HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-11-04, Page 9THURS., NOVEMBER 4th, .1943 rC _ E mr4 TH L[T4%KNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ?AGE SEVEN aisedl.$1,864,000 Citizens of Huron Co. have r. with 13 days of the campaign gone. We still• have -°$1,260,200 to raise in five days. The Committee - is placing the plain truth before the people of Huron County realizing that there is not one'. patriotic citizen who would not do HIS or HER full share if advised ' f. of the facts. ti We unquestionably have the savings •in • cash and in the bank accounts necessary to do the job,: but early action is essential` if Huron County is -not' to fall short. We therefore appeal to each •citizen to act at once. To, purchase a Victory 'Bond is vitally important •no matter how • sxnall,Nprovided it is as, large as you can Undertake. If you haven't. bought see your banker or Victory Loan..salesman. if -y cr�-'have:bought- -•— re-consider your purchase and try. to increase it. : Our. Canadian Bos Are Pushing Ahead e:1 ustN,. a BaCk BUY BONDS and SPEED the VICTORY WEDDING BELLS _. HARRIS--FERGUSON • On Saturday, Octoner 23rd, : at three' p.m., Ashfield; Presbyterian • church' was • the setting:, for'an autumn wedding of interest when Wanda Catherine, younger dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Fer guson of Ashfield .became.'., the bride of William John Harris, elder- .son of Mr.. and Mrs: Thos. Harris of Ripley. The Rev. Dr: W. O. Rhoad, pastor of Ashfield and Knox Presbytefian churches, *officiated. The wedding music was played by Mrs. Charles 'Pot Pot- tier' of Hamilton, aunt. of the -groom: A solo was sung by Miss Marion Munn, of Toronto. ,. The ushers were Mr, William Fergus- on. and Mr. Herbert Ladd. Given in marriage by her •fath- er, the bride wore a floor length - gown of brocaded •satin, with a long embroidered.. veil and heart shaped headdress. She carried a pink rose bouquet.' • ASHFIELD QUIZ GELD LAST W EEK The Victory Loan elimination quiz contest for -.the pupils of the 'sechools of Ashfield township, held . in the parish hall, Dungan- non ungan-non on Tuesday.• evening of, last,, week, attracteda .large audience of parents and children and others. interested, Rev. H. J. Vic- kerson acted as chairman an in- troduced, a variety, prograrn con- ,sisting ,sof choruses, songs, solos, songs, tableaux, guitar numbers,` etc. The following 'teacher§. were present with their pupils: Miss Ada _'Websterl,' .Miss Horde, Miss' Caldwell, Miss Alma • Anderson, Mrs. 'T, M. Durnin, Mrs. W. A. Stewart, Mrs. West, Miss ,Mildred Anderson and Mr..George Cowan. Nine children took part in • the Victory Loan quiz, which :was conducted by- Mr: Cowan. The winner in the senior. group A was Miss Bertha Popp, who took part. in the Huron county quiz in. Clin- ton Wednesday night, while the- winner in group B, the juniors, was 'Kenneth Brown, both being pupils of Dungannon school. Mrs. Harvey Bryans,Mrs. R. David. Rev. H. ' is Terson act- ed c - ed as judges." Miss Marion Mac- Donald, musical instructress in. ih-e-schvoi , Sided --at -the,-piano and played the accompaniments.. The guest speaker of the ev- ening was Rev, Richard Stewart pastor of :. Knox Presbyterian church,'k Goderich, who,, in his forceful manner, delivered 'a stir- ring appeal . for all 'to- purchase VictoryBonds: Canada, toda_y"_,- he ` said, "is facing . the greatest crisis in . her history, . and it be- hooves those at.home to stand behind our young men and wo- men at the frontwho are risking their lives . and -giving their all; for their country to save it and Friday night. the greater maj- the world from the ravages of ority of the Guides tried the without non -essentials and place Pathfinders Badge,.a test. set ,by every dollar we- can spare as , a Mrs. W. L. MacKenzie. Mrs. Mc- loan to'our country in order 'that Kim announced' 10 the'Guides victory may be.