HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-10-21, Page 9THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1943 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WITH THE TROOPS; - Mr. and Mrs. Temple Clark have received a letter from. Italy ' ' from their son Douglas. Doug is . With the Provost Corps and land- ed in Italy on. September 3rd. Merle Johnston,'son of Mr. ,and Mrs. P. M. Johnston,. who is over- seas with the R.C.A,.F,, recently, underwent a herniaoperation. Allan Treleaven 'of 'the R. C. peai't"the: we -end with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Treleaven. • ' ' Spry Perry Durnin, .son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Durnin of ,town has' been ,posted from Wolsely Bail - racks, London,, to Camp Petawa_ - wa. R C. A. F. Graduate • Sgt. George Wraith of Lang: side, wasone of a group of air- men who graduated at No. 16 Service Flying; Training, School at Hagersville • on Friday. George hasbeen posted to New Bruns- wick for further flying experi- ence.• ' 1 Took ' Gunnery Course. Reid McKim, whorecently• completed a 'course in . anti-tank, gunnery at Halifax 'has, been on a two -weeks' furlough at the home of his' parents, Mr.. and Mrs. A. E. MdKirn. • . • • On. Corvette-Now-�__ • Mr. and Mrs, .J Ines" Ritchie re-. 'ceived their `'first letter in a month last' week . from their son Harold. Since, returning from his furlough,. Harold was posted to the Corvette Sherbrooke and has been at sea' for the : past 'nronthai • • Bob. Thompson of St.,Hyacinth, Quebec, where he is taking a telegraphist course and Harold Thompson/of .Petawawa spent the week -end. together. in 4Toronto. • It is the first tune Bob' and Bud have met • in over two years. Graduates AsLieutenant - Stewart Russel, son of Mr.: and One of a class of resident: officers of M.D. 1, who received his grad- uation: certificate on Saturday at the Canadian . Officers' Training Centre • at Brockville. Stewart was attached to the Argyll and Suth- erland Highlanders; and went to Brockville upon the returnmmarhis 'regiment from Jamaica.. Tp Go To Crumlin PO. Colin Crozier . has been spending his furlough.' with his parents, Mr., and Mrs. Wm. Croz- ier of..Crewe Colin is to report at Crurnlin as an instructor in navigation, After graduating early ' in the" summer Colin `spent a month • at Rivers, ' Manitoba, as an instructor before: being posted to 'London. Lloyd Elliott, who is stationed at Mossbank, Sask., with the wants to send three pairs of 'socks to his brother overseas for Christmas and has "placed the order" with Mrs . Jack Carter. To Lloyd, : Mrs., Carter is, "Ma", and she says she will have them off in time if she has to sit up nights to finith the knitting. 'Transferred-, .To :Montreal- - -- .r ... -- • • Lieut, Trimble 'Bailey of Car- gill has 'been• transferred to Mon- treal where it. is expected he will be stationed for several months: Lieut. Baillie . has been located at Camp Borden since •graduating• from the officers' training school' at Brockville. - '• Invalided Home r.' ° Sgt. William McClure, who was a passenger aboard the "Lady., Nelson", which arrived Thursday at :Halifax; is now a patient in Christie Street hospital, Toronto, and contacted his parents, Mr. and Mrs.. William H. McClure,. Dungannon, ' by telephone on _Sun- day, He expects to receive a two- weeks' leave and will be home at the end of the week. Sgt: " MCClure had one of . his legs am- putated belowtheknee following a motorcycle accident when 'he had his foot badly crushed. Chin Brothers In Service Harry Chin of the R:C.A.E. at Mountain View visited last week with his papents, Mr. arid Mrs: ,Charles .Chin. Harry and his bro- . ther Jim, who ,wears . the.. khaki and is stationed at Red Deer, Al- Berta, left on' Friday. (Harry is •training for air crew, with the ambition to beta: pilot. ,Harry and Jim and Frank are the eldest sons. ,of •a family of fourteen children' of Charles and Rose Chin. These three lads were livini., in' China with their grandparents when Japan attacked the ; Chinese. - Shortly, after the boys returned to Canada, but may- yet have the opportunity to return, trained and equippe :-••.help. free_theithon°ie-* land. • • Aylmer and Doug Aitchison, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Ait- chison of Wingham have had their first get-together in Eng- land, since Doug's arrival a few weeks ago. • , Hospital Ship At Halifax•-- Wh en she., arrived at Halifax early last Thursday Morning, the Canadian hospital • ,ship, "Lady N€lson" -completed her fourth At- lantic roundtrip. With a cargo 'oft battle scarred and wounded men she had to , anchor in mid -stream to await a birth at "-one of the ed to the ship's Medical corps. RECRUITING MERGER EFFECTIVE THIS,'WEEK . • Lieut. R. C. Clinger, stated, on Tuesday that the Mobile Recruit- ing Unit which . visits Lucknow each Tuesday. morning is i now prepared to give full inforrnation respecting 'recruiting of men or women . for a-tf ° branches 'of the services. This is ' under the new merger of alL• recruiting programs •which becomes effective this week. ' + .