HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-11-04, Page 9THURS., NOVEMBER 4th, .1943
E mr4
Citizens of Huron Co. have r.
with 13 days of the campaign gone. We still•
have -°$1,260,200 to raise in five days.
The Committee - is placing the plain truth
before the people of Huron County realizing
that there is not one'. patriotic citizen who
would not do HIS or HER full share if advised '
f. of the facts.
We unquestionably have the savings •in •
cash and in the bank accounts necessary to do
the job,: but early action is essential` if Huron
County is -not' to fall short. We therefore appeal
to each •citizen to act at once. To, purchase a
Victory 'Bond is vitally important •no matter
how • sxnall,Nprovided it is as, large as you can
If you haven't. bought see your banker or
Victory Loan..salesman. if -y cr�-'have:bought- -•—
re-consider your purchase and try. to increase
it. :
Our. Canadian Bos Are Pushing Ahead
e:1 ustN,. a BaCk
On Saturday, Octoner 23rd, : at
three' p.m., Ashfield; Presbyterian
• church' was • the setting:, for'an
autumn wedding of interest when
Wanda Catherine, younger dau-
ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Fer
guson of Ashfield .became.'., the
bride of William John Harris,
elder- .son of Mr.. and Mrs: Thos.
Harris of Ripley. The Rev. Dr:
W. O. Rhoad, pastor of Ashfield
and Knox Presbytefian churches,
*officiated. The wedding music
was played by Mrs. Charles 'Pot
tier' of Hamilton, aunt. of the
-groom: A solo was sung by Miss
Marion Munn, of Toronto. ,. The
ushers were Mr, William Fergus-
on. and Mr. Herbert Ladd.
Given in marriage by her •fath-
er, the bride wore a floor length
- gown of brocaded •satin, with a
long embroidered.. veil and heart
shaped headdress. She carried a
pink rose bouquet.' •
The Victory Loan elimination
quiz contest for -.the pupils of the
'sechools of Ashfield township,
held . in the parish hall, Dungan-
ungan-non on Tuesday.• evening of, last,,
week, attracteda .large audience
of parents and children and
others. interested, Rev. H. J. Vic-
kerson acted as chairman an in-
troduced, a variety, prograrn con-
,sisting ,sof choruses, songs, solos,
songs, tableaux, guitar numbers,`
etc. The following 'teacher§. were
present with their pupils: Miss
Ada _'Websterl,' .Miss Horde, Miss'
Caldwell, Miss Alma • Anderson,
Mrs. 'T, M. Durnin, Mrs. W. A.
Stewart, Mrs. West, Miss ,Mildred
Anderson and Mr..George Cowan.
Nine children took part in • the
Victory Loan quiz, which :was
conducted by- Mr: Cowan. The
winner in the senior. group A was
Miss Bertha Popp, who took part.
in the Huron county quiz in. Clin-
ton Wednesday night, while the-
winner in group B, the juniors,
was 'Kenneth Brown, both being
pupils of Dungannon school. Mrs.
Harvey Bryans,Mrs. R. David.
Rev. H. ' is Terson act-
c -
ed as judges." Miss Marion Mac-
Donald, musical instructress in.
ih-e-schvoi , Sided --at -the,-piano
and played the accompaniments..
The guest speaker of the ev-
ening was Rev, Richard Stewart
pastor of :. Knox Presbyterian
church,'k Goderich, who,, in his
forceful manner, delivered 'a stir-
ring appeal . for all 'to- purchase
VictoryBonds: Canada, toda_y"_,-
he ` said, "is facing . the greatest
crisis in . her history, . and it be-
hooves those at.home to stand
behind our young men and wo-
men at the frontwho are risking
their lives . and -giving their all;
for their country to save it and
Friday night. the greater maj- the world from the ravages of
ority of the Guides tried the without non -essentials and place
Pathfinders Badge,.a test. set ,by every dollar we- can spare as , a
Mrs. W. L. MacKenzie. Mrs. Mc- loan to'our country in order 'that
Kim announced' 10 the'Guides victory may be.•s.peeded".
the plan for a hike the following
As bridesmaid, her sister, Miss.
Marie Ferguson wore a floor
lingth'gown of blue sheer with
a light blue tulle shoulder length
veil, with 'b1'ue'flowers
els a h ad-
dress, She carried y supported
buds. The groom was .supe
by his .brother, Mr. Huffman Har-
ris of Toronto
A reception was held at the
hofne of the bride's parents,
where sixty invite- guests par-
took of. a buffet' luncheon. The
mother of the groom received,
wearing , moss green crepe dress
,with hat to match, with a corsage
of yellow roses. The bride's.moth-
-er wore a blue velvet dress, with
hat to match and with red roses
as a corsage. The roomwas dec-,
orated with pink and white strea-
Mr. and Mrs. Harris left by
motor for Toronto and other
points; the bride travelling in a
green velvet dress with hat- to
match and •a black coatwith sil-
• .ver fox fur collar. On their re-
turn they will make their i home
in Ripley.
The groom's gift to the bride
was a set of white pearls, to the
bridesmaid, a compact, to• the'
ushers,:' each a billfold, to. the
4 roornsmari' a tie; pin and to the
orfaiirs` <
Mcur pin. ,
Mrs. H. A. Graham . spent a few
days with Mr. and :Mrs. Melvin
Johnstone, Listowel.
Mr. and Mrs. Eli Morgan, Con.
10, visited Sunday. with Mr. and
Mrs. Archie ,McFarian.
Little Irlma Jeai Petey under=`
went an operation in Kincardine
hospital on Saturday morning
last. .
l'r. B. E. McLean and his
friend Mr. Anderson of, Sarnia
spent the week -end at' the foi
mer's horde here. ,
auk HarryA '.Neil;_ principal of
lHul o 1 erMWP4 � fv
day lastti,,for, the , celebration - of
Holy Communipn.
Mr. ;Thomas E. Hodgins, bro-
ther of Mr. Fred Hodgins, • pass-
ed away in Toronto on Saturday
last, Funeral services and burial
were in .Toronto` on• Monday:
S.ymp.athy is extended • to the be-
Mr. LaVerne Morgan, of Lon-.
don renewed acquaintances here.
over the week -end. -
Miss Anna Morgan of Ripley
spent a few days with, Mrs. A.
McFarlan.., .
Services in the Anglican
church will begin on . Sunday
next at 7.30 - p.m. and will.alter-
nate morning and' evening for
the winter months with Bervie
Mrs. Tom Hodgins is.hostess to
the Women's Institute on Thurs-
day (today).
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar r Hodgins
and family moved during the
week to the Irwin farm, Conces-
sion 2, /where they will ,. reside.
Mr. Hodgins is ernploye'd with
Mr. W Henderson.
Friends from. here -attended- the
furieral of the late Mac' Alexan--
der in Kincardine. Presbyterian
church 'on Tuesday: Mac was in-
stantly killed in a_ plane crash
on Thursday in the West.
On. Friday last about noon a
plane, from Bagersville; was
grounded on the Malcolm farm
just: north of the village which
attracted many spectators. 'The 1
young -pilot had lost his . location
and with slight ° engine difficulty
thought it best to land which he
did without any harm to himself
or to his plane.
son and J.V' k t
Men 30 40 561'
Want Normal Pep, - Vim, Vigor?,
Try ostrex Tonic Tablets. Contains tonics, stl u -i
normal pep, vire. vigor, vitality after 30, 40, or 50.(
Introductory size onlyt 35c. If'not delighted wittbbii
resultst all druggists. of St rttaking Osker tr xuTablets lowtoday.:
lents, iron, vitamin B"i, calcium, phosphorus: aids to'
the . Hun aggressor. We should do
day and a Hallowe'en party at
night. ,
• The 'Guides were disappointed
when the Kincardine patrol lead-
ers were unable to attend the
Hallowe'en Party held atur-
day evening. • Themasquerade.
was a great, success as everyone
came in costume. Ardonna. John-
ston received the .prize for the
best disguise. Games were, played
-and popcorn and cocoa served.
Brownies will open Friday, No-
vember 5th at five o'clock. Girls
seven years or overare invited
to the Guide Hall. Anyone with
a Brownie uniform is asked to.
band it in, to.,Mary L. Johnston
or • Beryl Solomon.
