HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-12-02, Page 2'PAGE TWO •TH'E LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 0 'THURS., DECRMBER, 2nd, 1943 THE LUCKNOW.SENTIN' EL,., . • \LUCKNOW, ONTARJO. Established 1873 Published Each Thursday 11/laming Subscription Rate — $2.00 A Year In Advance To' United States $2.50 Single Copies 5c . Member of The C. W. N. A, C.• Thompson, Publisher anclPropriet'pr •rwirmamnir*I THURSDAy, DECEMBER 2nd, 1943 EDITORIAL WE PAY. AS WE GO • Canadians may well be proud of the fact •that Canada is one of the •few countries en- gaged in the war whiChls meeting all itas war costs with9ut aid of lencl• lease Or any other help. We have a 'pay-as-you-go' pcilicy, and on top of this, we are giving aid to. our Allies in the form .of munitions, food/and other, war necessities, to an amount in excess of two bil- lion dollars. - • In ,view of our stupendous War effort does seem strange that goods we purchaaefroin •the United States • for war ,purposes reqUirea , . • . •, Slit of .ciiir'• money ,for every dollar's Worth. THE PUBLIC HOLDS THE ANSWER : • , ' . 0 • purchased. The United States. is alsourchas,- • - By making 'cancer a reportable disease • ing millions Of,.dellars worth ofc. war Materials , 111-14chvaluable infpnatien would be obtained • from us, but they only need '90 cents. of .their. . in corineetien with . this "scourge. About the . •money 'to Pay us for one . dollar's' worth of• only thing definite in this respect is the know'- goods.' Why are the U.S. and Canadian dollars ledge that thereare about 13,000 deaths from not worth par in each_ country in 'wartime? '. -the disease eachyearin Canada.. . —2 - Balanee Of trade and -Oilier reasons advanced ,. • I1 is not known :how many cases there . are high-sounding phrases in peace -time, but are in the Dominion in. -any one year. An es- . " should mean nothing when this is, supposed to iimateplaces this at 50,000. It Is net known . be a united nations' war effort to destroy a how early or how late the diagnosis is :made common enemy. The present set-up is either , and by whom. It ,is not known how many cases an unfriendly act of a friendly nation or Man - •are rightly or wrongly diagnosed. It, is not known how many different ways cancer. is treated' in Canada and. it is not. known what, their value is. To assess the value of any type: ipulation to benefit certain fininciai interests. If tWc.,• friendly • neighbors and Allies cannot play fair with each other in wartime, what hope • is there to establish an Atlantic Charter for all • ' of treatinexit, statistics are only available -in the. peOPles?—Pert Elgin Tittles. case 'of surgery and radiotherapy. The 'answer to all these questions be fOuncl:by making it obligatory for every doetor. or layman treating a: case diagnoSed. as caneer, to report it to a central provincial body at once ...M.,aking_a_clisea,se_rAportable, need not • • • ' • 0 • mean- publicity for the patient. „ •• • ., It is for the public to say whether or not • cancer should be a•: reportable disease, • and there should be no hesitation in making the . reply unanimously' :affirmative, - FARMERS -SHOULD BE -COVER1$1i- •, • In 1941, Compensation Boards in Canada "they tell me this, or they tell me that". One : • paid industrial workers twenty-one and 'a haif of the favorites is that you can get unlimited million. dollars•for,time off due to injuries. quantities of merchandise in certain other cell.; • , Farmers get hurt too—to the extent of an tres Which hapPen to be in short supply in the estimated 51,000 serious aectclenta a year Yet home town.. But why, if they can, are they they are not compensated' and what is more, looking .for it "where it ain't?" : • the, farmer ' is responsible for,: the hired- man • • • • * * • , getting- hurt, .accordirit, to a recent court judgrnent. •In ari article by Dr: James McClinton he corieludes that•farm aecidents should have There goes .November ,and.as' Novembers ;go it wasn't such a.__bad month, especially when compared with'sorne. of its predecessors. At the nnia_ting_last week the United Farmers of Ontario adapted a resolution fawn.- ing a merger with the Ontario Federation, of Agriculture. • This should make a strong and influentialfarm organization provided polilics Local and General and Mrs. Norman. Wilson of Hamilton spent the week -end With relatives here. .1V1r.. and M.ra 'Robert Fisher • • of ;Hamiltenvsperit the .week -end ,David Harvey :Treleaven • is ill at her herne,, 1Vliss Islay Campbell' .lieg.11.,,,has been in attendance.. . . r..' and 'Mrs. .J.•.W.