- The • navy ;has, a ' surplus of men- and 'women at present, and the part it will play in the mer- ger is not definitely known. How- ever an. exchange of men will ▪ o • After :roll call and horseshoe formation, the. Guides went to p`a"trol• 'corners while some tests. were tried. N,frs. McKim is giving' Mary Johnston and Beryle Solomon, former Brownies, lessons 'on Packleader duties. When Brown- ies : start Mary and Beryle will be their P'ackleaders. There was to '-be a bike Sat- urday the'purpose being to lay a trail,'•but as :it was raining, the, hike was postponed. \ ' s.. .0 IA for Pathfinder's' Badge The -his- tory of Lucknow was intere§ting,; so . much I so that no •one thought of the • -time until quite ' late. Guides..were dismissed ' ,immedi- ately. takeplace between the army and the air force. Underthese plans, 'men suit- able for air crew will _ have an opportunity to enlist in that class- ification. Men , fitfor overseas army service; ,but' 'without spec- • ialist qualification for lair .crew will be enlisted in -the army and men suitable '• for :overseas ser- vice and 'possessing qualifications for air :crew will not be permitted to enlist • for ' air force ground Crew. PAGE NINE DUNGANNON Sgt. Wm. McClure, Jr„ has ar• rived home . to Goderich from. overseas. Be had experienced a nasty motorcycle accident in Eng- land this fall; when a car." eol- lided with him on his. Motor- cycle. Hereceived several breaks in his leg and amputation • was necessary: We . are glad to know his general health is 'fine' and will have -fourteen days ' leave; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur. Roach, af- ter disposing their farm and hav- in g an auction!; sale last week, will Make their 'C -o= rn "t° e14 future. Mr. and Mrs.Wm. McClure, Sr. spent Thanksgiving week -end Jwith their daughter, Mrs. Alfred •Hefford in Toronto.° Mr. and Mrs. Leonardo Craw- ford and family of Goderih spent last week with the lady's parents, Mr. and' Mrs. Arthur Colbert: A week -end •visitor vMs Mrs. Cul bert's niece, Miss' Dorothy Thompson of. Toronto. m • .The community.., was saddened to hear : of.. the sudden • illness,„ which befell Mrs. George -Irwin, when she suffered. a .general col= lapse and stroke. on Sunday. She' was removed to Go.derich Hospi= tal where little hope is held for her recovery.' BORN -October 14th at Kin- cardiriie-Hospital,-to Mr. _.. and Mrs. John • S. MacDonald (nee Doris Swan), a daughter; Congratula- In the last three Victory • Loans, the. farmers of Bruce. County • invested • nearly Two --`' Million. Dpllars in Victory : Bonds, as the following figures indicate: March 1942 $ 598,050• November 1942 .;.. ' - 534,050 May ,Y943 794,550 51,922,650 -This does not tell the whole story., as figures for the lst Victory Loan were grouped into Districts, partly rural, and partly urban, but it is safe to say that farmers �f Bruce County today hold more than $2,000,000 in Victory Bonds. We Did It Before SHIED 7111 FlawRw , irowarmal ICT°11 r1 The Townships. of Bruce County have an objective 'in the, 5th: Victory -Loan'. of $890,000. This is about $100,000 more than the amount they subscribed in the last Loan.. -Canada is being asked for great- • er : investments than ' ever to. • "Speed the Victory". In a period of ' one year, the far- mers. of Bruce increased their in- vestment -in Victory Blinds fro'rn $600,000 to $800,000, just as Bruce County as a whole increased its ' investment ; from $1,684,750 to $2,567,000. • ' e Can Do its AgaIfl1. Your Favor Please Seeking to cover -a « goodly, territory in a short time,, and With gaselme ..and tire rationing, as Well as the canvassersbeing busr. at their own' work, it is urgently requested that the people of'. Bruce reach a decision as to the amount they: are able to subscribe and make this subscription the first time- the canvasser calls, thus avoiding the necessityy of second calls. he -s uited--chuich--at--Dunga- non will 'hold special Harves Thankoffering. services' on. Sun- day, October 24th ' at 11 a.m.. and 1, 7.30 p.ni. It is expected a guest' ' speaker , will be on hanbl and special music rendered. . Mr. Leroi Stingel, : who has been employed' the last year. at Wallaceburg and "Sarnia, is rzovc. *diking in Goderich.. Mr. and Mr's. Wm. McClure and Mrs. Chas. Durnin went' to Goderich . oh Tuesday' evening to,' • meet Sgt. Wm. McClure • Jr. who, .. had just arrived home from over- . a seas. • • ' Mrs. Riobt. Reed, Port Elgin and her daughter, Mrs. Alex Coed - des, 1VIr. Geddes and -family of Burgoyne 'spent a day recently: with Mr. and Mrs. John McWhin- riey and also visited other rela- tives, " . ... . Mr. Elinen. Shackletonand son "' Carl of Detroit visited his poth- er, Mrs. Ellen Shackleton. They also • visited Mr: and Mrs. John McWhinney and at Crewe. Mr. Girlies Haines had his son Fus: Neil Haines of ' Edmonton -to visit him ' recently While on leave. Mr. Wm. Nivens has purchased the = building which was. at 'the rear. of Mr. Everett Harris' wood working shop,' and is having the Material removed to,/ a .farrn he; has pth chased -in Ashfield. 'LANGSIIDE NORTH The Presbyterian W.M.S. are • holding' a social evening in the church on: Friday, October . 22nd 8-:30 pan, This--social--is-.-bein- held. to celebrate the 50th Anni- ' versary of the society. Everyone. is cordially .invited to attend. The Y.P.S., held their October social at the home of Mr. and' Mrs. Wm. Scott. During Ilia Bourse of • the evening Mrs. Clark Johnston. was presented 'with a tablecloth. Gordon Wall read- the address and Mrs. Wrn. Scott made the preentation. The Nov- ember social social will be held at the home of . Mr. and Mrs. William. Brown. The United W.M.S.'held' .their October meeting at the home of , Mrs. Wm.. Scott. The November, meeting, will be ,held at the home , •--of-Mrs: ;Ivan Conley. .