Mr. and Mrs.- Callum Cameron
and little daughter ,of Detroit'
were visitors last week with Mr.
and Mrs: John Carrlbron.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Bill 'Scott • held
a . bridge party last Wednesday
evening for those , of this com-
munity and Whitechurch who en-
joy -this game. •
Dr. Alvin Woods of Dundas
and Mr: and Mrs. Wilson Woods
and family of Guelph were week
•end visitors with their mother.
Mrs. R. J. Woods. •
Mr; and Mrs Bill Culbert and
• '.li'a'`'te ti,thn Jllydk"u iid llPw�S,.LA.�. dt .tm %N �N ',r b `T,. y,„y'
i . an��'.orii�Y�a�
Ziorn, Visited' - With- Mr. ' and Mrs. '-
Russell Ritchie..
-Miss Jean Osborne of. luck -
now spent the 'week -end' with .
Miss. Gertie Brown:
The Langside Red CrSs's social
evening was held at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson: oiz. -
Friday evening with an'attend-
ance. of 47. The special 'prize ixt:
bingo was won, by Mrs. Russel/
Ritchie, The total .ebliection for .
the evening - was '•$8:05' and binge
expenses -were $1.78. It was de-
cided to continue • holding the
bingo games and everyone to-
play.. whatever ;'games they wish.
Mr. and Mrs. John Reid invited
the. Red Cross, to hold their social
evening', there next Friday even-
ing, November; 5th. All . are. re-,
guested-to-britrgjtneir-card-ga :.ea
"With them: Everyone is.welcome.
Special collections were received, '
Mrs: Johne Richardson 25c, Mrs.
A: Emerson 25c, Mr. and Mrs..
John' Wraith 50c, Foster Mof-
fat 1.00; Mrs. J. Conn 25c. •
_Messrs.,..Victor Emerson and.
Charlie Tiffin -spent Sunday af•• -
ternoon with Mr. Bill Donnelly,
of West Wawanosh.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford.Young,.
and family spent Friday evening
with Mr, and Mts.. 'Bert. Moffat.
Mr. and Mrs: Russell R\itchi
and Mrs. Fred Tiffin spent Mor
day in Ripley. ;
Land owners are' getting des
perate in their search • for farm-
hands, as this want ad, . in th
Kansas City Star, testifies:
"Farmhand—no ' work todo;
must be able to . sit . in rocking
Try a Want Advt.-They bring chair on cool south :porch and
resu.lf,9 . - come : to meals unassisted".
Mr. and Mrs., Ez Seitler -and
family have moved to the farm
of Mr. Harvey Hodgins south of
the village. We welcome these
new neighbors to our .community:
Little Harvey Stanley is - still
in the Sick ; Children's Hospital,
Toronto, as a result of a fall
"'some weeks ago /breaking his wore a street • length gown or.
arm. . • • powder blue -sheer withnavy ac -
LAC. Mervyn Cameron and cessories and carried roses, lily-
Mrs. Cameron of London spent of -the -valley and fern. Mrs. Don-
the week -end with Mr, 'and Mrs. ald MacCallum was matron or
Wm. Pinnell and on Friday ev- honor and Mr. Donald •MacCal-
enirig Mr. and Mrs.' Cameron' Iurri the groomsman.
were guests of honor at a recept= _
At the Pentecostal parsonage,
Kincardine, with.Rev. J. Hudson
Hazlett officiating, Roberta Rose
Phillips, daughter of Mrs. Phil-
lips, Kincardine, and the . late
Wm. Philli7ps, became' the bride
of Mr. John 'MacCallum, . eldest
son of Mrs. McCallum, Kincar-
dine, and the late . Neil- MacCal-
lune. For the ceremony the - bride
t P lar Beach Pavilion, •
ion a op
Where an enjoyable evening of
music and dancing was enjoyed.
During the lunch hour the bride
and groom were presented with
a purse containing.. a • substantial
sum of money which showed the
high esteem in which the young.
couple are held.
awnmETSritiob elinpire .§erbice
Remembrance Night Dance .and .Prize Draw
In the Carnegie Hall, Lucknow, on
Prize Draw a r
12.30 4 Big Prizes, Value $13Q.00