HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-12-30, Page 17
$2.00 A Year—In Advance; 50c Extra to U. S. A.
''1`•hat-they town-•QWncd "building;
known. as the. Grid -des Block, is
no ..asset was •an. assertion made
by W. B.' Anderson ' at the nom-
ination ;rneeting on Monday night.
• The meeting was .poorly atten-
ded and one. of, if not the quiet-
est, we have ever • attended. -
The onlyquestion asked was
b.y Mr: Anderson, who sought
some information on. the receipts
and expenditures ha conrie.cti9n
with this Municipally - owned,
building:. •
.Reeve Joynt pointed out that
practically all the $3,500 'deben-
ture issue had been spent and
that the rental' revenue from.'the
main floor was •$216, a year . and
$150.00 per annum from, the
y apartrnent. Commencing at . the
• A
eginning of the year, for a six
months ` period, the rent on the
store .building was to be reduced
td $12.50, Mr. Joynt said.,
Doing a little mental arithrnetic
=1VIr• Airderso`h pointed out-"that
at an, interest rate of 5 per cent,
plus' the loss of, tax revenue from
this block,' plus insurance and
upkeep costs during the year of
$92.74, as shown, in the financial
statement, it could easily be fig-
ured that the building was: no
"Nevertheless , '•we • ern it.' rt•
Was voted on end carried",,
;plied. Reeve Joynt. "I've no in-
tention of commenting on it.
We've -got to make the best of
it", he added.
:Asked why the. Council didn't
sell it; Mr.- Joynt replied that,
new businesses couldn't start up
now, •and . that they didn't have
the ,money to equip it for oc-
cupancy as•• a municipal office..
The debenture issue on this
building actually . bears • an in-
terest rate of 31/2 per cent.
The death of William Donnelly,
a lifelong and -very popular resi-
dent of , the 12th Concession of
West Wawanosh, occurred in•
Wingham hospital on °Monday.
He wae in his 78th year and had
been ill with a heart condition: -
Requietii High Mass •was .'sung
in St. Augustine Sacred. Heart
Church on Wednesday ,•morning
with interment in ,St. 'Augustine
R. C. Cemetery.. '
Mr. • and Mrs. W. J. Todd quiet-
ly celebrated their 50th wedding
anniversary at their home in
Lucknow on' Monday. During the
day a number of relatives, friends
andneighbors called 'Ito extend.
congratulations and best wishes;
- Mr. and Mrs. Todd were Mar-
ried by Rev. Angus MacKay. Mrs.
Todd ' was formerly Charlotte E.
Taylor of the Bethel community
in West Wawanosh and 'Mr. Todd
Was a native of the St. - ilelens
district where they continued to
reside _until. 1917, when they re-
-tired to Lucknow. -•
They have ohe daughter, Mrs.
D. M. Johnston, Pearl, of Chat-
ham. •
Mr and Mrs. Todd are both
ei g -eons r we _;ems
health .and . are quite active.
V ,
• The cantata. ,"T:he Birth -of-
Jesus", was .impressively present-
ed to a capacity Congregation° in
the. United Churc-1i on -'Sunday
evening, by patomirne,, song and
story. ,
The church 'was attractively.
decorated, and, illuminated
Christmas' trees . and special
lighting effects •enhanced the
beauty of the setting.
The Junior Choir; in, the gal-
lery of the church, . took part in.
the ' cantata as an -.echo choir, and.
:.the Senior . Choir .took up' their
place in a. candlelight p'rocessio
The story of the Birth c Jesus
was narrated from the Scriptures
by Rev. J. W. Stewart. Soloists
were rec • es, , ss
1anch., Stewart and ,Mrs. D. R.
Mr. and Mrs. Raynaud Ackert
took the part of:Mary and Joseph.
Jean, Allin was the angel; Harold
1•1•lin; George, Joynt -and: Harvey
Treleaven, the three. Wise ' Men
and WM.. Murdie,: Ernest Ackert
and Jack • Campbell, : the shep-
herds. . ' •
A lifelong" and highly, respcclted
resident' of 'the St,. Helene : cern:.
rnunity,- James Durnin passed
_away at his home less t Wednesday
morning. Although he • had been
in failing .health for ;a °time he.
was .not confined to bed, ` and his
Pissing was sudden and unex.
'pected. I•ie was• in his 78th year..
• Mr. Durnin was one of a f em-
ily of six..: sons and six daugh-
ters off the late' William and Mary•.
Durnin,. He was born on the: 9th
:Concession of Wdst,. Wawanosh•
in August' 1866, whtre . e: resided,
until his marriage 47 years age
o atherine Webster. Mr.'' and
Mrs. Durnin, then moved to the
farm just south of St.. 'Helens,.
where 'they •lived the remainder
of their lives Mrs. Durnin having
predeceased her husband seven
years ago.
The - funeral service, was con-•
ducted at his late residence on
Friday 'afternoop by Rev. J. • la.
