sron. cif Animal' Hus-'
Bandry, Central Experimental
1Farn}; Ottawa.
First -of-all, the --brood sow.
needs . good feed to nourish her
unborn Titter. Not ' only :is a Mix-
ture of grainsdesirable, such as
oats, barley .and wheat -but there'.
should be an 'addition of protein,,,
minerals, ' and • vitaminsin order
to provide. a "balanced feed 'mix-
ture. Shim -milk, buttiermilk, a
protein -mineral 'supplement and
'leafy :alfalfa and clover„hay ,are.
all useful feed's for the brood, sow
a's an addition to the common'`
grains. • 'The aim should be to . Wrn. Lockhart, Mel Orr•, Philip
feed enough of .'a balanced feed Stewart, Garfield MacDonald,
to keep•the sow in medium flesh. riemple Clark and W. L. Mac
Winter . accomodation for the Kenzie. .
mums wt mai'. en ate ern. . r.. be el ;
bridesmaid; Miss Jean Johnston, the main essentialbeing that she MRS. • ROBERT McCOSH
younger, sister of the bride, wore have a dry bed.. which is. free from The Purple Grove community
a baby blue wool crepe dress and draughts: 'Daily exercise seems was shocked to hear- of the •sad
carried''a bouquet of pink chrys-• an advantage and this can be : den passing of Mrs. Robert Mc-
anthemuins.: Mr.. Harold ,,Gardner'• arranged " .easily by 'feeding at :Cosh, the former H. Matilda .Orr,
of Hamilton supported the groom. Sonne• distance from •the sleeping in Victoria Hospital, .London, 'on,
',The Rev., Herbert: 'F. Dann of
Kirilough Presbyterian church of-.
f iciated. , , •
The groom's gift to . the bride
was a• white gbld . comp.act; to the
bridesmaid a Rogers silver dish,
•to . thegrooms'nian a military
dressing set and to the pianist
a cream and sugar set. During,,
the signing of the register Mrs.
L Philip Sang ' "I L ' Y 1;
:$gars. who• wore.a •powder blue
two piece; costume' with 'burgundy
accessories' "'and- a spray of white'
73 53. 67 chrysanthemurns. •
6.1 68 54_The bride and ' bridesmaid are
nurses at Wooloston Emergency
Hospital, Newport.
.53, 39 :40
81 66' 60
65 •:28 • 35
q g
.' 4-1k
Ai a w A
63' •50 ' 60 62
m 63 67 76
66 74 . 63 -60 ' 65 58 75. 43
71 78 80. 71 72 71 78 80'
36 64 ° ' • 58 ' 72. 85
:35 35 48 '29 , '57 50.
55 43 36• 44 .53
26 65 ' 7 71 48 36 • , '.60 65-
73 77 ' 54 48 54 .. 52' 78
58 70, • 45 43 41 53 - 67 .. '59
53' .'
:."39 '71
W .i
Agnew; Catherine .
Allin, Jean
Crispin, George .
• Culbert, , Shirley
Graham, Marian
Hamilton, Betty
Henry, Harold
Johnston, Wm A 4.....
Lane, Everett b
MacDonald, 'Graham 58 41• 36
MacMillan, 'Lavergne 40 2,4 . .
MacMillan, Yvonne • ,.... ' 31 ' 15' . 20 4
MacQuaig, Mary 65 50
'Marghall, Mary ---•- 79 , 71 79
Mowbray; Helen , 65 47 69.
Murray, Veronica 51 . 17 47
Ritchie, Lyle
Shaw; Patricia ,..
' Stimson, 'Bertha
Treleaven, Jack ' 63
63 '.30
52 35
61 .28.
63 , '45
65 37"
61 40
47 30
5 1 a . a?
a s:' v
- X56 ;20 .6.0. 70• .
35 63' 51' 93.
73 67. 58' 64 83.
36' 47 97
37 • 37 83 1.
32 76.
40, _40
68 53 ' 35 26 :64.
' ' 61-
51' "46-•.'•,61
.39 • 61 •
52. 57 50
77 . 46 . 83 .
