HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-11-25, Page 5u THURS., NOVEMBER 25th, 1943
Lyceum 1heatre
Thurs., Fri., Sdt., Nov. 25, 26,
"D:r.Gillespie's Ne ve Assistant"
,Another' picture m the famous.. "Dr ''Gillespie" series.
Also `Short Subjects"
Mon., Tues., Wed.,
��ct oR �
melodic adv.nuCe in US tt 1i
Nov. Z9, 30, 'Dec.
Mrs. T. Robinson was hostess
tothe ladies of the U.F.W.O. for
the November `b eeting on Tues-
day. There, was a large crowd of
'visitors: arid members. Mrs. W.
MacDonald ' presided. After com-
munity singing the roll call was
answered by amexcharige of gifts.
A ' .Splendid program fclowed
which included 'a solo by Mrs.
Philip accompanied by Rev: H.
Dann *on the violin; •a ' reading
by Miss Ruth McKinnon; a paper
"A four square life" by Mrs:. A.
McIntyre; a ' solo by Miss Eliz:
abeth Robinson accompanied by
Miss Lillian Carruthers; ' violin
music by Mr. Darin accompanied'
by Lillian Carruthers. Mrs. S.
McLeod read a paper from head-
quarters written by Mrs. Smith
and Mrff. D. McKinnon read one
by 'Mrs. O. Anderson. Mrs.
Hughes was appointed .a dele-
gate to attend the convention in
Torontothis week. A letter of
thanks was read from Mrs. J.
Carruthers and Mrs. Dan McIn-
tyre. Mrs. McLeod moved a vote
"Of t ,,anks to the hostess andthose
helping • with the program: Re-
freshments were served and a
pleasant half hour. spent. -Mrs. G.
Ostrander, president of the W. I.,
was present; and made an appeal
for quilts and clothing for the
Russian Relief,also help for the
. December' blod donorclinic
which was met with a .willing
Mrs. Nellie Shackleton of Dun-
gannon- was a week -end visitor
with Mr. and Mrs. Matt Shackle'
ton. •
Mr.:and Mrs. Jack Curran and
family attended a family gather-
ing at Mr. and . Mrs. Herb Cur=
ran's on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Plunkett
and boys of Auburn spent .Sat-
urday afternoonwith her bro-
ther, Wilfred, and Mrs. Drennan.
' Mr. and Mrs: Jim }lesson of
Stratford were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Sam Kilpatrick on Sunday.
Mr. and Mics.' Marvin. Durnin
. D�!G'E' FI�J'•
Mrs. Annie Culbert returned
home last week -end after spend-
ing three weeks, visiting the J.
D. Richardson family at . Ayl-
mer. They accompanied he
Mr. Thos. McCann, who under-
went an operation for removal of
.appendix at • Clinton hospital is
doing.. fine.
Mrs; Jean Patterson, Goderich,
'spent the :week -end with Mr. and'
Mrs. Earl McNee.
Mrs. Robt. Fitzgerald is spend-
ing • the. :winter with her aunt.,
Mrs. Agar at .Brantford.
Mrs: G. C. Treleaven, daughter
Mrs. Arthur Brown and her fath-=
er, Mrs.-. S. Roach, spent Sunday
visiting, 'Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Roach, Listowel.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sampson,
Port Albert, spent a few days
this week with relatives in the
village. '
We are .sorry to know Mrs. R.
J. Durnin is confined to bed .and
under the doctor's care.
Mrs: Wm. . Wilson returned
ome after
Siting a while with
hherr daughter,1Mars. Wm. Reed: W
' e
are glad to ki ow she is . much
improved in health.
Mr. Ross ' Eedy, who enlisted
with the RT. few weeks
ago and has been training in To-
ronto, • now sends word he has
been :transferred to Mt. Joli, Que.'
I and has been .there a week:
IMr. and Mrs. Jas.. Boyle have,
rented Mrs. Max: 'Hoffinari's- fatni
on the 4th Con.. of West Wawa-'
, nosh.'
Miss Lucille Eedy ,spent the
Cpl. Barett of Port Albert air
school visited recently with his
cousins, Miss Sadie and Mr. Dave
Mr. and Mrs. Mervin :Avery and
-family have moved to Lucknow,
where he has secured a position,
A. number df people froth here
attended the farewell party held
at Lochalsh on Wednesday. even-'
ing for Mr. and Mrs: Alex Mac-
Lennan and family' before moving
to Lucknow.
