HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-11-18, Page 4PAGE FOUR THE LUC1iNOW SENTINEL, I,U•CKNOW, ONTARIO Iot'ice To Farmers GROWING Red : (lover Als ke and Timothy 'Seeds WE ARE LICENSED to purchase Red •€lower, Alsike, .:etc., and, are in a• position to pay highest prices - ,; for your seed .plusGovernment subsidy or participation .certifi- cater. BRING YOUR -SEED •.TO— Amer J..;Weber &Son TELEPHONE No. 3 "CARGI•LL, ONTARIO• . ��`1t111�ts WE ALSO Buir all Kinds; of POL,LTRY:.. or a McLennan Puri a Dealer, Lucknow FIELD NOTES MAFEKI NG 'KINLOIJGH • Mr. and Mrs. Jack -Ill and Shirley were recent visitors with Harriston friends. • Mrs. John Sturgeon of Bervie spent a` few days with Mrs. W. J. McLean.. The annual Remembrance Day, service was held -in the. Township Fall; Liolyrood on Thursday morning. Rev. J. W. Stewart of Lucknow, gave the address an.d Rev, George Honour of Bervie, Kingarf. and Kinlough Anglican churches read the Scripture less- on and.lead in prayer. The hymn '0 God \our 1-0klp in ages •past was "sung and the 'two minutes silence observed. A. solo was ren-. dered by Mrs. Aylmer Ackert. Mrs. Frank Thompson read d.tle 'names of those on the tablet and also those whoare serving in the present. war. The singing . of the National Anthem brought the service to , a close. . • BORN -In Windsor, on Saturday November, 6th, to Mr. and '.Mrs. Glen Pinnell, . a son, . Larry Glen- don. Congratulations. Mrs: Jane.Percy whohas spent the past three Months with Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Hdenby and other relatives here returned to Tiver- ton • to ,,spend . the winter months with Mi. and Mrs. George Percy. Word, has been received here strop of . Toronto. Sarriuel Arm- ofthe death of Mrs. ' g nto. She was , the; former Sadie,• Richards; and spent the early ,part :of her life here. Sympathy is extended to the bereaved ones. ° We are, sorry to report the ser- ious • illness of • Mr. Peter Mac- Donald. His many' friends hope for a,'speedy recovery. Mr. George 'Thompson and Mr. and' Mrs. •HaTey Thompson of Purple Grove were recent visitors. with Mr. and • Mrs.; Alec Percy; Miss May Boyle returned home' after visiting : with Bellville friends. " Visitors on 'Saturday with Mr. 'and Mrs. Harvey Anderson were Mt.." and Mrs. AIL Mabel and Jimmie of Port Colborne, Mr. and Mrs: James Finnigan and Miss Cora Finnigan of Dungannon„ Mr. and Mrs.. • Everett Finnigan "and Gwen .of Prosperity Mr. and 'Mrs. 'Chas:*Pearce of Brantford visited. at the homeof her parents o•Ver the , weeks end. Mrs. Thomas. J. Anderson accorn- pariied thern-on+the-i-r-r-eturn trip on Sunday. Mr. arid•Mrs. John .Campbell of • \Belfast and Mr. Albert Phillips and sister of St. Helensrvisited .NIr-...and_.Mrs. J Hunter and family. on Sunday.' - 1 Mr. Borden Culbert left last 'week for Toronlio, `inhere he in- tends to spend the winter 'months. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ritchie visited in . Dungannon one - day last week. Miss Agnes. Malloch of Crewe spent a few days with Mrs. Jake in Lucknow. Mr.' Cyril. B'u'rton, Y. 1V1.. C. A. secretary, Port •Albert, supplied. the .pulpit• very acceptably e on. Sunday morning' at Blake's. Rpv; G. Howse was in Toronto .over the week end.. ; .. Miss Olive ;Blake : came 'horde on. Saturday from the hospital in London. She is°'recovering . from a recent -operation. We hope to see her- out -again l,soon. • Mr.. and Mrs. W. 'E. Andrew and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. •Bamford and Mr. and Mrs. James Craig 'of St. August- ine.