HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-10-28, Page 3.THURSDAY OCTOBER. 28, 1943
'22 21.
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WALKERTON—Joe Meyer of. Cargillhas been
promoted„ to Flying. Officer overseas. .Joe'
is a finer sample of young Canadian man-
hood, doing his duty;• as •Premier Churchill
said, where "so many .owe somuch to so
TEESWA,TE. R—James -Weishar has arrived in
Britain. A younger brother, Lloyd, • has
been overseas for some time.,
" PORT. ELGIN—Capt. Jim Clazie writes: "We
.are anxious to be more actively engaged
and helping get on with . the business".
TARA--Mr. and Mit. . J. Binns, Allenford, have
a :cable that their son,. Pte. Cecil Binns, has
arrived' overseas. He is 18 years of age and
L• UCKNOW—Sergt. ;Wm. McClure ofDungan-
non .' arrived at. Halifax . on the Canadian
hospital boat: Ie had .one of his legs ,am-
: putated
am-:putated below the knee following .a motor-
cycle aPoident=-oversea ,
PAISLEY -Mr:• and Mrs Vincent Leeson have
' . received: word that their son, Pte. R Lee-
'. son,. killed in action at Dieppe,` has been
buried at Dunkerque, France.
;•CHESLEY—Mr. 'and Mrs. Bert Monk, Con. 12,
Brant, were notified Ws, telegram . that their
song•. Pte. , Courtney J:. •Mohk, has ,been
wounded in action in Italy.
SOUTHAMPTON -.-The .town's objective in the
5th Victory Loan has been set at $160,000,
an increase of $1:5,000 over the last loan.
`VIAF TQN--L,ieut:. Earl Reckin has graduated
after training at Camp Borden and Gordon..
Heart; $:C-analis-spending-a-furlough-•w-i-tlr-_,-
his wife and twin babies at. South Pore .- ' " a'
KINCARDINE—Mr. and Mrs. Sam Moore re-
ceived a cable:that their. sone Driver Owen
Moore, has 'received serious Ilirrj ur°ies ' in a
collision of, transports 'overseas.
MIL•DMAY,-Some years ago, • our objective
would have been considered away beyond
our reach, but• our • people have come to a"
realization that the war has reached a stage
where adequate finaneing is imperative.
tittfe on Bruce
Speed the
• - ,
_4��°�e.►�� a�-�" amt.' '..:.
Miss Tena Smith, practically
a lifelong `resident of this .com-
munity, passed away at her home
here on Friday night,, She' was
in her 86th year" •and had been
in failing health for a lengthy,
period since suffering a . fractur-.
ed, hip four years ago last Jan-
Tena, as she was familiarly
known,- *as born at : Stratford,
but came to this community at'
the age of five years with her
aren s la urciuch Banat
Miss. Smfth''.Was .employed for
many • years drip Deeker's ' t'ailoiz
shop.. She was of a, mild; kind
and friendly dispositionand had
a host of old friends in the Vill-
age. •. Her sister predeceased her
about nine years ago and for the
past- few 'years she has made her
home with her niece and nephew,
Christy and. Dan Graham.
The funeral service ' was held
from' her' late residence on :Mon-
day, conducted by Rev. C: IL
MacDonald. Interment was . 'iri
South Kinloss . Cemetery. Pali-.
bearers 'were, Angus McKay,
.Archie' McIntyre., W. W. •Hill; . Con
Decker . Phillip Stewart and Wm°
cath- accurr . ' o er-
ich hospital Weesday night of
Mrs. George Irwin, an 'esteemed
and lifelong resident of 4Dungan
non; in • her 78th year. She' was
the former Miss/lary Jane Pent-
land; daughter -a .the -late. Thom
TentTan. an. Elizabeth Van Nor-
man, who were among the earli-
est', of the pioneer residents of
•this district, and was born on
the Pentland homestead north of
Dungannon. Besides her husband,
"to whom .she ,was married 53,
years agd,, she is survived./by^
one daughter, Laura,. Mrs...Donald;
Fowler, one sister, Mrs:; William
Henry ` of Flesherton and one
broth% Milford Pentland; • of
Brantford. She was predeceased
by two brothers ,Samuel Pent -
and of Dungannon, and Rev
i,, ,�..• ",-,*' s�"r`�i ;. [ i .,:<-.•sit"' ." " :.°�z, ti,�`'�-�• 14,
and .•by two " sisters, • ;Firs,. T":Ioo •l
Brydges. , (Annie) of Nanton,, Al-
berta . and• Miss Celia• 'Pentland,
who died at Nanton, . Alberta,
while on a visit with her; niece,
Miss Laura Brydges.
