HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-12-16, Page 3THURS., DECEMBER 16th, 1943
The Lucknow Sentinel, .Lucknow, Ontario
Mr. John Hodgins, a pioneer
resident of the community • pass-
ed away at his home, Concession
12, Kinloss, early Tuesday morn-
ing, December 7th. For some time
'"he had been in, poor health. •
Mr. Hodgins was in his 84th
year and was born and raised on
the farm now owned by his bro-
ther, James M. Hodgins, Conces-
sion 12, Kinloss. His parents, jobb
Hodgins and Frances ,Percy were
athong-the- earliest% residents- to
`take up land, in Kinloss. •
Hodgins was -married 49
years ago to Harriett Hodgins of
lineal,. who predeceased him in
June 1942. They settled on the
farm which continued to be their
hove ever since, and wherethy
were held in high regard in the
Plan Big Post -War OBITUARY
Road Program In Bruce
Post-war planning is receiving
much consideration, by Bruce
Cotinty--Eunicipalities and it is
estimated that throughout the
county as a. whole over; one mil-,
lion dollars will be expended on
highways, bridges, buildings and
other forms of Municipal works.
Bruce County iit its recent fall.
sessions laid plans for such post-
war aetivity, and the nucleus of
such `'d fund was set with the
. • $05,000-.,-o4. Vietry"» Bcirid pur-
chases thade to date, • This,.
,coupled with the Province's share
of such road building.expenditure
will provide for ' considerable
, ,
Post-war .employment within
Bruce County.
A special committee Of the
oilmen 1 -is .been appointed: and
plans are being prepared outlin-
community. •
A private funeral Service' was
held at the •residence last Thurs-
day, followed by a public service
in Kinlou[gh Anglican Church
which, Mr. Hodgins was .a faith-
ful member and a warden when
the church was built and later
Mr. and Mrs. Hodgins made 'the
gift of the lights to the church.
The service was conducted by the
rector, Rev. George Honour; and
was largely attended by a, wide
circle of friends and relatives.
Interment was in Greenhill
ing such work and °designating
highways and bridges whichwill.
receive first attention. The -com-
mittee is composed of Reeves
Alex McTavish, Greenock town -
hip; Ed.. C. Downs, Hepworth;
Richard Elliott, Kinloss town-
ship; Robert Sloan, Elderslie
township and H. Sbewfelt,
cardine township. The last coun-:
ty debenture is ;being paid off
this. -rnenth and Bruce county;
then' free from any indebtedness,
i11bein_a favorable position. te
izius spell' invoked by dabblefS`
in witchcraft. An authority on
Voodoo tells, in The Anierican
Weekly with this Sunday's JDe-
1 cerriber. 19) :issue of The Detroit
Sunday Times, why he thinks.
.3ccult "Psychic Blitz" ,may be
driving Adolf to a series of
Atnious .rnistakes.
CemeterY with six nephews as
Pallbearers, Tom Hodgins, Art
Hodgins, Perry Hodgins, Maurice
Hodgins, Vernie Hodgins and Ted
Haldenby. The •flovver bearers
Were Donald Gillespie, John
Parry, Jimmie Hodge, Spence
McFarlane, Tom McFarlane and -
Alex Percy. .A.,nephcw, John E.
Hodgins, is serving overseas.
Mr. Hodgins is survived by on
• daughter, Tena, a brother James
Hodgins and two sisters, Mrs. F.
C. Haldenby of Culross and Mrs.
Ben Logan of Ripl\ey.
On Monday morning, death
claimed Philip John ,MacMilian;
son of the late „.Archibald and lisle, knows it too.
Janet- Jeffrey MacMillan. ' 'The •
, • deceased was born on the :farm
on which: he resided and was the
youngest soh of a pioneer family presbyterian V.V. M. S.
