HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-12-16, Page 4• PAGE FOUR ° The Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario 1710IffiRENC MINA MIKE WE HAVE ,A. COMPLETE- LINE OF. , . . Purina Feeds & Sanitary Products • BRAN; SHORTS, MIDDLINGS, Feed FLOUR, Low Grade FLOUR, FLAX MEAL, STJLPHUR, CHOP 'OF ANY MIX., Now Is The Time To Order Yoirr Purina Chek R -(.hicks No Deposit until Two Weeks Before DeliVery. AGENCY FOR JAMESWAY POULTRY EQUIPMENT. Lorne MacLennan, 'Phone 77-w CREWE -• Messrs. Ivan Rivett of Barrie spent last ,week with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John. Rivett. ' Mr. and Mrs. James Drennan. of Kintail visited with Mr. and „ , Words. of Love". Mrs. Zinn read 'Mrs. 'Wiffitd Drennan on• Wed- • nesday. -Mrs. -Harry Middleton and son Lynn. who spent the past few months with . Mrs. Cecil Blake, left Thursday„ to visit friends at Lucknow before leaving 'for Port Hope :where her parents; Mr. and Mrs. John Swan reside. .-Mise Joanne and Master. Mur- . ray Hunter. of Lucknow visited on Tuesday afternoon with their grandpai7ent,s, • Mr. 'arid Mrs. Bert Treleaven. • Our annual concert .anci Christ - The annual MPetine of .the We Mas. tree will: be held in , the. men's Missionary Society was! schopl, On Wed., Dec. 22nc held at the home of Mrs. Shackle- ton on Thursday, December. 2nd with a fair attendance. The Xmas was- fed - lowed. Miss Malloch • then gave a very interesting ieal.ding "Co operation in Social Service". Mrs. Rivett then sang "Wonderful II .11 1 "Christian Medical Work in Korea" and Mrs. RayrnOnd Fin nigan gave a reading on "Adu. Literacy. in India". Owing to the absence of Rev.•Vickerson it was moved and secqnded that all of: ficers remain as last year. The sympathy of this :commun- ' ity is extended to Mrs. Crozier and family in the loss of a loving husband and father. Pick Shewfelt As Next Bruce Warden • •••••••••,a, • Roy VanDusen of Tara and Ev- erett Short of Southampton, who are .members. of Bruce County Council, seem to both agree that • Wm,, Shewfelt Of Kincardine Township will be Bruce County's 1944 warden., 'Here ie, -What the Southampton reeve says: "To this observer it, appears that unless some. unfore- seen situation. arises, Mr. Sh,ew, ;felt will- be the popular -Choice • Reeve 'Richard -Elliptt. of Kinloss is mentioned ,as candidate, but he has another term as member of the. Highways Committee, , and we do not look . for him 'to make, a serious bid for the honor. Reeve J. McInnes of Culrose has- also been mentioned, • but it is not - thought Mr. Shewfelt will have any serious opposition". Tara's reeve says: "From pres- ent prospects, the honor will go to William Shewfeltf reeve • of Kincardine Township, who was defeated in 1942 by T. N. Duff; reeve of Arran by two votes. The fact that Kincardine Township has not had the coveted position: in fifty y.eare will weigh, heavily in Mr. Shewfelt's 'favor, and we would not -be eurpriSed to see him receivan -acclamation. Jas. McInnes, reeve of Culross and ichartLELliatt, reeve of Kinloss areaspirants, to the office, but we doubt \ if they will, cause an election". Laid. To Rest Friday Relatives, , friends . and neigh- bors in large numberspaid afin- iribute to William Perry Croz- ier, whose funeral was held Fri- day afternoon from his home on Concession 6, Aslifield. The serL vices at 4he house and graveside were conducted by Rev. H. J. Vickerson,pastor, of Dungannon and Crew - United churches.. ferment was made in Dungannon cemetery. The pallbearers were David McWhinney, Matthew Shackleton, William Hasty, Bert Treleaven, S. J. °Kilpatrick and William J. Reid. 1 ••• Djsaster:lacesthose, whodo not plan ahead! Reinember'., The' Fall :of. France Too Little arid Too Late! This need not describe your Fertilizer Situation"; IF YOU ACT NOW - Good stocks of cured SHUR-GAIN Fertilizer are in- our plant BUT our labour situation is such that to get this Fertilizer distributed, • • shipping MUST START JANUARY FIRST. Everyone realizes that we must- grow maximum' cropsInext ygar, S.O. see _your_SHUR-GAIN _ FERTILIZER DEAL,E. at once. Tell him -how march you need, and de- ' -mand delivery injanuary , or Februa.iY. Make Sure of YOUR Fertilizer NOW CANADA PACKERS, limited Fertilizer Division, Toronto 9, Ontario., ".0 `a ••••:;,,,., ' •••••': ' ' 1 a , <1014611MOISCII:1•119 .................. 0111"*".qpialL kI THURS„ DECEMBER 1,6th, 1943. 1010•110611911 e FOR SALE—Coon skin coat, in good condition. Apply at Sentinel Office. FOR SALE — A man's leather coat, size 44, With sheepskin lin- ing. Apply , at Sentinel Office. RAW -FURS *VANED—highest Prices paid. Send Or ,bring them 'to HURON PROPUCE, Wingham FOR SALE---Underwobc1 Junior Portable Typewriter in excellent condition. 