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; •
-THURS., NOVEMBER 4th, 1843
1 Victory Loan Notes
Ashfield Twp. started moving
. .
on the stretch drive ,after
% - The Bruce County Library As-
trailing, in a slowstart and by
seciation had its second *meeting
the end of last week had .passed
in the Port Elgin .I.4rary Thurs-
eight other Municipalities. But at
that, only 37 per cent of the $103,-
000 pbjective had -been-reached.
• * * * ' .
Can Make Your
But remember that "well begun is •half done". Choose a,
fabric that is worth the w ork you put on it. Materials of
good quality, durability, are here for Your. selection.
Printed 'F'EATHER FLANNELS mike ideal winter dresses. -
They are wa5hable..' Yard „ •, 81.0Q
SPIPER WEB. A new wool material -in gold, moss green &
grey. 54 inches wide. Yard"
KOOLEPI CLOTH. Green, grey, navy. Yard $2.80
GREY TWEED—All, wool suitablefor separate skirtsor
suits. ... . . . MOO
BUTTONS. .Give character to your dresses. See our assort-
ment. _ •
HEAVY -BLA.CIE SATIN. Make idekr-slips or- coat lining.
54::inches vide. Yard 51.50
, 0
Wheat Germ Cereal
Get Vitamin B1 the natural
way in the newestoof Vitamin
Cereals—BREX. You'll- enjoy
its grand flavour as a, cereal,
and in •muffins, scones and pan
bread. Recipes on box.
1 -
Tea .Dainty & Choc. Borbon
Pound • 25c
Special, pound u 45p
day to appoint an executive com-
mittee and attend to other busi-
ness in connection•yvith establish-
ing, a travel library service.
Some of the:daily highlights
Mrs. W. V. Johnston, secretary .
in rural Htiron 'last week were
treasurer Of. the Lucknove Lib- .listed ° as follows: Durnin phillips,
rary. Board, attended the meet- 5 applications for $6,550; Tern
Webster, ' 11 -applications for
$5,200; Donald 'Mile, 35 sales,
$11,200; Lorne ,Johnston, .6 :sales,.
$4,650. • - ' , •
, • , ,* * „*
ing. °
Ten lirarieS , have: joined the
association, Walkerton, Chesley,
•Toberniryil Allenford,
' ' • -
Ltieknow,,,:Teeswater, Paisley,
Port 'Elgin aii4 Kincardine. It IS 7 One north Huron , salesman
expected others will join in the says: "75 per. cent of all his sales
„near. future. ' ' „ ' and all of his best sales', were
The . executive apriointedis,. made -in theevening, explaining
president; C. W. McDiarmid, Port that when a farmer is busy in the
Elgin; vice-president, Miss Janet field he's not in the mood to talk
B. Scott, Paisley; librarian,. Miss :business': • '
Eileen. Chapman, Port Elgin; sec- • ,, . _ . * * *
retary - treasurer, Miss Mae Its the "call backs" that slow
Woods, Kincardine. . Up the job of making a complete
The ,eXedutive together wide canvass.
the, warden of the: county ex- • * * * • •
Vey W A Beecroft chairman
i Of. the -county 'council, either of Huron CountY, wilLbe on the
air at CKNX at 6.20 p.m. on Fri -
be meMbers. or otherwise, which Will
P341),joui n tceodn:t itt ilatne ethea rl yCountymeet- . day.
'of Bruce Library Iloard.- , Sales reported at Bruce 'Head-
officio and two representatives . . •
quarteils up to Saturday noon
presbyterian Y, W. A'. • The proposed constitution was
, tcitalled only $1,29,600 or .48 per l'
submitted and" discussed and a:
Iv j jx_imas_held_at_th_ .,,orne_a_ motion Was m deand_supportecl:
The regular meeting f the Y. •
that t e provisions of this con -
Miss Gladys MacDonald *on'
stitution be adopted.
Lists of book SeleCtions. were
Thursday evening. The Bible
study was given by Mrs. J. Little.
requested from the different lib -
Miss Maudie Fisher gave a •read -
rams to be sent in by November'.
•Mg, The topic "The Chinese in ..:
'la in order to get the circulation
Canada"- was taken by Miss Gret- started in January.'
ta.CaMpbeli. The current events
Th date of the annual meet -
from. the "Glad-41'idings" . were
ing-will be the first Wednesday
outlined' b3i. Miss . Marion Mac- in Octobef and of the semi -an --
"Rise• DOtigall. After singing the hymn
nual the first Wednesday in Apr.
up, 0 men of God" Miss
Al/ cheques to be made pay
Mary MacLeod closed the.meet- able to 1 Bruce County -Library
ing with prayer.. , • Assdciatipn and mailed to the
seeretary, - Treasurer,. Miss ' Mae
United Church Evg. Auxiliary ,, Woods at Kincardine. Kincardine
'The regular meeting of the Ev- auditors will act for the Comity
ening Auxiliary iivas held at the Library Association:
home of Mrs. Alex Andrew with .
' the 1st vice. president, Mrs, Black
presiding and 25 Present. -Mrs.
Black opened the meeting with
a poem. MiSs •Kerry • gave the
treasurer's report. 'Choosing. one's
• friends' was.the subject of 'a
Paper given • by Mrs. C. IVIacDon-
• .ald. A duet by Mary and',Helen
DUrnin; a reading `Front Line
Family' by Mrs. Robinson; and
a solo by Mrs. Breekles were
much enjoyed: lt...:-s. J. C. McNab.
conducted a .Quiz on Canada. The
meeting was closed with •God
Save the King and -the benedic-
tion. •
Box - 25e
4 bari 25c
•Liaten in ',to Robin Hood's,
"Tellquizz" Show.. • There's
money . for you. on every pro-
grain,- and_a_r,eaLiastelthrill
, in every package of delicious
'Robin 400d Oats. We can sup -
• ply you. , ' " ,
Clerk: "May' I have the after -
•noon off to go shopping with my
Boss: "Certainly riot." •
1 "Thank you very much".