68 59
49.'. 45
72 60
an d•
w . w • a:
Agnew, . Joe , 58 14 31 53
Campbell, •Gladys .80 66 5.4 44
Chin, Albert • , "38 ' 27 43 33
Chin, • George , 69 -,48 66 64
Crispin, . John .75 83 82 75'
Culbert, Herb 3 • - a . 45 38 26
Gardner, Marion • 70 . a a a
-Hamilton; Frances 41 .55 61. 43
Henderson, Lois . ' a. a a' . a
:Howse; Betty 56 60 60 34
Howse, Rose 49 • 51 48 50
Jardine, . _Alice. , ...,.._ X65 _25 ' 2.2-_; _7._
Johnston, Mary° • ' ' 74 54 60 61
Little, Elaine 66 47 '34 43
Lloyd, Ivan .., 46 67 a �- a
Macintosh, Dorothy , .66 a a ' a
MacKinnon, Bill' 45 ' 47 -a 46
•Miller; Patricia 83 •66 69 45
orteous; Mary .Louise 78 60 76 • 55
R1'eeid, Jessie - a a 45 l a
Ritchie, Lyle ,. 44 53 69 a
Solomon, Alma a a a ' a
• Webster, Mae. , .45 56' 80 42 •
Winteratein, Ruth 69 55 79 46
Graham, Marion a a , , : a
Hamilton, Betty ' 52 54
MacMillan, Lavergne 54 . .
McQuaig, Mary
Stimson, Bertha P 59
The 'home of9 Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Johnston of Holyrooct was,
the setting : of ,a pretty wedding
o.n Christmas Day when their
eldest daughter, Edythe,, was un-
ited in marriage to Mr "Sidney'
Graydon Gardner, son of Mr. and
Mrs. W: T. Gardner of Zion. The
bride, given in: marriage by her.
father, looked becoming in a pink
sheer. . street length, drdss_' ,and
carried a bouquet of .W=hite baby
The death of John' Heyworth
occurred suddenly at his home
here late Friday afternoon. The
funeral", service was, held in :•St.
Peter's Anglican church on 'Noon-
day,. conducted, "by Rev.. ,J. W.
Donaldson, who spoke highly rf
t'h; deceased, who. was , a member
of.St.. Peter's choir and:Was care -
.;taker of • the church for some
time. .
John'•Heywor.'th was employed= •
:at the: Cain. House ..at the time it .
.was 'destroy:ed "by fire 'when he
was; Seriously laurned about :the
face .and hands,' • and narrowly '
escaped , being trapped , in
basernerit Of, the •bu.rning •.build•
ing., .:
A .native • of England, . John was'
a very -capable musician and for
a number -of years was ',leader...
of .the Lucknow Brass Band. At.
the • time of ' his. death he was
teaching band ,'instruments...
John had -been in failing -health
• for some bride; • but his' death
,came unexpectedly. He is surviv- •
ed by his widow,, formerly Mrs.
Ida .Mckinnon'..,....
Interment took place in,Green� -
.hill Cemetery. 'Pallbearers .,were •
quarters. Wednesday,. December 15th..
Reduced to simple , terms, '.t -h i Tillie Orr was born ' in Well
brood sow. requires •feed' in: suf- ington County, near Arthur; '.On-,
ficient quantity and should have tario, on November 4, 1872, .'be
comfortable but not elaborate
sleeping.quarters.• These are es -
tis eldest child of Robt: Orr
sentials in, order... that • sh ay, and• Ma'ry''•Hutchison: As a girl
she lived in Guelph and Toronto
:farrow and raise a large. healt y and came with Joseph Andeison's
litter' of 'pigs..
ove , ou
-Truly". • .
After the ceremony . a ' wedding
dinner wa served from a: table
decorated . With pink, and • white
'Streamers to a .number of im-
mediate relatives: The happy
Couple left 'on 'a motor ,trip to
Toronto, Hamilton and other
points. Fc.' 'travelling' the- bride
89 81 76 chase beige.• .with , brown • acces-
46 ' ,56 ' 77' sories. On their return: they will
54 53 • •76 ' reside on .the 12th Concession of
?6 • i
Ashfield: t- .
72' 63
66.., ' 53 57 • :80'
at v •
0 "."
d ?
r vl • A;
48 65 65 ' 68
73 64 511 87
61 61 60 64
69 68 ' 80 77'
.9.2 84 68 83
76 58 °' 53 67
a a a 69
80 64 68 58
a a a
73 54 '73 76
59 57 68 •69•
53__ .__ O_ 59 67,
80 66 54 80
46 47 " 65 , 64
53 . a a 91
a a ' a . 72
74 63 50 79
67 66 63 69
88 , 69 74 85
a - 'a ' a , 63
82 66. a 8
a a a a
76 58 76 70
89 80 70 74
60 •
63 71
family to occupy , one of the first',
cottages on Bruce Beach.. Here
This. 'is 'the' time of year for
annual , meetings . and election of
officers. The 'Sentinel , is, ready
to pubilsh the list of officers of
various organizations throughout
the Village.and district,. together
with a brief review: 'af activities
and so • forth,' if such is avail•
she met. Robert McCosh and on
December 16, 19.03 they ' Were
married'and went to live on the
farrn his father.. had cleared near
"Darling, you, are the seventh
wonder of the world". . •
"Well. listen; soldier, don't ever,
let me catch . you • out .with- the
other six"..