Thedeparted woman was taken
to ' hospital . on Sunday,' after she
suffered a paralytic stroke at her
home in Dungannon about noon.
She never regained consciousness.
She was a faithful and valued
member of Dungannon United
:church: and. of the' Women's Miss-
ionary Society. Her genial and
kindly disposition won for. her
many. friends, andshe will be
much missed by a. vide circle of
acquaintances. '
Following a service at the home
of .her, daughter, Mrs. Fowler,on
r. ay, a pu . lc . service was
held in Dungannon prilted church
conducted by .her ,pastor, ' Rev:
J. Vickerson. 'Interment : was in
Dungannon Cemetery. Pallbear-
ers• were six nephews, G. W.
nne:dY„---llurldal Harry -Bei
lamy, Toronto; 'Chas: Kaufman,
Tavistock, and.. Leslie. Pentland,
Frank. Pentland and Donald Fow-
ler of Dungannon. The flowers
were borne by R. McDonald, John
Blake, Charles W. Alton, Arthur
Elliott, Clarence Dustow; Wilfred
Pentland, Eldon Culbert and dor,;-
or;don' Finnigan.:
TWO 25 -POUND field guns have
been added to the equipment 'of
the 99th (Reserve) Battery at'
Wingham: , • •
The. °'Langside Red Cross are . .
holeling 'their fall opening social
evening of games and bingo .al
the home of Victor. Emerson this:
Friday evening, . All 'in.'the °corn-.
'munity are invited to attend.
Miss Gertie Brown attended
the .wedding. on Saturday of her
cousin, Miss : 'Wanda Ferguson.
of Ashfield.: • •
Miss •Grace Richardson of Tees-
water. spent the half holiday, on '
Thursday . afternoon at her ,home
Mrs. .Win. Brown .spent' a fevu'
days this week with '.her father, I
Mr. Wm. Bell, of Pine River as-
sisting thein withthreshing op-,
erations. •
Sgt. George Wraith was. among
the : graduates of\ No. 16 .Service '
raining c oo at ` agersville
to receive • his wings on Mondtay..
Mr, 'Wzn;" 'Wraith, his father, . at-
tended t4graduation exercises;
George spent : a few days last
week at his honie here..
. .
" • let Ito .i. '
°the' blood, donors ` at the clinie•
held at , Teeswater on. Tuesday..:
This is the third time for Jim:
to donate.
Mr, •r,•Bati Tiffin received :his
call-up the end "o f the week.
Messrs. Arthur and Eddie
Moore assisted .by • George. and
Wes . Tiffin built; a new cement
side to the. culvert ' on' highway,
16 :east of Langside store. The
former north side was washed
away by one 'of the heavy rains
during the early summer.
,ror,a the
Prevent excessive
heat loss by, dos-
ing windows and
doors promptly,
Draw_, shades of
drapes over win
doves all evening
and night. Save
up to 10% on your
Mel this way.
Coal is the backbone of our
entire war effort. Every ton
is precious and is needed to
help speed victory.
You can do your part to
meet the emergency .by
budgeting your coal
by practising the conserva-
tion methods outlined in
the free . booklet illustrated
at the right.
our�u r
fire PROPERLY!''
Study these
Get your FREE
copy from your
local dealer. This
booklet shows •
you how to avoid
having a chilly
horne,this winter: