HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-11-11, Page 7THURS., NOVEMBER 11th, 1943 THE LUOKNOW •SENTINELJ LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Jack , Cook of the R.C.A.F. at St, :Thomas spent the week -end at his home here.. Eldon 13uckingharn.,of the R. C. A. F. at Montreal spent the week end withhis parents in AA field. Sid, Whitby of. PetaWawa,mili • taty camp 'spent the week -end with, his parents, M. and Mrs. • Joseph Whitby. • • WO. Frank, 4nhern, formerly of- Port Albert, and presently at• spent the past week. •• here with Mrs. Canham and Mal cohn. , • Reid McKim, who spent a re ,..,„cent furlough here upon complet • ing a gunnery course at Halifa has been stationed at Debert since returning to the.. -East; •caught Up With Him , Rill Stimsdn, Jr:,. had one lam- . ent in his letters home all sum- . Men It •was 'that he wasn't get- ting hisSentinel. bill was on the ranean area, but finally the paper . did catch up with him.' In a . recent letter from Sicily, he. re- ported receiving three July is sues. ....Re.geived___The Socks , Lloyd Elliott of the-R.C.A.F. at • • Mossbank, Sask., . has received the "rush order" for three. pair • of socks from Mrs. Jack Carter:. In appreciation Lloyd enclosed ten dollars to pay for the yarn, • and a "tittle, extra fc;r the hurry • of getting them to hirn'.. Lloyd says never forget Mr. and Mrs. Carter, •-two kin'd •people • whom I am indebted to for every • virtue 1 have". • TA. F. • Melvin Stewart. only .son: of Rev. ,and' Mrs. J. W. Stewart of • •Lucknow• reported .9n Tuesday at the R. C. A: F. recruiting htad- • • quarters at 'London. Melvin ex-; , petted. to be. posted to Manning • Depot,, Toronto. • He signed . up • some .tine ago, Shortly after ob- serving his 17th • birthday. last May; but ceuld. 'not -report for . training until attaining the age dfi7'/2 years. TWO NEPHEWS LISTED MISSING i. ... .— ... .. . •• ,. Mr. and:lqrs. Angus Graham, • con. 4, Kinloss, have twice re- , ceived word Within •a. .comparat-. • ively shortspace of time. listing • . two nePheWS as tniasing,after air • -operations overseas. , • A few days ago Mrs., 'Graham • ]earned. that • her nephew, Pilot - . Officer Edward MacMurChy, of • Viscount, Sask.. had failed to re- turn from an operational flight over enemy territory. He is 26 year'Cif age and a son of the late Caineron MacMurchy, for-. Merly of Huron. Township. Ed - Ward, who was ,attending the, -17.151V7-allirr i.irSrisicarpm-ik • en le • enlisted, has been o+crseas since - about last Christmas, A • few weeks previously the Graham fan -lily -were advised that • Flight Sgt. Harold Graham was reported -aa missing on air oper- • aliens over Germany late in Aug- ust. fie is a. sin of -James Gita- , harn of Vancouver, B, C. and a . ' native of Kinloss Township,• . • . Harold was well • known to • many in this district, having 'taken part' of his training at Sky • Harbor, when ,he spent his week- , ends at the .0 rptharti home in Kin- •' . • ]os. He is 24 years . of age arid . ha been overseas for upwards. -,,---to- tige--year&---• , ' - - ' - 11 • PAGE SEVEN ARRIVE OVERSEAS Mrs. Cyril 13rOwiC*1 formerly Dorothy. Nixon, received a cable from her husband last Thursday announcing his arrWal .overseas. Dorothy is at present ill with the mumps. . Mrs. Sidney Rouse, formerly Evelyn Whitby, has also received word from her husband who went overseas at the same tinie. •Both . Cpl. Brown and LAC.' Rouse are natives of ,England,, and 'had .spent i cirrie three. years at Port Albert R.A.F. Air Navi- gation School. . • Buried In Belgium, Mr» and Mrs,. Harold 'Victor Pym received word last week that their soil William, had been -buried at St. Trond, Belgiurn. St. Trond i about 25 miles West of •Brussels. Flight Sergeant Pyrri,, was reported missing following an air raid on JtilY 41h. BiU was a* air .:gunner with many oper- ational • flights to his credit. -- Wingham Advance7Times. WHITECHURCH. The sad news was received here of the death. of Mrs.. Garrie. Stewart. Her Maiden name was Sarah Inglis, a sister, of Mr. Tom Inglis: and 'her husband formerly lived7hon the farrri Where George' ' her now-it;"They ;sidedin the West for a number of Years. :Mrs. J. F. MacLean is visiting •at .Sarnia with her son for the !past week. • . • Mr. ,Kenneth Weaver of' Paris spent the week -end with • Mr, Trice Scott: • • •• , Mr. 