The Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-12-30, Page 5'I'1kIClE; ., DECEMIIIEE 30th, L$43 The Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario _ P Lyceum Theatre IbGHAM. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Dec. 30, 31 Jan. Also "Short Subjects" Matinee Saturday afternoon: at 230 p.m. & two shows Saturday .Night., Mon.,Tues.,.'.Wed.,.:Jan..3, 4;.. 5 Glenn Ford Pat O'Brien "Fright utenant' A thrilling story of the . test pilots: Also "Short Subjects" b DUNGANNON•, Visitors with Mrs. A. B. Pent- land for the Christmas .season were Flt. -Lieut. Benson Pentland of Halifax, his 'Wife and children. Alvin and •Murray of •Torontn. Mrs. Ernest. Pritchard, Toronto: Mr. and Mrs. 'Allan Pentland, North. Bay; Mr. & Mrs, Lavern-! Pentland. and daughter Pamela. . De>iroit. A family gathering. was held at the home of • Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Foster; Shepherdton On Christmas Day. A successful daffce• was . heist in the Parish 'Hall on Monday night with a good attendance. The Dungannon Women's . Insti- tute were sponsors and the pro= fits of around. 00 ,will a ud for remembering the boyS over- seas. The door prize was won by Mrs. Robt. Henderson. Mrs. Rebecca Caldwell, who is _employed at St. Helens, was home foraew days • and 'opened . her home tb. entertain her family for Christmas. The• visitors were her daughters Miss Pearl Caldwell of Leamington and Miss 'Myrtle Caldwell of Toronto: Pte. Ben C,aldwrell, Camp Borden and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Caldwell and fain- ily and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Cul- bert and. family. living nearby. Miss Bernice Blake. B;A., teach ing at Oil Springs 'continuation, school is home with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John'Blake for the holidays. • We are glad to know Mrs. Wni. 'Sproul is on the road to recovery from her 'recent illness. Mrs. Wen. Shackleton is her nurse-compan- ion. 1 . Miss. •Margam+ -Stewart. .nurse at' the Hospital for 'Incurabl•.! Children. Toronto,. was home for,: a few days at Christmas. ' Miss 'Jean' Stothers of Toronto teaching staff is spending -the Xmas. holidays with her father, Mr.., Thos. Stothers. - Mr.. and Mrs. Kalmer Dawson of Auburn, Who have lately pur-• chased the 'store,and dwelling of Mr, Chas. Alton, have been mov- ing this week. Mr:' and Mrs. Al- ton l•ton are remaining for a while.. Mr. and Mrs, Maurice Wood, ford, Tdronto; visited the latter's mother, Mrs. G. C. Treleaven & Sister Mrs. Arthur Bi`own. whose husband` of: -Dundas also ,.arrived for Xn}aa. .•Mr. • and 'Mrs. Roy 'Burchill of Mitchell , scut 'Christmas with. Mr. and Mrs.,,ponald Fowler. Mrs. Burchill •' is remaining.. fur Xma week. • V•isitorr with Mr. and •Mrs. S. H. Stothets for Xmas were • be sides their • fancily at horde, Arn- • old and •Miss, • 1elen, alio 'their daughter. Lenore, Mrs. Henry 'Bradley,. Pte`: Henry', Bradley and - daughter Sandra of Vancouver, B.C:. lir. ,and 'Mrs. Ewart 'Tai•: tor, and Mr. and Mrs. George. Hun: ter, near Lucknow. • Mr. and Mrs. H. J. L.-Eedy. had of their four boys in • 'sexy toe,:• three • of them home ' for Xmas, namely, Pit. : Sgt. Thornton Eedy of Toronto,. Pte 'Irvine Eedy, Ip- perwash, AC; Ross Eedy, ,Three Rivers, 'Que.' Pte. Franklin Eedy of New • Brunswick ,expects. • a leave -some time later. Miss Col- leen McKay of Goderich was also a .Visitor- for Christmas. Miss • Audrey Congrarn, nurse at Clinton. hospital spent. Xmas with her,, parents, Mr; and Mrs.