the 'lake shore. •. •
To them 'were 'born`• tl1ree.:chit-
dren Who survive' along ,with the
1 sorrowing .husband. They' are,
Gladys, .Mrs. Williar,ni Arnold,
Con. 7., Kincardine; Donald, Con.
Huron;. and Olive, Mrs.
tor' Knight, Wroxeter.
Twenty-nine years ago . the
family, . i.moved to , their present
home; Concession '-10, formerly
owned by, the late ,Levi Morgan.•
There Mrs. McCosh spent many
happy hours in her garden and •
especially among her flowers for •
she was a true naturalist.
Not all her energies :were de-
voted to her home. She 'was the
able.. '
Wifey (watching a• -pile driver
at work): •"Dear, I.feel so sorry
for those poor men. They have
been trying for the Last half-
hour to •lift that thing out, and
every time they get it almost to
the top ,it falls back again".
W •'
Aberdein, David'
45 ' :45 70 ' , 79
Allin, Bill • 58 24 ' 35 • 64
Alton, Arnold , 73 53 85 ', . 73
Barger,, Jannes • 75 , 50 78 ' '66
Beaton, Florence • " 45 11 , 5 54•
Bushell, Don. 53 51 58 28°
Elliott, Harold • ' ' 3.1 16 ' 46 , 34
Gamrnie, Helen , 52 . 44 72 52 ' 75 60
Gilmore., Gerald ,_, . a._:_. ' aa a ' •a .a
Goner', Grant , a • a " . a a 78 a'
Graham,'Ma-rgaret , , 70..-. 66 , a a ' 90•. : 72.,
Guest, Harold' ' 47 ' 17 55 . • ' 50 - 82. 56
Irwin, Mayne`' ' ' 78 ' 53 90 60 91 66
Ir*in, Wilda • , ' ' 55 36 81 55 ' 88 ' 47
Maclntyre, 41ex ' . 7.6 80 75 74 • 78 ' 34
MacKinnon; Wean SL :: ' 5I 52 • 37 -38' 78 . , 53
MacLennan, Margaret a a a a 79 a
McPherson,. Margaret ' 46 - 18 58 '43 •71 51,
McQuillin,a Harvey , a" a a . ' a 56 a
Mars'hall,° Jesse , • ' 75 . - 57 • 55 ' 70 83. 73
Milne, Carrie ` ' a - a , •a . a 89 50
Nicholson, Donalda ' 67 24 63 47 ' 53 39
Reed, Eunice 69 24 80 a ' 95. 56
Ritchie, Alvin . ' 39 , , 23 33 44 50 ' 51
Sherwood, Shirley , 86 52 81 80 97 75
Steward, Allan ; , 58 50 63 . 50 ' 76 , 63
first president of, Huron Horti-
cultural Society, artd also. served °
as' president of ' Ripley U.F.W.O.
and direct.)= of the Agricultural
vi ' ' Society for, several years. •
' 75 68 She; was a member. -of St. An -
66 8� dre"w's „'United Church, Ripley.
91 75 whose .' pastor, the Rev. .•Eugene
55 79 ' B'ecch conducted funeral services
82 37 • from herlate residence •on De -
29 61 c'ember 18th with interment in
50. 40 Ripley .cemetery. Those bearing
her to her:last resting place were
neighbors, . Wm. Cox, :.Lone Cut-
berb, Toiin• Colwell; Frank . Stan-
ley, . James Needham and Eli
The'following members of her
farnily also survive: her mother,
Mrs. Mary Orr, Arthur;' sister's,
Mrs. WalterThomson; Belwood; °
' Miss Margaret J. Orr; Orange,:
New Jersey; Miss Mary H. Orr,,
Los Angeles, California; Miss
Olive Orr, Mrs. Wyn Macpherson
and Allan Orr of Arthur; and a
brother, Robert, Cater,, Sask..Her
father .m41 one ,brother. William,
predeceased her.
Try A Seritinc 1 .Want ''Ac1.