HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-10-21, Page 6'WalOOPING COUGH is •preval,'
ent In Teeswater, and with the
outbreak of several cases; • two
.grades in the Public School have„
• been closed. •
RECEIPTS. at Teeswater Fair,in-
cluding gate receipts, grandstand
fees, eoncert two nights,, .and an
old time and modern 'dance, ,.tot-
ailed .$4963.30. •
Pickle Vinegar Uses
le. vinegar..`
air in cook-:
extra flan-
'.' sauces and
salad dressings. When using vine-
gar from sweet pickles for salad
dressings; omit sugar from recipe
and use half pickle and half fresh
Vinegar 'froin pickled beets can
Don't discard Pic
It can be used over a
ing, the ce addin
or. Use it icor `sh
be used over .and oyer again on
beets, aiding alittle fresh vine=
gar eac, time.
has .13
al Hain
en presented t.. ;Arthur
f Teeswater by the Roy-
ne Society for rescuing
A woman whose. husband had
been called up for service saw
hilt off at the station. As the
train left she burst into tears.'
When the station master tried to.
cheer her up. by 'saying that her
husband'. would 'cornea ' back- . all
right, she .said: ,"It's not him I'm
crying about -- ' it's them poor.
Cerson ' from ...Fladd's ' Gerrnans .T ° know what my Bill's
dam in }March of 1942.. temper's like".
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, .1943• ' '
The' Fall Rally of the Maitland • •
Presbyterial Society, of the. W 1►."
S. of the 'Presbyterian .ehurch',in
Canada,, was, held 'in Chalmer's
church, Whitechurch' on Wednes 7..
day afternoon,' with a good at-
tendance. 4lmosf al1 the auxil-
iaries` were :represented. • • •
The; vice-president, Mrs. Guth--
rie Reed of Teeswater presided, • ,
read the -Cali. to Worship and. led
in ,prayer.
The reading, of a' Thanksgiving' •
�,v�rikl call on. y°
:y :r`
saleSnza�� uoitY .
' Loan CO
day$ a Victory,Loan
a man •fr°�
.� of these. •• _
One °f. your netg .. is he
. • , n1 • known to ,yO' • ep 'Mat 'is
,.a be -well t saving mon ids:e gill
who mmm y -to y�u ab°!a 1ctay $°
• oig to tam asks Y°
u to buy our count.
>�s g.
lie • ou to db. when be •and lend it toy o� ,boys
asksy a. 1
,a to.save money,•• . .i uniform • ' uld like.
ask , a son or daughter • n forces' Yon. �° to come . • .
Perhaps you have
the fighting - . :a:
. dle t g
xorn •f tborn•i1g thyfou can save
see them' something to iii Mere IS SOmthei� home spOne • Wads you
soon• Air g . and to bring al} the V tato' • n the bank.
home Bonds, 'Buy you. have_in. for
then''' I_ •... Victory-Bonds.
top °
o .buy � d -wit-ET-Money y . s ay
money t ens with cash an t which enable you salesman
them. la Victory
can. 'Buy 011 the swings Roux
• u°re°f six months . fn of saving•
' y Loan..
over. a period
• this convenient p 1, 'Victory
tem ell you all about top in this 5t°ney rid
,�'�ll t °ver the• . arta have •
to to
u d - _ d -she_ the �,ar
�elP yo�._ ._._ speed �, to p,
11 e1 Cana ou Wal treed when IL
' f®r thugs y
National War Pinance Committee
lowed..with"..prayer' by Mrs. Ring}
rose of 'Teeswater. Word9 of
come •were extended by • Mrs,
Walters of Whitechurch. Prayers
on definite, subjects •were 'Offered
by • Mrs.` S. Kerr, Brussels„ Miss
D. •McLeod of South Kinloss ,and
Mrs. A. Mowbray, ' I,uckno°w. . •
Helpful ideas were exchanged on `
"Special features., in meetings";
when -the roll was .called. A duet
by .Mrs. Donald Rae and Miss F..
Wilson was enjoyed. . • • •
- The guest speaker, Mrs.. Hugh
Jack of•Senforth;'president of the' '
Huron W.M.S. Presbyterial,,, was
introduced and after .e`''xtending
greetings from the ,Presbyterial
she announced her subject "What :.
Christians Missions are doing' for
the, world , today • and. what. we
should. do to 'face' •Missions ; after
the • war": In speaking of. China
Christian goverrimentinthe -
world .today, largely due to. Chris-
tian leadership. In' India advance
is beingmade especially among
young people, wornen and .girds"..
She made mention of 'Britishi
Guian-a—and 'Latin Amer -ilea ---and
lastly Canada with .its immense
foreign population and the organ-
izedgroups of .communists. Her
final message was:. "Gp, forward;
be not discouraged:, Look' * u ".
Mts. F. G. Fowler of 'Bruevdie
president of the Maitland Pres-
byterial 'brought greetings ,from
the'>ProvineiaT Board. ,Shepaid
tribute to Mrs. Jack for her time-
ly address and to the 'Maitland
Presbyterial in general. for the
efficient. manner in •which the . .
auxiliaries : are carrying on. She
closed her remarks with the verse
Spin cheerfully, not tearfully
Tho' :wearily you' trod. • •
Spin c,arefully, .spin. prayerfully
But .leave the thread with God.
The treasurees_statenaent-show.
the finances . almost ,the same as,
at this time last .year. At the close
of the meeting refreshments were
served and a vote of thanks and,
• appreciation was expressed by
Mrs. McLeod of Kincardine.
Two More I;,eceived
Since acknowledging last week,
receipt of several copies of the
September 16th issue of The Sen-
tinel, we have received a. copy
from Mrs. W. 3. Pritchard and
from Sam Murchison at Sault
Ste. Marie.
Maintain Butter 'Production
Production of butter is being
well maintained throughout the
province of Ontario and in some
sections is showing a marked in-
crease over the figures for the
same period last year, according'
to the report for September of
the Creamery Instructors of the •
Ontario Department of .Agricu,l-
ture: There has also been a mark-
ed improvement in the quality of
cream received by the.:creameris.
Only one exhibitor from. Bruce
County, L'orrte B. Reid, Ripley,
was present at the Championship
Holstein Show held October 7th
at'Ingersoll but hedid exception-
ally ,well considering. the .keen-
ness of the competition and the
large classes shown. Mr. Reid
took first prize in the class for
junior yearling -heifers—an -Maple--
Lea Rosebud Cofantha, fifth in
a great class • of . 1.3 aged cows,
sixth on his two-year-old 'heifer
and Progeny .of . Ilam, 'seventh in.
the senior .yearling heifer class
and eighth in the bull calf and
junior- get -of -sire classes.