HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-12-30, Page 4• 4 ' 'PAGE FOUR To The Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario .....r.,•••••••4•••••• ne and All • Sincerest BestWishes ,.that • 1944 \yin bring good • health, p0.ce, Vappinest:; 7afid pros.perity.. WHITECHPRCH (Intended for Iasi. week) • • Mrs. DUTICall. McD.onalcl• of ,St. • Helena: visited last --Wednesday • with Mr.. and Mrs. John Gillespie. cl church Sunday schools had a s • cessful Christmas entertainment en Friday evening - with a good • attendance. considering there , • were quite a number absent with, the flu. , Lantern slides were !."ion, Mr. and Mrs. Alex -Purdon, Whitechurch; Mt,.. and Mrs. Ath-, shown and. a good prograrn was ole Purdon and baby; Mrs. Hee- , gWeri, gfter which Santa Claus • The Presbyterian an and Mrs. Wes 'Tiffin, Mr. •and Mrs. Orville Tiffin, Joe and In, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tiffin of White- church,Mr., and Mrs. Wm. Daw- KiNLOUGH Happy New Year To . All. ...... Miss Evelyn MacLztan of Lon- don spent the weekend at her . - home here. Mr. and. Mrs. Harold Iraldenbyt • 411:1;g•-• • . ..... Iry 4..!404.;4440^ THI1RS., DECEMBER 30thi 1943 • :14 e4''S -S . ................. ............. " ...... . , ' • . , STRA:YEii. to the premises of the! FOR SALE — Portland cutters . . and Shiela of Toronto spent the -, Christmas libliday, with their par- 4. undersigned . a roan ,steer, Aplpy to WM..:1V.lacKENZIE,.-11,.R. ents, Mr. and Mrs.' Georgie- Hai- LANGSIDE . Mrs. Wm...1301Am is attending her father, Mr. Wm. Bell. of pine 'River' who. has .„irnproved_slightly, the laSt,..few days. • i.v.6•ChristInas,,,Dakt,gnests,•witb•Mr. • • and. Mrs. George Tiffin were. Mr, denby he arid. Mr. and Mrs. Art Breakles at LUcknoW. A Very ,enjoyable evening was spent on Tlitirsday last at the home of Mi.;, --and Mrs. Frank Johnstone when , friends .and 'neighbors gPiller0 POF hp110f their. 1 tor Purdon and baby, Miss Clara. arrived and 'gave the children presents off. the -Christmas -tree:Wingham,Mi._ and ,Mra. RevMrWard was chairman.John McIntyre, Billie and Grant . . , of Dungannon, Mr:' and Mr., Cecil • Lunch was served consisting of Falconer, , sandwiches, :cookies, tarts and Relison and Angus, Mi • coffee. Robert Henry Pardon Pi:Sask. • A Happy New Year To All • Wren Velma Scott. of St. Ilya- cinth, Otiebec,' spent Xmas week- , end at- her.horrie here: Miss Ruby Conn spent •a few • days . last 'week with her grand- mother, Mrs. C. Murray. • MI...and -Albert..Coultes, Jack •and Marjorie spent Xmas. at Paisley with Mrs. Coulte's par- ents, Mr; and 'Mrs. •Kerry. Mrs. Coultes and ehildrens, remained for a few days as her mother is seriously, ill sufferinty from a • stroke., • • " Mr. Jack Gillespie, Jr., is in the army rtow. •' All the Laidlaw relatives cele brated Christmas at the home of their- father, Mr. Joe Laidlaw. • Mr. Robert Laidlaw of Gait, spent the week -end at bis home. Mrs. Toynbee Lamb of Goder- • ich spent a few 'days last Week „ • with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy', Mr. Kennedy not Whitechurch are spending: a few days With their relatives in this cOmmimity'. Mr. and Mrs. Aldan Purdon daughter, Edith,.a bride of Xmas Day_ After a ,short program the FOR SALE, 4 young general bride was • showered, with plank. purpose • horcses, well 7broken- iiSefua and beautiful gifts show - single and double; 2 Clyde horses ing the good wishes of Many weighing 1700; 6 cows, Springing: .NORMAN O'CONNOR, LuCkriow, • Mr.' and .Mrs. Frank, Maulder! R. 7, Phone 66-22 Dungannon. •of Gleri Orcharci spent ,Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 3. .R. Lane. • tween 700 and 800 lbs. . Owner may . have, sarn by identifying . animal and.. •Paiing • e.xperiSe.s. 