Ward ' of • ''St.. • Helen's United
Church. Interment was in Green
hill Cemetery . with Colin Mc.-
(Donald, Donald MacDonald, Geo.
Stuart, George ,McRoberts, Frank
Ther cantata was . directed by 1 Todd and Isaac : Miller acting as
Mrs. D. R. McLean, with .•Mrs..
Crispin at the organ. It . • was
splendidly and impressively pre-
sented throughout,
re-sented"throughout: • ' •• • •
pallbearers: , .
•• IVIr. Durnin : is survived by .his
son Earl on the home farm .and
his daughter. 1Vlary; , Mrs'. John
Cameron of West Wawanosh and
• one grandchild; Don CaMfron
Lucknow's 1944 Council was re-
turned by doh -
acclamation on'
night with . one change in
the personnel df the Board, Har-
ar• -
ry 'Nixon having qualified to fill
the vacancy caused by the re-
tirement of Councillor John Kil-
Reeve " J. ' W. Joynt was the
only nomineefor that office, and
only six were nominated for the
four Council seats.' • '
Lucknow's• 1944.Board will be
comprised of the following mem-
bers: Reeve ' J. W. Joynt and
Councillors ., Austin ` Solomon,
Thomas Boyes, Temple Clark and
tarry Nixon. -
, The nomination meeting was
presided over .by. E. H. Agnew in
the absence of ,his father; who
was ill. The following nomina,:
tions were recei ed for the Var-
ious offices, • with the above men-
tioned qualifying. •; -
For Reeve , . • -: ;,
J. W. Joynt by R. T. Dougl•
and K. C. Murdie.
For Councillors
W. A. Solomon by K. C. Mur -
die and R. T. Douglas.
Temple Clark by R. 'r. Doug-
las and K. C. 'Murdie.
Thomas Boyes by Harry Nixon
and David Milne. -
Kenneth Murdie by V. A. 'Mows -
bray and R. T. Douglas.
Harry Nixon by :K. G. Murdie
and V. A. Mowbray.: -
Virden Mowbray ..by. Harry
Nixon and 'Dave Milne.
Virden Mowbray by A: E. Mc-
Kim and J,, A. Mallough,
For Board of ,Education
W. B, Anderson by Dr. W. V.
Johnston and K. C:. Murdie:
T. W. Smith by S. Sherwood
and -J. A. l Ia1lough. -
J. L. McMillan by R. T. Doug-
las and K. C. Murdie.
Also surviving are- one• sister,
Mrs. Thomas Phillips.• of St. Hel:-
en's and two ° brothers, 'John ' of
Concession , 9, West Wawariosh
and Thomas of Alberta. > '
Won Big i'Turkey ,
A twenty-five .pound . turkey,
which was raffled off last week
was won by Bill Lyons who held
ticket .number 13: Thedraw was
made by Bill Chin.
from London -last Thursday after
spending three weeks in the.city'
where she underwent an opera=
tion in 'Vittoria Hospital, for the
removal of a cataract from her
eye. •
Miss Esther McGill returned
On 'Toronto Staff
Miss Helen MacDonald of they
Barik .of Montreal staff at Bloor
and Lansdown branch in Tor-
o, spent Christmas .at The
en was recently treris-
Toronto from the local.•.
ferrel t
A. .number' of quilts are still
wanted by the local Aid to Rus-
sia Committee, if the. December
`,`blitz" objective is- to be met.
The response 'so far has "' been
very encouraging and the Comi-.
ittee is delaying their 'next
shipment -for -a few days await-
ing _further month-end contribu-
tions. g
'I;he local postoffiee ,has; beenp
'advised that commencing 'Thuis-
day, January 6th, the entrance
is to be locked at 7.30 o'clock,
r -Mo. ., Hend n -b ^. when. the lobby will be in dark--
ark-ro power.
..McKim -and K. C..•'Murdie. • " ^ - to conserV
Corning .South Frani- Arctic,
Received ',a- couple 'of copies 'of
-the "Canol Piper", a- ••;Mimgo
napped• • weekly; 'newwpapei;, iin
Miniature, pub'i. hed•itlain. ^a.
"stories • throw" of -• the .Arctic
Circ'te:.The , sender was Gordon
Thompsorr,msori - of . Mr: an:ct Mrs:
D. -1b1. `Thompson. Gordon and his
wife _Wan' to 'spend 'a. holiday in,
Edmostton • in 'mid-January, but
their, .18 -day leave is not long
enough . to permit them to .come
Suffered Severe Stroke
Mrs: Donald Stewart suffered
a severe stroke recently.. She is
at .the home df het. daughter, Mrs:
Harold Stanley. 4 •
When enJ,"y•typo : of, .the ' :thre.e
retiring members' of the Boai.d
of Education qualified• for office
follow rg - • Monday's - nern+ n -a io•n-•• •
M.eeting� it left.thc'Village with-
out a•fu?1 hoard 'of trustees. •• .
The three retiring members :.
were T:. W. Srriith, ' J. L. Me1Vi'il
lan and Mrs. Morgan 'Henderson.