'and. Mrs: W. Peacock of Bluevale spent Sunday With her sister, Mrs. D. Craig and Mr. Craig. ' Miss, Isabel Fox. of Kincardhie• Hospitalspent a day, with her mother, Mrs. Pox, last week. • We are glad to report • Mr. Angus :McKay has arrived . safely in Jhansi; -India, to. resume iis • work there. • Mr: and--Mrs.-Durre--4ri- Kennedy of Wingham spent Sunday with his mother,' Mrs. D. Kennedy. Rev. John • Pollock of Ailsa Craig caned on Monday on his son, Mr. Rhys PollOck. ,• Mr. Jake Hunter and daughter of Ashfield visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tiffin an afternoon last week. • DUNGANNON Reverend Mrs. C. E. Taylor of Thamesford spent last week vis- iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dickson, Sr. On her return she was accoxnpanied by her sis-. ter7in-law, Mrsz•Mel Dickson ancl • two' little sonS to visit fora few, 'days. .Mr. Goldie Carter. has pur- • l• chased the house and lot owned by. the late Mrs. John Anderson, • south- of ...Dungannon. • Mr. and Mrs. Jack MacIntyre and two children of Whitechurch have. moved to the 'house recent- • 1Y.• Vacated -by- Mr: •and 'Mrs. Syd Lee and family. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron • Inglis of Atwood 'were visitor g Tties day of last Week with Mr. and Mrs. John Blake.'" •• , Visitors recently with Mrs. Will and her father were on Friday „ Mr. and.Mrs. Wm. Mac- Donald of South Kinloss arid on • Saturday, Mr.: and Mrs. Donald Blue, Mr. Allan Petrie, aged 17; el- der sori of Mr. and Mrs. Will Petrie, 6th Con. of Ashfield, "left last week to enlist. with the R. C.A.F. at London. , • . Tie United church W. M. S. meeting which was to be neld riday afterrfcran.--7-Was7post-poned till Friday, Noyerfiher 12th due to the very wet afternoon. fIOLYROOD• The community extend sym- pathy to Mrs.. James Valad at. this time' owing to the death of. her brother, Mr. Peter CassidY, Riversdale. Mr. • and Mrs.', Will Stirling spent Tuesday at Mrs. Almer Ackert's: •. Orval Elliott had the mis- fortune to .fall and drop. about six feet putting his shoulder out. We wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. Eddie Thompson had a 'ton- • ail operation Friday in Kincar- dine hospital. Mrs. Ackert and Jack spent Sunday, at Mr. Ralph ' Elliott's, Huron. • • Mrs. Raynard Ackert spent the :week -end with her parerits, Mr. and Mrs. John Reid, Pine River. that.--th •automobile has done more good than harm" will be. staged in the hall here, Wednesday November 17th. Affirmativil upheld by Miss Grace MacKinnon and 7Mr. Don- ald McPherson, 1 negative, Miss Mafjorie MacDonald and Mr. Al- phonse Murray. DOn't Miss it. Mr. •Alf Ritchie had a tonsil operation in Wingham Hospital on Monday. -Mr. Bill Ross of Hamilton re- turned home this • week and re - porta to *War service ThUrsday. and Mrs. John Colwell Curry' spent Sunday L. Mr, Will Bushell's, Mr. Colwell has jut returned froin the West. • The. bungannon school started. • Monday morning' with We classes beginning at 9730 a.m. from 9 a.m. which they had ,been, It helps • out a little these .dull morning. • KIMBLE—MILNER A• quiet but pretty :wedding took place on Thursday, Novem- • ber 4th at Z. p.m. at the home of, the bride's mother. Mrs. A. E. Milner aid the late Wm. Milner, 455 Dorinda St., London, of her only daughter. Ruby May. to Earl •Burton.• Kimble; • son • of Mrs. Whiteford • and the .• late • Mr. • Kimble. London. The • marriage was solemnized 13y Rev. R. T. • Richards, D.D. of Centennial Un- ited church in the presence of immediate relatives. An arElpAray • Your Estate.