HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-10-21, Page 4a _
Men, 3a, 40,
Want Normal Pep, 'Vim, Vigor?
,Try Ostrex Tonto Tablets. Contains tonics, atimu-
'lents, iron, vitamin Bt. calcium, phosphorus; aids to
'normal pep, vim, vigor, vitality atter. 30, 40, or 50.
'Introductory size only -35e. Ti sot delighted.: with
results of 'Srst package, maker refunds tow pride.
'.dlt all druggists. Start taking OetrexTablets 'todAY.
d '
all Kinds of
Lorre McLennan
Purina Dealer, Lucknow
Service hereenext , Sunday . at
11 a.m.
Mrs. Ken Agnew of Milton, Mr.
andrs. 7 G-. _ Reed of -rapid
City were- callers • on Mr.. and
• Mrs. Sala Reed last week
Mr. Wesley ' Ritchie arrived
home on Saturday from Eastavan,-
Sask., where he spent; the .past,
six weeks.
_-Mrsj_ a Fitzgerald --of :Dungy
gannon is a visitor vr'ith ` her sisti
• , ter, Mrs:., Richard Gardner and
Mr. ° Gardner. '
Keith Hackett is attending High
'School at Winghani.
Mr: and. Mrs. Wilfred. Quaid
of Sanford, Mrs. Melvin Dickson
andfamily of . Dungannon, Mrs:
David Reece andbabe were vis
itors Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Gardner. .
Try a Want Advt.—They bring
Mrs. W. R. Farrier visited last
week with her daughter Miss
Winnifred Farrier of Toronto.-
oronto:Miss Lila Humphrey of St. 'Hel-
ens visited last Friday with her
aunt .Mrs. A. Fox.
Mrs. Newby, and little: son .Ten-
nis of London' are visiting her
Parents, Mr. & .`1Irs. Walter` Lott.
BORN ---On ;October 6th to Mr:
and .Mrs Wm• : Henry, ' a son,
Wayne Alexander.
Mr,. and Mrs. Tobias J'aritzi and 1
visited on Sunday with her aunt,
Mrs, David Kennedy and also
Mrs. Chas. Congram was a re
cent visitor at her brother's,. Mr.
and Mrs.. Max 'Raynard, Lucknow,
both who are in poor health,
Mrs. Almer Ackert spent Tues-
day. at the home of Mrs. Thomas
Mrs. Jas. Baker whohas been.
bedfast, we "are very pleased to
see, is able to be up and around.
Rev. and Mrs; Stewart and. Mei-
vin: had Thanksgiving dinner
t tom[ ; gf x t ek
ert. 'Mr. -Lloyd " ,�c kert"�as:a
i student at 'Toronto. University,
with.: her brother, Mr. George was home over the ,week -end.
Fisher and Mrs Fisher.
Miss' Louise Martin. of Kincar-
dine spent the week -end with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Mr. and Mrs; John ..Craig and
Mrs. C Murray made a trip to,
Harriston last : Friday:
The'Presbyterian. W. M. S. Rai-,
ly was held . in the Presbyterian
church here' last `Wednesday with
a good attendance present and
the special speaker was Mrs. Rev.
Jack of'Seaforth. A duetwas sung
'by Mrs: Rae and Miss Frances
Wilson; of Wingham. Lunch was
served : and -a social time---was-en
joyed by • all.
Mrs. Gibson Gillespie, Mrs..l
Walter Lott, Mrs Garnet Farrier
and -Mrs Ezra Scholtz were del-
egat4s from' the United church to
a-.meeting',helel in Brussels last
=T h ursdaY, •
• A banquet *ae`held,.in the In-
stitute' hall last Thursdhyy even-
ing for the Confederation. of Agri-
culttire, ` when 37 guests were
present and a'chicken dinner was
Mr: and Mrs. Win. Taylor, of
Pinkerton, spent , Sunday with
their daughter,\Mr. and Mrs. Har--.
vey Houston. . .
" • Mr. and- Mrs. John Reid, Pine
River, . were guests with their
`daughter, Mr_.. and Mrs. ,'Raynard
Ackert- Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs., Wm. Graham and
daughter Olive visited, 'Mr. and
Mrs. George Alton, Ashfield, re-
cently. \.
Messrs. Jack Ackert and MUT-
ford McKay were holidaying in
Toronto' last week.
Mr. Leonard Ritchie spent the
week-endTat^his home in, Ash -4
Mrs: Calvin McKay, Windsor,
spent the' holiday with her moth-
er, Mrs, James V.alad.
