HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-11-04, Page 5DESPgRADOES .E.k western picture in techni- Also "Short Subjects" .n THURS„ NOVEMBER 4th, 1943 a. LL THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO• PAGE FIVE 4111111111111111111111111.1.16. tycum Theatre W I NGHAM. Two :Show 3 Saturday- Night Thursday, Friday, Saturday November 4, .5,�w.b� RANDOLPH ; SCOTT- CLAIRE TREVOR GLENN; FO.RT)r • CP'•-FetWiti i^4 a: A,tgo:X Rrrmgm; • Matinee Sat. • afternoon at 2.30• Monday, Tuesday,, %yednesday, November 8, 9,. 10 SPECIAL '• WALTER 'HUSTON ANN HARDING :*in** ”41S-$ 1011 0 ,4101(G "Mission,' to 'Moscow"' 'trans- lates to the screen the book by Joseph E. Davies, former Ambassador to Russia. WHAT VICTORY BONDS DO FOR • THE' FARMER , 1. They provide an investment that can be .quickly and 'easily' • turned, into cash at.. -any time, needed. • 2. They provide on investment of which thereris :no better • or safer in the'• world today. 3. They• provide .. an investment . that can be . taken ' to. the. bank and borrowed on up to the full amount at 4.per cent. Without • a bond the • rate would be 5 or 6 per cent. • 4..They provide. a reserve fund that. earns' 3 ' per cent instead of 11/2 per .cent. • 5. The , money being .put aside to • pay off interest or principal on •a mortg ge will work at 3 per cent int�.est right' up t o it �e : day the mortgage payrsrnent • is due. • is 6. They provide a -savings fund that can be ,turned into up' to date equipment --,and machin-. ery, new breeding stock, and modern conveniences, after the' • War ,is over when costsare less and materials will be more plentiful. 7: Every_ bond . gives the satis- faction • that it is helping to Win the war 'and bring the boys home again., ' ,BRUCl • COUNTY BOYS PLANTED 85,000 TREES Public and separate school pu- pils • in Bruce County planted a total of over 85,000 forest trees in the spring of 1943. G. R..4Gear, the agricultural representative, summarizes • the • . various tree planting • activities • in this way: T-hrougti the' eo•-opera-tionn • of, the i Bruce County Beautification Bur- eau, County Council 'and the, De- partment of • Lands, and .Forests, 56;650, 'trees were. distributed" and planted. by pupils in .Brice. 'Phis the fourth. year; that trees have been • distributed, in this •way. VIore:over, $,,000. trees' were plan- • .^.l'4L"+:{^vl(1 0.L} W1%f•.: At4' Fx„f • •YiC ,l possilale . to. secur<e Men for tree'. planting' -in the Bruce Co. •Forest in the spring of 1943: Consequent- ly plans were made,by the pub-, lic school .inspectors, which result- ed in •pupils 'from several schools planting 20,400 -trees. in .the 'Co..: '.Forest: The Hepworth school sent.,' 15 boys; Allenford 7; 'Walkerton .Separate, and Public schools and Chesley 32; and Port .Elgin 13'. Altogether' the boys, in Bruce planted over 85,000 trees and de- monstrated .that forest trees •can. •really be got into the ground where there, is a :will to do .it. . • Building up. a sound farming business is no accident. It doesn't just happen. It is then result of foresight, planning, hard work But in the final analysis it is achieved because somebody 'sav- ed. Buying Victory Bonds is just good sound business for any far- mer. AUTUMN 49.43 The ground is. covered • with the Autumn leaves, Once fresh' and green, and iate'ly•, 4;N red and gold, - That once so ,proudly .dressed the country woods, And nsw, are failing by the thous- - andfold... • . There on the ground they, lie, these withered things And • $oon to be forgotten as a dreamy • That has•'rts season; then as swift /departs, As.• Winter sun, but for a' mom- s-, ent seen The ^ ground was covered with ourrgailant dead, • Where "'battles raged across, in '. Sicily-, Those who were ..young, and ' • ,cheerful, reckless, .gay, Who -sacrificed their all 'to keep Usfree. . Just like. the leaves,' they fell in thousandfold. They reckoned not, the price of Strength" and toil, But .went to war, these ,lads :who won the 'day. . Now sleep forever in 'a foreign. soil.: m To Hold Meeting Regarding County Health Nurses •The Huron Federation of Agri- culture 'has . arranged for a meet ing tonight • (Thursday) in .the Agricultural Board Room at Clin ton on the subject of health, nurses for the County of Huron. One of the speakers) will be the Deputy Minister of Health.' The reason .some ,people never ,get 'anywhere, is because they are so busy directing others that they forget, where they , were going themselves.=D.urharn Chronicle. The leaves have faller' and 'our And Autumn weeps ;for•. t ose= who won't return, Who paid the price that only could prepare, , The -awful lesson that the foe. must learn. And when in Spring, the leaf bucls burst anew, And leaves by thousands drink• 'the April ram, We will keep their •memory brightand green Like the leaves, that welcome Spring time ' back, again. Ad''2. E1'don W. Buckingham, Montreal, P.Q, ;SIR. ERNEST MacMILLAN Who Last Week Conmrnenced His Twelfth Consecutive Season. 'As Conductor of'. ,the 'Toronto Sym- phony Orchestra: • Traveler: "What's .the use ' . of having a timetable ifyour trains, don't ruin oh time?." .• Cgnducter: "How wouldyou know they. were "running late' if We-didnt' have a timetable"? • • S1REP�`-S•` As Hitler's "Ugly 'Duckling" • . agents failed to get results. Read • "Back AgainN`to Siren Spies", in The American. Weekly •with 'this Sunday (Nov, 7) issue of The Detroit: Sunday Times. Hitler thought his "Ugly 'Duckling"• or "Potato- Face" spies were some- thing `supers• -slick but they' proved a dismal failure. Get this coming Sunday's Detroit Times and learn 'why. • 0 Preacher's wife: Where have you been the last three 'hours? Weary pastor: I met Mrs. Blank on` the street and asked her how her married daughter was get: ----- trrr��r�Fr--she•=i�-mom-•.. • • KE hundreds- orotber liami oy when she says "Goodnight, Daddy", she says it to d photograph: Theselittle ones have never known the thrill of a real, live, hold -you -dose -in -his -arms daddy;. Their daddies are over7there fighting so that you can live in comfort and safety' -When you think of these kiddies, ask yourself if you are investing all you can to Speed the Victdry.which will bring home the daddies they are missing. These Children want and need the love and affection, the comfort and pleasure that oflty daddies can give.. It is in your power to help make their dreams come true. Make the Victory Bonds you buy a magic wand that will help bring these "cardboard daddies°' back .to eager young arms. ANOTMER WCT�RY DOND L t:. • O