• Henderson and"Mrs, • Morg•an •Henderson.. spent a couple of days in London - last. Week. '•• . : -, • .Mt and Mrs. Ralph -Nixon, ea- • . . • ... _ te;emed' Zion couplew.he, celebra- ted their gOlden. wedding .early in the . year, left . on .MondaY' to - spend. the Winter at the home of Mr, J. B. McKay, R. 2,' Gordon, Statters, who is with the Bank of Montreal in New- 'foundland, has been, transferred • from St. John to Corner Brook as accountant, at the latter ;branch. Mrs. J. W. Joynt is recovering satisfactorily from injuries to ligaments in her leg which she suffered in a' fall early in Oct - Continue to be kept •out. • •• . Every business man is quite familiar with, ober and has recerrtlYiseen rbie to be about the house again. Mrs. D. R: MacLean is in charge of the United Church choir in her absence and Mrs. A. Crispin Mr: and Mrs. Charles Carnegie ofToronto were visitors here with Mr. and .Mrs, Jim Carnegie. •Mrs. Juliet. M. MacKenzie of Victbria, B.C., who was the guest of Mrs. Margaret, •MacPherson of ,Milverton for two weeks; was called to Winnipeg .owing to the serious illness of her 'niece, Mrs.. Studinan. • • „ • • Miss Marjory PUrdcin is em- ploYed at. the, C.Ndi. depot at Hanover. Marjory took .a course in telegraphy, typing and express work' at the local telegraph office .and then•for a time was employ- -ed at the Luek,now depot before - going to_Hanover. • Take Up :Residence Here Mr land Mrs. ,Roy :Lattner pf Kitchener, :who were 'married on Saturday, have moved ,intb the. Mies ' Henderson residence . on. Station St. Roy and his' brother; who is making his. home.' with them, .are both ernployed in the : Maple Leaf Aircraft plant. • . The Y:1)..S. of Tirst-;:.Church;-vSt: ;Marys, 'recently" entertained . the Stratford executive of the Y.P.S. -IVliss Grace MacPherson,' presi- dent of the St. Marys Society, • -interesting addreas on "Our Mission in. Bri--' -fish Guiana". Lloyd, Stewart of • Stratford rendered a solo andq conducted games for the even - , - is presiding at the organ. .• Mg. • a. • ' • : •,•: It's December folks! Christmas is only three weeks F) way. Better get .Christmas sizoiriing • lone now. * * • ., • pre.vention, treatment cOnipensation. Pre T.,. • • ''.."‘".^1,'S"-• "(If .r•-•••-•:.ndFes 17teNryy T ,n vention' is accomplished. -by educatio,,, .a'rd , . . bronriht this' comment from the.1•.°1Teig• •v-Nrk' treatment ,by .a •kriowledge. of first. old.. Com- , :TirrP"..: "This athazirq•-reenrel, ..inrTepri. ir ^nr1/2 •. • 'Of the fis•eal miracles nf this war". ‚The • Ornncl.. pensation, ,o,f course,"requires an annual con. acentraI fund. .., , ' . .... • • total oft. * he loanastands at about .$1,380,000:imr inbution to•. An• aecident Costa abOut one liundred;dol • * . • ,. . , . , ,• "Oh, Lord", he said as he knelt at his bed- lars, according to figures compiled by the ,On- \ -, side One evening, "make be.,,a-good little boy. tario Compensation' Board, with 28 years ex- • ' I asked you the other 'day . to do . it but you perience and over a, million anda . hall case a ••didn't".—Guelph Mercury.' . • recorded. , .. • ' , . ' • ' .'• • • • On this : basis, ;severe accidents to Can - A • There are between four and five 'medical adian farmers would coat. Something over _fiVe ' •-officers for. every 1,000 men in the Canadian million dollars annually. 672,000 farm •opera- • Armed Services, WhichAa approximately five tors would share this cost,. to provide corn-, . times as many doctors for the 'care of the -arm-.. perisation ' for himself and . his _hired 'man in .. ed forces as the pre-war ratio fcerthe general _ case of injury .withdoctor and hospital billa..• • public. .Then there as an average, Of one doe- ' included. This•could'be had for approximately $10.00, a year, including administration costs '• as well as providing a reserve for tinforseen • demands. 'r *• .* * *, • • .StAGE DECEMBER -;'`BLITZ" tor 'for every 1,100 persons. , _*• •* * -When the :W.P.T.B. has, iiroof of the facts it doesn't fool. ,A Southampton 'merchant re- cently paid a fine and costs or $125.00 for infractions of the price ceiling on such com- The .Ontario clothing division of the Aid 'modities as coffee, jam, oranges and corn to Russia Fund is staging a 'blitz" during De- .syrup. • 'Cember 'for clothing for the people. in. the dev- ' • . , ' ' * ' *•* '-•• astated • generation is debtor to the past forthe ex- . ' .., . .. astated areas of the Soviet Union. • '• In reply to .the ,slogan, "The World owes Residents of Lucknow. 'and district have everybody a living!" R. i J. •Deachman says: previously made a liberal response to . this • "The world owes nobody a living. Each new effort, and are again being called on for dona tions of warm and serviceable clothing and ,. cellent start .it gets in life. The only means by blankets, which may be left at T. W. Smith's which that debt can be repaid' is by passing on Garage. ',, . to those who come after us a country better, The need for clothing in Russia is beyond richer, stronger • than we found it. That, should be the Kirit of the age7-it is the way of prog- ress". • * * * • • Temperance. advocates are quickto sqiip- port their cause by the statement that Guy Lombardo's Royal Canadians do not chink at any tithe or Under.'any condition. This band has been voted tops for