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$2.09 A Year—In Advance; 50c Extra to U. S. A.
To I -hold Christmas
Clinic Next Wednesday
• Lucknow and district seventh•
blood donor 'clinic will ' be ' held
in the United Church next Wed-
nesday morning,: Deceniber 22nd,
and again the :appeal is made for
more ','donors. •
There has been an inn:Toved
attendance at :recent clinics, but.
a minimum of one. hundred don
ors can be handled without' de-
lay at these clinics, and this num-
ber has been attained, only once.
The Christmas season doesn't',
mean a holiday for our boys' in
Italy and the supplyy of blood
plasma 'built up by. the Red• Cross
is not yet sufficient. to •allow•any'
let-up, on the home front.
For this reason the local clinic
which has been held Neal
at five-week intervals, will be
held as . usual next Wednesday.
This is your' opportunity to make
some boy •in the'service .the most
precious of .gifts -a donation of
Are '.Mailing Earlier
As guests of. the Lucknow Busi-
ness °Men's .. Association,. public
school and pre-school age 'child
ren will be treated to a 'free pic-
ture -'show in the: Sep.oy Theatre
this: Saturday afternoon; 'Decent-
',ber, 18th. = •
that there has been a noticeable
''iinproverrient this year in 'respect
to early. mailing.. Early shopping
.,and early mailing will do ..much.
to relieve last minute congestion,
-4Deadlline -mailing• dates to as-
sure .delivery are: to .Alberta and
Saskatchewan, December 16; to
Manitoba' and the Maritirnes,'De-
cernbeer 17th; Ontario and Quebec,
December 18th; Local delivery,
before • December 20th.
increase in pester rates. jowever,
Matinees commence' at one
o'clock' and three ` o'clock .and
village ' children are requestedto
attend the one o'clock showing..
AS in other years, Lucknow .Girl
Guides will be in attendance to
take personal charge of.. young.
Scarcity : of .war -ti i. e 'sweets
has made it impossible for Santa
Claus to be on hand as . usual'
to. greet . the kiddies:
and' Mrs. ''Ben: Logan. of
Ripley suffered a double bereave
ment last. week. On .Tuesday
morning, •Mrs. Logan; was advised
of the ;'death of her brother, John
Hodgins of : Kinlough,who p Ssed
away' at the age of 83, following
a long period of illness.
On Wednesday morning word
was received of the passing ';;of
Mr. Logan's 'brother, ' W. H. • Lti-
gan, at ToiS nto, where he had
been ill for some' time.
Rate 'Unchanged ,
Christmas . eard�s--%n unsealed
envelopes 'can be sent.' anywhere
for one cent. This type of postal
matter. was not affected, by the
Sawdust burners are in big de-
mand' in the village;. and already
quite a• number have them in
operation , with very satisfactory
It hasbeen estimated that the
number of burners installed •,to
d •
ate has cut down the 4local' de-
mand for coal by some two hun-
dred tons.
Institute Remembers
Local. Boys Overseas.
The .Christmas meeting .of' the
Lucknow Women's Institute was
.kheld in the Town 'H'all with the
president, Mrs. G.' Ostrander, pre-
siding: The roll call "How you
would like to be remembered if
you were a shin -ins'', was well
responded to and gifts were pre-
sented for Christmas cheer boxes.
A splendid paper on the motto
for the day, "The Childlike spir-
it is the' spirit of Christmas".
prepared by Mrs. Harvey Web-
ster,. was read by Mrs. T. Salk-
' eld. - A committee composed of
Miss Mary MacLeod, Mrs. Jewitt,
and Mrs. P. McCall was appoint-
ed. to• prepare Christmas cheer
boxes for shut-ins. Gifts were
sent to over fifty .. boys '-from
• • Lucknow overseas. ' and a letter
was written to ,each boy by h
member of the Institute. Two
i quilts were given for Russian •
relief. The guest speaker, Rev.
J. W. Stewart, gave an interest-
' ing address on the topic, "The
forgotten man of Christmas".
Christmas' carols were sung ui}='
der the leadership of Mrs.. J. • W.
1 Joynt. Miss Eva Greer contribut-
ed a humorous .reading and Miss
Margaret Rae sang a .solo. Groups
were formed for a Christmas con-
test in charge of Mrs. W. G. An-
drew, the prize' going to a group
composed of Mrs. G. Ostrander;
Mrs. M. Greer, Mrs. T. Salkeld,
Mrs. J. S. MacKenzie; Miss Mary
if • a message Or letter. is, written_
on the card, ;letter rates apply.
M.O.H. Reviews Year's
Work In Village
Dr. W. -V. Johnston, Medical
Officer of Health for the Village
submitted his report . of work
done during the • year, at a meet-
ing of the Board last week. The
report revealed. the following
facts: •
On January 21 and 22 all the
children in Grades I to IV in the
Public School were given a med-
ical examination by myself and
my office nurse. Also, all new
children in the retraining grades'
were examined, as well as some
others where examinations were
IdeemetV adviseable. The ' medical
examination included• an inspec-
tion of the eyes, ears, nose and
throat, and chest, • as well as not-
,.ing any' physical abnormalties.
