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0444. •_ -,...,
"Wc+saen and Cold" Stories ot.-
L, ove, Devotion, Treachery , o
In .every. gene4ration 'the cora-
bination of .,women and gold has
led men.into adventure,. intrigue,
battle and often to, doom. Read,
starting in The. American W'Yeekiy
with this Sunday's (November..
14) issue of The Detroit' Sunday
Times, stirring sagas of pictures
que . adventures and pirates, sol-
diers • and rogues, ' who couldn't,
014 goys TO Meet -
The 44th annual meeting of the
Huron' Old Boys' Association o�
Toronto, will be held • at Haddon
Hall,' 319 ,Blom St. West, Tor -
Onto, on, Friday evening, Novem-.
ber ;19th. Business meeting for
the' election of new officers, will
convene' at 8.15, and bridge and
euchre •games will begin at nine
o'clock. Attractive. -prizes, will--be-
awardd.'to the winners.
resist the alluring partnership of beauty and riches,.
THURS., NOVEM$ER 11th, 1941
The . St. Augustine War Work-
ers met at the home of Miss Ada
Brophey on Wednesday "afterr-
noon to quilt for the Red Cross
Plans were , made 'to hold euchre'
and dance' in the Parish Hall.
I Sgt. Joe . Brophey who has been
serving overseas- with thee. yC
A.. F:.' arrived `in Canada last'
week and is spending a .three'
weeks'' leave at,, his home here.
Mr. and Mrs. David Tisdale
left last week to visit friends. in
London., .Sarnia .and Toronto be-
fore returning' to their home at
Loverna • Sas1t,
:'The Misses Irene- Robinson,
Mary Armstrong, and Mildred
Jones.of Wingham High School.
were 'at their homes over the
week -end.
Try a Wart •Ac;vt.—They • brio;
O. Hydro is a living thing. It takes people... their hands and brains and hebrts
to keep Ontario supplied with, power in uninterrupted flow.
Producing power for Ontario's' needs is Hydro's number one job.A veritable
army of men_ is -required to keep this power flowing at peak' efficiency.- For
Hydro is much more than mighty power plants ... much more than the trans-
mission lines you see striding throughthe countryside.
Hydro is the employees who keepthe power plants producing, who guide
and co-ordinate the constant flow of energy through the transformer', stations.
It is the employees .who patrol the lines that .carry power to far-off rills and
mines, to roaring .industrial plants, busy ;stores and offices,: comfortable homes,
peaceful farms. • . • •
Hydro is the Families of those employees who have set up their homes in city
and town and country .... and, perchance, deep in the isolation of wilderness
and forest. •
It is these .... and all the other co-operative men and women employees ....
who have put life into Hydro, made it a living organizationdevoted to the
benefit and service of Ontario..
Just now their' efforts are directed mainly to producing_ powe ...for victory
and essei�hat uses,-but,afterr the+war,ifiiey will be ready again to provide the full
peace -time service so essential to the development and progress of this province.
Yes, The heart of Hydro is people ... employees and consumers alike .. .
both necessary ....,.both partners in a great public enterprise. For today .. .
as in the °past, and in the 'Future . e the success of Hydro is dependent on both
the faithful service of the employee and the wholehearted support of the consumer.
Many friends and neighbors
gathered, en Friday evening at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley+
Robb and family to honor there
beore leaving for their new
borne an the : 4th Concession off,.
Hu-ron.,. . .
A pleasant evening • of cards'
,and dancing- was enjoyed during.
which, Mrs:. D. A: MacDonald ,
read the following address and
'the presentation of •a lovely ward-, '
roll was Made the Robb family.
:. •1Vlr. Robb made a fitting reply
and invited the' gathering` to. visit
t. them in their new' home. ' -
November .5, 1943:,
Dear Wesley, Jean and . Family
The "Maker of all .good'" has
decreed that ' there shall be,
change "in all things and thus.`
it has . corn. about that there is
to be-aLefrange-in.your lives. For
this reason,twe,, your neighbors
and friends of U.S.S. No. 4, have
gathered here tonight to extend
to you our best wishes for your:.
success and • happiness in your
new home. •
We felt that we •could not let
•you leave: us without expressing.
our appreciation of your help: and
friendship while you lived among
us„ You always proved to .be the
kind ar�.d� considrae� rr*h'oo:s
7always willing to • •lend a help-
ng' hand =vvherr the :need arose.-
' A faithful .friend is one of • the.
.greatest of . our earthly blessings . •
• So' We beg of. you
To make .new friends, but keep;
The one is silver, the, other
gold". .
' • We were .pleased to . hear, you
were not going too .far from our
irnmedi,ate' midst and Dope you
Will' of n'give us the pleasure o`f',
welcoming you back.`
, Please , accept this gift as a,. re-
minder in ;the days to come of
your plant years among us.
It is laden' with our love and
best' wishes for I1 of you. May
God crown-ally ur efforts with.
Signed on behalf of •.0:S:S. No.
4, Ashfield.
A pleasant. evening was spent
in the Blake's Hall recently
when, after a short program, Mr, .
and Mrs: Eldon Irwin' were pre-
with a,rockingchair and
the. following address was read:
Blake's Community, a
To ,Mr. and ,Mrs: Eldon Irwin: .
It is with pleasure that we haw
gathered' here this evening to ex-
tend our' best 'wishes • to you.
You, Doreen, have grown up in
this district and have always -
been willing 'to assist in Y. P. U.
activities and in the choir. We
are pleased to know you are mak-
ing your home in #the . county
town and may . often visit the
home • community. To you both
we • all join in wishing a very
long and happy wedded life. May
your joys be many and' your sor-
f rs'`t w. As a .slight token of
remembrance of',your friends of
Ashfield we ask. you' to accept
this chair and as you sometimes
sit in it, you will realize that it
is love in' your hearts. that makes
life a success. ' We hope your
thoughts . willoften return. to
Blake's community. •
Signed on behalf of your many
friends, `Cora Cranston,. Jerry
. Cranston, Dorothy Anderson,
Toro M. Anderson. '
• Eldon, in a •few well chosen
wbrds on, Doreen's . behalf, ex-
pressed their thanks; . Following.
the presentation a social hour• was• •
spent 'and a lunch was served.,