HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-12-09, Page 3THURS,, DEOEMDER 9th, • 1943 , • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,. LUCKNOW,• ONTARIO NAME AS.HF1EL1 F. OF A. OFFICERS The annual meeting of the Ash- field Township- unit of the Fed- eration .of Agriculture was held Thursday evening in the town- ship hall. A decided increase in interest was 'inanifest by the. larger attendance and .better lis- cussion. John A. " Johnston; the president, was in charge: Guestspeakers were Wesley Joynt, of Luoknow ,and 'Harry Sturdy, the newly -elected presi- dent of the County of Huron Federation.:The former spoke on the •new bacon contract with• Bri- tain, and also-, on' reforestation. • Mr: Sturdy -.chose, for his talk the radio • farin ' forum, the public 'health nurse, and the }proposed one. -fifth : mill ;tax to finance he. federation. Election of officers resulted as follows: president, .Cecil John stop; vice president, Wilfred,Far.-: rish; secretary -treasurer, Elmer Graham; directors (one from each school section in the: township) Mrs. George Lane, Mrs, R. Day- . idson; Lorne . Johnston, • Leslie Pentland, Frank. Hawkins, Albert Presbyterian; W. M. S. • In . the absence of the. presi-, dent, Mrs. Henry Mullin con- ducted the annual meeting which was held at her home on Wed- nesday,. December ,1st.: After de-, votional exercises the roll was -answered by the letter "L". The reports from the various ,c'lepart- ments were given ; and . it was Blake, T. J. La1man; Gilbert Frayne,'.ALS., Samuel Alton, Earl McDonald, Gordon • Kirkland, Gordon Ritchie, 'Murdoch Mathe- son,.Sarnuel GiltsoiFrank .Ham- ilton, GrantaMcDiarmid ' and Her- bert Stothers; auditor, E. , G. Zinn and George Lane. __ - .. The president and sec,etary Were appointed as. voting . dele-. g'ates',,to the meeting at Clinton' this .week, with • the vice. presi- dent as an . alternative. Wilfred .Farrish was appointed to attend the provincial 'meeting in Tor - :onto, Each director is expected to canvass his or her schgol section for members for the township McGee, Melvin Dickson, Harold '.'unit.. PAGE THREE' • oted that the allocation was oversubscribed. .Miss K. Mac- Dougall had the Bible study on Christmas, after which mission- ! ary, news from home and foreign• fields was summarized. The slate of • officers. for 1944xstands as fol lows: Hon. president, Mrs .E. MacKenzie; president, Mrs. Alex Mowbray; 1st vice ,president, Mrs. H. Mullin; ,2nd vice. ipresident, Mrs.. 'W. MacKenzie; 3rd vice president, Mrs': • Wm. Porteous; recording secretary, . •Mrs. A. P. Stewart; - corres onding acid �stu- dents' se eretary, Wtiss. 'Mary Mac "Lead; financial secretary, Mrs. J. W, Henderson; literature sec- retary; Mrs. Jamea Little; Glad Tidings secretary, Mrs.