of six girls and five boys. His Tie December meeting of th
death leaves his sister .Jessie,, Women's Missionary _Society o
Mr. A. D. McInnes, as the last Erskine Presbyterian church wa
surviving member ofthis fam- held at the home of Mrs. R. Day
•ily. idson with the president, Mrs
In his 68th year, Mr. MacMil- R: McWhinney in the chair. I
lan had an active life with the being the ' Christmas meeting
exception of the last eight years. readings on this topic were giv
. :
when a heart ailment limited his en by MrsMcWhinney, MrsF
activity. He suffered a severe Jones, Mrs. W. J. Smith and Mrs
Davidson., A -comprehensive 're
heart attack last week from
which he rallied but :could not port of the year's work was read
by; Mrs. Davidson, secrelary pro
fight' off the 'flu and pneumonia,
which developed. • tem, in the absence of Mrs. Fitz -
Philip, as Wwas best known gerald who was in Brantford. A
most ' successful year has. been
to a host of friends in' the corn-
• munity, was of a jovial, friendly completed, with the allocation
• diSposition, 'enjoyed' the company oversubscribed. • The president
;_•_of old friends to the fun, and'commended the members and
Will be missed at many a gather-
Horne Helpers for their faithful
• ing that was made jolly his
efforts. The election of officers
' humor.' • • for 1944 was held resulting as
followspresident,' Mrs.. TR. Mc -
Thirty -three years ago. he mar -
Whinney; lst vice pres., Mrs. R. Heti Isabel MacLean of Amberley
• Davidson; 2nd'vice pres., Mrs.
who survives, along with four
children, CplPhilip MacMillan John Bennett; sec.-treas., Mrs. R.
Fitzgerad';. Home Helpers sec.. of the R. A. S, C., overseas;
• Archie. Jean and Bruce at home..I Mrs- Frank Jones; Glad Tidings
01-re-claugMer-,- Isabel, - predece'av-
sec,-Mrs, John Bennetteleome
ed her father eleven years ago: and welfare and press sec., -Mrs.
• R. Davidson; refreshment com.,
fIe is also survived by his ss- R.
Jones, convener, Mrs. W.' A.
ter, Mrs. McInnes.. Brothers `and
sisters who predeceased him were Stewart, Mrs. Arthur Stewart,
• David, Jim, and Archie of North Mrs. R. W. Andrews and Mrs.
Dakota, Dougall of.Lucknoiv, and John Reid; supply corn., Mrs. W.
J. Smith, convener, Miss Iva
Mrs. George Thomas (Jennie),
lVIrs. Wm. Douglas (Lizzie), Mrs. Allah Reed and' Mrs.
John' McQuillin (Mary); Mrs. W. R. Andrews; program cam
Fred McDougall (Madge) and mittee, Mis Iva Carr, Mrs: Frank
Miss Georgie MacMillan.
JonethMr. Herbert Stothers &
The funeral service will be held ,
Mrs. R: Fitzgerald. Mrs. W. R.
• in the .United Church this Thurs- Stothers offered the Glad Tidings
day afternoon at 2.30, conducted prayer and all repeated the
by his,paStor, 'Rev .- J. W. Stewart, Lord's, prayer in unison. A social
with interment in Greenhill Cern- hour was enjoyed when the hos-
less served refreshinentS.
ADOLF - - - Down to •Witchcraft
Worried Hitler, according to re-
port, SPendS, hours with sorcer-
ers, seeking to counteract the
A statistician says we have
more money in our pockets than
we had in 1942. Sure, but Mr.
Mr. J. Maxwell. Raynard died
in London ,.Hospital, December
6th. Mr. Raynard had been in
failing health for two years or
more with pernicious anemia and
finally developed pneumonia
from which he died.
Mr. Raynard was born at Ethel,
Ontario, in 1870 and was in his
74th year. At the age of 25, yeas
he was married to Mary Web-
ster of Litekndw, daughter of D.
,(VVOster.-The young.-eou-Ple;larrn•-;
ed at Ethel for a few years before
moving to, Kitilos Township and
farmed there and' in Ashfield
Township until they retired to
Lucknow about twelve years ago.
Surviving are his wife, three
daughters, Mrs. Walter Alton,
(Lillian), Ashfield; Mrs. Harold
Ferguson (Pearl), Goderich; Mrs.
Cecil Mullin (Hazel), Listowel
and two sons, Melvin of. Goderich
and Nelson of Ashfield. Also
surviving are five Sisters, Mrs.
J. Maxwell, Winnipeg; Mrs. Rev.
Lucas, Marshfield, Wis„; Mrs. H.
Dobson, Ethel; Mrs. C. Congram
and Mrs: Ernest Ackert, Holy -
rood. There are also seventeen
T,he Pallbearers were six neph--
evvs, Messrs, Quest Dobson, Har-
vey and Raynard Ackert, Harold,
Clifford and Arthur Congram.
• . erheakerS_were_grandsons—
The funeral service was hel
at his late residente in Luckno
on Thursday, December 9th and
was conducted by the Rev. JW.
Stewart of Lucknovv United
church of which Mr. Raynard
was_ a member..
After a four days' illness, Pet-
er O'Malley died at his home on
COncession 10, East Wawanosh on
Thursday evening, December 2.
