HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-12-02, Page 6V • yrs■/V��+ p$ Kinloss Ratepayers Differ ° (Continued front Page One) ed. Thirty per cent of• the cost is borne by- the province. -Two o e . •s 1 sections in •the To'Wn- ship.have ince adopted this sys- tem of dental 'care,- he said. Faults' Road .InstYiranee Councillor Dan T. McKinnon, Who was a delegate to the • Good 1 oad Convention' this year, said it had been quite disappointing to: him°• He explained and approved the • Council's action in investing h„ ▪ the: Fifth .Vlietory' Loan whi4h pot •only was a • patriotic and sound investment, but ' will pro-, vide collateral against which the Township can borrow ata lower, ,interest rate. • . • Mr. McKinnon .touched: on the matter of road insurance, which he •Said appeared to him to sim- plyy insure the neglect of a C'oun- •. • ell. It is only good on the trav elled , portion of the road, and only .in, cases 'of hazards ;which , the board knows about. Calls For Co -Operation ► Councillor John W. • Colwell, as- did the 'others, thanked the ratepayers for electing him a year ago. He had been here be- , amore -for -all ng t e ire sand; :r he .thought lie had a lot of sins to answer for. I intend to stay with you, he added. With; reference to the Ackert Drain, . Mr., Colwell remarked that "the. most, 'vital thing of all He said ,that no report troln the new engineer had been re- craved" on the Ackert Drain, but when it does coma ' he appealed to "the .Council and ratepayers to get ' together and we can surely straighten out this tori tentious question". Nfr. Murray, president of the Lucknow Branch of" the Can - radian Legion, 'appealed. tb .the. meeting to see that the men ;who a ae.4,inxalided . home from over seas. get the best' vve' can • give them. We honor thoseawho dont come back but it "4s the duty of every government from federal to mun- icipal to, be concerned over the welfare of those who do,.and. of their' dependents. • . He said that The Legion .wiish- ed -the name of every soldier and his occupation, and he appealed to the residents of Kinloss to co-operate in this regard in their municipality. Claim's By -la* Invalid - George Tiffin claimed it was an invalid by-law' on which the costs were placed. He quoted the referee's judgment as stating that,; if it was a valid by_ -law, we could not repeal ' it, i5t that the referee saw no `reason why they couldn't." repeal it. If it is an invalid by-law, .those on the scheme think it should be charg ed over. the `whole township,* ha -has-not_..been touched on: said.. ing to take the co-operation of the whole community to straighten it out", he said. (During the year the Council levied the accumulated , costs of the Ackert Drain, up' until the time that the Archibald by-law was repealed, against those in- cluded in the .scheme... This a- mounted to approximately $1,300. or a per acre cost on land . at- " fected of 111/2 cents.) Mr.. Colwell said, with . refer- ence to the above, "we took the only course open to get it squar- ed ;away". This action was taken on the strength. of . the following motion which; Mr. Colwell asked the Clerk . to read to the meet- ing: "Sept. 30,' 1940, Moved by McKinnon and Tiffin that ' the Clerk draft a by-law placing the accumulated costs of the Ackert Municipal Drain • Improvement By-law being By=law number 3; 1939, pro rata against all the pro- perties assessed under the Archi- bald report on the said Ackert Drain". , At the same meeting the Arch- ibald by-law :was repealed by this motion: "Moved by McKin- non and. Tiffin that the Clerk: draft a by-law repealing., the 1st. 'reading of By-law number 3, 1939, being the Ackert Municipal. Drain Improvement By-law and also the adoption of - the Archi- �� bald report of the sad Ackert Drain". ' Those• opposed to paying the assessment contend- there ,s nci scheme against which ,the costs can be levied. Me. -Colwell pointed out that. the costs up to that point should Have been collected before an- other engineer Was brought tn. The Ackert drain should bear the burden of the Ackert drain, Mr. Colwell' contended. The discussion at' that point revealed that td date the .drain had' .. cost $3,122, of which ap- proximately $1300 had been lev- ied against the scheme. Wants Data on Soldiers ' Councillor P. A. Murray, in 00 referrin 1 f $13.00 °d for six geese, pointed out that poultry nbw came under the. Livestock Protection Act, but ' -claims haii� cold naounr7��ntared with lost Pound; of l)"oiiltry affected. tire.If a recommended that an ap- plication be made the Referee for a replacement of these costs, and that ,his . decision be :abided; by. Mr. Tiffin said these'costs should have been ' placed on the roll a year ago, but: Mr. Lane in re- ferring to the minutes showed that his first authority to do this had- been given in July. In view of the critieisrn of are minutes, Mr. Lane went on to . say that the refusal to pay was a mighty small" affair in his opinion. He said that 'if Mr,' Hughes had won his lawsuit the' Township had a right to pay.. Mr. Hughes said ,he wasn't beaten, that he hadn't had:a hearing, nor a witness :call- ed. Mr.. Lane contended that the action had.been in court and was dismissed, which was the' same as being .lost. This brought' the