• Gordon Congrani. Mr. Walter Dickason de ve"°lop ••. ed a sure knee from a sintpte ac- cident and remained at Goderich Hospital for a., ft ttv days for treat- ment this week. • Mrs. George riciore of Toronto spent a fey.' days, at Xmas with relatives here,. A very impressive service was held .Sunday 'Morning,. Decembe,• 26th at the- United church when the Honor Roll of some • 35 names cif local' boys was unveiled. Rev. H. J, Vicke.rson.. the Paster, .was. assisted, by WO. Al.inett of Sky Harbor. who delivered' on inspir- ing address. Among. the hymns sung• was an • old favol ite ' "On- ward Ch'ristian Soldiers". • Mr. Frank Gillespie, baritone, Of God- nrich. favored .with two solos. "Thy Gift" • and "How lovely are ,thy Dwellings". AC; Jack Caesar ,has lately been transferred froth.Guelph•to No. 9' Wireless Scllciol, Calgary. AC2. Allan Petrie; . Toronto. .spent Christmas and a few days with his parents, Mr.. and firs. Wm. Petrie on the 6th Concei;- Dawson, all,of ,London, Mr. 'and 11•rs: Ha.rold'.Dawson 'and sori Dr, and•Mrs. Christenson, of Tor-. Tor - Onto; Mr. and, Mrs, Clark M.el. Ian and family'.ot Witzgham' at Mr.', J.s•S. Among. sign, Ashfield. • BOUNDARY EAST Tay Over $350,0.00 10 The Season's Greetings to. Al Feed Grain Subsidy happiness. • . k Up t:., November 30, the On - May 1944 bring us peace and PAGE EINE • Christmzs visitors• of this com- munity' were Mr. and Mrs. liar-- . Dawson and son of Toronto and Messrs.. Ed. and, Evan -Mc- Quillin at :VII . Eddie . McQuillih's:A Mr. and Mrs. Pharis Mathers and Carolyn . at Mr.. Alex Hackett's; Mrs, ' Morriatin and 'family and'. •Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Rettinger arid iaznily of. near Wingham and .Mr. Ernie Morrison. o:f Brantford aft Mr. John MacMi'llan's;'.'' Mr..' and Mrs: Ja°rnes. Forster and Jean at" .Mr.: Wm. Forster's; • Mr..' and Mrs: Rat MacMillan`arid Margaret at Mr. War gler's• of near' Walker- ton; , Mr. • and. Mrs. T. Jantzi, and Donald•- of— 1VI lvertt3nb: Mr: anrt.._ Mrs. ' Rbnald Forster • and Nancy of Lw, know, 'and 'Messrs. Alfred Patterson and Jack. Gillies at •Mr. -George Fisher's:" • Mr. and Mrs. 'George Kennedy, , Billy and Jack -at Mfs. David. Kennedy's; •White church. -Mr. & Mrs. Eddie , Moot e and family at ,Mr:,NArt• Moore's and at Mrs. Young's; 6th Cori:;, Mr•` and Mrs. Miles 'M tcMiilan at 'Mr. Joe MacMillan's, now, Mr. and Mrs. John .Gatunt and `1:.amiiy, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Casenture v and family. Mr. an _i. •Mrs. Rtt.ssell Gaurit• and Jeanette, arid Mr. Harold. Gaunt Of Luck- now. a r' r. orn. gun s; .Robert Lai,dla,y, a it, his home; •and. •lvlr.• and Mrs.' Alex 'Dawson and •fancily. Mr•. and' Mrs. Win. flaw-. son;FO. :Stuart Dawson, and. Mrs. : , tario De partrhent Of •Agriculture• has paid out a total of $353,372.25 to Ontario farmers in subsidies on feed grains brought from Wes- .tern Canada since the subsidy •was •inaugurated • in August. Thi c•kti: nt to. which 'Ontario farmers are t tking'''advaritage..o.f ,the op. portanity to. secure Western feed' grain at favorable. prices is in dre.ated• s by., e facet-. th tt applu.a-' tion • for subsidy. are being, re- ceived .at' the rate. of about 1•,500 per. week. A heavy accumulation of aplications'is now being. WQr•k-,` 'ed off 'and - in' Novernber.r-1;000. more • applications •were put l -vu. ;for payment than .were reeeived.' but there are• .still. some 4,000 to 5;00.0. Waiting payment, ••• The Ontario feed grain. subsidy terminates, on. December 31 .and 'all applications, must reach . the. Ontario Department., of Agricul-• •tare not later .than January ,31. 