HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-10-28, Page 115 THURSDAY OCTOBER 28, 1943 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW; ONTARIO • Sgt. -Ross E. Harrison of the Canadian Dental Corps, ''son of. REWE Mr. Harold Blake is visiting lriends in Toronto ,and St. Cath- arines. Mrs. Benson Shackleton ac- companied her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jones to Dundalk14.iere they pent a pleasant week -end. 4•Mr. and. Mrs. Aldon Hasty •and children of Niagara -on -the -Lake Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Harrison of were visitorsTwith•Mr... Hasty& Wingham, has been posted from ' Preston to Halifax., • SOA. - He has been posted, from Pet - -11 awawa to Debert' Military Camp in Nova Scotia. ' 136' • 959 ' Lorne, recently. , • Rev.' and, Mrs. Taverner of Bluevale, were guests of Mr. and 412..A rLi4CaardW Jack Bateson of Wingham and. well known in district hockey circles, Who is overseas with the.. • • „__ • R.C.A.F. has been commissicined • as .flight sergeant. Alex McIntosh is spending his 4. • army furlough with his parents, • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. D. McIntosh. Alex assisted with. the Western • harvest this year during an army farm leaVe and on completion of his , furldugh will report at Re - W DeWitt Miller of Wingharn • a.7rrember ott1T of, the R.C.A.F. newspaper "Trop- •' ic, Topics", published in Ceylon.' Its a Miniature paper but packed with inforfnation. about air force activities in that.war theatre. • • A number of the ladieS from here...,atten_cle4 the N. M. -S..zpres- byterial at Nile on "TaitirsclaY. Mrs. gddy of London was guest speaker. • Mrs. Bert Treleaven visited with her parents, Mr., and Mrs. Joseph. Hackett :on Saturday ev- ening. • Mr:, and Mrs. •Lorne Emmons and Muriel spent Monday •in Walkerton. • Mr. John'Menary spent Sunday evening with Mafeking, friends. (Intended for last week) My. Ray-niond• Finnigan and .Mr. Roy• Culbert wlio spent the past six weeks in the West returned home Friday evening. and family spent Sunday with friends at. Lucknow. Mr: and. Mrs: Jim Sherwo'o.d and daughters visited their cous.7 ins; Mr. and Mrs. Will Macbon- •$. ca. PAGE ELEVEI4 Appointed To, Important Fost It was but a couple of VireekS ago that , we extended congrat- ulations to Major (Dr.). W. A. lvicKibhon On• his proinotion to the rank of Major. Congratula- tions are again in order as he. has beent, appointed Deputy As- sistant Director. of Medical Ser- vices of the 2nd Canadian Corps:. Overseas.. - Winghani Advance.:. Times. • CAPT. T. W.• 'PLATT of Wing - barn, now overseas, has won the 1943 pistol charnPionship of the Siggia7 ;;;Aq1kr,.. ham Rifle -.Club 'England.' • -,, aid; Kinloss,. on.SunclaY..1" From--Covey-se-as— , Mr. and Mrsr-Benson Shackle- ton Visited Lticknow friends on Sunday. •• ' • Mrs. Will. Reid 'spent .a few days. with •her Mother, Mrs. Wil - sen, whom, we are - sorry to say is not as • well • As her many friends would wish. • - Mrs. j3ert Treleaven and Rom - returning home. •ald visited Friday with Mr. and Merle has been overseas for. Mrs. Vernon Hunter: two years,: and was stationed m . Miss Anna May Culbert of Sky Seotland 'With the Forestry Corps. Harbor visited her, hoine here re - this Corps is ' His destination in Canada with cently. known at pres- WY,* • • • . ONTARIO H.E.P.C. has been checking up- on the Goderich Commiision to learn "how mine' no •charge is 'being made for hydro at the 'Town Hall or. for harbor lights. Let Not Our Efforts Cease Poppies, that in Grew gracefullygrave, grave, Now spur u.siOfl zeal Once More our Flanders Eields, o'er our hero's with untiring native land Poppies,. growing red and white, •While' we fate .the Nazi foe,' And may we end the awful fight .That start t� score tears ago. Once more, • the, Hunniali ;beast has tried •- The wide world to enslave, re - die< And -once again the _mad men rave. ' • • So let us now .our 'money • lend And let us not our efforts cease, To help our glorious men defend Our_I''' Way of life and lasting peace. ...contributed by L. F. Stinget, TWENTY-ONE DAYS in Gode iCh jall; .after which they are to be taken by police to the nearest. mobiliption centre, was the sen- • sen- tence by Magistrate Makins upon three members of the "Jehovah's Witnesses" sect., • . Fourteen 'en - .canie • - 52.'' from 7:robertnory to •Wiarton to ' 'donate- at the' blood -donor's clin- ic.' There 'Were 102 'donors alto- gether. Five sDecial cletachrrients of the • Canadian Fdrestry Corps have ;been" detailed to corctWOo-d v:Iher.AC an.ArMY.,' sup - Rtwa • .lic-,- • - Qirls in. the Women's Division • of the R.C.A..F. now receive the' same trades pay as men. • . • • • Dungannon, with thought of 'the Victory Loan., For Eastern Farmers who wish to Purchase Western Feed Grains p • • A •' Mr.and Mrs. George . 