HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-12-09, Page 4• PAGE FOUR Til['E' LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LIJCKNOW, ONTARIO • ' THOS., DECEMBER Stir, 1943 WHITLCHUR H Mrs—Jack Jack Gillespie spent.rthe week -end at Toronto with her husband, °JIr. Jack Gillespie and her sister, Miss Winnifred Far- rier.: __. Mrs. Eliza Haines returned home from London last week and is _visiting with her brother, Mr. Albert McQuillin and Mrs. Mc (,ctiillii. :Mr. and .Mrs. Ernest Casemore visited last Friday eveningwi h Mr. and Mire.' Rhys ' Pollock. y Mr. Peter Kennedy -and Mrs. David Kennedy -visited.,. Friday ,,afternoon with Mx. and.l,Vlrs. Wm. JrHenderson sof Winghani: Mrs:: Tom Morrison .and little. daughter Marlyn intend leaving •,thisweek for Toronto where they will spend the winter months. -Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tichborne of`. Goderich visited on Sunday with her mother, Mrs. David Kennedy, also Mrs_ -Toynbee Lamb . of Goderich with her par- entssMr. and . Mrs. , John `Kennedy. Mr.. Gibson Gillespie attended the funeral of: Mr. Sani Leggatt of` Collingwood last Wednesday. He was , a son' of- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leggatt ' who, .,,was well known in. these parts'in•his young' days. Mr. John .Leggatt, who . for- rnerly lived on the : farm east of. the village where Ken Patterson now . lives, was an uncle 'of .: Mr. Sam Leggatt. There are quite : a number . a- d round here lai.up with bad colds or. the flit. The . Presbyterian and United church Sunday .schools are hay,- ing a: un__ited. Christmas,: -enter enter- tainment in. the `United church, on Friday evening, December • 17. ZION Miss Ada 'Webster resumed her duties, as teacher here again this week after her recent illnees. • Deepest sympathy is extended to the family and those bereaved by . the' passing of Mrs. eo. Gib -- son, whose death occurred on Sunday evening. ,• Quite a number inthis burg are at present: laid up with flu Mr. Girvin Reed, Mrs. Melvin Reed of .Dungannonwere visitors with Mr. and -Mrs. Richard Gard- ner on Monday. ' Mr. John Quaid of Nile spent Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Gardner. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hunter and Marlene spent Sunday with Mr. and " Mrs. Alex Hackett, Belfast. HOLYR001 Mr. 'and Mrs. Chas. Congram and Clifford spent Sunday : at Mr. Harold Congram's. Mr. Reggie Broome has been confined to the house the past week with the cold. The community extend deep- est - sympathy to Mr. and Mrs.. Mike Gamble at this time owing to the death of their Mother, Mrs. Thos. White, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Whytock of. Teeswater and . Mr. and Mrs. Richard. Elliott .spent Sunday at Mr. Thos, Robb's, Amberley. Mrs.. Robb had the 'misfortune to fall. and -owing toa bad sprain' has had her leg in a cast for a couple of weeks. Although' improving, she will stili be bedfast. for a couple of weeks: Mr., and Mrs., Rlynard' Ackert spent Sunday at Mr.. John Reid's, Pine River. Mr and Mrs. Wma Eadie were Sunday visitors at Mr. Rachel Culbert's. Mr. and Mrs. Torrance. Guest and little daughter Sheilia of Ripley were Sunday visitors' at Mr. Albert Thornpson's. Pte. Percy: Deyell and Pie.Cal-, win McKay of Tpperwash motor-. ed home Saturday for . the week-, end. Mr. and Mrs. John .Colwell spent 'Sunday • at Mr. and" Mrs. Walter Forster's .with their fam- • 'csnteir4 r wedding anniversary. Congratu- lations "are -extended , from the" community." !-1 "`Are ;you really content . to spend -your: life walking : about the country begging??' "No, lady", : answered the ' tramp. "Many times' T wish I had a car". , ASHFIELD NOTES. Mr. Ed Smith of Detroit , spent'. the week -end . with Mr. and Mrs. A. ,.Culbert 'and family. Mrs.. Cul- bert accompanied him on his re turn . to the; city where she in- tends, to visit with her daughters th for some time. L ca Mr. and Mrs. Cliff - Menary of I m Lucknow and Mr. arid. Mrs. John l c1 Campbell; of Belfast' visited with se m KINLOUGH Mr. Lovell McGuire of, Olivet spent a relay last 'week with Mr. and Mrs. George Haldenby. Master Bevin McLean return-' ed horiae after visiting with his aunt, Mrs. Gordon McBurney, Southampton. • Mr. and Mrs. Alf Haldenby: spent Saturday•with_ ' their dau- ghter, Mrs. Harold ;Thompson; Kincardine. A number from ` here attended the funeral of the late, Mrs. Thos. White.' who passed away at tlie' home of her daughter, Mrs. Michael Garnblre 'where 'she had made her home' for the ° past few years. Mrs. Peter :MacDonald had,' a very successful auction sale on Friday, last: . AC. Glen Pinnell,' R. C. A. F., Toronto, spent the' `week -end at his home here. . Mr. and Mrs. W, Boyle, Edna and May were Sunday visitors with Mr. and ' Mrs.. Wm. Lloyd, Lucknow. 