Mrs. Henderson "'was, .prevailed'•
upon to qualify at the • eleventh
hour, a•. ,year ago, to complete the
Board,•• but this year :declined to
qualify.., • •
, The'only other, norninee'for the •
Board'. of ,Education was- W. B.
• Andersen., Mrs. Anderson ' is ' at
present a .member of the • Board,
having, been appointed by County. •
Council as ..the eighth member:,..
hat -action
when, had.not been' officially. an-
nounced on •Wednesday morning
in ..order to coinplete .the, Board,
the personnel of .which. is •A.. E..
McKim, .W. V. Johnston; Haold.
Alin; Phi13p: Stewart;- Mrs.
Anderson; T. ' W. Smith and J..L.. .
McMillan; and an eighth inerriber
to heel—ferried ,to succeed, Mrs
The. 'death 'of v. R. Fulton
venni age 76, occui red 'at 'l••'ris-
home in . Kingsville' 'early Mon-
• day morning from a heart, cun-
ditioi�: i;•Ie had attended charch
on 'Sunday.:.The: funeral service
Was ' held in 'Epworth United
cl urch,• Ki:rigsi-ille-on Wednesday -:-
Rev. Irwin, a, -former paster of
the Lucknow Methodist -.church,.
is ,survived .by Mrs' kIrwin, and
one son; Arnold,..' of Detroit. •.
evitw. tndj. Wtr .S.stqras
6 ?' . m9'BEatkn .Meeth'g
' Chief speaker. at the nomina-
tion meeting on Monday night
was li.eEve J. W. Joynt, who gave
an interesting •review of matters
pertaining . to the Hydro, and
Water Systems in particular.,
Mr. Joynt said it was disap-
pointing to see so few in.,'attend-
ance.. The biusiness men should be
vitally :interested, and • unless
'citizen' shows an interest in mun-
icipal affairs, you can't pave -good
government, Mr. Joynt coritend-
ed.. We have a thriving town
:with industries as never before,
and . Should .show •more interest
to keep it so, he ,said.
Reduce Hydro Indebtedness
Mr. Joynt revealed .that . the'
overall cost of changing the local,
hydro system from 4,000 to 8,000
vats was, , in round figures,.
$13,000. Against this a• credit of
over $4500 was received for
transformersand obsolete equip,
meat that could not be used after
the change over.' $500 of this
credit •was received . after Mr.
Joynt had approached the H. E.
P. C. contending that the original
credit.: note was not sufficient. •
-Thus • th:ez.riet..coat -of-the 'ehanget
over was. $8179.52, which was car-
ried at four per cent. $5000'.Was
paid off by the local Cbmn!iss on
during the year; and Mr: Joynt
said they hoped to liquidate, the
balance of 0179.52 during 1944:
'We should then create a sur -
plug to maintain the system in
the high standard to which hydro
users " are- ,entitled", Mn. Joynt
said. He was not in favor of 're-
imbursing users by small rebates
until avery substantial credit
was - established.
`Power users, and:,cons-liners are
entitled to a lower rate lrc stated,
adding that the time is _becoming
opportune to 'apnrn.ach _th .,.J -,E
r more
avora.le rate's.•
In the .matter` ofeaualizati
of rates' in urban centres, Mr.
Joynt pointed out that the• Vil'l-
;age .Council had recently enders -
,ed .. a' resolution . by the Sarnia
Commission .favoring such. action:. .•
Raise Hydrant• Rental
In dealingwith the Water Sys-
terri., Mr. Jciynt stated that S275.00
,had been spent ori repairing the
second well this year, a; a result
of the oiling system Leingout
of commission. He , said therewas
evidence: that the- high' speed
pump in this well had not stood
up to > expectations and that he
didn't know, whether, or not it:
Would give service. •
There has been prat:U(1-1y nod'
a :cent spent on the firstvwell. in . '
12 or. 13 years, Mr. Joyn: stated.
and in his opinion 'it' was' up t( •
the: 19448 Board to .have the pump
lifted and work done on the well.
"If we can get raven' aryl ma,terial
it is ourduty to do so". he said.
It' has . been necessary to in-
crease the fire protection costs • -
to the Village by ' over $600 per
annum in order to meet the de-
betureindebtedness of the
Water System, Mr. Joynt estp'lain-
ed.' --.Fire'--protect cm --ngti osis
$2880 per annum on' a hydrant
rental basis. of $80 per hydrant
With revenue from water rates as
it is at present, Mr. 'Joynt 'be-
lieved the System could be oper-
ated on this basis. He said it was
not his i.ntention'• of criticising'
past Councils "tor not providing
to, adequately take care of t.hesc
payments.' ' ; • •
BevieWsG County Matteis
Mr. Joynt' ° touched briefly of
County Couil matter.; .referring;
-to the debt -free; pbsiticin of the
County, and the 05,000 war bond
reserve: He congratulated the c•it-
mens° f ,. Lucknow on oversub-
(Continued on Page, Eight) - •°•