HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-11-04, Page 6I'r 'PAGE SIX U THE LUO$NOW SENTINEL, LuckAmy, ONTARIO • THURS., NOVEMBER 4th, 1!943 , BERME AIRMAN KILLED, GLAiVMIS :FLIER MISSING LAC. Malcolm Alecander, '19, son of -Mr. and .1Vls. Gordon Alex- ander of Bervie was killed' in a flying ac'cid. ent at the ft: C. A. F. Elementary Flying School at . Re- ,gina last Thursday. His death -oc- 'curred. in the collision . of two planes in mid -.air. "Mac" had •been in the Air • Force.only since • lost. IV.iati h. He attended. High School' et Kincar- dine and'spe`nt• a year at Western •Univer'sity,.. London, before • en- • listing.Besides his.. parents; 'two sisters survive. Glandis Flier .Missing the • Glamis ,district •have been ofn' •fically advised that their son, Sgt. _Sherman .Ferris; is missing after a raid •o.yer • the -Continent.. Sgt. Ferris. graduated as an 'air gun,. • ner and has been overseas only, a few, months. • • A farmer who was asked • what • tine he Went. to •.work •in the Morning • replied: "Son,, 1 don't go to' work,. I'm surrounded. with .it =when f get up": "THE ASU(PRPULTTS11D RE �R LOAN In, previous 'articles I gave you a description of Halifax and it is now, my intention. to attempt , a description of Dartmouth. Al- though Dartmouth shares the shoreline of Chebucto Bay; com_ nienly referred to as. Halifax, Harbor, it was less fortunate in' its .growththan 'Halifax. t Both places were „named and founded ..by . one; .Cola the Hun: Edward Cornwallis, 1VI:P. Because of the fact that Halifax 'offered the More natural. ' and strategic u i ,aft ver, !.-was the 'most dominant element, Hal- ifax got the break. • Of the two, Dartmouth• has more natural beauty, although scattered over quite a wide area. In 1941. the official_ population was placedat almost eleven thou- ,sand. This figure of course, has 'been _.. increased considerably.. Transportation is provided' by bus system which has quite recently established a • station . in the cen=' tre of the town. Quite a' few folk from Dartmouth work 'over in O OPPOie, If Necssaryi To Raise More Food Farmers raising' war foods, supplying all kinds of products for export to the fighting fronts, may: 'find it necessary to borrow • at the Bank to cover their extra requirements. It is the policy of the Bank of Montreal, at •all of its branches, to co-operajte aty alltimes'with farmers, and especially at the present time when their work is so esseriiial to the war effort. Halifax. I'n fact by crossing over' on the "ferry they . are actually closer tothe business section than. many who live in the city. This ferry is one of the busiest insti tutor's of its kind I have seen. .According tO .figures''pof 1941 the ferry service handled over four and one-quarter millioi people :,as well as over fivehundred thousand motor cars, ,This , figure under present conditions,.lnust be almost doubled. There are three units• . which operate from , Dart- mouth 'to Halifax, ,the �larg`esty of vehicles and will. carry ,four hun- ' •died ' passengers. „ Jokingly this .;erossing.isOften referred to:as the trip across the Atlantic for. that's as much of .the. Atlantic as some of them have seen. ' Dartmouth has alwaysbeen closely associated' with. the ship building industry and has to her credit some of the finest ,ever -built. I' have enjoyed the privil- ege of being taken round the yards. and 'much could .be said about them but for obvious reas- ons 1 am restraenid. ons I .am restrained; ' One cannot :visit this place without' being impressed,: by the large .nuinber of colored . . folk ,. which are everywhere to.be 'seen.. They must be reale full-blooded negroes., as they are' .by all odds. the blackest_ I. have ever seen.. They. alsit possess the,. very, strong characteristics .of thein race both in features as'well as in. actions: Quite typical of their race they are. content to. be the. servants to their fellowmen. ' It is gttite -Pa PQM' m m--sigh-t7t-o see them with one ox hitched to . a cart, two...or foul wheeled. What -does seem so strange ' to, one who hasn't ,'seen Much of oxen,' is that 'they can sit an 'their wagon 'and 'dir- ect the animal through congested traffic by •word of mouth and a little whip: just as effectively as a. horseman can. guide •his horse by. the. use...o :reins Dartmouth recently had an event. •of which the colored folk were.proud when .they had a local son receive his :commission. 