HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-12-09, Page 1$2.00 A Year In Advance; 50c Extra to U. S. A. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO THURS., • DECEMBER 9th, 1943 EIGHT PAGES CONCERT OFF DUE TO THE 'FLU The Lucknow Public School concert .advertised for Friday - night of this week, has, been in- definitely postponed due .ta the 'flu: - There were some forty-four pupils.' absent .from school .:the first :of ;the week,: which magic ' it practically impossible to carry() on concert rehearsals, _ with the possibility also that others 'might - be ,ill, by the" night 'of the tori cert. • . . A Sunday School supper that was being considered in the Un- ited church, is being postponed until after Christmas." 4 The 'flu is prevalent over ' a wide area. 'Rural school atten- dance -has dropped in. some local- ities to a :point where the school was closed: Locally. the percen- tage of High School studentsaf- fected .-is not nearly so high as 4n the Public School.. • Early in the week I about twenty .employees of the Maple Leaf plant. ` were reported to be laid up with .it. ' ' The 'flu:' is :a virus disease and 'medical : men admit they : have little knowledge of how. to fight the disease.. ' The epidemic in this district --- is --not to be .regarded lightly: "Treat it with a lot of .respect . states Dr. W. V. Johnston, M. O. H. To remain • indoors and in bed if necessary, is regarded as the quickest way to shake the illness :and is a wise precaution against more • serious developments. ' 4 - BERT' MARTIN . WON THE 'SILVERWARE A good crowd, yet not a jam; SISTER DIED' AT BARRIE Mrs: S.' 0. Rathwell received' word on Tuesday of „the • death of her sister, Mrs. Ed Dillwbr_th of Barrie. Mrs. Rathwell and a brother :who ,resides in Detroit are, • the Blast :surviving rnerxbers. of a family of nine. Mir. • and. Mrs. Rathwell •:left for Barrie on; Wed- nesday •morning, • SUCCESSFUL . G'IFT SALE St. vPeters Guild of - the Angli can Church held a most success= fill Christmas gift sale and after- noon tea in the Johnstone Block' on Saturday, With net proceeds amounting to slightly over $100. Mrs. Redvers Johnston was the winner of the Lay Susan. serving dish and .Mrs. A. E. Mc - '.` • • MAILING LIST CORRECTED' • The Sentinel mailing list has been corrected.- up to Monday •of this week., Sub scribers ". are requested • • to check the date on the address label to see if proper credit has . been gi'v'en. ' If you arre,in arrears, don't let the. old year slip . away without _putting -your ,Sen- tinel• on a paid -in -advance • basis. The newsprint supply makes it more and morenec- essary to enforce this pokey. ENGAGEMENTS' Mr.. and Mrs. Frank Johnston of Holyrood. wish, to announce, the engagement :.of their eldest daughter; Edythe, - to Sidney Kinn won the bread board. • , Graydon Gardner, soh of Mr. and Mrs. W: T. Gardner of Zion.' The wedding to• take place the latter, part of December.. • . FREE. CHRISTMAS SHOW Flans are • completed •. for- the children's annual • pictui e show, sponsored 'by the:..Lucknow Busi- ness Men's Association. This year ori e-ecptiorra-i-ly=fu y : that will delight the children has. been 'secured by The ,.Sepoy, Theatre where matinees will be' held at one and three- o'clock to accomodate the swarm,of pub - __school ::cbil_dren... who .. toll:•_be.. on hand for this big . event on Saturday, December 18th. • • Sent TO Hospital ForObservation Frank Milleris% in St. Joseph's• OPEN • ALL .CIHJRRIIS-TMAS . WEEK, As was decided .at a Birsiness Men's meetin' earl in October stores in the Village will observe the- half holiday the • year, round, with the exception ' of Thursday afternoon of 'Christmas week, De- cember 23rd. '' • • " • :As well 'as . being -open- 'Thurs- day - afternoon; businessplaces will .remain open each ;ev4'nirig during Christmas week, and ob- serve Boxing • Day'' on Monday. December 27th, the • meeting 'de-. 'DONATE TO SANITARIUM Observing their annual custom, at the December meeting • on Monday night, the Fire Company donated '$15.00 to the. National Sanitarium Association. , ''Planswere also made for. dances during the holiday.. -week on Tuesday= and Thursday -night:: Original plans` `were for' Monday and Friday night but due to the. diff'i.cul'ty in -securing an orches- tra. and, with the' Village nomin-. atiorit meeting . being held • on Monday, these changes were nec- essary.. MRS. W. B. RITCHIE LAID TO REST. AT WINDSOR .0> The death of Mrs. William le. (Boden) Ritchie occurred in Met- ropolitan . General Hospital in Windsor on November 27th, Mrs. .Ritchie w.as formerly Norah May, .Montrose. She was 59 years . of age and had been in: failing health since early'sumnier. Mr. and