The. Wornen's .Institute meet-
ing was held at the home of Mrs.
Dave and Mrs. Roderick MacKen-
zie.' The president, Mrs. ,Robert
Scott was unable to' be there. Mrs.
James Little took the. chair. The
meeting opened ley all -singing- the
opening ode. Roll call "Things
money cannot "huy'•'. There 'were
twenty-two present. Mrs. Dave
MacKenzie gave a report of the
convention that was held at Lon-
don. Mrs. Jack Collinson conduct-
ed a quiz program. Mrs. Bill Mc-
Donald 'sang a solo. Mrs. Fred
MacGregor: and Mrs. Bill Mc-
Donald were appointed a com-
mittee to send boxes to the boys'
overseas. The meeting closed by
singing the National Anthem.,
Lunch was ° then served, by the
hostess. , The December meeting
will be held at 'the ' home of Mrs.
Henry MacKenzie. Roll call--
all--Christmas carols. Subject, Union
Jack by Mrs. N. J. MacKenzie.
• Mr. and Mrs. Dave McMurchy
of Cattodr, Alberta (nee Annie
_Bur_igass) ...are , visiting ___ _with.
freinds in the community.
Mrs. Thos. Robb had the mis-„
fortune of falling and spraining
her right leg. Miss Sadie John-
i9p, R.N., is attending to her.
Wi hope Mrs. Robb -will soon be
up and around again.
Mrs. Bert Treleaven spent
Wednesday with her daughter,
Mrs. Vernon Hunter, Lucknow.
A 'number. from here attended
the Library concert at Dungan-
non on Friday evening. .;
Miss Shirley' Sherwood spent.
the week -end with her, parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sherwood.
Mr. Norman Rivett has retuixn-
• cr rthe -We,.).
week -end in Toronto. .�.
Quota Receiv.,ed
The Dungannon Branch of the
Red Cross has' received a quota
for 'knitted goods recently, which
is as follows: 60 pair service sox
and for the Navy; 20 pairs- mitts
(grey) and 20 ribbed helmets
(navy). These goods are urgent-
ly` needed" at Newfoundland. ' All
who ran knit are asked to lend
a hand. Mrs. Davidson has plenty
of yarn for., most. garments.
Mrs. "Thomas. Congram
At London, ... November '.10th,
there entered into rest a native.
of Ashfield, Mrs. Thos..Congram,
formerly Matilda `Douglas, in fier.
77th year. After the death of her
husband at Wfngham, she went
to ,reside in London five , years
ago. She was born, at Dundas .and
she and her husband settled on -
the farm .now owned by her son
Gordon Congram. Her family. 'is
three sons, Gordon of Ashfield,
Charles of Wingharn, Wilfred of
Willowdale and her daughter Ida,
Mrs. Roy Riseborough, Newton,
brook. Two sisters, Mrs. Jane
Vanstdne, Hamilton •. and Mrs.
Minnie Phillips, London and two
brothers, Mr. Jas. Douglas, Bay
City, Michigan; Scott, .Douglas;.
Minnesota. Her death was the
fifth death in her family this year
including three brothers, John
Douglas, London; Tom Douglas,
Brandon, Man. and Wm. Douglas,
Fort William and a brother-in-
law, Mr.: Sam Vanstone, Hamil-
ton. A service was held in London
-cm .November 11-th and the fol-
lowing clay the funeral was held
at her son's, Mr. Chas., Congram,
Wingham. conducted by Rev. Lu-
cas of the Baptist church, Wing -
ham, .where she attended while
being a resident there. Her sud-
den. passing caused grief among;
her . 'many friends, . which she
made wherever she went. The
remains were interred at Dung
annon cemetery with, the folldw-
ing pallbea1 rs, Harold Congram,
Lorne Ivers, Douglas Phillips,_
Bob Arbuckle, Jas. Douglas and
Cecil Congram.
Women's Institute
The Dungannon branch of the
Women's Institute are entertain-
aderielFr—and t -ai=l, r -a l
Supertest Stati�
Automatic .Fire :;Extinguishers,
A Fire ' Protection That. 'Every , Home Should Have
Robert Moffat, Lucknow
es on Thursday, November 25th
at 2.30 p.m: at the United church.