'Friends of Mr. Milton Walsh are pleased to see him out again after being confined to the house for ' 'some time: The Anglican Sunday. School Christmas tree and: concert will` be held on Friday •evening, De- cember 17th. .The schoolwill hold theirs on the 'following Tues- day evening, December 21st. e. tW.Y. ,,, met 'at the home of Mrs. Eldon Eckenswiller on Thursday afternoon with a good attendance. After the opening: exercises Mrs. Frank Thompson gave, the -report, of the meeting. at :Guelph Mrs Baynard Ackert, .� , _1111... Mrs: "' Mark' Johnstone and Mrs. Maurice:' Hodgins are to pack the. boxes for the . boys still in Can- ada. Miss Helen Thompson gave the motto and Miss -Marjorie MacDonald gave the topic.' Shir, ley Hodgins, " Helen Johnstone, Eleanor Murray and Vivian Nes- bit sang a Christmas carol and Margaret Ann Murray sang a solo. Mrs. Alrner -Ackert read. paper on :Christmas' Carols and a e -carols were sung. The roll 11 was • an . exchange -of Christ- as . gifts The National Anthem osed the meeting and lunch was rued• by the hostess and: com- ittee. . Mr, and Mrs. - Jake 'Hunter. on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hogan andchildren of Toronto` 'spent Sunday with Mr. and .Mrs. M. Hogan and family. ' 4 •Mr. and Mrs.• Just Sherwood. Shirley' and Norma visited with Les Ritchie on Sunday. • WE HAVE A CO1VIPLETE LINE OF Purina Feeds lit Sanitary Products Also,..., BRAN, SHORTS, - MIDDLINGS? Feed FLOUR, Low Grade FLOUR, FLAX MEAL, SULPHUR, CHOP OF ANY MIX, 1111 1111. 11.11.... . 1111 _ • - Now Is The Time To Order Your Purina PR - . (hiIcs r� No Deposit Until Two Weeks' Before Delivery,.. 1111. 1111 AGENCY FOR JAMESWA Y POULTRY EQUIPMENT.. 1L LOrfle Ma�cLennan� 'Phone 77-w 11..11.® . Miss Evelyn McLean of Lon- don . was home over the week- end. Mr. and 'Mrs. ;Bert McLean spent, a day last week in South- ampton,,_ Mr. and Mrs. H. Bell. Mr. and Mrs. George Haldenby and Ethel Were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mit. .Jos., Wall. The Red Cross soeial was held inthe school on Monday night. The first part of the meeting took the form of a farm forum and a discussion was carried on un, der, the direction of Messrs. Per- ry. Hodgins and John Emmerson. The subject •was . "Health". The following program , was given: songs by Mr. Donald Robertson With guitar accompaniment. The journal was given by Mrs. Bert McLean and a reading by Mrs. Milton Walsh. The next meeting will be held next Tuesday night. Everyone is askegd to listen to the Farm Forum broadcast. on ,Monday eventing: at _8,30. and .be, prepared to. enter into the dis- cussion With Mrs. Perry Hodgins in charge. Those on the . commit tee for the musical part • are Mrs. Allan Wall and Mrs. John Em, mersen. -Mrs. Wm. Pinnell and Mildred returried'to Sarnia WM- Pin: nell Sunday . to visit 'there and with Mrs.. Glen Pinnell and -babe at Windsor. Sunday last at the, Presbyter- ian service, ' three baby boys were baptized, namely, Donald -David., son of Mr. and .Mrs.. John. 1111.: 17 7.-.-T .,.«1111 1111.. '., .�•,�,.ue°a M • /M Kll,Hue�— 'A..,. MN •• . ...r.. 1111 . "�rramn - " - - 1111 FOR SALE — cream separator.4 CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Alton .'and the family of the late D. X. Alton, wish to acknowledge with sincere thanks the many kind acts and expres-4 sions .of sympathy extended there din their bereavement., • . 1ti wish 'to sincerely thank the.. Lucknow Red Cross for the mach • appreciated and lovely gift of knitted goods.; Sincerely; Hugh McCrostie. I . wish to express my sincere thanks to II the old neighbors and friends, , of the 2nd Concession, Boundary West and otters who . contributed : to the well filled - purse of money and other articles presented to me at . my home on. Thursday evening, December 2nd. - Allari J: MacCharles, Liicknow: Apply at Sentinel Office. FOR SALE -2 Durham cows, to freshen .soon. Ralph Cameron,: -R. 7,•' Lucknow. RAW FURS WANTED—highest, prices,paid.