Mrs. Rit hie 'were mar-- ried forty years ao last , month. • • • e s Mr. ,. Rit-• chie 'has been employed .at the customs office at -Windsor. • The ' funeral service • .was held, at the Morris Funeral Home, Windsor, on Tuesday,: November 30th, with intermerit'in 'Windsor Grove Cemetery. Besides ,her :husband., Mrs: Rit ehie is,. survived by • one daugh- ter, Mrs. -R. Nelson of rpetroit and- two sons; William' of th tided" e American Navy, stationed at, Great 'Lakes, Ill.' and Walter Ca the Canadian . Navy at Halifax. b, Hospital, London, for observation • and x-ray:s,'• which .may or may. not require- him to undergo arf operation. ' Frank expected to know the verdict yesterday. made dancing a pleasure on Fri,: ,COMMITTEE NOT ,day night to Carr ethers or'ehes-- ,KEEN ON MARATHON tra, Proceeds were„in -aid. of. the Hollynian-Johnston 'overseas 'to= bacco fund. Highlights of the evening were a draw, for the chest : of silver- ware, `won by . Bert 'Martin of Kingsbridge; the door prize draw for a five dollar, ware savings certificate, won by Miss Mary , MacKenzie; and a .sport dance. won by Donald MacKenzie and • Mrs, G. Tiffin, who each ,re ceiveil a dollar in war stamps. Specials in Mens and Boys Work Clothing, Socks, Mitts. and Un- derwear: The .Store with the Stock. THE MARKET STORE. SET :DATE OF; N E•XT BLOOD CLINIC. 'Another blood donor clinic will be held in Lucknow on, Wednes- day., December 22nd. There have been some doubts expressed as to the wisdom Of having a clinic three days ` before Christmas, when most peopleare busy.. How= ever., the Red cross intimates that the war will still. be going on. - Our boys in Italy will be fight- ing, and who knows but•that one or many of them may be•needing blood plasma very urgently.” The response of the public to these clinics recently has been very :gratifying, and all who can are urged to donate again. Mao,. to those who so far have not • helped with a blood donation •it cannot be emphasized too strong- ly that • the -supply' Of blood 'plasma built up by the Red Cross is,not yet considered to •bee"near- ly adequate for the demands that may be made upon it during the next 'few montho. ; A� member of th.e.. euchre . and -bridge marathon •committee; a in reply to last week's item . in; The Sentinel, ,recalls .how they ,lit- erally had to coax people to en- ter " the last marathon to make it worthwhile proceeding. On top ofi that there were 'var- ious criticisms heard about the conduct of the series and the method of Making the draw, .and it appears that 'as far as the old, committee is concerned they are not going to "stick . their neck out" again. ; HONOR BRIDAL COUPLE AT S'I'B AUGUSTINE HALL A dance was held in St. Augus- tine parish hall on Thursday ev- ening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Foran, formerly Martha Isobel Phillips. - A large crowd attended and enjoyed dancing to 'the music supplied . by. Tiffin's orchestra. Father McMahon gave a brief address of congratulations. and best wishes to the young Couple. 'A purse of money was presented] • by --Wilfred_ Kirr'han. -'! RECEIVED APPOINTMENT The ---Rev. T.. E. itennedy of Southampton was appointed clerk treasurer of the .Pr'esbyt'ery, of Bruce at •a recent meeting . in Port Elgin. He succeeds the Rev. A. MacIver of Tiverton. M. Ken- nedy has 'been ordained ,for 25 years. • He was born' and raised on the sixth concession of' Huron town: ship and obtained his matricula- tion from •Kincardine High ;ti ool in 1908. Mrs. Thos. Attach ^ister. i BORN KI'N,AHAN-At Alexandra Hos- pital, Goderich, t n. November 27, 1943,' to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Kinahan,. R. 2, Auburn, a son". BROWN—In 'Goderich Hospital on Monday, December eth to Mr: and Mrs. Ben Brown, Port .Al- bert,a son. •MENARY-In ,Goderich Hospital on Tuesday,, December 7th,• to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Menary (hee Dol-` lie Cook), a , daughter. PENTLAND—At Dungannon on Tuesday, December 7th to. Mr. and Mrs.. Wilfred, Pentland, ' . a •daughter: • • ANDY SMITH HAS. POSe' AT OTTAWA • Mr. A. G. Smith (Andy to his friends here); who has been a mem ei o e oronto regional office of the' Prices Board, has• been appointed assistant 'super- visor. of regional offices in ilte Dorninin. Mr. Smith's head- quarters will now be in Ottawa. Mrs. Smith was formerly. Jean Irving of Luckriow. • At the time of Mr. Smith's pro- motion= ro-motion= to• this' important ' post his picture was carried' in: the Toronto Telegram. . MA.LCOLMS ARE LUciolOW HAVE IN NEW. YORK JUVENILE HOCKEY Dr. Wm: Malcolm arid his dau- ghter. Mrs. Dorothy' Pearson, were among the party of • Can- adian repatriates to -reachMon- treal by special