The guest speaker will be the
district president of W. Huron,
Mrs. W. G. Henderson of Wing-
Mr. and Mrs:: W. J. Robb and
daughter Dorothy visited . Mr. and
Mrs. Cecil. Robb, Lucknow on
Mrs. Wm. Henry, Flesherton,
visited with her niece, Mrs. D.
A. Fowler, who is recuperating'
from .her recent operation.
Womeres s octatro
The Women''s Association met
in the basement of the United
church. on Friday; .with. the meet-
ing conducted by the vice-presi-
dent, Mrs. J. McWhinney. Mrs.
1 -J: ,:Moore --read- the seriptur e-
lesson and Mrs. Reid led -in pray-
er. It, was decided to have the
December meeting . one week
earlier on December' 10th with
election of officers. Mrs. Blake'
read . a topic "The hand' of God
in .Life".. Mrs..Leroi Stingelgave
a piano instrumental. Mrs: A.
Elliott. gave a reading "One' day
at a Time". "One..
Mr. X Treats Sgt. Bill McClure
A . Philanthropist who really
opened his .heart visited Christie
Street Hospital,, Toronto' on Tues-
day last; week -and when dealing
out large bilis of money like.
pamphlets, he didn't forget the
amputation ward, and we ' are
glad to. know Sgt. Bill McClure
of 'Dungannon was lucky in be-
ing'presentedwith $200. The ben-
evolent visitor' dealt out $3,300
,at the hospital that, d9y. •
If We .Could ,Only
Forget Half We know
Ourl minds are ;for reasoning,
not for remembering, writes Rob-
ert D. Potter, in 'The Arneriean
Weekly with this Sunday's (No-
vember 28) issue of The Detroit
Sunday , Times, Potter explaining
why we would probabl all be stitions, medical• misinformation
better off if we could enlpty°our and old : wives' tales. Get Sun
mihds of senseless. fears, super- day's Detroit •Times.
Mrs.. Herb Curran entertained
the ' W.M:S. on Tuesday p.m. with
17 in attendance. Theme, the
Bible, the foundation stone of the
new order. Mrs. T. M. Anderson
'read the 33rd.psalm:Prayer was
offered .by the leader. Mrs. Liv
ingstone Ilenary and Mrs. Jerry
Cranston 'gave an interview
with Mrs. Peck of . Guatemala"..
which was very interesting. Mrsj
Horton read'the'latter part of -the
first chapter of the study book.
A' quilt , for Red Cross 'was corn
pleted during • 'the 'afternoon.
Mrs.', Richard Kilpatrick and.
Douglas returned home from To-
ronto .on Thursday where they
visited " friends -the Mast week.
Little Dick Curran of St. Hel-
ens spent ' a few days last week:
with Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Ander
Gordon Anderson spent the
week -end in Brantford with Mr-.
and Mrs: Chas. Pearce., His moth-
er returned" home on Sunday at -
ter a pleasant visit with her dau-
ghter in that city. .
S: B. Stothers. and Stephen, Jr.
of Arthur spent Saturday and
Sunday at the old home.:
Mr. and •Mrs. Chas. Hallam
were guests at". the golden Wed-
ding of his parents •Mr. and' Mrs.
Thos. • Hallam ' at . Auburn- on
Thursday last.
Mr. Ernest 'Blake and ..Cecile
Johnston were • in Clinton on.
Thursday -, attending' the annual
meeting and banquet of the On-
tario Federation of Agriculture.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo..
Saunders on Sunday were Mr.
and Mrs. BilI Ross and family of
Lochalsh and Mr. and Mrs.. -„Eddie
Thompson of Holyrood.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Curran en-
joyed a visit with their, family on
Sunday. •
Danceand P..raw
.In Aid of The Hoilyman-Johnston
Overseas Cigarette Fund.
In The Town Hall, Lucknow
• at 9.30 shai°p.
DOOR PRIZE,' $5. War Savings Certificate
FEATURING Dance Specialties
with War Savings Stamp Prizes:
For a 55 -piece Set of . Wm. A. Rogers Silverware in a Tarn-
ish Proof Walnut Finish Case. Tickets; 2 for .25c