— An Asset or -a Liability ? CHANGES in Succession Duties and Income Taxes have created some real problems in the administration of estates. A revision -of your will inaybe. advisable. By naming The Sterling Trusts ,CorpOra- tion as executor, yoa: have the personal attention of a senior estate 'officer assisted by a atatrfamiliar with current legislation and th'e rtilingS of the Various taxing • anthorities, • STERLfNG TRUSTS ,CORPORATION • Sterling Tower, Toronto 32 years in Business KINLOSS COUNCIL • Council met October 25th, 1943, councillor • Colwell absent. • Min- utes of last zegular meeting were -aPproved and signed., The collector's bOrM was" re- newed with E: H. Agnew,Pf Luck: • • The sheep claim of F. G. •Mof- fat for 1 lamb killed was ordered. paid. ':Council approved the put= 'chase of $3,000 (If Fifth Victory Loan bonus.' ' , The road supt. ixias aothOrized- to order 1500 -feet show fence :and 150 posts. , • By-law No. 7 Was prepared and passed 'making appointments for tr:R.Q's and polsierlskficri :election. • • • By-law NO: 3 was prepared and passed • for the borroWing froin the Bank of, Montreal $10,000 for municipal purposes • Ernest • Ackert • was •• issued cheque for $236:96 as per referees. judgment in the action of Ack- ert vs. • Kinloss. ••• • Council- adjoufned to meet a. - gain on Mcnday; November 15th, 1943 atusiJ time and place. • Cheques issued: R. Elliott, sed - ting jurors, S4.60.; ;. R. Lane. selecting jurors, 4 ; • E. Irwin, deccirated, with mums, roses and ferns 'made a' very pretty setting for the bridal couple. The bride looked lovely with a floor length white satin gown • with white heart -shaped headdress and ern- broidered net veil and carried a white Bible with flower arrange- ment of roses with 'white satin streamers and rosebuds. Immed- iately - after the ereemony the bridal couple . visited '• a photo- grapher for pictures and return!. ed again for 'a'-"cvedding repast in the dining room which was at- tractive with a pink and white color scheme. Above the ' table was suspended a large white bell with streamers leading from it. The centre decoration on the • table,. wasbctuquets of roses, and mums and bouvardia on a re- flector with pink candles at each end. A full -course turkey dinner was served by Miss Milly Lever, . a relative of the bride and a love- ly three-storey Weddirig cake was cut. and served by the bride. A shahhoneymoon '7'.Was spent at _Toronic,--and-LN•iagar-*- .F411 groom is a wireless instructor, R.C.A.F., 'London. Guests frorn a distance were the bride's uncle. Mr, W. J. Robb, Mrs. Robb and daughter Dorothy and Miss M. J. Robb, Dungannori and the groom's • Sister, - Mrs. . Stanley Whiteford'and husband Of Inger, son, • .Sgt. 13ill McClure; recently of England and who Was unfortun- ate in losing a' leg there, has had another. operation of a fur,. ther arnPuthtiOn above the knee at Christie St. Hospital on Wed- nesday of last week. Reports come that he. is' doing fine' of PARAMOUNT .1 • 'IMr. and Mrs. Oliver MacChar- les, Allan and Donald Motored to MacTier to spend the week- , end with Mr. arid Mrs. H. Mae..., Tallish. ••• .• • • •Mrs. Robert Reid arid children spent a few days With her. -par- •ents at Dundas,,.'• • A recent list of donations to the Institute Christmas box fund. should 'have read,'Mrs. • J. • Mc-• Int-crsh, 510c ;, Mrs..' J: • The regular meeting of Para - Mount Women's Institute will 19e held at the home of Mrs. Robt. held on, Wednesday; Nov. •18th. Seleicting jurors, •4.00; Relief cheque, 13.05; E. H. Agnew; pre • - mium collector's' bond, 15.00;, F. Moffat, sheep. claim, 1.1.00; ark Johnston, ink). above. 2.05f,: George Colwell, Ptarrips,' -3.00; E. Ackert. damage and re- . fund referee's -jUdginent re Ack- ert vs. •Ki.nloss, 236.96: 5th tory. Loan bonds, JO per cent ,in- itial payment,. 300..00. Highway•cheques: Pay roll • • 10, S139.65,1;, 'James', Burns, 8.00. • . J. R. LANE, Clerk. • • . „ If we all cut our telephone talks y just one Minute ...it would ave WOO hours for 14IAR CALLS eftry da_y -War_calts _must come_first • whi1e,h, Means that we should reduce our non- ess ntial use of the ;telephone to. the minimum. 13 sent facilities cannot be increased; your co- o eration isneeded' if war calls are to go' through' "—promptly. la.13 lease remember that the wasiefui use of telephone time can hold up war business --and that every second you save counts. eft 'ic'e .1. A Je.44,400 Lon c. OisTogi TELEpHo r1 t •