•s.peeded". the plan for a hike the following GUIDE NEWS' As bridesmaid, her sister, Miss. Marie Ferguson wore a floor lingth'gown of blue sheer with a light blue tulle shoulder length veil, with 'b1'ue'flowers els a h ad- dress, She carried y supported e buds. The groom was .supe by his .brother, Mr. Huffman Har- ris of Toronto A reception was held at the hofne of the bride's parents, where sixty invite- guests par- took of. a buffet' luncheon. The mother of the groom received, wearing , moss green crepe dress ,with hat to match, with a corsage of yellow roses. The bride's.moth- -er wore a blue velvet dress, with hat to match and with red roses as a corsage. The roomwas dec-, orated with pink and white strea- mers. Mr. and Mrs. Harris left by motor for Toronto and other points; the bride travelling in a green velvet dress with hat- to match and •a black coatwith sil- • .ver fox fur collar. On their re- turn they will make their i home in Ripley. The groom's gift to the bride was a set of white pearls, to the bridesmaid, a compact, to• the' ushers,:' each a billfold, to. the 4 roornsmari' a tie; pin and to the orfaiirs` < Mcur pin. , KI NLOUGH Mrs. H. A. Graham . spent a few days with Mr. and :Mrs. Melvin Johnstone, Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Morgan, Con. 10, visited Sunday. with Mr. and Mrs. Archie ,McFarian. Little Irlma Jeai Petey under=` went an operation in Kincardine hospital on Saturday morning last. . l'r. B. E. McLean and his friend Mr. Anderson of, Sarnia spent the week -end at' the foi mer's horde here. , auk HarryA '.Neil;_ principal of lHul o 1 erMWP4 � fv day lastti,,for, the , celebration - of Holy Communipn. Mr. ;Thomas E. Hodgins, bro- ther of Mr. Fred Hodgins, • pass- ed away in Toronto on Saturday last, Funeral services and burial were in .Toronto` on• Monday: S.ymp.athy is extended • to the be- reaved. Mr. LaVerne Morgan, of Lon-. don renewed acquaintances here. over the week -end. - Miss Anna Morgan of Ripley spent a few days with, Mrs. A. McFarlan.., . Services in the Anglican church will begin on . Sunday next at 7.30 - p.m. and will.alter- nate morning and' evening for the winter months with Bervie congregation.. Mrs. Tom Hodgins is.hostess to the Women's Institute on Thurs- day (today). Mr. and Mrs. Oscar r Hodgins and family moved during the week to the Irwin farm, Conces- sion 2, /where they will ,. reside. Mr. Hodgins is ernploye'd with Mr. W Henderson. Friends from. here -attended- the - furieral of the late Mac' Alexan-- der in Kincardine. Presbyterian church 'on Tuesday: Mac was in- stantly killed in a_ plane crash on Thursday in the West. On. Friday last about noon a plane, from Bagersville; was grounded on the Malcolm farm just: north of the village which attracted many spectators. 'The 1 young -pilot had lost his . location and with slight ° engine difficulty thought it best to land which he did without any harm to himself or to his plane. son and J.V' k t Men 30 40 561' I,. Want Normal Pep, - Vim, Vigor?, Try ostrex Tonic Tablets. Contains tonics, stl u -i normal pep, vire. vigor, vitality after 30, 40, or 50.( Introductory size onlyt 35c. If'not delighted wittbbii resultst all druggists. of St rttaking Osker tr xuTablets lowtoday.: lents, iron, vitamin B"i, calcium, phosphorus: aids to' the . Hun aggressor. We should do day and a Hallowe'en party at night. , • The 'Guides were disappointed when the Kincardine patrol lead- ers were unable to attend the Hallowe'en Party held atur- day evening. • Themasquerade. was a great, success as everyone came in costume. Ardonna. John- ston received the .prize for the best disguise. Games were, played -and popcorn and cocoa served. Brownies will open Friday, No- vember 5th at five o'clock. Girls seven years or overare invited to the Guide Hall. Anyone with a Brownie uniform is asked to. band it in, to.,Mary L. Johnston or • Beryl Solomon. ST. : 'HELENS Mr. and Mrs.