1944. .Applications. 'for , Less than 'fiye:ton' lots will be` accepted. only from farmers who have previous- ly sent in applications. The subsidies ' paid represent' shiprn nt< to'Ontario of 1)97'): tuns of ed •grain. Huron• ,County tops -the :tilt with 1,953 app.itca tions covering.: 19,404 tip>rts • on '` ',-J-U-� w c, rt paid:. The tOta-i applications num- bered. 19.•333 so that...Huron C:,uun- t'y represents about 10 pet ct'nt.1 of the. total. for' the Proving r'. In Br•i.ice there: ha.ye •been 967 applications for, a 'total of: 3,964 tuns on which 'the •: subsidy ' a-'. "rnouri'ted tp: $14,196.80. . 'Mr. r. and .Mrs:; Charles Tavarnley ` and farrii,ly cif London are. spend- ing Christmas 'week with; Mr. & 4lxs. Wrn, MacDonald. Miss Donalda il-Faekett is spen•- ciing the. holidays 'with •her aunt. Mrs.. Phatis Mathers. Mts. Da Gillies -is visiting for -a few days • at Mr. Donald Mac - Donald's' of St. :Helens. • Mr Alfred Patterson • spent Christmas evening. with i •and iVIrs.• Wm. McIntosh of Lucknow.. Mrs. James Forster •received telegram a. birthday greetings on Christmas day from her sett Joe: and, Mrs. Forster of Winni- peg-' • • Mr. and Mrs. Ronald .Forster • -and --Nancy and Mr. .and Mrs. Will Forster and family and ;Miss Lillian Carruthers spent Sunday at the home of Mr: Jas. Forster. Miss Lillian Carruthers is vis, iting' this week at the ;home of her sister, Mrs Ronald Forster Mrs.• Morriso'tt of Wingham is spending a. few days with her' daughter, 1li-s. John MacMillan: •Mr. • and .til: -s. Georg;' Fisher and 'fatnily were entertained at the home of Mr: Rhys PJltoc'k On :41t nday evening. , . • • Mrs. Toynbee Lamb .of Goi- etiich spent 'a 'few days last ,wet•- with Mr: and ,tars. Jaick, Ken- nedy. Mr. Kennedy is not very well at present. Mr. and .Mrs. Miles MacMillan spent- Monday evening- with -.Mr. and• Mrs. Russell Gaunt. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Irwin and family visited with Mrs. Hudson and Greta on Monday. We are sorry to report that Mr:. Jack Purves is on the sick list and hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gaunt spent Christmas evening with Mr. and Mrs. David Currie and farn-. ily. M.i' and Mrs; Fred McQuillin and 'sons spent Christmas ' ,day with Mr. and Mrs. John Miller and .family of Lucknow. A ' • ..MAFEKING Mr. and Mrs.. Richard.Kilpat= rick Spent Chr•istrnas. With friends at Paisley. " Mr. •and Mrs..• Cecil Johnston visited. '.cin Christmas day with Mr. and ,1.trs.• H. Moffat at. Wat• ford. Mr...f iavvey Kilpatrick 'of Sar nig spent 'Christmas at his hozne here. • Mr. Chas. Twamley. . and Miss Betty Twani,ley spent the week, end withVIr: and Mrs... Milton Kilpatrick. ,• " Mr:. and Mrs. H. Horton and Mary ,visited with Mrs: J. A. :Crispin of Lucknow. . 'Miss Gladys Cornish of Sarnia spent .Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kilpatrick. • Christmas visitors at Mr. and Mrs.' T: J. ,Anderson's were Mr. and' Mrs, Chas; Pierce ,of Brant ford: Mr. and Mrs., Harvey Webb and family of St. Helens;, Mr. anti Mrs. Chas. Hodgins ,and • babe of Kinlough: Mr. and • Mrs. Harvey Anderson and; .11arilyn..Mr • and Mrs T. 1t Anderson of • Mate-. • ' Mr and Mr.. W. F.. Shackleton • and faintly. of Mount Fcvrest vis- ited with Mr. ankrl :.Its, NoI'I21an Shackleton during the holiday. Mrs Fintitgaan ASI -WIELD NOTES Mr. and Mrs. John C'a.rbpbell of Belfast,. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Menary of Lucknow , and Messrs: 1 Lloyd and .Lorne lyi.umphrey and sisters 'Caroline and Mary Were Christmas,. visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hunter and. family. M.r. and Mrs. 