Born eighty-four years ago in the
township of Culross, of Irish par-
entage Mr. O'Malleyspent the
early years of his, life in that
section. Forty-eight years . ago he
married Mary Gibbons of East
Wawanosh, who predeceased him
• five -years' ago. They settled on
the farm on the boundary of Cul-
ross and Turnberry. About twen-
ty years ago, having dispose of
e the farm in Culross, they pur-
f chased the Gibbons' .homestead
s in East Wawanosh. In both coni-
_ munities, Peter O'Malley took an
• active part and made for him -
t self a host of friends through his
integrity and his willingness to
_ help his -fellowmen. •He •is 'sur-
vived by three sons: Thomas, on
the homestead; John, of Detroit,
_ and Patrick of Tdronto, and two
daughters: •Kathleen; Mrs.' A.
'ninon, of Kirkland Lake, and
Bridgetta; a graduate nurse of
Port Arthur, also by.11 grand-
children. Also surviving are two
brothers, Thomas and John, and
one silSter, Mrs. Kelly of Conces-
sion 1, Culross. The funeral „was
held on Saturday morning from
his late residerice to St. Augus-
tine church, where requiem high
mass was chanted; by Rev. E. J.
McMahon,• parish priest. Inter-
• ment was made in 8t. Augnstine
cemetery. The pallbearers were
John McGee, James Dow, James
St. Marie, John Boyle, Charles
:Martin. and John Kelly. All the
,members of the family were pre'S-
;ent at the funeral.
THERE WERE 159', blood donors
at the ninth clinic held in Wing -
ham. Mo than half of the do-
nors wer frbm Belgrave; Blue -
vale, Blyth, Brussels, Auburn,
Gorrie,. Wroxeter, Teeswater and
• The optimist, seeing & half-
filled glass of water will say its
half full, and the pessimist will
say it's half empty.' •
( -dr
rdr -,-;•f•
Christmas Show
For The Children
;,! .
Sponsored By The Lucknow Business Men's Association
The Sepoy Theatre, -Lucknow, a
" Dec.Saturday Di8th
• 2 SHOWS: 1 p.m. & 3 P.m.
PUBLIC SCHOOL CHILDREN from the 'Village -i -and Dis-
trict are invited to attend the Business Men's Free Xmas
"Here We Go Again"
Featuring Fibber McGee and Molly, Edger Bergen, Charlie S
McCarthy, Mortimer Snurd and the Great Gildersleeve. S
, a
6 VILLAGE CHILDREN are especially requested to attend
the first matinee at one o'clock.
,,k,e r .ed" ) ) 1,I ) ,
‘ "e
ays Hog In us ry
Is Not Satisfactory
, The executive of Bruce -Coun-
ty \Federation of Agriculture met
in Walkerton on Thursday after-
noon, December 9th.
• The meeting decided that mun-
icipal treasurers s ould pay the
Federation those rids which'are
due as at bee ber: 15th.
• The campaign on-schooi dental
service was discussed and meet-
ings arranged.
' It was decided to proceed with
group. forum meetings' under the
auspices of school boards and
take advantage of Department
of Health grants.
The Federation will pay °t'en,
dollars each to five boys and five
girls to attend the Short Course
on o- pera ion a the 0.
Guelph. The boys are to be pick-
ed by Mr. Geo.; Gear and the
girls by Miss Flora Durnin. '
Mr. Henry „Lantz reported a
hog producers' meeting held in
Toronto on: December 7th. He re-
ported very unsatisfactory con-
ditions in the hog industry in
Ontario and was hopeful of stepS
being taken by the 'Dominion
government to alleviate :the sit- .
An angry subscriber; having:
trouble with the telephone,' bel-
lowed at' the operator, "Am 1
crazy:, or are you?" -
"I'm sorry, sir", the replied in
her sweetest institutional voice,
"but we do not have that inferm-
7aficin!': °
$1.25 to $5.00 S
• $2.30 to $8.50 a
$2,50, $2.75, $4.60
60e to $1.504; •
$1.00, to $5.00 D
to $3.25
$1.25 ki
• $1.20
i• Christmas Greeting Cards 61 '
12 ATTRACTIVE CARDS with envelopes
telil EVENItG IN PARIS, Lipstick, Rouge and Powder com- I
1 binati n. Sets , $1.25
Aceumoifroggemanzuzieviosa 4r_tougtorligemoto.kothire_tiono
R. tt
Druggist - - - - Lucknow. - .. 1
ask for the M.A. sticker for big cash prizes on the,
CKNX Baru Dance Program•
••„:„, • •