• 4-1Ag2, new; treasurer, Mi's: C. ' i,ichard- son; supply committee, Mrs. J. E. Agnew,._Mrs. N. Ma.cCallum; ..sick. committee, Mrs: 1.S. MacKenzie, Mrs,.P. McCall; welcome . & .wel- fare, Mrs. Elmer Johnston, Mrs. Charlie Cook; expense and life membership, Mrs. W. J: Douglas; hoine-helpers secretary, Mfrs, .R., V. MacKenzie; Mission Band, Miss Marion • MacDougall, Mrs. Gordon Fisher; Pianist, Mrs. A. C. Agnew; press reporter, "Leader for the month":' ....... ............. ii%i ... '<3i :iris HERE-t--YOUR- CHOICE READI G ATNIWLOW PA/CES' This, Newspaper iYr.,AitAny . Magazine ;Listed' Both for ' Price Shown • All Magazines Are for One Year II • [1 M•acleanrs- (24 issues) • $2.75 [] Canadian . Home Journal 2.50 • (] Chatelaine • 2.50 [] National Home Monthly 2.50• [] Family Herald &; Weekly. Star •°' 2.50 t].New World (illustrated) 2.50 [] *Farmer's Madazi'ne • (4 yrs.)* • • 2.50. [] Rod, & Gun 2.50 []The farmer's Advocate (3• yrs.) 2.50 •[1 Canadian Poultry Review [j Canada Poultryman '2.50 [1 True Story . • • ' • " 2.75 [1 American. Horne 2.75 ' fl Sports Afield r' • 3.10 [ ; Outdoors, . 6 ' 3.10 [:1 P;lacazina Digest • 3.75 [ 1. Red F3ook • •... :4.25 [) Open Rozd for Boys '2:9 [ 1 .American Girl 2.90 -r"r Fry -mei' iit3711zi•ne ......•3.25 [; C'ii•isti.on' Herald 3.25 4.10 ,[ l Populor Science 3.90 3,15 4.10 3.50 [ l P �utar •Mechar cs [1 S:i.^.nce .Digest n Chid Lila ['] .Setter Cooking, & ' HomernatKing ,- 4.10. [] The.Woman ' 3.1,0 ri outdoor Life 3.25 Due to existing conditions sl bscrib- err should allow etglit weeks berore expecting first copies of magazines, Offers Fully Guaranteed - 1 • ' Through specral, arrangements with the magazine publishers we offer the finest farm and fiction magazines--.incombination with our newspaperrat• prices that simply cannot be dupii- cated elsewhere! Look aver this ..long list of favorites and: make YOUR selection today!, This Newspaper, 1.: Year, and . Your Choice three. Famous Magazines For. both . newspaper .25 ,,and .magazines ... [.] Maclean's (24issues) 1 ,.yr. [] *Farmer's Magazine*' 4 yrs. ()Canadian Horne . • [] Rod & Gun • • 1 yr. - Jolir'nal , 1 yr. [] The Far.mer's • ()Chatelaine 1 yr. Advocate 2 yrs. • []' National: Home [] Canadian Poultry ' • • • Monthly •1': yr. '-- Review . ......- .1 yr. []Family Herald & [1. Canada Poultryman... 1 yr•• Weekly Star 1 yr.' -1]' American Fruit (.] New World (Illust'd) 1 yr. Grower - 1 yr. This ¥ewspaper, 1 Year, and •Your• ' Choice -Three Famous Maagazines For both ,newspaper '' $ 75 and magazines GROUP "A" -SELECT ONE :GROUP "B" -SELECT TWO (]'American Nome .:......,.1 yr. ,'[] Maclean's (24 issue) '1'yr. •[] Canadian [] True Story • 1 .yr• Journal,, Hom [] Magazine Digest .... 6 mos.' ['] Chatelaine ' National Home []'Photoplay-Movie • Monthly: Mirror • 1 yr. , .'[] Family Herald & Weekly Star - 1 yr. LI Christian Herald ....• 9 nips. [] Neliv, World r Illust'd)-1 vr. .[j Ameritan Girl • 1 yr, (j*warmer's Masafine* 4 yrs. [1 Rod & Gun 1 yr. [] Sports Afield 1 yr. [] The Farmer's _ Advocate .• 2 yrs. [l Parent's M� azine , m s 9 '�... g ...>x[}.Ca.n,a.da.a.n--P-ou-lit: y. rl Outdoorsy ..: 1 yr. Review yr. ['1 Canada Poultryman 1 .yr [] Open Road for 'Boys. • 1 yr. [] Arnerica,n Fruit (] Flower.GroWer' 1 yr: -Grower' Farnier'S . Magazine sent ' t ' farms N�T •: addresses in,gastern Canada •(9:SL ti . - Check rnagazines desired and znciose With tovp-:'n 1 yrs • a. I A , "\Vf Gentlemen: I encltse •$ i have niarked, rhe y r• offer desired with a year's subscrrpaon to your .paper. • • • °NAME OU I POST OFFICE' • STREE''r OR: R.R: PROV fteftrEe M.