HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-11-04, Page 6I'r
THURS., NOVEMBER 4th, 1!943 ,
LAC. Malcolm Alecander, '19,
son of -Mr. and .1Vls. Gordon Alex-
ander of Bervie was killed' in a
flying ac'cid. ent at the ft: C. A. F.
Elementary Flying School at . Re-
,gina last Thursday. His death -oc-
'curred. in the collision . of two
planes in mid -.air.
"Mac" had •been in the Air
• Force.only since • lost. IV.iati h. He
attended. High School' et Kincar-
dine and'spe`nt• a year at Western
•Univer'sity,.. London, before • en-
• listing.Besides his.. parents; 'two
sisters survive.
Glandis Flier .Missing
the • Glamis ,district •have been ofn'
•fically advised that their son, Sgt.
_Sherman .Ferris; is missing after
a raid •o.yer • the -Continent.. Sgt.
Ferris. graduated as an 'air gun,.
• ner and has been overseas only,
a few, months.
A farmer who was asked • what
• tine he Went. to •.work •in the
Morning • replied: "Son,, 1 don't
go to' work,. I'm surrounded. with
.it =when f get up":
In, previous 'articles I gave you
a description of Halifax and it is
now, my intention. to attempt , a
description of Dartmouth. Al-
though Dartmouth shares the
shoreline of Chebucto Bay; com_
nienly referred to as. Halifax,
Harbor, it was less fortunate in'
its .growththan 'Halifax.
t Both places were „named and
founded ..by . one; .Cola the Hun:
Edward Cornwallis, 1VI:P. Because
of the fact that Halifax 'offered
the More natural. ' and strategic
u i ,aft ver, !.-was
the 'most dominant element, Hal-
ifax got the break. •
Of the two, Dartmouth• has
more natural beauty, although
scattered over quite a wide area.
In 1941. the official_ population
was placedat almost eleven thou-
,sand. This figure of course, has
'been _.. increased considerably..
Transportation is provided' by bus
system which has quite recently
established a • station . in the cen='
tre of the town. Quite a' few folk
from Dartmouth work 'over in
OPPOie, If Necssaryi
To Raise More Food
Farmers raising' war foods, supplying all kinds of
products for export to the fighting fronts, may: 'find it
necessary to borrow • at the Bank to cover their extra
It is the policy of the Bank of Montreal, at •all of its
branches, to co-operajte aty alltimes'with farmers, and
especially at the present time when their work is so
esseriiial to the war effort.
Halifax. I'n fact by crossing over'
on the "ferry they . are actually
closer tothe business section than.
many who live in the city. This
ferry is one of the busiest insti
tutor's of its kind I have seen.
.According tO .figures''pof 1941 the
ferry service handled over four
and one-quarter millioi people
:,as well as over fivehundred
thousand motor cars, ,This , figure
under present conditions,.lnust be
almost doubled. There are three
units• . which operate from , Dart-
mouth 'to Halifax, ,the �larg`esty of
vehicles and will. carry ,four hun-
' •died ' passengers. „ Jokingly this
.;erossing.isOften referred to:as the
trip across the Atlantic for. that's
as much of .the. Atlantic as some
of them have seen.
' Dartmouth has alwaysbeen
closely associated' with. the ship
building industry and has to her
credit some of the finest ,ever
-built. I' have enjoyed the privil-
ege of being taken round the
yards. and 'much could .be said
about them but for obvious reas-
ons 1 am restraenid.
ons I .am restrained; '
One cannot :visit this place
without' being impressed,: by the
large .nuinber of colored . . folk ,.
which are everywhere to.be 'seen..
They must be reale full-blooded
negroes., as they are' .by all odds.
the blackest_ I. have ever seen..
They. alsit possess the,. very, strong
characteristics .of thein race both
in features as'well as in. actions:
Quite typical of their race they
are. content to. be the. servants
to their fellowmen. ' It is gttite
-Pa PQM' m m--sigh-t7t-o see them with
one ox hitched to . a cart, two...or
foul wheeled. What -does seem
so strange ' to, one who hasn't
,'seen Much of oxen,' is that 'they
can sit an 'their wagon 'and 'dir-
ect the animal through congested
traffic by •word of mouth and a
little whip: just as effectively as
a. horseman can. guide •his horse
by. the. use...o :reins Dartmouth
recently had an event. •of which
the colored folk were.proud when
.they had a local son receive his
:commission. 'as a . pilot officer.
