HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-10-21, Page 8PAGE. ERGO
. Miss Gretta Hudson and Mr.
and Mrs. Will Irwin visited on
' Sunday ,with Mr. and Mrs. Wrn.
Cranston of St. Helens.
Visitors at Mr, Geo. Fisher's
on Sunday were, Mr,. and Mrs. T.
Jantzi and Donald of Milverton
Mr. and Mrs. John 'Carruthers
Of London, Mrs: John Carruthers
and Lillian and Mr. David Car-
Mrs. Jack Button. of Saskatche-
wan is visiting with her sister,
Mrs. John Purves. • '
245,1m!mdzilighomula v, g:��•-tea
f1� ,
;and 'Shirley and Norma of:`Dun
garinon `spend Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Win. MacDonald..
Thanksgiving : visitors -of this
community were . Mr. and Mrs.
James Forster and Jean at Mr.
Albert McQuillin's; Mr. and Mrs.
George Kennedy; Billy and Jack
'' at. Mr; wry--Tichbournes of-
Goderich Mr. and Mrs. George
Fisher and family with Mrs, John
Carruthers; Mr. and• Mrs. "Harry
Lavis and Jimmie at Mr.: Wm.
MacDonald's; Mr. and Mrs. N.
' Murray of Embro and Mrs. Mel-
vin Hackett 'of Woodstock with
Mr. and .Mrs. Pharis Mathers;
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cook _ of.
tucknow, Mr.. Robert McGuire
and Mr. and, Mrs. Horace Mc -
'quire and Shirley Anne of .Lon-
dont Mrs; Billy Lietch and Mrs: current rumor. .•
Alex • Lietch of Belgrave were
recent visitors with Mrs. D. Gill-
ies and .Jack.
Mrs. 'John MacMillan spent an
afternoon last weep with. Mrs.
Mr. John MacMillan was in
Toronto the first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. ` Peter - . Watso
were dinner guests of Mr. an
Mrs. George Kennedy on Friday.
Mr. Scott Patterson of Detroit
called at Mr. John MacMilla4's
on Sunday. I.
Mr. 'and Mra. Ed Strauss of,
Greenock were recent visitora , at
• .Mrs. James Forster; spent a
afternoon with Mrs. • Pat Mac-
Millan one day last week.
Mr: and, Mrs. George Kennedy
spent a day in Chesley recently.
Mr, James. Orr is assisting Mr.,
John Gillies fora few weeks.
ley United ' ' Church recently
presented a Christian Flag to the
church in memory of 'their teach-
••er,'Mrs. W. A. Eifert.
The Y.F.S.' Presbyterial is be-
ing held in Belmore church on
Friday, October 22nd at 8.30 p.rn.
IA gossip is a person who drifts
alongwith. the current—with the
(After Longfellow)
By ° H. I., Phillips
Under a spreading wen of rules
The village grocer stands;
His brow is all" tied up in knots
His head is inhis hands,
And there hardly is, from day to
`A rule he ' understands! , .
His hair, is thin and getting worse
'His face is grey or blue.
His brow is wet with honest"
sweat; .
'His set-up is so new!
`i g •ere r -.dizzy, too,
Day in, day out from morn tiff
You can hear the loud disputes
As the women battle for saur-
Waxedbeans and processed
And the grocer's
ruits—And'the`grocer's lot is some loud
Bronx cheers
Plus some most discordant
And children coming home from
Look in at the" open door;
They love to see how their elders
act '•
lIn a rationed grocery. store
When both" sides figure their
total points
And" .dispute the final score.
He goes on Sunday to the 'church
And sees the people meek—
And marvels ,'that they 'are the
ones .
Who fought with him all week;
And he's glad there are no .cou-
.pon cards
When the parson starts to
Toiling, computing, sorrowing
Onward through life, he goes;
Each morning sees the mail open-
With 'new rules to ,disclose;
Just ' a wreck from head to tees;
thyv- 0100
:His business isn't what it was;
And he„knows, that. he as thru
With :the days he knew what `:he
could sell-- .. • t
And knew all the prices, too;
`.(And -when "charts” were things
that _ sailor used
When he sailed the ocean blue).
Patron: . Look .here, waiter, I
ordered chicken pie, and there
isn't a single piece of chicken in.
Waiter: That's being consistent
sir. We.. also have cottage `cheese,
but so far as I ; krio'w there isn't
a cottage in,it
the Plant of The Maple Leal Aircraft Corporation :Limited
All pay Monday Next, Oiito.ber 25th
When the plant will be open to all residents of the Village, District and County
• � a
for a public inspec iQa in support of
The Fifth ictory Loan
You are cordially invited tovisit the plant and see how
some of your "Speed The Victory ij�llars" are spent
Maple Leaf Aircraf
Corporation, limited
GEORGE C0014; Plant Manager
A favourite summer complaint
is' "It's not the heat, but the
humidity". In the winter, how-
ever, they become -words of wis ,
dom. By maintaining high hum
idity ,in. the home, householders
will be more comfortable even
though temperatures are lower.
On top, of that, they will save
many a shovelful of coal. ,
Even if it were not necessary to
save . every bit ,pLJuel_pws$ible,_ _....u..__ -
health , alone would indicate
plenty of moisture in the air.
In winter the . air 'is . dry and
thirsty. It must obtain moisture
from somewhere,„, and that some-
where is often from an individ;
uai's body and nasal passages.
Doctors agree that there would
be feWer colds and nose infec-
tions if humidity were higher in
Canadian . homes,
There • are • several. simple
things that will help to maintain'.
higher humidity. Here are a few
of them:
Keep, the pan. in the hot air
furnace, if there is one, well fill-
ed with water. If this is not suf-
ficient,, place cans of–water, just
inside the registers, not where
they'll show, but where •they will
do .their work effectively.:
After taking a bath„ ,leave . the
Hot water standing in. the . tub.
until it is cold. At the, same time
•leave the bathroom. door ,open so
that the moisture can • penetrate
into the other rooms.
Potted plants make good hum-
idifiers, if they're kept well wa
ered. Their , porous pots literay'T'
ooze .moisture. '
. A pan of water underneath the
radiator is a good substitute. for
the regular humidifying pans
that fit on the back of, the rad-
iator. A good idea is to place
one end of a small piece of ab=
sorbent cloth in the water, let-
ting the other end hang over the'
Homes heated by stoves need
}rave no hurnidifying problems%
Just keep a kettle of water stand-
ing sin the back of the s4o,,