train last 'Thurs- day. They had not been permit- ted to leave the train, nor see men3bers of the family at New York City. • •, . At Montreal Dr. Malcolm and Mrs."Pearson were met by Mr: and Mrs. C. V. Starr of New York and returned with them to the United States metropolis, where Mrs._ ..Pearspn-r will, convalesce from an 'appendix(' operation slip underwent aboard the Gripsholm before reaching Rio 'de Janeiro. Dr. Malcolm, who' observed his 82'nd birthday on the day he sail- ed for home, will no doubt wel- come a complete : est after the arduous trip: He will visit later ' with his brother Robert 'Malcolm of Kin- lough, who received a wire from the Doctor last Thursday at Mon.. treal,announcing their plans to return to New York City with his daughter, Mrs. Stara. • Mrs. Pearson has two, sons, as well as a brother-in-law, still ill Japan. ° Hockey fans: in this conimun- ity, mindful of the brand of hockey. dished up by the local Juveniles' last season, will wel- come the news . that Lucknow is to have a Juvenile team again this winter. • Wingham, . Goderich and . Clin- ton are, also sure starters, and it may be that all four' will be grouped together. Kincardine is sponsoring town league minor. hockey,and it appears doubtful 'if they will enter a team' in the O.M,I1.A._ SELLS SBUSINESS •I R. D, (Doug) Trench of Tees- waterr hdisposed of his under- taking and furniture- business to W. G:= Church of Belmont. Doug will assist his successor until he becomes better acquainted in the Culross capital. , • The Teeswater News says: "The Trench's have been associated with Teeswater in a business way for'manynears. Douglas, the last one to leave, has made 'many friends who Wish, him success iri arty future enterprise". • SIX DEATHS IN. FOUR DAYS, Over the week -end death brought sorrow to a number 'of Thornes in the community, where six deaths occurred in four days: Al]. were ;aged "folk, and. we, un deistand none of:the..deaths is: attributed •.-to -`the ,flu, 'accept in one case ;when it was - •contrib- utory cause.: " Early Saturday morning Daniel :K.. Alton passed, away _:.:-at - his. home, . 'Concession- 10, Ashfield. - -He was -in ' his 88th year. The funeral service was held in Hac= kett -c !lurch. on `Monday with in- terment in `lungannon' Cemetery. On •'Saturday, Mrs. Thomas White, formerly Anna Jane ; Fitz- patrick, passed away in Kinloss at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Michael G•ainble., She was in her 86th :"year. The funeral service was.-held'in St: Patrick's church; Holyrood On "Tuesdays . morning With . interment in Holyrood R. C. • Cemetery. • On Sunday Mr's:George Gib. - son;. formerly Catherine Webster, passed• away at her, home, ' Con- cession 13, .Ashfield. She Was in ' her ''79th' year: The- funeral .ser vice Was held ,at her.,'°late 'resi- dence on Wednesday• afternoon with' . • interment ...._- in.. ,Greenhill . Cernetery. . • On' Monday Joseph Maxwell. Raynard passed away in London in his .-74th -year" :The funeral ser vice will. be • held. at his late resi- dence in'Lueknowathis -afternoon. - (,Thursday) at 4.30. . o'cl&ek with inteRment in Greenhill. Cemetery; After , a' lengthy • illness; John Hodgins •passed1 a*av athis home in Kinloss `on • Tuesday in his 83rd ;year.: 'The 'funeral service, will be held in the Anglican . • . church. Kinlough. this afternoon ( Thursday) at 2:30 p.rn., with • interment in Greenhill Cemet- ery, uesday the death of P. .Crozier occurred at. his home. in Ashfield.' He was inu his 78th year. The funeral service will be held at his late residence, Con- cession 6, Ashfield on Friday, December 10th ..at 2 'o'clock with 'interment in . Dungannon Cern-. etery. Ill With Pneumonia Since returning from Toronto early last week, Mrs. J. W. Ste- wart developed pneumonia, and was quite. ill 'for several, days. WANT WORK ROOM QUILT MAKERS During • IDecember . in this com- munity stress is being laid '.on making quilts for the 'Russians. To assist in this "blitz",Red Cress work room activities are to . be solely quilt making, commencing next Tuesday; December 14th. An appeal is made for work room volunteers to do piecing and quilting: anti- it: _.is NI -pad -Ann many who do not regularly at- tend the . work rooms will turn out to assist with this work which will be done on December 14th, 16th and `21st. ' ' The 'need is urgent for bedding and clothing for the millions• in' Russia": who 'have -had, alt their possessions destroyed by the Nazit. Time is precious and as quickly as'worthwhile shipments are collected locally'thcy will be despatched to headquarters in Toronto. Specials in Women's and Child- . rens Hosiery. The Store with the Stock:.THE' MA•; Y T,,;SmCa -rte•-- 1.0