- Callum Cameron and little daughter ,of Detroit' were visitors last week with Mr. and Mrs: John Carrlbron. LANGSIDE Mr. and 'Mrs. Bill 'Scott • held a . bridge party last Wednesday evening for those , of this com- munity and Whitechurch who en- joy -this game. • Dr. Alvin Woods of Dundas and Mr: and Mrs. Wilson Woods and family of Guelph were week •end visitors with their mother. Mrs. R. J. Woods. • Mr; and Mrs Bill Culbert and • '.li'a'`'te ti,thn Jllydk"u iid llPw�S,.LA.�. dt .tm %N �N ',r b `T,. y,„y' i . an��'.orii�Y�a� Ziorn, Visited' - With- Mr. ' and Mrs. '- Russell Ritchie.. -Miss Jean Osborne of. luck - now spent the 'week -end' with . Miss. Gertie Brown: The Langside Red CrSs's social evening was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson: oiz. - Friday evening with an'attend- ance. of 47. The special 'prize ixt: bingo was won, by Mrs. Russel/ Ritchie, The total .ebliection for . the evening - was '•$8:05' and binge expenses -were $1.78. It was de- cided to continue • holding the bingo games and everyone to- play. o play.. whatever ;'games they wish. Mr. and Mrs. John Reid invited the. Red Cross, to hold their social evening', there next Friday even- ing, November; 5th. All . are. re-, guested-to-britrgjtneir-card-ga :.ea "With them: Everyone is.welcome. Special collections were received, ' Mrs: Johne Richardson 25c, Mrs. A: Emerson 25c, Mr. and Mrs.. John' Wraith 50c, Foster Mof- fat . fat 1.00; Mrs. J. Conn 25c. • _Messrs.,..Victor Emerson and. Charlie Tiffin -spent Sunday af•• - ternoon with Mr. Bill Donnelly, of West Wawanosh. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford.Young,. and family spent Friday evening with Mr, and Mts.. 'Bert. Moffat. Mr. and Mrs: Russell R\itchi and Mrs. Fred Tiffin spent Mor day in Ripley. ; Land owners are' getting des perate in their search • for farm- hands, as this want ad, . in th Kansas City Star, testifies: "Farmhand—no ' work todo; must be able to . sit . in rocking Try a Want Advt.-They bring chair on cool south :porch and resu.lf,9 . - come : to meals unassisted". Mr. and Mrs., Ez Seitler -and family have moved to the farm of Mr. Harvey Hodgins south of the village. We welcome these new neighbors to our .community: Little Harvey Stanley is - still in the Sick ; Children's Hospital, Toronto, as a result of a fall "'some weeks ago /breaking his wore a street • length gown or. arm. . • • powder blue -sheer withnavy ac - LAC. Mervyn Cameron and cessories and carried roses, lily- Mrs. Cameron of London spent of -the -valley and fern. Mrs. Don- the week -end with Mr, 'and Mrs. ald MacCallum was matron or Wm. Pinnell and on Friday ev- honor and Mr. Donald •MacCal- enirig Mr. and Mrs.' Cameron' Iurri the groomsman. were guests of honor at a recept= _ WEDDING -. BELLS MacCALLUM—PHILLIPS - -. At the Pentecostal parsonage, Kincardine, with.Rev. J. Hudson Hazlett officiating, Roberta Rose Phillips, daughter of Mrs. Phil- lips, Kincardine, and the . late Wm. Philli7ps, became' the bride of Mr. John 'MacCallum, . eldest son of Mrs. McCallum, Kincar- dine, and the late . Neil- MacCal- lune. For the ceremony the - bride t P lar Beach Pavilion, • ion a op Where an enjoyable evening of music and dancing was enjoyed. During the lunch hour the bride and groom were presented with a purse containing.. a • substantial sum of money which showed the high esteem in which the young. couple are held. 1 awnmETSritiob elinpire .§erbice LUCKNOW BRANCH NO. 309 . PRESENTS FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT, -THEIR ANNUAL - Remembrance Night Dance .and .Prize Draw In the Carnegie Hall, Lucknow, on THURSDAY, EVG. NOVEMBER iith ADMISSION 35c 9.30 SHARP CARRUTHERS ORCHESTRA Prize Draw a r 12.30 4 Big Prizes, Value $13Q.00 DOOR PRIZE DRAW ALSO — THREE CORDS Of HARDWOOD COME EARLY FOR__A FULL EVENING' OF DANCING 'PLEASURE. AT THIS BIG ANNUL EVENT.