'JAMES McNAp, 32 Goderich... . • WOOD FOR SALE•40 COrds dry elm, 50 cords cedar -.'.NORMAN 0'.CONNOR, Phone. 66-22 ' Dun- gannon.. • , • •Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Fair and family of Bervie, Mr.. and Gordon IVICBurney and qolYne of •Southampicin„ Mr. A. Anderson - of Sarnia were Christrnas,visitors With Mr, and Mrs. Bert MacLean. Mr, Jimmy Hodge spent_a few days, Visiting •with ' -friends at , • • Mr. •and Mrs. Jack Hill spPnt 'Y'rnas with -Mr. and Mrs. Hill, arra to -rt±•-• •• , • • Mr: and .Mr. • Jim Hoclgins,. Howard: Betty and Marlene -spent the. weekend with Mr.- Sam ,1-locl- ,gins, Glainis. • and Billie and Mr Robt., Henry.., Mr.' and MrS. Win. Wall spent CHICK HATCHERIES Limited; Purdon $0k.' pent ,Moriday__ . 'th-IVI „ cember .A.D. 1043.. • FOR SALE—Village property of the late ' Maxwell Raynard, in- cluding house and stable °and ,2 acres of land' more or less; also ,5 cords dry wood and 1% cords cedar. Apply to Walter Alton, R. 7, Lucknow. F.OR,SALE Holstein heifer, purebred •with papers, due Dp‘, cember 30th, -pri,ce $125.00. JACK McINTOSH, R. 3, LucknoW: FOR. SALE — large Manimoth '.Eronze gobblers from' selected blood-teated - stock. Apply • to . . • FRED. MARTIN, R. 3, LuCknow.. • • " Notice To,Creditors All: 'persons having claims against the EState sof, Alexander , MaeDiarmici; late of the Village of Lucknow in the County of Bruce, Retired Farmer, deceased; - Who died on or aboUt the Eigh- , teenth day of October A.D. 1943, are hereby notified to send to. A. Grant MaeDiarmid, R.R. No, LucknOw, Ontario, the Executor ' of the estate of the said Alex- ander IVIaeDiarmicl° on or before HATCHING EGGS WANTED—, --We require—breeding ,flocki all breeds to supply us with hatch- ing eggOor the' 1944 hatching sbascin. FloCks culled and blood - tested free., Guaranteed. 'premium paid. Also additional hatchability •.prernium. Also turkey flocks' wanted to supply hatching eggs, It will pay you to write for full details immediately. TWEDDLE the Fifteenth day of:January A.D. 1914, Tull- particulars - of - their claims in writing.: •IminediatelY after the said 15th of January the assets of the said ,Testator . will be distributed parties entitled thereto having' .• regard only,. •to the clahns of which the. executor shall then •have, notice.. DATED.. this Twentieth day of evening with • Mr. and Mr's. Wes- ley Tiffin. Mr, Purdon remained. for a few days visit. Christmas Day guests .with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stewart were Mr. and Mrs. McAllister and Eve-. lyn, Mt. and , Mrs. Lorne Mc- Allister and Shirley of Culross, Mr. end Mrs.,DonaleiViattin and baby, Mrs. P. Martin and till of Wawanosh, Mr. and Mrs. lVfalcohn McNeil and family. of Belgrave. Miss Grace Richardson of Tees- - water spent the Cnristmas holi- days at her home, here. ' ' • Christmas guests with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ritchie were Mr. & Mrs. Fred. Tiffin, Mrs. R., Tiffin, Charlie, ' Mr. • and Mrs. V. Em- erson, Mrs. A. Emerson, Mr. Wm. ' being very well. Brown and Gertie. a-fewdays .