'Burgess received word from Mdntreal on •- Saturday from their son, Merle. • who had reached that point on •, his • return ,frOrn Overseas. Mr. Mrs. Burgess were taken •• •cvo pletelY. by surprise as they • had no knowledge that hp ' was not Tirs, Lewis McCardy of God - ent. CLYD,E AREID--IN,T. ACTION ITALY WITH R. C. R. , • •erich visited a few days with her . uncle, Mr. Orville Durnin. . Mri. 4s -se • GraY. and- Mrs., 'R- E: Durnin of 'Croderi.Ch *spent part The Royal ilegirnent, of .last week with Mrs. .Matt with peace time headquarters in Shackelton. '• Ori. Wednesday afternoon Mrs. LOndOn, Ontario, is right in the• thick of the fighting in Italy. A RV. Vickerson entertained the nas‘mbers of 'the 'Women's .1Viis- • member of that famed Regiment sionary Society at her: home,with is Clyde Reid, gran,dson or M. Thomas Reid of LucknoW: a good attendance. After the de - Clyde was attached to the R, vOtional period given in the C. R. in pre war days and went o monthly, Mrs. -Ce-eil Blake , pre - overseas ' with the 1st_ Division. pared the • follOWing program iiiffered_a_back_in-lucx in Enz.: readings were giVen . by Mrs. He SliRkleton",- -Nits-. Cliffoi 0 verozier; - • land,, but was sufficiently recov- Mrs, Kilpatrick, -Lorainne preti•- • ered to accompany the RegimentMrs, nail• and Mg. Bert Treleaven.: to the Mediterranean theatre of Win': The R. C. R.'s, an infantry, Mrs. Rivett favored with a solo. Mrs. Edna McWhinney then !gave • regiinerit, were one of nine. Can-. adian battalion's that • fought the chapter' in the study book. the.throughoutSiCDurdng the business period it was ilian engage- . , decided to send boxes to the ten ment. • 4 • Mention of a 3,0 -hour battle boys overseas, Mrs. Kilpatrick & Mrs. Drennan having, , charge. which the R.C.R.'s won in Italy' Mrs.• Edna cWhinney, Mrs. early this Month, Was, the 'ill:StM Benson Shackleton and Lorainne - time .Canadian ufiit has 'been positively identified as being in. Drennan were appdinted to i ar- Italy. ' . " • . • 'range for a Hallowe'en social on r .After each "scrap" Clyde talcs FridaY evening, Octobe29th. time out to .get a letter of to the prospqFt: Donthink the 't you folks back home. In One engage-, . meet ClYde's best pal, whoM he Window in this room is pretty Small in case of an etnerlgency? • Landlady: There won't be any ernei`gency. My' terms are cash in advance. • ' •••• • had.known-for several yeAys,.v, as killed. ?lis death was avenged ten 'to one :Clyde said. RECEIVES "FIiST WORD FRO111 IIER SON. IN -GERMANY • • Mrs. Wm. MacKenzie received her first word last 'Thursday from .her son Alex since .he be- ' • came a prisoner -of -war in Get- Many. , It was a po• st card written un - by Alex; announcing he waS.safe and well and telling his Mother not to worrythe atlyArwas...datiLL ,$„ep,ts,pillor• 1, and was written thTtt fkei Alex 'and hi bOir' • •-,•1,v• were • .0 brought, down during a raid on Berlin. The card ,took a little over six weeks to reach here., Alex said he would write a letter to give his full address, so that parcels :could be sent him, and he referred hi a mother to the Red Cross to get information a- bout sending these. At the time fhb •card was written Alex had not then been allotted to a pris carnand4,.so-•,oultl-not- give his, full. address._ • 4 GRAINS AVAILABLE: E ARIA • 1p HOW TO -ORDER Place an. order -through your regular dealer. The dealer can order • • • • this grain, advise you on costs and • handleall details . of • shipment to. your station • -I' o • r • Place an order directwith a western farmer. 13e sure Ito (1) specify the lc.ind,arici 'grade 'of grain wanted, (2) specify that the grain must not have more than 3 per cent dockage and ,(3)t be prepared to accept grain within one grade of your request...1 Purchase made by, either of`these methods gives the buy.er the li)enefits of bonuses, freight assistance and. ' other Dominion Government sub- sidies if his Shipment complies with the regilations. • • • .• PRICE INFORMATION Oats and barley will be ,,harged for the Vashel, at the ceiling price (or the cash price if this is lower), . basis in .store at -Fort William or Port Arthur Cei1iiig prices on Oats, 51c,per bu.; Barley,. 6484c,per bu. Freight, loading charges, • corn. - and War Risk Insurance must be paid by the buyer. GOVERNMENTAL ASSISTANCE ON. FEED GRAIN PURCHASES' • 1. Subsidy per bushel -1 3i2c in Odober-1C in Novernber—c in December. •• •, • • 2. Feed wheat payment of 8c per bushel. 3. Freight assistance on feed grains froiii Fort William -Port Arthur • to: all points 'in Eastern Canada. - 4. 3% dewkage tolerance to allow. .more rapid shipping of 'grain. 0 . ' READ THESE FACTS CREFULLY- Minimum grain order is a carload) refund of freight and other Dominiop Dockage of 3% is allowed on grain Government subsidies. Paeserve these purchased. Difference in. weight be- •. documents: 0.), The original invoice tween 1 %°and actual dockage or a copy of same signed' by the is, not seller. (2) .A-receipted freight bill or .'• included in cast of grain'to buyer. • , railway arrivaknotiCe. (3) The grade After receipt of the .grain, the buyer certificate of .he grain showing that • should apply to the, Feeds Adminis- , it is of a. grade established under the trator, Confederation' Building, Canada GrainAct and doesnot con- Ottawa, for the necessary forms for • 'tain oyer 5%. dockage. .. • r AGRICULTURAL SUPPLIES BOARD • Dominion Department of Agriculture, Ottawa • Honourable JAMES G. GARDINER, Minister 1$4E 114 , t **1 • •••