'P. Cook' and ehil. dren spent •Christrn.as and Mrs. S. Reid. • . Mr. Chas: E: McDonagh. is vis-, .itirag. with. his daughter,'' Mrs.. E. •MacKenzie•. -and. 1)0 :• :V1ac: :esa.c. e.: in, London, , , Messrs. Leonard arid •Hart}ld Ritchie-,s.pent Xmas;, with. their. •pars: nts� , • Miss Irene Hogan bf Detroit is spending the Xmas holidays �nritli: he -r• .iareits--ane} . Basil,,- ._._oA -- Miss Helen Gilmore of Harn= Ilton spent the week -end. with her.. parents. Mr., and,' Mrs:. :Frank Ritchie ;spent Christmas day with ,Mr. ' and Mrs.• Robt. H.olrrx. • ` { • NI r. and Mrs. J. G., Ritchie, and • children o f Mitchell .and. Mr, and •Mrs. '. •Wilson and, Jimrny of Lucknow ..Sp'ertt the, week -end with Mr. and Mrs.: R,obt•: Ritchie and• fattiily.• % r.• arid Mrs. Les •Ritchie aria Alvin 'visited v„•ith Mr.. and M9.. A: Gaunt • On Christmas day. Miss -Feria • Mu't'chiso.n ; spent thr.t`cntas with Mr. and Mrs. it E. Gt;tnote .and. family;. • . • Messrs. Elmer and Borden Cui• - bert • of Toronto ,'spent. Xmas at their • horn e 'here.. Elmer.' le•ft..Eot Quelite,Christrrl,as, day where lie .. is• stationed, in the Navy. Cpl. .and" Mrs. Kretz and Ter- . e;sa. of _Hamilton spent the .week- end. with Mrs. Kretz's parents Mr.••and Mrts..R. E. Gilmore. • • Miss -•Frances, Gilm.or•e• returned honie for Christmas after spend= ing a jn'onth with her sister. in :Buffalo. Mr. _and Mrs. Edgar Ritchie,' Lyal and Jean and 1VIE. and'Mrs. • �'Vill Helin '• and. family,„ spent Christmas, with Mr: and Mrs.. At-. bort Kelm. d 1r•. and Mrs. Fred ..Andeksan. and Charlie spentChristmas with, Mr., and Mrs.. John McDonagh.. Mr. and Mrs. Alf 'Ritchie and Billy of Holy rood and Mr. 13044 :'Ritchie spent Sunday. with Mr.'. ancr Ms. Robtaoi • • ,e,tao1 and Mrs. IRobt. Helm., • (Intended for last week) LAC, Fred Cooper, LAC. Arth- urs Leonard and LAC. • Ronald' Sutcliffe., all of Port Albert spent a pleasant• evening with Mr.' and Mrs. James 'Sherwood, Mrs, 'Wm, Crozier spent • last . week with friends. at Westfield, het :father, Mr WM. Campbell. returning. with her for 'a week's. ' visi't • Miss Slar jury Silltb: of Cedar Valley is spending some , tine with •Mi•s •Cecil' Blake. • •Mi,,. :thee' Finnigan spent last week' •w• ith het brother Bert anal Mr. and M. ,Percy Blundt and 'Melvin. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Irwin of Goderich visited'' Christmas hristmas with Mr. and. Mrs, W. Irvin. Mr, -and _Mrs. E. Bl ke ard and Keith spenf�Chi-istmas in Lucknow 'with Muriel. - Bertram Curran, S.B.A. was, 'home from London for the Xmas week=end. • Mr.' and' Mrs. Jack -Curran and family :of Crewe, Mr., and Mrs. Jim Curranrand Dick, Mr.' -and 'Mrs. Lloyd Hunter of Wawanosh,. Mr. and Mrs.. T, M. Anderson of Mafeking spent' ,Yittas .With Mr: and Mrs. ,Herb Curran, Miss Nellie Cranston and Mrs. Harold • H'ackett of Fergus who spent the Week -end at )ieir home returned : on Sunday afternoon. fa SAO FOURTH CONCESSION Miss Laul;ine Martin of Tor- onto . spent Chritsmas at " her he?ctttl.• ' • Measle Middleton of Hamilton spelt the week 'end at his home. Miss A. Cruikshank •of Torontp spent the week -end with : Ms Anna Grahant;: Mr. and Mrs, P. Parrish spent Xmas with Mr. • and. Mrs, I Loyd McDougall,. • • - Mr. and Mrs. Clair McDougall an Ficiddie of Mitchell and Miss Blan hI c ugall of Toronto vis- • • ited with Mr. and tMrs; R. Dougall. • ' Mr. Billie McKenzie of -Dun das spent C'hrist,ras with his par.. exits, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Mci en- zie, •