'as a . pilot officer. Whatever.:the reason the aver- age serviceman finds Dartmouth people, much more congenial than Halifax, particularly outside .the naval service: ' Dartmouth claims the distinc- tion of being the home of the Hon. J. W. Johnston, first pre= infer of Nova Scotia and incident- ally the first in any. part of the British Empire. overseas under responsible government. The house still stands which he lived in and was built in 1840_ Another residence which housed one .of Canada's most eminent .citizens was' that of Hon. Joseph, Howe, one of the Fathers of Confedera- tion. . Present indications, are that Dartmouth may enjoy .a period of expansion partly due to'. the permanent location of naval ser- vices which will continue in the' years following the war. • • ` • "THE RAMBLER". Alex McKinney, president of the Ontario Federation •of. Agri- culture, has issued the following statement in support of .the 5th _ Victory Loan: "'Subscriptions by farmers to former loans have de- monstrated that there is-no'body of citizens more concerned in the victory of the Allies or more de voted to the success of the pres- ent loan than the farmers of this province; and the Federation, of Agriculture appe Is to all farm, people to supporethis 'loan eyeri more' fully than . they have' in the • 7 'ASH:FIELD NOTES (Intended for last week) • Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson of Lucknow spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Hunter. Do not :hesitate to talk, in confidence with our nearest branch manager regarding your 'need for credit! BANK OF MONTREAL' t "A BlinkWhere Small.ecou,.si..ks-.A9�. se-etco-mei,, ' • MODERN, EXPERIENCED 'BANKING SERVICE , the Outcome of 125 Years` Successful Operation . Lucknow Branch: ,V. N. P1tEST, 'Manager 198' 1,410044 .President •Ontario Federation • o Agriculture. • - • 'tet • Try. a Wart,.Advt.—They. bring results. 4 1 eisamenexemaar ORO "Ott Your License" Says' Bob With the opening .of the deer season only ten days away, lic- ense issuer R. J. Moore• advises hunters to get their licens.es early. This, as,,,youmay note, as well as being a tip to hunters, is a free plug fo;:p,:Bob, the -local dispenser, of 'this,„"permits. Saw Toronto Tragedy , 'Lena Ritchie, 33 -year-old. Tor- onto resident was 'instantly kill- ed when,I he dropped., from the • window •ic`dge 'on the , seventh fiber .Of a longe St. building late =.. hydro azid telephone :wines... ,Mr. and Mrs.' Harvey Webster,.: who were spending the • week -end . in .the. city, happened along - at • that point.. before the body was .removed. FARMERS AND FARM W1JRKERS • •` If Your Farm Work has Slackened .for the Winter, You Are Needed Elsewhere in Essential Empinynient Highly essential work.=very"important - in Canada's- war effort ...and for the welfare of the. Nation -,--is -threatened with shortages ,of . workers. One of the few sources of men available for other. ';high priority jobs is those men on the ' farm who will not :.be needed at. home during the Fall and Winter. Heavy. 'needs must 'be met in many. lines —.. producing fuel wood and other neces- sary 'forest products; in base metal mines, in food processing, in railway track maintenance. If you live on a farm arid are riot needed at home -during the Fall and, Winter, you . arc urged to answer this national. appeal. Farmers en -gaged in essential ' work • during the off season will le allowed'.. to ;return, home when needed. Also those on postponement under 1'�Tohili zation Regulations wilt continue on postponement while in approved essen tial work' during the slack on the farm I'1rt. and Mrs. Mike Hogan . vi- Ited with Mr. and Mrs. Art Nor- ris of 1Vlarkdale over the week- end. Dr. and Mrs. Evans of Clinton spent a day last week :with Mr. and Mrs. Will Helm and fainily. Mr:., Patrick' Gilmore, .�v.la.os..his been a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, 'far song,^ mbnths past returned home Sun- day. somewhat improved in health. Sgt. James Doyle of R.C.A.F. at St. Thomas visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Gilmore and fam- ily over the week -end, Miss Frances Gilmore return ed home after spending ,a . couple Leif a � 1, , lati s in=l r •ilfon and L • Please answer this vital 'call NOW. dor full zn f orinatron please apply to' one' of the following: • • The nearest EMPLOYMENT ANIL SELECTIVE SERVICE OFFICE .Or The nearest PROVINCIAL, .Aciticu TUitAL • REPRESENTATIVE or YOUR LOCAL. FARM l ROOUCTION COMMITTEE NATIONAL. SELECTIVE SERVICE pICT WAMIT lhEMI32( HUMPHREY MTTCHtILL, 'Iinisier of Labour A, MM rrIAMARA, 'birecior, National Selective Service • .