Whatever.:the reason the aver-
age serviceman finds Dartmouth
people, much more congenial than
Halifax, particularly outside .the
naval service: '
Dartmouth claims the distinc-
tion of being the home of the
Hon. J. W. Johnston, first pre=
infer of Nova Scotia and incident-
ally the first in any. part of the
British Empire. overseas under
responsible government. The
house still stands which he lived
in and was built in 1840_ Another
residence which housed one .of
Canada's most eminent .citizens
was' that of Hon. Joseph, Howe,
one of the Fathers of Confedera-
tion. .
Present indications, are that
Dartmouth may enjoy .a period
of expansion partly due to'. the
permanent location of naval ser-
vices which will continue in the'
years following the war. • •
Alex McKinney, president of
the Ontario Federation •of. Agri-
culture, has issued the following
statement in support of .the 5th
_ Victory Loan: "'Subscriptions by
farmers to former loans have de-
monstrated that there is-no'body
of citizens more concerned in the
victory of the Allies or more de
voted to the success of the pres-
ent loan than the farmers of this
province; and the Federation, of
Agriculture appe Is to all farm,
people to supporethis 'loan eyeri
more' fully than . they have' in the
(Intended for last week) •
Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson
of Lucknow spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. W. Hunter.
Do not :hesitate to talk, in confidence with our nearest
branch manager regarding your 'need for credit!
t "A BlinkWhere Small.ecou,.si..ks-.A9�.
, the Outcome of 125 Years` Successful Operation .
Lucknow Branch: ,V. N. P1tEST, 'Manager
.President •Ontario Federation • o
Agriculture. • - •
Try. a Wart,.Advt.—They. bring
results. 4
"Ott Your License" Says' Bob
With the opening .of the deer
season only ten days away, lic-
ense issuer R. J. Moore• advises
hunters to get their licens.es
early. This, as,,,youmay note,
as well as being a tip to hunters,
is a free plug fo;:p,:Bob, the -local
dispenser, of 'this,„"permits.
Saw Toronto Tragedy ,
'Lena Ritchie, 33 -year-old. Tor-
onto resident was 'instantly kill-
ed when,I he dropped., from the •
window •ic`dge 'on the , seventh
fiber .Of a longe St. building late =..
hydro azid telephone :wines...
,Mr. and Mrs.' Harvey Webster,.:
who were spending the • week -end .
in .the. city, happened along - at •
that point.. before the body was
If Your Farm Work has Slackened
.for the Winter, You Are Needed
Elsewhere in Essential Empinynient
Highly essential work.=very"important -
in Canada's- war effort ...and for the
welfare of the. Nation -,--is -threatened
with shortages ,of . workers. One of the
few sources of men available for other.
';high priority jobs is those men on the '
farm who will not :.be needed at. home
during the Fall and Winter. Heavy.
'needs must 'be met in many. lines —..
producing fuel wood and other neces-
sary 'forest products; in base metal
mines, in food processing, in railway
track maintenance. If you live on a
farm arid are riot needed at home
-during the Fall and, Winter, you . arc
urged to answer this national. appeal.
Farmers en -gaged in essential ' work •
during the off season will le allowed'..
to ;return, home when needed. Also
those on postponement under 1'�Tohili
zation Regulations wilt continue on
postponement while in approved essen
tial work' during the slack on the farm
I'1rt. and Mrs. Mike Hogan . vi-
Ited with Mr. and Mrs. Art Nor-
ris of 1Vlarkdale over the week-
Dr. and Mrs. Evans of Clinton
spent a day last week :with Mr.
and Mrs. Will Helm and fainily.
Mr:., Patrick' Gilmore, .�v.la.os..his
been a patient in St. Joseph's
Hospital, London, 'far song,^
mbnths past returned home Sun-
day. somewhat improved in
Sgt. James Doyle of R.C.A.F.
at St. Thomas visited with Mr.
and Mrs. R. E. Gilmore and fam-
ily over the week -end,
Miss Frances Gilmore return
ed home after spending ,a . couple
Leif a � 1, , lati s in=l r
•ilfon and L
Please answer this vital 'call NOW.
dor full zn f orinatron please apply to'
one' of the following: • •
The nearest PROVINCIAL, .Aciticu TUitAL •
'Iinisier of Labour
'birecior, National Selective Service