- - vs: 0 LAC. Meryon Cameron and Mrs. Carrieron of Landozi were Christmas visitnrs with their par- ents, Mr: and Mrs. Hugh Carper - on; Huron and Mr: and Mrs. Wm. Pinnell here. Mr. and Mrs. Jcihri Moore, Jean and George of Bprvie; George Bushell, R.C.A.F. stationed at Trenton. and Mrs. :Bushell of Saskatchewan k were Sunday vis- itors with Mr. and MrS., Dan Mc- •Failan. • Mr.. and Mrs. Richard Shelton of. Goderich 'were Christrnas vis- itors. with4elatives here., • Mr and Mrs. Rhys Pollock and , Mr. and .Mrs. McGillvary and little son "Richard spent Xmas with her sister, Mrs.. Rich of near Formosa. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McLean ' spent Christmas week -end with their daughter, Mrs., Gibson and • Mr. Gibson of Cayuga. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Wellwood and Gordon spent Christmas with • • the former's sister, Mrs. John Falconer and Mr. Falconer of • Wingham. . Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cox Spent Christmas at Atwood. iss Bertha MCKay and Miss Ag es Wilson of Toronto; Mrs. JameS Wilson Sr.; Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson Jr. pnd baby ,Jim - Ellie also Miss Agnes McKay and family of 6th Concession w Christrnasi'visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John CrOwston. • Mr. and Mrs. John Reid ' and Wayne spent ,Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. Jim Harkness of Cfil- ross.' e • Mr. and Mrs. Donald McFarlan and family, Messrs. Torn and Jack McFarlan spent Christmas with -Mr. and Mrs. 3. Moore, BerVie. Mr. Wilbert Hodgkinson; who has been ill the past week went to London to convalesce with his Sisters in London. • LAC. w1%..4 Bushell, R.C.A.F., . • . • A. G. 1Vlacbiarmid, CARD OF THANKS R,R. NO; 3, Lucknow, Ont. Lloyd , Elliottf Mossbank, Sask:, wishes to gratefully ack- nowledge the loVely gift of knit-- ted goods received from• the •Lucknow Red Cross, and which was most since -rely'' aPpreciated. . . ALL NIGHT PARKING of cars tin the streets in Chesley has been banned by the Town Colin-. cil in .order that. the roads may be kept properly plowed. I wish to sincerely thank the Lucknow , Red ,CrOss for their lovely gift �f knitted, goods, which was most appreciated _in- deed. ' Bob ob McIntosh, Centralia. • many thanks to the members of the Lucknow Red Cross for the lovely gift of knitted articles which` was very 'much ,appreciat, Yours sincerely,, Lane Gardner. The familwu y of the late' James Mrs. Bushell and babe of TorontoiDurnin acknowledges with •sin - were Christmas visitors with Mrs.icere thanks and appreciatitin the Gertie Thishell and Mrs. Mac- many kind acts and • expressions Donald. • of sympathy • extended them by fried' and neighbors in their Tiffin spent Christmas With Mr. and Mrs.' George Tiffin of near Langside. Mrs. David Kennedy's „family Spent Christmas with her.: Mr. RObert Henry Purdon and Mrs. Margaret Dudley of Luck - now, Mr. and 'IVIrs.lHoward Mc- , Gui re and Lovell ° of Olivet and Arnold McGuire.R.C.A.F. of Kinston were Sunday visits,p•s with Mr. and' Mrs. George Hal- denby. Mt. W. Pinnell of Sarnia 'spent Christmas at his homehere. Mrs. Pinnell who had spent the past two weeks "Visiting in Sarnia her father, Mr. Hector McKay, and Windsor also returned home. who is 97 years old and oldest son of •the• West is' visiting his Mrs. Wm. Holland and Jack of relident, celebrated Christmas at relatives here:" • Kincardine spent Christmas with the home of his daughter's, Mrs. Mr. John Mowbray, pent Xmas her parents, Mr. and MS. Robert With his daughter, Mrs. Wes' Leg-'- — i Rebell Moi.Vbray- and MY. MOW- " bray. :. : Batt and ' Mr. Leggatt of Wing- Friends from here a.ttended,the ham. " presentation in Holyrood Hall on Monday evening for Wm. Ross, Mr. -and Mrs. Tobias Jantzt and little son Donnie of Milverton v., ,,,,,, . ,q. A. F., of St; Thomas. spent Christmas at the 'home' of Mr.