= we.„me. -• s �. rte...• t •••,, .. x y •: ...Iy v -• �. .Ir r...h r .rr I ..A f ,rN (.- .,,* dii Irr�r ( ')'ari(i .ri .f . .iX ! rix. PP .ni' r :;,: i .ri•I r f a hrisi s . 1 . 4, 1 Sponsored By The Lucknow Business Men's Association. TheSep�y;Theatre,Lucknow Saturday Dec. 18th 2. SHOWS: 1 p.m. &, 3 p.m. 4.4 PUBLIC SCHOOL CHILDREN from- the Village and .Dis- trict are invited to attend the' Business Men's Free Xmas Matinee: For The Children`, .I "Here. We Go Agan" Featuring Fibber McGee and Molly,' Edger Bergen, Charlie McCarthy, Mortimer Snurd and the Great Gildersleeve.' a VILLAGE• CHILDREN are especially requested ' to attend S the .first matinee at one o'clock. 3 ,�+.'•. ; ,...f' ,.k4' k`f' ) ;4' ! -;ff' i X.'�ff' k„ I„ 1 ) kt' I ,�1' I ,.4•f'. I kms' ) ;1f' I ; i ;i'' 7 ,�.' ; A� • • Miss °Adventures, of 1943 or the weird record of .1943's most curious happenings .includ- ing the story of the pus driver who stands•:up all his customers, and the: hungry seaman whi couldn't get a bite to eat because all lie . had was$500 bills, see the illustrated ' article in The Amer- ican Weekly with„ this Sunday's (December 12) issue of The. De- troit Sunday Times. Mrs:, Smith: I• wonder if .you rvyfrould be . so kind as to , weigh, • this' package for. me? !Butcher: Why ..certainly;. • it weighs exactly three and a guar: ter pounds. . • Mrs. Smith:, Thank you;,,it con- tains the "horses. you ,, sent me .in that fou, r-potind roast • yesterda'y.' Mi the movie Trish as dis Pat: `Did place!" st. agait that '. represents the orderly?" we? °We wrecked the • x Jude;lgHave. youanything to offer :the court before sentence • is passed? Defendant:' Nothing, youn' hon- or.`My lawyer has taken my last, cent. SOUTHAMPTON COUNCIL has taken steps to alleviate the fuel shortage that is threatened. They are buying up quantities of. wood.. which is being • piled in a' corn - 'nullity wood pile. Council 'ad- vise that this wood will be sold only in emergency cases i `GIFTS: FOR :LADIES, tj TOILETRY SETS BY tIUDNUTS, 1 VITA RAY ,SETS MOLINARD SETS $2:50, /2.75, $4.00 ' 2 t .COLOGNE PERFUMES, By Raymond • ' ..60c to $1.50 I, D. CUTEX SETS • • . $4.00 to $5.00 .. kl '` PLASTIC DRESSER SE'l S,,..,.......` ..........:... $8.50 • BOXED STATIONERY 35c to 52:00 } + g. 2 MENS SHAVING"SETS .LLLyLL $L25 to. $5.00, $2.30 . to $$.50• k PINAI'DS SETS $1.25 to $3.25 ti THIRTY=FIVE GIFT .SETS r•--$4.25 $1,20 4 - C.OLGATES GIFT SE.TS 'Christm'nas Greeting Cards•' �` 12 ATTRACTIVE 'CARDS with envelopes 25(; •',rnr".?�•:`�s;+�'��",ftTY'.iXit,T,�R:"��z'�X!}:::i;l�?:ii%,'+'��:i0.^n.1>:t.��?2.:i 1tr:1e"or^.R"�R•!.^i�c.:'"'��.,�a��:te%�Ji�'+�13;d."'.% GORDO ••I • DRUGGIST - - - LUCKNO%•Y • t . WITH PURCHASES OF I. D. A. PRODUCTS be sure sial ask for the I.D.A. stick er for big cash„ prizes on the 'CKNX Bari Dance ,Program. R. T ALO