The Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-10-28, Page 10rj
Charles Collins visited with
• her daughter / Mrs. Harry Gra-
ham recently.
• Mr. Frank. Fair is busy remod-
"ellina his house."
Miss Sadie Pollock is• visiting'
at Brantford.
-,Mrs; Victor Gawley- and Mrs:
George En ersont Jr., called on.
Mrs. Andrew Emerson who vis-
'ited last week with. Mrs,- Jack
.Emerson. -
Mrs: .John Clowell • and ; son
currie . spent .a day last week • at
Mr. Donald 1VCcCnsh's.
Mrs.- Hedley , and Mrs; • . Mac
e w y .:.S..a i ssr rx2sQet W
dos s recen y. ti
Mr. Calvin Robertson spent a
day witl.5,: his .lbrother.' at : Zion,
last. week. • • .
Mr. and Mrs. Ira• Leeson and
babe visited with the tatter's par.
omits at Teeswater. •
¢la• y., •
Mr. and Mrs. Donald McFar-
lane visited at Mr. Clark: • Need-
ham's ' recently.
Quite a`number of the people
,in this neighborhood are com-
bining their clover .crop.
• iVliss • Marion • Walsh spent the
week -end with her parents here.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Shelton
of Toronto _visited at the 'home
of the forxner's mother, Mrs.. •Wat
son Scott.
Mrs. Claude Dore who under-.
.went an, _• Kincardine
hospital is improving as • well as
can be expected. ;
The annual' thankoffering of
the W.M.S..• will be held in the -
United church next Sunday at LI
~Mr. and Mrs. John Gardner
and Caryl of ._' -Zion were 'recent
visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Lorne
Woods, Mts. Helm returned home
with them
Mr. and Mrs, Will Rutherford;
Hugh;, Mac and John and Mrs,
Gordon MacPherson ,were Week-
end visitors in Toronto.
The November meeting of the
Women's Institute . will be' held
lin the commynity hall on Thurs-
day, November 4th. Roll call—
war time supper 'dish. Subject—'
historical research, incharge •.of
Mrs. Gordon. Program commit=
tee, Mrs. Thom, Mrs. G. McPher-
son. MottoL-Early- to bed. and
early to rise, Makes a man
healthy, wealthy and wise, • by
Mrs-1VIcKenzie- . eb.b. -Hostesses,
Mrs. W ,A.. Huxnphrey • and Mrs..
R. I. Woods, ' ,
Plan to , attend the daince in
,the cominuriity hall on Friday
night under the atispices of the
Women's. Institute with ' proceeds
for patriotie,`purposes. ;
Held Presentation
been hotne ,on leave, ' was. • the
guest oVhonor at a gathering in
the ,Cornmurrity- Hall- on .Tuesday
night During .the • evening an ' ad-
dress was .read by Jimmy Aitch-
ison' and Harry Swan made the
•presentation of a lovely wrist
watch.. Hugh responded . fittingly
in , expressing, his thanks. Dance
music . was 'supplied by ' Tiffin's,
orchestra. with Mr. G. A. Webb
Caller -off.
THURSDAY OCTOBER. 28, 190, . .
The "W'hy" of Victory Loans. and
The mays They Can Be' 'Bought
Why are the people. of Canada
—merchants., farmers-; ,manufac-
turers, wage-ear-ngr-s, everybody
-being" asked to invest: in war
bonds? War always has been' an
expensive undertaking., Modern
war, with it's • requirements off
mechanized equipment for vast
armies, . is 'definitely more e*pen-
siove than:'wars' of the past. There
are ,two` main' methods: of meet-.
towing. As .we all know, taxes
have already been increased un-
til they ' have reached what ' 'is
considered the highest possible
peak.• There remains borrowing'
—and this is the reason ,..for the
successive Victory Loans. Bor-
rowing can be, a dangerous ex=
pedient--for the . country as , a.
whole as well as for alt individ-
ual•an1l to maintain a sound fin-
ancial structure ,,.for our . country'
Action isthe word today ! . .The boys overseas are
giving. us plenty of 'it as they smash to attack , on
land, sea and air. , Let's give them action in return;
action they'll appreciate; autographs on 5th Vic-
tory Loan applications. That'll tell 'em where we
stand, how anxious we ' are to speed the Victory
and bring them home again. They're surging for-
ward on every front. Spur them on with the added
momentum of . overwhelming power. Speed the
collapse of the. Axis beneath an. irresistible weight
of tanks, guns, ships and planes bought with our
money. That's what our fighters want. That's what
your signature on a Victory Bond application
This Advertisement Sponsored By
unicipality of the VilIage o
In Support .of. The Fifth Victory Loan
it is imperative that as large. a ,
proportion as possible of the nec-, .come from . our
own people, ' and be spread as
widely as possible among all our
people. Up to the present time.
Canada has made . an enviable
record :.,one of the best, if not
the best, inthe world- - in main=
twining a stabilized, economic pos- - •
possible by. the 'magnficen e-:
sponse of our people to the sev-
eral war loans: ,
Failing the support thus :given,.
our Government would have had
to resort to other means of rais-
ing'' the money to meet its fin- . .
ancial needs, and ., such rnethodsT
almost certainly' would have re-
sulted in inflation' which means.
that your dollar next year might
be Worth °Only fifty cents, that
the value . of your wages, your
insurance or other
or your' income from any source,
would fah t6 .a fraction of their
Present value. •
To avert such a situation, ,there-
fore, it is absolutely :imperative
that every person with an inter-
est " in 'Four -' country's welfare'
should do everything 'in his poW-
er. to assure the success of the.
• Victory Loans..
For 'those who ' have not the.
money on hand' to pay cash in
dull -for a bond, -ar-ious plans .-_.
•have been • worked out. There, is'
the official instalment plan, un-
der which youpay down ten per
'cent of the amount of the bond.
and your bank will carry the
remaining' ninety •per cent for six
months at an interest rate of 3
per ,,cent. As you get three per
cent on your bond froth the Gov-
ernment during the same time
you are snot anything out ,of pock-
et; in' fact; you ' have something ' : .
to the good, especiaily if you can
make further payments within
the term of six months. Another
instalment plan calls, for•pay-'
ent's at the•first of each month
and fo-r farmers or others whose
money: does notkcome` n :at reg-
ular intervals there is still ian-
other plan called the rural - de-
ferred payment method.. There
may , be some special circum-
stances;not covered •by any one of
these plans. In , this' case, you are
advised toconsult the loan can-
vasser • or ' your banker, either of
whom wild. explain how' terms
of payment may be arranged to "
meet` your convenience. Remem-.
ber, $5.00 down 'will put you on
the way to the ownership of a
$50 bond. •
Patriotism and sound business
sense both urge that every C' an-
adian .make his utmost . effort at
'this time to put money in bonds
that will be' a security for -the•
future, The ' Government urges
everybody,to keep his bonds un -
tit their maturity; but' if for any
reason,. you should need the mond
ey you can at any- time turn
your bonds into cash at a' good
Above -all, we must not forget
that in supporting the Victory •
Loan we are backing up the boys
in the armed services' -the boys •
of our own towns and townships
who are givingtheir best years—
perhaps life itself—in our behalf,
in order. that, - despotism and
cruelty may be put down, and
that liberty: and decency may
survive in this world. ',
Our boys are risking ° every-
thing.• Can we at home do; less
than' our : very utmost towards
matching their sacrifice by.xpro
viding thein with the cauipment
for a c•r,rnp.letr and, please God,
a :;i�rf;a c.ict�n?