- and Mrs. Levi Eckenswil- her brother; Mr. and Mrs. Geo: .,s. of London spent Fisher and also ..ca,lled -on her aunt, Mrs. David Kennedy. . S.S. No: 10 school had a very .suceesiful , ChristniaS entertain- ment in , the Institute hall last Tuesday evening with their tea- cher, Miss MaCrostie of St. Hel- ene iincharge. Santa Claus at - rived and gave the presents off bereavement. . . . • • • .. . and. Mrs.. Allan Wall. 1• The January meeting of the, , Lars; Margaret . pinnim of Lon. Women's Institute will,be,held at . . •the homeof Mrs. •James Sniith. • Convener -Mrs. Maurice Hodgins. Assistant, Mrs. Eldon Eckenswil- • ler. Topic, Housing, and Home Management. Motto, Hor.nemalF: ing is, not a hobby,, it is -the • 'breath of. our•existence. Roll:call, Something I keep in,rnY medicine chest and why. Lunch committee, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. , Harold . Con- gram,- Mrs. Tom Harris - a F. T. ARMSTRONG • I 1 OPTOMETRIST • IN.:LUCKNOW EACH vvEDN.snAy FROM • i.p.n to .6 e'eleck • I • AT: WM. SCHMID'S STORE • .1 • • PAtuartihvizie HARRISTER•&.SOLICATOS Walkerton,. On$ario. IN 131;KNOW Each Wednesday Afternoon & Evening At G. 0. SMITH'S OFFICE 1VIrs, Albert MeQuillin spent Christmas with Or sister, Mrs. Neileit McCallum and -.Mr. McCal- ltiin of Lucknow. • Mrs. David Ones. is visiting this week With Mt, and Mrs. Donald IVICDonald of St. Helens.- , Mrs. Milan Moore spent XmA, Week -end with her parents, Rev. and Mrs, Watt of GriMsby. Mr._ and , Mrs. Gibson Gi1lspie.l 'entertained alt. the Gille4pie fain- ilies on -Christmas day. Mr. and -Mrs. A. E. Purdon and• don spent the With*: with Ni! and Ms.. Wm Pinnell. Miss Jean. Thompson of Kin- cardine • was hone over the holi- day. . Miss Helen Thorn pson - tUrned home frotn the home of .Mr. and , Mrs: Charlie Hodgins where she had spent the past few :rnonths„ • Miss Winniex Percy, R.14. of .Kineardine-spent-Xmas- with and - Mrs. Alex Percy and 'other • relatives,. family and Mr... and Mrs. Joe the tree. . ' .0.0nr,p0As .0t0 . • ' - • FORMER C.N.R. AGENT Mr. C.: Gillespie and Don, Mrs -* I AT RIPLEV. PASSES Jack Hodgins and Johnny of Kin -I . earcline, Mrs; Cliff Borthwick o ler and Douglaf . • • The death of Gordon Connell St Catherine$ spent. Christmas • . — . . _ With Mr. and° Mrs,. Jarries Hod- occurred in Kitchever Hospital the week -end with. their parents. ., • • _ • - . . . on Thursday, Deeembei 16th. lie here. , . had been ill for a few •days, bill gins. . Mr. and: Mrs. 13illt-Clayton of death came suddenly due to a,, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Eckenswil- Kinloss, Gni-. Harold Bannerman heart attack on his 60th birth.. ler and family of Clifford, Mr, 010 visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Milton C /4 • 4( and ,Mrs.' Angus •MeArthur arid -614 'Mrs. Bannerman were ',Cm 'as day, family of near Tiverton were Connell was Xt. station ChristmaS visitors with -Mr. arid Walsh. - agent at. Pinkerton -for 16- years, Mrs. Wesley Thompson. Miss Helen, Malcolm of Toronto and for •the past six years was Little Helen McGregor .of .Kin. spent the holiday with Misses agent at, Ripley until his trans- cardine is holidaying. with Mr. Nellie andIVfargaret Malcolm! tty er o Elmira earlthis y _ ear. - • • • • • • 1 .a.o.:Nauat • • ' , "