Five children had some eye e de-
fects and several needed tonsiL
removals, These conditions were
followed up and paid forby the
local service club, The Clans-
"The County of Bruce will re -1
imburse us $10.00 per room for
this work in the Public 'School.
It is planned next year to ex-
amine medically the pupils of
the. High--Seliool:.. . - _ ..:.L. —
"In August. and September
Clinics Were held in the Town
Hall for the, giving of diphtheria
toxoid and whooping cough vac-
cine to sc'hool and pre-school
children. About fifty-five ;child -,
ren were so treated.. Some of
these 'were from the surrounding
"In the early spring many of
the children in the . village had
Underwent .Operation
la''rank Mil•1er' of Larigs'ide, who
entered St. Joseph's Hospital,
London early 'last week, under-
went an operation on 'Saturday.
Definitely Off
As 'Flu Sweeps. School
The ' public school.concert. has
been definitely called . off., It is
impossible: to held the. p:erforn-
•ance .before" Christmas and as •
Several of the riurrmbers Were 'es=
pecially arranged for pre -Christ
/pas presentation, the ,only course
left was to call it •off. 4
The 'flu continues to take its
toll' of public school .pupils and
on Tuesday the list of 'absentees
totalled sixty-five. Two members
of 'the staff,' Mrs. Crispin and.
Miss Hamilton were amonglast_
week's victims, with a holiday
declared as attendance was . so
low ; it . did' not warrant supply
teachers. • ;
Sister -in -Law. Passes
Mrs, Mary Moore of .town re•,
ceived the `sad • word the first of
the week'of the death of her
sister-in-law, Mrs. Albert J. An-,
derson, which occurred at South
Havens,' Mich. • Just a few' weeks
• The W. J. Little household has
been confined for' the. past ..ten,
days with the 'flu. Mr. Little,.
who will be 92 years of age early
in' the •New Year, had a 'partic
u1arly', heavy.cold, butis .succeed—
ing ' in throwing it. off, and `since"
the. first of the week has been
able . to, be -lip fpr• a short • time
each: day. His. 'stamina is amaz-
ing.:Mrs. Little 'is also improving,
but . is still confined to hei; ' room.
Twenty=Seven Years Since
Last Ashfield Visit
Mr. and Mrs. David MacMurs
chy.,-..ha_ve started On . their --return...
trip to their home in Alberta
after a •ver; pleasant two weeks
spent visiting friends and rela-
tives , in Ethel, Wingham,. Ripley,
Lorne, Glamis, Ashfield and God
It is almost thirty year sine.e
Mr. MacMurchy visited here and
some. twenty -severe ,years since
Mrs., MacMurchy washere at the
time of the ' death of her father,
the late Mr.; Wm: -Bueglas. They
War °Prisoner.:Wounded
When . Plane Shot. Down
Two• 'cards received simultan-
eously.' On ,
eously'on, Wednesday . morning
from WO: Alex ' MacKenzie,
give.' meagrer details.
how; he became; a prisoner -of -war
ih 'Germany during. a 'bombing.
raid the• end of August; .presum-
ably on Berlin.
The cards were written on Seps
terriVer 9th and .16th, while Alex
was in hospital receiving treat-
ment for wounds in his legs and
feet. A letter written two weeks
later' was.'received ten days 'ago,
which made no fixrther mention
cif ' the Wounds,' and. 'was written
from a prison. camp.
On. the September '16th caret
Alex said their, plane had • been
shot..down and 'he was 'fortunate,
to: be alive as "several of the
crew, had paid the supreme sac-
rifice". Alex :said.. his wounds
were .not serious and he Was be-
ing treated well in the hospital
He asked his : mother to semi
everything permissible in th
way ••of . 'warm clotlnng and food:
ceive• woro
her brother-in-law's death:..
Thee°mercury dida nose dive
last week, accompanied .by gales
and snow, that ushered in King,
Winter in speedy fashion andin.
DP "half-hearted manner.
A howling gale developed late.:
Friday afternoon, accompanied'
by snow flurries, and by ten
a.m. Saturday morning the 'tem
perature sank to one below, zero.
. The. weather then.' moderated
follnw'ed by. More snow. on Sean.
day afternoon and a drop in tem-
perature again early Monday
morning to six below. As this is
written on ; Tuesday, cold. and
snow continue. Road's are becom-
ing heavy, snowplows. have been
out, and at the.inoment it would
take' little to block all but .main'
Ice Making Underway
With the arrival of Jack Frost
Over the week -end, Wellington
McCoy has Commenced' ice mak-
ing operations at the arena, and
with a eontinuance of .first -of -
the -week temperatures it won't
be: many days until skating starts.