• on Sunday afternoon. •Little Billie Andrew celebrated his second ' birthday on Tuesday at, the home of his grandparents • THURSDAY, November 18, 194. FOR SALE -r12 -inch grain roller in good condition. LLOYD Mac- DOUGALL, R 6, Lucknow. WILL Buy. OR RENT—A one or two -burner" electric plate. Apply to A. E. 1VlcKIM, Chairrnan Luck- now Board of Education. ,a' FOR 'SALE— a number '.of feed= ing' steers, Herefords; 2 registered cows with bull calves • at foot and 8 sixty -pound pigs. RICHARD BAKER, Holyrood, Ont. • Hunter recently. Mr. and Mrs. Hes Ritchie and Alvin •spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shhrwood. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hogan, ac- companied by Mr. Mike' Hogan, spent the latter . part of the past Mr. and :Mrs. George Twamley visited with her mother, Mrs. J. .McCann . at - Nile : on Friday last.. Lloyd Saunders of St. Helens spentthe week -end with, his par - STRAYED—from . the premises of the undersigned, a small dark red Hereford heifer..A.nyone knowing of her whereabouts please notify DAN : L. MacKINNON, R. R. 6, Lucknow. • ABOUT 60 OXFORD breeding. ewes for sale or to let. • out on shares; .Oxfordrams and :ram lambs and 1 Leicester ram; also draught filly. JOHN FARRISH, R. Lucknow; 'Phone Dungan non 82-r-13. LANGSIDE NORTH The November 'meeting of the ,Mission Banldwas held at the home of Miss Gertie Brown. Mrs. )Bill Scott had charge , of the pro- gram. week with friends in Toronto .•ents.. $EErIIE»iffERENaP1iR/NAMAKE4 GIVE YOUR FLOCK. A WEEK'S. TREATMVIENT WITH Puirma Cheli-R-Tors 'A TONIC with ingredients that knock out the.rotindworms. Fatefla Checkers 1 �!u���na n •• ABOUT THREE POUNDS per: bird will give you a• Milk Fed A Finish in two weeks. FORHOGS' Add 1 Bag Hog Chow 'to each 5 bags Chop )produce 4 Hogs per ton. of Chop "instead of just 2 • " Connplete Sanitation Line always on hand Lrie 'MacLennan, 'Phone X77- • • RAW FURS WANTED—highest prices paid. 'Send• or bring ,,therm •' to HURON.PRODUCE, Wingham. Il'OR SALE =- Hog and Poultry.., concentrates; also shell maker for poultry..... S. E. ROBERTSON, Lucknow. CARD:OF, THANKS ` . I would like to' thank the •Luck - now Red Cross ' for the lovely: gifts they sent me. It was . very ' much .appreciated' and I thank you very much for them. Spr. ,P,, A. Durnin, Petawawa AUCTION SALE of farm stock and implements at WH Lot Con.:3; Ashfgid T3wnship on Friday November 19th. See bills. for list end. terms. Wxnr.W. Hogan,,. Prop.; iliJlatt Gaynor, .Auc: On Wednesday the United W. M. S. •held their meeting at the home' of Mrs. Ivan .Conley. • Miss Emma 'Richardson has re- turned after spending the. summ- • er • with her : sister at Porcupine. - Miss Jean Osborne spent the. week -end with Mr. and . Mrs. Farish Moffat: • Mr. Dick . Orr returned: from the West on Saturday., • BELFAST • AUCTION SALE at the Stock Yards, Ripley, on Thursday, Nov- ember 18th. • 40 choice . spring' 1 s; 25 yearling. cattle; 10 het in. calf, springing;. 5 cows, . springing; • 5 cows due in January, and a number of breed- ing ewes. All calves and yearl- ings bought 'in Huron Township and: district. Thomas Harris, Prop. Donald B. Blue, Auc. • ZION F. T.'ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST Ir' LUCkNOW EACH WEDNESDAY ' FROM 2 . p.in, to 6 o'clock AT WM. SCHMID'S STORE 1 Mrs. Jennie Fitzgerald is visit- ing at ; presegt with her sister, Mrs. Richard Gardner -and -Mr: Gardner. Rev. 'Ward. from St. Helens oc- cupied thepulpit here on Sunday evening in 'the absence of Rev. Howse who is spending a few. days in Toronto.