• . •
Anderson; -recitatiOn, George
Webster, • and a solo by, Mrs. Har-
old Treleaven, with Mrs. Harold
,Allin presiding at the piano. 1VIA's.
R: H. Thompson gave a talk on • ,
Missiqn. 33and work.''Shirle-v Web- *Three Bruce Holsteins Nominated
ster announced. theprogram, and FOr All-Cana.dian :Contest
thanked all who, had helped with Three Holstein heifers bred by
•the program and all the lad -ie S Lorne B. Reid, Ripley, have been
who had :attended. nominated for the second annual
,• A social half hour followed all:Canadian Contest. Maple Lea
When:members of thel Band ser- Rosebud Colantha shown by Mr.
ved refreshrn.ents ,with Mrs 1 Reid at the Ingersoll Champion7
Burns and Mrs. Rathwell pouring ship Show where she was a first
tea. iprize winner, is a nominee in the
junior yearling heifer clas:s. The
Friday and Saturday
* * with 4'
Doltoilor LAmouft •
wipitiANA noLDEN
JIMMY DOoRroShAesYtrit,and
On The Same Program
Short Subject 'Acrobatic Aces'
British -Canadian NEWS
(Due to events beyond our
control, the news reel has to
be cancelled withmit notice
on some occasions).
Paul Muni, •.
Sir Cedric Hardwicke,
Anna Lee, •- Lillian Gish, in
Tent of the.objectite. Means that "COMMANDOS STRIKE
over •a f - of the selling job has • . AT .. • .'
to be done in: one-third of the :i• ,
time. .It'll be a busy week for `''''.`"'" •:'' , •
Bruce, Salesmen. : . ."MIEXICAN,SPIT010 SEES
* *• A GHOST" ,
The easiest man to seri a Vic-
-tory Bond to, is. the man who'
already owns- one. .
Hon. Harry Nixon; former Pre-
mier of Ontario who has lost a
son lin this -war, sayS:i "It is not
possibre for. the great majority of
us to serve ,and sacrifice in •this
direct way, but our country"- is
"asking.us to buy Victory 33Onds,
to invest, not give or sacrifice,
in Sums,that. Will provide With-
out stint the costly equipment of
• war, which alone can. win the
battle at a minimum sacrifice of
human life and end the war at
the earliest possible moment.,„In
this we rn.ust not fail."
Idis,sion Band Thankoffering .
• The United Church Mission
Band_Thankbffering meeting-Wasi
.held in the church en Monday
afternoon With a large. attend-,
ance and with °P. a fine' program
Presented under the direction '
the Band leaders, Mrs. John Kil-
patrick , and' Miss Margaret Rae.
The meeting opened with a chor-
us by the .Band. Mrs. 'W.' G. An-
drew conducted the prbrnotion of ,
members of the Baby Band to
the Mission Band and the new
members were welcOmed by Marr
met Rae. An instrumeiltal duet
was played by -Helen arid Mary
Durnin; recitation, Shirley -Rob-
inson; soloT Marilyn Kilpatrick;
duet, Gail MacMillan and Ruth
Rev. J. W. Stewart, B.D.
. , Pastor
11 a.m.— Subject, "The Home-
Children's' Stery-iadoing
The Second Mile".
• Junior Church..•
3 p.m.—Sunday School.
7 p.M.—Subject, "Awaken-
ing". -
The following is an itemized
statement of the dance sponsored
by Paramount Women's Institute_
last Thursday evenin-g:-
Receipts ,,
At the door• $ 48,30 't
Lunch counter .. .... . . 32.75
Donation 'from Purina:Deal-
er. L.- MacLennan. ••5:00
Total' receipts . $
Expenses- , .
Lunch counter
8. 8..65
Hall rent 5.00.
'Advertising 1.50-
$• i39.55
Net balance • • • 46.50.
Total Expense
Lake Trout A Luxury
'Although the shipment of. lake
trout to the- States has been ban-
ned, it doesn't seem to have
other two nominee were shown brought down the ,Price any.
by their present owner, J. D. Trout is retailing at around 40.
Gale, Guelph, at ,the Oakville, cents a pound and the fish sales -
championship show. One, Maple man admits he's ashamed to ask
Lea Joyce Colantha was the first the price. He, says .he's teen the
prize junior yearling and reserve day when you could get as good.
junior champion, while the other a fish at the •docks for a clime,
Maple Lea.Violet Colantha, head- as you paywellover a dollar for
ed a very strong class of heifer^ now.
'calves. • •
Died In Morris ,
The death of James M. "Wiggs"
Campbell, occurred at his hOme,
Con. 1' Morris, on Sfstturday, Oct-'
ober 23rd. He was in his 41st.
year "and- death- Wag due To a
stroke, He is survived by wife
and two sons age five and three
s Warm Under.re
Itruce Holstein's -Sell Well
*Lorne B. Reid, Ripley, • sold
four Holsteins at the 4th Annual
Fall - special consignment sale
• held October 28 at Brampton.
He receiVed $375 and $325 for
a pair of three-year-old, heifers,
S305 for a five -year -61d' cow and
•S175 for a r2 -months -old bull.
Seasonable underwear for all the family. The store with the stock
. . '