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THURS„ DECEMBER 16th, 1943.
The Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario
Lyceum Theatre
Two Shows Saturday Night
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
• •
December 16, 17, 18
* * 41
•The BumStead family in an-
other of their, mad escapades.
Also "Short Subjects"
this Saturday afternoon at 2.30
p.m. This matinee is for child-
• ren only. Adults 'please note.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
December 20, 21, 22
A Salutc to the Merchant
Also 'Short Subject"
Mr. arid Mr§. Will Hunter vis-
• ited-Avith her sister Mrs. A. Cui-
berf of Dungannon one day last
week. •
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hogan and
Mr, and. Mrs. Will Hogan spent'
a few days With friends in Lon-
don and Strathroy last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Menary of
• Lucknow spent an evening with
• Mr. and Mrs. Will Hunter.
Mr. ynd Mrs. Bruce Holland of
Clinton• attended the funeral of
her aunt, Mrs. -Gibson and spent
the 'evening with her brother, Mr.
and Mrs. Peter ook.
The friends and neighbors of
Mrs. A. • Culbert extend their
sympathy in the loss of her aged
mother who passed 'away on Sun-
day- morning 'at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. A, Campbell of
Mr,. and Mrs..Richard Kilpat-
rick and Douglas spent Satur-
day with friends in Paisley.
Mr. and Mrs. liet,f Brooine
babe of Holyrood visited. her par:.
ents mil Sunday.
Mrs. C. Hallam's brother, Cpl.
Ed Johnston, arrived home. safely
in Blyth on Sunday evening from
overseas. Relatives and friends
are phased to welcome him
- Mitric B Kite- of- Lueknotv :en-
joyed a day at • her home last
Louise Andrew celebrated her
fifth. birthday on Saturday at the
horne • of heir grandparents, Mr.
arid Mrs.• Geo. An,drew in Luck -
now. ,•
•Mr. Thos. Pollock of Sask.' is
visiting his niece, M,rs. Clifford
Bertram Curran, S.13,A. of.Lon-
don 'spent . the' week -end with his
- parents. •
Mrs. Robt., Johnston is ill at
the home of her daughter,. Mrs.
,C; Hallam. •
. • •
Mr. and tVtrs. Pharis Mathers
and Carolyn spent Sunday at Mr.
Cliff Hackett's.
" Mr. and Mrs. a H. Carruthers
visited at Mr. George Fisher's
on Sunday.
Mrs. Mary MacDonald is spen-
ding this week with Mrs. Gillies
and Jack.
Miss Jean Forster has resumed
her duties this week after being
confined to her home'the- past:
• week. withn. attac-.1Cof the- 'flu:
Mr. and. Mrs. Miles .MaclVlillan
spent Sunday at Mr. Pat IVIacMil-:
lan's. ' "
The people, of this community.
take this opportunity of extend-
ing their syrripathy to Mrs. Philip
MacMillan and family ,in their
recent bereavement: •
Mrs. Jas. Forster received word
on SundaYof' the <death of her
cousin, Miss Mary MacDougall of
Southampton. • .
Mrs. Wm. MacKenzie called on
Mrs. Wm. MacDonald on Thurs-,
day afternoon. , • ,
Congratulations are due • Mr.,
Stuart Dawson who graduated as
a flying offiCer. on Thursday last
at Yorkton, Saskatchewan.
We are glad to repOrt that Mr.
Frank Miller ,came through his
weration successfully on Satur-
day. •
Kintail. W. I. Packs
Ditty Bags and Boxes
To finance their work of pack-
ing ditty bags for the sailors, and
Christmas boxes for the boys
in the service from the commun-
ity, the Kintail Women's Insti-
tute conducted a canvass .for
funds, with considerable success.
Eighteen ditty bags were pack-
ed, and the work of packing
Christmas boxes was not cam-
,41.eted when -this report was ret
, •
Donations to the fund were as
follows: Mrs. Colin • McGregpr
$1.00; Mrs. Hugh MacKenzie .50;
Mrs. Earl Howes .50; Mrs.. M. C.
MacKenzie .25; Miss Annie Mac-
Donald .50; Mrs. J:•, C. Webster
.50; Mrs. Dave McKenzie • .50;
David McKenzie $1.00; Mrs. W.
L. • Francey •1.00; Mrs. Richard
West .50; Mrs: James M. Bowler
1.00; . Miss Mary McLeod 1.60;.
Mrs., Simpson 1.00; Mrs. Elwood
Drennan .50; Mrs. Fred McGreg,
or 1.00; Mrs. yofm. Johnston Jr.
.50; Mrs. Diinc Maclntyre .50;.
Mrs. Bill MacDonald 1.00; Mrs.
Neil MacDonald .75; Mrs.' Jack
McKay 1.00; Mike Courtney 1.00;
• Dinnie Dalton .50; Mike Martin
.50; Wilfred McCarthy .50; Thos.
Drennan .50;°Arthur Dalton .50;
Larry 'Wallace .50;. Con O'Keefe
.50; Bernie LaPointe .50; John
cuar.61_,Garter_anei_mtt_ •S. Dalton 1.00; Roy. eyers 1.00;
Will 'Brown' of Walkerton and
Mrs. Will Irwin and family were
Sunday visitors with Mrs.. Httd-
son and Greta.
.The Bridge Club met at the
lion% of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Coll-
yer last Wednesday evening with
Mrs: George Fisher and Mr., Hugh
MacKenzie holding high scores.