'Apply at 'Sentinel Of - Bee. FOR SALE—Wine tweed Girl's coat, 10 years, with hat & Muff to match. Good as new. Apply at Sentinel :Office. , 0, 'FOR. SALE -1929 Whippet sedan, new rings, 5 good tires, 2 now Pre-war stock, hot-water heater. N. W. , WINTERSTEIN, Lucknow A PIANO or Furniture For Xmas can be purchased at .a low price, at the mildmay Furniture Store. 20 'cheeterfield suites, 14 pianos, etc. SCHUETT & SONS give free dejivery. MAKE THIS a Merry Christmas by buying your requirements at The CANADIAN TIRE CORP. STOTlE, Campbell Garage, Wing- harn. - • CARE) OF THANKS The family' of the late Mrs. Catherine Gibson wish to adk- nowledge with. sincere r' thanks the kindness and sympathy 'friends and neighbors in their recent bereavement. The 'Family of the late -Max- well Raynard wish to acknow- ledge with sincere apreciatiOn and thanks the. many kind acts and expressions of sympathy ex- tended them in their bereave- , ment. T ARM$TRONG - 'OPTOMETRIST I N LUCKNOW EACH WEDNESDAY a 6 4 a AUCTION SALE of Village prop- erty and household effects at the residence of the late Angus Mac., Kenzie, Station St., Lueknow, on Saturday, December 18th at two o'clock, the property of Lucknow and South Kinloss—Preebyteriano chUrches. Well. Henderson, A.m. HATCHING .EGGS WANTED— We require breeding flocks all breeds to supply' us with hatch- ing eggs for the' 1944 hatching season. Flocks culled and blood - tested free. Guaranteed .premium paid. Also additional hatchability premium.' , Also tUrkey flocks wanted to supply hatching eggs. It- will pay you to. write for full details immediately. TWEDDLE ,CHICK HATCHERIES Limitedi Fergus, Ontario, -• FROM 2 pm. to 6 o'clock AT WM.. SCHMID'S STORE P. Stuart MacKenzie, BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Walkerton, Ontario: - IN LUCKNOW Each Wednesday Afternoon & Evening , At G. IL SMITH'S OFFICE KINLOUGH Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kaake of Kinloss were recent visitors with Mrs. Kaake and Mr. Hugh Lane. Mr, and Mrs. Syd Parry, Billy, Ruth and Jack of Detroit Were here attending the ituneral Of their uncle, the late John Hod- gins. Miss Mildred Pinnell returned, home from visiting. with her sis- ter, Mrs. Mervyn Cameron, Len: don. • Miss Mary Stipson, R.N. re- turned to her home in Ripley after nursing at the Hodgin's home. Christrikas concerts in the Vill- age will 'be the Anglican Sunday School this Friday night, and the school next Tues. night. Every- one is cordially invited to these socials. Miss Edna Boyle visited Wed- nesday ' with her aunt, Mrs. E. Simpson and her uncle, Mr. Dick Neil at Luca -ti. , Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Graham, :4r. and Mrs. Arthur Graham, JVIr. and Mrs. Roy Graham, Ronnie and Gary 'were visitors Satur- day - with -Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cassidy, Walkerton. Miss. Tena Hodgins has gone. to her brother's at Dunnville for 1 the winter months. Mr. Leopold Hodgins and Wil- fred of Lucan and Verne of Camp lil Borden were here attending the 1.14 funeral • of the former's brother- * ,„ in-law, the late Mr. John Hod - 't gins. Mrs. Wm. Wieber and little daughter of Dunnville spent a few days with her sister-in-law, Miss Tena Hodgins.. arativazatailyavikar aatta.a.s..maaa•4•••••• Sheol was • closed for a ' few days as our teacher, Mr. J. Blackwell was laid up with the 'flu. . Archdeacon W. H. Hartley of Kincardine will be here on. Sun-, day evening next for a celebra- tion of Holy Communion, at 1.30 • . In a pinch, says an economist, we could produce gasoline' from coal. What coal? ? ? HOLYROOD • ,' Mr. and Mrs. Reggie Broome and daughter Mary, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ritchie and Billie were Sunday, visitors at Mr. James Smith's. A - The community extends sym- pathy to Mrs. Ernest.Ackert and family and Mrs. Chas. Congram and family 'at this time „ire' the loss of their brother, Mr". Max Raynard of Lucknow. Miss -Marjorie MacDonald at-. tended the C.O.T.C. At Home in London. Friday night: - • The Christmas concert of S.S. No. 4. will be held in the town- ship hall Monday, Deeembei211 Mrs. Abner Ackert spent Fri - :day at her sister's, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Pollock's, Clarks. Mr. Pol- lock who suffered a severe stroke almost four years ago is not as well as usual, Mrs. Thos. Henry, Mary Belle, - Etta May and Gordon Trwin were Sunday visitors at Mr. Har - 1 old Congram's. Mrs. Houston and son Wilfred spent ',Sunday at her son's, Mr. Harvey Houston. • • • 50