` Send or,bring them to HURON PRODUCE, Wingham: LOST—A. truck. ' tarpaulin be- tweet}. W S. ,Eadie's," Holyrood' & Lucknow, about one p.m: Thus day, Dec..' 2nd. Rewardfor° re- covery. ROY CRAMM, Pinker- ton. . A PIANO or Furniture -:For Xtnas can be purchased at . a low price at:+the mildrnay Furniture Store. '20 chesterfield suites,. 14 pianos, etc. SCHUETT & SONS give free delivery. MAKE THIS a Merry Christen by buying your requirement • The CANADIAN. TIRE CO P. STORE, Campbell Garage, Wing- ham. HATCHING' EGGS WANTED— 'vire~ bree rng, roc s a breeds to supply us with hat ing : eggs for the 1942l.. hatching season. Flocks culled and blood - tested free. Guaranteed premium paid. Also additional hatchability premium. Also ` turkey flocks. wanted to supply hatching eggs.. It will pay you to write 'for''' full details immediately.' TWEDDLE CHI:CK HATCHERIES Limited, Fergus, Ontario cam. 11 Coming Events 11 DANCE AT HOLYROOD There will be a dance :in the Holyrood Township Hall next Wednesday night, December 15th. Carruthers' orchestra. ' Proceeds for patriotic purposes. . FOURTH CON. Mr. and Mrs. T. Pierce of Res- ton, Manitoba, are visiting atthe home of Mr. Alex Pierce. . Mr. John Wells of Londesboro is i 1 at Mr: R. Moffat's home. Mr: and- Mrs. John Allison and Mary Lou of, Owen Sound visited. last week with Mrs. E. Hodgkin- son...,. • Mr. Duncan McKinnon of, Sa.r- nia is visiting .with his mother. Mrs. A. - McKinnon. The December meeting of the U.F.W.O. will be held at the home of .Mrs.. Neil MacCallum on Fri- day, the 17th, Please. note , change of day. First Teacher: You look as hot 'as Iam! Second T.: It's -not the heat; it's the stupidity. ° • Barr; Wm. Robert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Percy and Ken- neth Robert, son .of Mr. and Mrs. Bob MacDonald. W -- Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Percy and family ' visited during the week with Mr. and Mrs. Angus Mc- Arthur, Tivierton. 4)Miss Winnie ,Percy, R. N. of Kincardine spent ' Sunday with her. mother, Mrs: Wm. Percy,.. - Mrs. Perry Hodgins entertain- ed the Red Cross ladies at a quilting party at her home on Tuesday. • , Sympathy is , extended to the 'family of the late Mr. John Hod- gins who passed . away on Tues- day after a lingering illness. i F. T. ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST N LUCKNOW. EACH, WEDNESDAY FROM 2 p.m. to 6 o'clock A. WM. SCIIMID'S STORE P. Stuart MacKenzie BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Walkerton, Ontario. �.a IN LUCKNOW Each Wednesday .' Afternoon & Evening At G. H. SMITH'S OFFICE FATHER LEAVEY SPOKE ON DEMOCRATIC SECURITY Rev, Father Leavey of the "par- ish of .Riversdale and Holyrood, Was the guest speaker at the weekly meeting of the' Mildmay Rotary Club. The subject of his talk was "Democratic Security", and in the course of his.,remarks he outlined the fundamental dif- ferences between Socialis -a in its varying forms, and, Democracy as'we practise in and as it should be • carried ' out,. The .speaker -traced the progress of mah's ef- forts to form,, a type of govern= meet which would provide. • the greatest freedom for the greatest number of people. In socialism, he said, the state. is in supreme control, and theoretically the state distributes •'its assets with equality to all. Father Leavey proceeded to point out, 'however, that this system had several in- herent weaknesses, chief of which are the stifling of individual genius and the fostering of, in- niocdt ai- lazineee.- Under' the de - vatic system, said the speak- er, we , strive for the- ultimate good of all by freedom of 're- ligion, expression and , ambition and the partial failure of ,.our governments . to fulfill this pur- pose is due in a large , measure- to our own lack of interest in public affairs. He assured the Rotarians that one of their most 0 iniportant duties. wa ,a keen at- tention to all matters of 'public . interest. Try a Sentinel "Want Ad".--. They bring results!