Mrs. Farish Moffatt thanked Mr.
and Mrs. Collyer and Mr. and
Mrs. McIntyre for the use of their
home and the meeting closed
• with God Save The king:
AT THE- annual meeting of the
Bruce County Holstein- Breeders'
Club, Walter B. Walden was
named president and Lorne B.
Reid, secretary.
Pte. Albert Lindsay of Fort
Qu'Appelle who is stationed. at
London was a weekrend visitor
with his friend, Mr. Wm. MeQuil-
lin, z/
The annual meeting of the Beef
Ring will be held on Thursday
night and meiri. bers aie,urged to
attend. •
Donnie, little son of Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest Gaunt is home after
spending a few days ih the Wing -
ham hospital.where he under-
went, an- operatiOn.
Any' contributions of jam, etc.
for the blood .dono clinic should
be left at the store or with 'Mrs.
W. A. Miller before Saturday. All
the ladies are urged to help in
this project.
1.00; Mrs. T. S. Drennan .50;'Mrs:
•W. Farrish .50; Mrs. L. Farrish
1.00; Mrs. Adam 'Johnston 1.00;
Mrs. Elliott Sandy. .60; Ms. Gor-
don Barger '.50; Miss' Mary Mac-
Lean 1.00; Mrs. Robt. ,Nelsori
1.00-c_Mrs. Jim Little 1.00;. Mrs.
Warring 1.00; Mrs. Ewart
Jamieson .25,;, Mrs. EsSery .25;
Mrs. Lewis Taylor 1.00; , Mrs.
•Lloyd Robb 1.00-,' Mrs. K. ,Far-
rish .50; Mrs. O'Laughlin .50; An-
nie Bowler .50; Donald MacLean.
1.00; Mrs. E. Sennett .50; Mrs: F.
Moran .50; Bob McDonald 1.00;
Edwin Meyers .50; J. C. Dalton
1:00'; Jim Garvey .50; 'Ethel Aus-
tin .50; M. O'Neil :25; Mrs. Geo.
1Drennan .50; Mrs. Wm. Drennan
.50; Mrs. Alvin Collinson .50; T.
J. Lannan 1.00; B. Murphy 1.00;
Pat Murphy ---50; G. • Frayne--,.50;
Clifton Austin .50; Mike Law .50;
Bert Martin .50; Steve Martin
.50; Cyril Austin .50; Pete Ans-
tin '.5.0; Jim Wallace .50; Jerry
O'Connor .50;, Jimmie O'Neil .50;
Frank McCarthy .25; J ohnny, Gar-
vey 2.00; Tom Garvey L00; Bob
Menary .75; Frank ..Austin .50;
Edith Johnston, gifts; Mrs. Robt.
Howard LOO; Mrs. P. Hogan .50;
Mrs. M: Hogan .50; Mrs. Robert
Scott 1,.00; Mrs. •'Joe Courtney
Earl Mc-iona • .25; Hollie Cairci
1.00; Mrs.' John MacRae 1,60;
Jack Cowan 2.00; Tena Buckingham 1.00; Mervin Avery .50; Mrs.
Rhoad 1.00; 'Neil J. McKenzie
1.00; R. A. Grantr.35; Stuart Wil-
y •5t1; Allan_ Grant_ l_._00; _Dime
Cameron 1.00; Donald R. Mc-
Kenzie .50; flax Barkwell 1.00;
Murdo Matheson 2.00; Mrs. Jes-
sie Smith 1.00; Roy' McKay 1.00;
Mr, .Cowan and Elia Cowan 2.00;
Dick West .50; Tom.Robb 2:00;
Dave Johnston 1.50 Sam Gibson
2.00t Neil G. 'MacKenzie .1.00;
Russ Bissett 1.00; Chas. Robb
1.00; Mrs. Bulleri Henry
McKenzie 1.50; Reuben Wilson
i.00. •
Mrs. Wm. Hewat had a few
anxious hours recently, when her
son Bob was lost during the Santa
Claus parade: in Montreal. ;Bob-
bie himself wasn't so upset about
The crowds were so great alorig
the route of Santa's - arrival at
a big Montreal store, tharichilth
ren were' required to .stand/ -along,
the curb,, and adults' "were kept' •
back. When the parade /passed,
so great Was the surge of people
that it actually swept the child-
ren away. By the time Mrs,
.Hewat Iodated • her..daughter,„
Nancy Lou, Bobbie cAldnot he
Aid of the police, and the' lost
Children's department of the store
was recruited -without result fctr.
some time. Bobby in the mean-
time had found his Way to the
bus station at which they arriv-
ed earlier that morninglrom Val-
leyfield, and sat down to wait..
Friends from Valleyfield ;who ay. -
rived at the depot at that time'
saw Bobby, and when he was
still there some time later, when
they, returned, questioned , hin
and found out he had lost his
mother. The police were contact-
• ed and soon Bobby was with his
mother again. He had little com-
ment other than he was hungry
and lonely and that cousin Don-
The quiltingl‘AljERgRrolupmet at the
home of Mrs. Jack Bradley where
the ladies quilted one quilt.
Sympathy is extended. to Mr.
Sam Gibson of the death of his
mother, Mrs. George Gibson.
Mr. and. Mrs. 'Richard Elliott
of Holyrood,. Mr. and "Mrs: Wes
Whytock, of Teeswater visited ret=
• eently .with Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Robb. •
LAC; Eldon Bradley - of the
1.0AF. of Moncton, N. B, is •
spending his furlough with
hi -
ti There are few gift problems that can't be easily
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