eleven. successive years. Guy says, i"We don't want it. It jiist doetrist . mix with music". * * , * , • Read a touching letter from 'a lieutenant of the 48th Highlanders, who was effering,con- • dolence 'to the Durham parents of a young man • who paid the supreme sacrifice in' Italy. The lieutenant was in hospital himself as a result of wounds reeeived on that special patrol when iix' members of his platcion were picked Off. And then to hear .some petty quibbler grouch- . ordinary measurement It is estimated that more that -,-30,00,0,000 persons in the areas being liberated by the Russian offensive will, be in dire need of help. These occupied communities 'have, been looted by. the Nazis and .now in re- treat, they set the torch to the homes that still stand. . ' '• -The Soviet people\ have more than earned our :gratitude. They have paid •and are con- •tinuing to pay an extremely heavy price to drive the common enemy from their soil. Ever Russian family has suffered loss in life and, property: The devastation in i6t country is beyond description. , • , HOW little it is we are asked to do for • these brave people! Railways will transport free .- of charge all donations of clothing to. Toronto headquarters, where they ,are sorted, packed and shipped as quickly as received. These baleS nothing are-trarksprir on Soviet boats. • • • • Letters to Editor MONITORY REFORM ,• WILL ABOLISH POVERTY ancouver, J3. 01., ovrmber 1591, 1943. r• w . • Sir: ° • t- iy3 to finance the cost of the war, by taxation and borrowing. I wish to. inform you , and .your readers. that there is the third by the use of the bank of Canada along with tax- ation. To do this it would be nee- cessary to remove from the char - teed banks, the- ssnanee of all forms of k money,, the bank Of Canada to be the source of all our money and inflation to be. held down by ,taxation. By so doing we could conduct our war effort ' with greater efficiency, Without debt, interest :or infla- tion. It can and should be done, as at the present. time the chart- ered banks issue 90 per cent of our money and all the inflation. Let' us examine the war 'debt to date, including victory bonds, war saving certificates, compul-1 sory savings- and bank borrowing, the debt will be lover $6,000,000,- 000 at '3 per cent the interest will be $180,000,000 per year or near• - ly .1/2 million dollars per day, Victor Y bonds do not help the war. Only man power and mat- rerial- carr-thrtfrat. If'each man, woman and child in-. Canadats ,bought bonds to ari, equal' amount, they would not be worth the paper they are prin.! ted on, simple because each per- son would hare to be taxed to pay his own intereat. The only way to ' make bonds,: valuable is to have Plenty.of poor -People, not the wealth of the,- country nor its production aswe are so often told. - You also:, state that the bank deposits are greater than ever, • true, ,At the same-tirne against each dollar, deposit 'there is a debt to the bank of an eqUal .ainu oatr-fria • I 0 S age9) -aakr- inakes one "hot .under the collar". # deposit • (money) -is • created out. Of nothing. The banks do net lend the depositors money. It is treated out. of nothing, against " the ;borrowers security at the time the loan is made and by the. • cheque system the bank deposits •. are moved frorn• one person to onother. Every dollar in circula- tInn is a debt to the banks, The q-' way mnrey can get into - 11 -op : 1 -,•Nr' some person or '7 l'OrrWin f:Z it from the' and thi- great mass of, the '• dnoercl on the bank bOr- • rwer for their supply pf money, which • is . inadequate and they don't knoiv it. o I could write much more on ' this subject. HOwever,' ifwe want to keep our .country from. going C.C.F. or some other form. of dictatorial socialism, we must have monetary 0reform, so that the people 'can have.. the things they desire ,when and where. We live in an age of plenty and mon- etary reform will abolish pov- erty. • The reforth can only be,. brought about bY political dem- • ocracy. Here are a few points to study, we cannothave party politics and deinociacy. in full at .the same time, nor can we have soc- ialism and democracy at the' same same tithe. We cannot build . up a pyramid of debt and have peace 'at the same time.. We should study our own system and correct • its Wrongs. ani not suggesting that the people shbuld not ,buy victory bonds but to inform you and your readers that bonds and debt, e-unneeessary - that- We' should demand from our M.P.'s to conduct the :war with greater. • Vigour., without creating further debt, and to, free us from finan, • cial dictatorship. It is our duty to tell our M.P.'s what' we want' clone and its their .cluty to find the method. o• We are winning the war. Let us not lodse the peace. )(Ours sincerely, • G. V. ,TOWLX, 2456-E. 37th Ave. Vancouver,- B; C, `What are. yon doing in the • 1). creates a new 'depositand that 41. , • .0 "Fighting temptation, mother",