retort from Mr. Hughes, that "a servant of the municipality is not. supposed to" take part in.any con- troversy". Mr. Lane referred to By-law No. 6 as a "joker" unless it was- intended as intended to collect under its ,pro- visions. Mr.. F. G. Moffat ' pointed . out to the residents of the nofrth-end of the Township; not assessed in this.draiil, what he had obtained forthem on the Black Creek Ditch and Extension from the provincial government. You have beers- taken care of pretty . we11 in the North, he said. Mr: Moffat contends that the Archibald- scheme is dead and can't be collected under. Mr. Ernest . Ackert advocated that a committee' be appointed to interview the RefereeG'rregarding placing the . costs, but Councillor •McKinnon explained, 'that . unless an objection was made by some ratepayef - , the: Referee 'would only referee the committee to a solicitor. : Reeve Elliott " replied , briefly.•. Road Superintendent Alex Mac- Leod reviewed township road ex- peditures during the year, arid. Thomas Gaunt,, township treas- urer, reviewed the financial g to a claim l o pnr standing ,of the municipality "Well, .I'll be going now. Don't trouble to see me to the door". = 10 tri�il.. n a... -a 00. OF MONTREAL Founded in 1.817 resentation, in o eds l understandable` form, p of the -ank's NUAL STATEMENT .30th .October, •,1943 RESOURCES Cash in its Yanks and Money on Deposit with Bank of Canada . . Notes of and Cheques on Other Banks'. .,. Payable in cash on 'presentation. Money on Deposit 'with Other Banks ,'Available ondemand or at short notice. . Government, and Other Bonds and Debentures . . Not exceeding market value. The greater portion consists of Dominion' Go4'ernment and high-grade Provincial and Munjcipai • securities Which mature at early dates. , Stocks . w h. ' Industrial and other stocks., Not exceeding ma• rket value.; all-. Loans s , In' Canada . . Elsewhere . $ 3,350,701.53 18,686,280.46 $122,277,005.70 50,30,612.03 -41;078;651.-11. 799,462,639.56 385,280.79 22,036,981.99 • Payable on demand and secured. by bonds, stocks and other negotiable collateral ofgreater value than the loatu. TOTAL OF QUICKLY AVAILABLE " RESOURCES $1,035,610,174..18 (equal to 83:81% of all Liabilities to the Public) oans torovincia anzl� um ijsa o-verTfine-rrts including `School Districts Commercial and Other Loans . In Canada Elsewhere' . . To manufacturers, farmers, merchants -consis-tent-withsound -banking. Bank Premises• - • Two properties only are carried im,the names of holding, com- panies; the stock and bonds of 'these companies are entirely owned' by the Bank and appear on its books at $1°00 in each case. All other of the Bank's^premises; thevalue of Which largely exceeds $15,400,000.00 are, included under this heading. Real Estate and. Mortgages on Real Estate Sold _by the Bank . , ; Acquired in the cours' of the Bank's business and in process 'of being realized upon. Customers'_ Liability under Acceptances and Letters of Credit,. -Represents liabilities of customers on account of Letters of Credit issued and Drafts accepted by the Bank for their account. Orth Assets not included iia the . Foregoing (but inciidd- ing' refundable portion of Dominion . vot*im nt taxes $19;472.75) Making Total Resources, of . .° ` . LIABILITIES . $215,445;397.Q5 • ' 10,954,254.27 and others, on conditions Due to the.Public Deposits ., . In Canada Elsewhere . • 17,544,577.50 226;599;651.32 13,400,000.00 - 553,727.65 17,068,844.05 2,487,682.99 $1,313,064,654.69 • $1,205,874,791.46 $1,046,857,927.64 . • 159,016,863.82 Payable on demand or after notice. Notes of the Bank in Circulation . • ;, ;, Pay&fle an demand. , Acceptances and Letters of Credit Outstanding . . Financial responsibilities undertaken .on behalf of customers (.re off -setting amount in "Resources."). Other Liabilities .. . ▪ . Dents not included under the foregoing headings. Total Liabilities to the Public : : - . To meet which the Bank has resources as indicated above amounting to 9,790,640.00 17,068,844.05 2,897,045.82 • • $1,235,631,321.33 $ 1,313,064,654.69 Leading an excess of Re ources .over Liabilities, • which represents the Shareholders' interest over which- Liabilities' hichLiabilities' to the. Public take precedence. Capital • . $36,000,000.00 Reserve Fund, Profit & Lo• ss Account and Reserves for Dividends . . • 41,433,33336 77,433,333,.36 PROFIT and LOSS ACCOUNT P.ro£its for the year ended 30th October, 1943; after making apptlhpria. tions to Contingent Reserve Fund, out of which bund full provision for Bad And Doubtful Debts has been made, and after deducting Dominion GovernmentTaxes amounting to $2,913,194.04 (of which $163,585.92 is refundable*Her the provisions of The Excess Profits Tax Act) 'Dividends paid or payable. ;to Shareholders . . . $2,160,000.00 Written off Bank Premises .,. 300,000.00 Balar°rce of Profit and Loss Account, 31st Qctober,_1942 Balance of Profit and Loss carried forward GEORGE W. SPINNEY, • • B. C. GARDNER, President ik *. * IIThe strength o f a bank is determined by its history, its . policy, its management and the extent of its resources. For 126 years the Bank of Montreal has been in the ' f ore f Font " of Canadian finance. $3,302,834.14 2,660,000.00 $ 644834.19 $1,236,686.94 ,' $1,879,521.13 General Manager air