Owing to the prevalence of ;'flu
and . colds, St. Pete'r's Sunday
School will forego their annual
tree and party. There ' will be
held instead, a special Christmas
service on. Sunday, December,19,
at 11 a.m. Prizes for the year's
work and Christmas gifts. will
be awarded and given at this
service. Come and joinwith the
Sunday School in their •service.
• Mr. and Mrs, Walter M. ,Brown
of Amberley announce the en-
,gagenient of their younger dau-
ghter, .Aliene C., to LAC. Eldon
R. Bradley,' ..R.C.A.F., •Moncton.,
New Brunswick, elder son of Mr.
and Mrs. John A. Bradley, R. 3;
Goderich,' the wedding 'to take
place the middle of December.
Two Lambs In December
John Farrish reports an un-
usual occurrence, on his farm re-
'eently when an Oxford ewe gave
birth'.to two lambs on Decethber
4th. This is quite out of the ordin-
_ r1 -a l MVIL o `sii"
of their only ,dau ter in Tor-
onto.: ;
Herb_ ar. .
tell,.. r_eeve of.._'H_uroxi
Township_for the past three.;years•
has stated' his intentions of retir-
ing due to the pressure. of his
farm duties. With D. A. Mac-
Donald, and Walter M. Brown re-'
garded as candidate's -for the of
fice there appears every likeli-'
hood of an election in Huron
come January 3rd..floward Mc-'
Guire' and Wesley Thompson, the
two other members of council,
are .expected t.-1 seek re-election.
Four More Deaths
During Past Week
Four more deaths' occurred 'in
this district. during thepast few
days raising the death toll to ten
persons within eleven' days.
Early Friday afternoon Roder
ick MacLennan of Lochalsh drop
ped dead in Ripley. Had he lived
until Thursday .of this week he
would have • observed his • 75th
birthday: 'Mr. MacLennan had
been in poor health for gtrite
some time and. was on his way to
visit the doctor when his death
occurred.. The . funeral was held
on Tuesday.
On Sunday the death of Mrs.
John Johnston occurred at the
home ofher son-iri-law, Albert
Campbell •af Amberley: • ,Mrs.
Johnston, formerly' Sarah Mac-
Donaldwas 85 !years of age. She
took ill with the 'flu early last,
week, which developed to pneu-
monia. The funeral service was
held in Ashfield Presbyterian
church on Wednesday 'with 'inter-
ment in Kintail Cemetery.
Contracting the 'flu lafter •suf-
fering •a severe heart' attack,
death came to Philip J MacMil-
lan at his .hprrie east of the Vill-
age on Morr`day. Mr. MacMillan
was in his 68th year. The funeral
service will be conducted . in the
Lucknow United Church this af-
ternoon (Thursday) at 2730
o'clock with interment in Green-
hill Cemetery. : . " .
The death of..Mrs. Oliver John-
ston, a former well-known resi-
dent of the,' Village, eccurred in
Toronto on Tuesday: Mrs. ;Sohn-
ston, who was formerly Laura
Grummet, was in her 69th year.
The funeral 'service will be held
in the Lucknow- United Church
on 'Friday afternoon at 2,30, with.
in etrnent in South Kinloss Cern-
Local churches have ; 'grouped
,or.. curtailed_the_ numbermeet-
8 _held in „the churches, as a
means:: of 'conserving . fuel' this'
winter. A number of 'organiza-
tions now. meet. in the various
homes of the members. This has b.
been adopted'by the Presbyterian
Guild. The y. P. U. o6the Un-'
ited church meets weekly fol-
lowing ',the
ol-lowing'•the Sunday • evening ser
vice, while the monthly meeting
of the—Mission Band is held on
Sunday afternoon preceding Sun-
day- School., The union rnid-weer.
prayer services are also held in.
the various hoines in the corn-
inunity: )
If you have it° to spare,.a .small ;
glass of apple jelly Will' make '
:elegant sweetening'. for your next . .
-fapple pie:
TO. Sell Property
Willed To Churches
On. Saturday afternoon of this
week the Village residence and
household effects of the late An=
gus MacKenzie .of Lucknow will
be offered ' for sale at the resi-
dence on Havelock St., Lucknow.
By the terms of Mr. MacKen-
zie's will 'the South Kinloss and
Lucknow Presbyterian churches
became joint owners Of the ,above
mentioned property and effects.
The residence will be' offered
subject to a reserved bid..
Home 'From Alaska .l
George . Middleton, wno has
been working on the Alcan High- ,
way in northern B. C. and Alaska
since ..last 'Mar -ch•,- ar-r-ived home
on Monday. First inkling his:par-
ents; Mr.. and .Mrs. Russell Mid-
dleton, had that he was enroute
home was Monday morning when
they. received a•.phone call from
Palmerston. The previous Friday
'they had received a letter from
George written at Dawson Creek,
The job of snowplowing in the
Village this 'winter files again
been assigned to Charles Gilles-
pie. Charlie will . use a wing- on
•the plow 'this. year, which should
make it easier to keep the streets
...-.. ....., KW .._..._