• The prayer and Bible study service will be held do ' Thursday evening • in the church and -the pastor is. anxious. ;that as many church: membersas. can, will be present at this Meet- ing. Mrs.: Fred Anderson "returned home on Thursday after spending the past six weeks in the West- ern'. provinces. He ,'spent some time . assisting with the .harvest in Manitoba .and° also visited friends -in: Alberta and skatch- ewan Miss Lorna Reed left„ori Mon- day for Toronto where she has secured a position. . The monthly meeting of Zion. W. M. S. was; held, at the ' horne of Mrs. Cecil Gardner on Thurs- day past with a `good attendance. Miss Lottie Saunders of Mafe- king vans a weekend `visitor With - her .uncle ithher.uncle and aunt,. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rit-chie:•' • • Mrs. Cecil Gardner is spend- ing a few days with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Quaid of Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cameron vi d with Mr. and Mrs, Ewart McP rson of . Wingham on Sun- day.. Mrs. D. K. Alton . is visiting. with Mr. and Mrs.' Sam Morrison for a few days. • • • Mr. Wallace Twamley and Hilda of Lucknow- spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Will Alton. Mrry •.arid. Mrs., Gordan:...-Fi wLler of Goderich visited with Mr. and Mrs. Dynes Campbell on Sunday: Mrs. Wilfred Hatett and •Jimmie sPent the l week -end with Mr. and Mrs. b. S. MacDonald at Ripley. , Mr. and Mrs. Will Alton and Wendell spent Sitn4ay '.evening with . Mr: Will Hasty. ' • �' ' S`t'. HELENS P. StuartMacKenzie BARRISTER• & SOLICITOR Walkerton, Ontario. IN LUCKNOW Each Wednesday Afternoon & Evening At G. H. SMITH'S OFFICE ins• _James: eturned• to• her home at 'Port Colborne after spending a month with friends 'in Ashfield and Lucknow. Presented By Zion' Friends Upon Joining ;The Navy • ' Mr. L• ane Gardner of Hamilton spent .a week with'• '•his parents, Mr.. and • Mrs.. • Henry Gardner; leaving on .Monday fore Hamilton•, where 'he ' wily report • for, . service • . with the Royal Canadian 'Navy . as a wireless :operator/ On• Sat urday evening a few hof, the boys met. at his .home and ,presented • him with •a- purse of money. '• ane 7kindly thanked the boys f • 'heir interest and• kindness at, :urther ..wis'hes . to convey his hearty thanks' to all his friends and neighbors who- kindly re-. mernbere him 'at this ' tirne.• • • The. . •following. ' address was., read. Dear Lane:. • .Although you have been 'absent 'from home for a - time, We will always• think of you as. one of our - own Zion boys, 'and we are pleas- •ed to have you. back in our. com.•- munity now. As we are aware of • your. repeated efforts to enlist in -the air force and. the artny, we• -admire•-you- for yt�tir--keen.-.desire: _.. to• serve your country and We'de. to congratulate grou upon'. your success in being accepted in - the Canadian •Navy...• . All through the: coming days of training and active service are :.hope that •no. misfortune may be- fall -you and perhaps it will Help to know that your • friends back, home • are. thinking of you and • wishing you .God speed .and a safe ' • 'return, when., the 'war is over: As a token of Our love and ,best re- garde please 'accept this, gift from. your Zion friends. and 'neighbors. Signed—Graydon 'Ritchie,'• I -tar - Bdt•. and „Mr's. • Gordon Miller of London were week-end'visit. ors with their• parents here. Mr. and ,Mrs. Neely Todd and little .'son of Stratford were, ' re. Todd. All the ladies are invited to.the .Red Cross quilting on Ft;iday afternoon.• Misses Mary and lixabetli Sal- keld and Mrs. George 'Salkeld of Goderich and Mrs: Rae Salkeld. and Lorraine of Gerald, Sask., we rp reccyrit visitors with • Mrs. vcy Ritchie, Charlie Anderson, � 71,