Mr. and Mrs. Reggie Broom and
daughter Mary' were Sunday vis-
itors at,1:--tri. ,Ead`ie's.
Mr. Bill Burt visited his friend
Mr. ' Clifford Congram Monday.
Bill had the misfortune -to de-
velop blood poisoning in his arrn.
The W.M.S. i'rhanitoffering ,of
=the Presbyterian church will be:
held on ;Thiirsda§,1 at 2.30 p.m.
when. Mrs. Rev. Fowler of Blue
vale will be the guest speaker.
"Don't worry," makes a better
motto if - you add "others".
Purina Chek-it-Tofl
A TONIC with ingredients that knock out the roundworms.
Purina Fa°tefla Checkers
ABOUT THREE POUNDS per , bird will give you a Milk
Fed A Finish in two weeks.
Add 1 Bag Hog Chow to each 5 bags Chop -- Produce 4
Hogs per ton of Chop instead of just 2 '~•t'
Complete .Sanitation Line. always on hand
Lorne MacLennan
'Phone 17-w
Mr.. Torrence Guest and dau-
ghter Sheilla, Mrs. Will Guest of
Kitchener , were Sunday guests
at Mr. Albert- Thempson's, -
Miss Edna Boyle, R.N., Orillia,
is holidaying at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell L Ritchie'
were completely taken by sur-
pris'e when their old neighbors
gathered for a social evening and
presented. them with a purse of
money Tuesday. evening. Mr. and
Mrs; Ritchie:- made very_-__goed.
friends the few years 'they have
been- here -and every ' good wish
•for success goes. with them to,
their new home at Langside: .
Mr. and Mrs.'Mervin Hoey.''and.
'Carl of Pine River, Mr. Jack El-
liott of Clark's, Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Elliott and daughter Joyce,
Mr. and .Mrs. Alfred Pollock and
daughter Evelyn of Bethel were
Sunday guests .at .Mrs.;- .Alm
Ackert's. .
:Mr. and Mrs. Gordon-Congram,
Harvey and . Harold of Dungan-
non were recent visitors with Mr.
and, Mrs, Chas. Congram.
Mr Richard Elliott, our popu-
lar reeve and a member, of the
Good' Roads Committee, enjoyed
a couple -of days of good fishing
at Midland recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Wellings
were recent visitors at Mr. Ern-
est Ackert's.
Mrs. Bob. McCosh returned
home after a ;holiday with her
mother, Mrs. Orr ,at Arthur.
Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs.
Jim' Smith -cif thearrival' -of- -a-
baby boy. - •
Mr. and Mrs Frani Cummings
spent Sunday at Mr. Ernest Ack-
ert's. -
PICK VP your copy of the Can-
adian Tire Corp. Winter S rts
and Accessories supplement
Campbell's Garage, Wingham.
FOR SALE -4' young cows, all
near . to freshening; also' several,
head of young ,cattle. HARRY
CRF.'T,a.RA.�aeoev .
require breeding flocks'all:breeds
to supply us with hatching eggs
for 1944 hatching season, Flocks.
culled and bloodtested free.
Guaranteed premium paid. Also
wanted turkey flocks to supply
hatching eggs.. Apply Tweddle.
Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fer-
gus, Ontario.'
AUCTION. SALE of livestock of
the Estate.of Robert Andrew, will
be held at- Lot 13, Con. 12, Ash-
field on Thursday, October 28th,
at two o'clock. See bills. Matt
Gaynor; Auc.; Mrs. Margaret M.
Andre*, adm'inistratrix.
II: Events
There will be a dance and pres-
entation in St. Helen's Commun-
ity Holl on Tuesday night, bct-
� t t ,( . i s.,,bi .: ne , .. .
' Don't, forget the dance in the
Community Hall, St. Helens, '-on
Friday, : October 29th, under aus-
picesof the Women's Institute
with proceeds ;for patriotic `pure
poses. Good music. Ladies please
bring lunch. •
All ..persons , having claims a-
gainst the estate • of Robert 'F.
Andrew, who died in the Town-
ship of Ashfield `in the County of
Huron on the Second day of Oct -
'ober, A.D. 1943, are hereby not-
ified to send in to the 'undersigit-
ed full particulars thereof on or° • �'
before the twenty-second day of
November, A.D. 1943, after Which • .
date the estate will be , distribut
ed. among those entitled. thereto.
Margaret M. Andrew; .
R. . R. 3; 4ucknow, Ont., -
- - Administratrix,
P. Stuart MacKenzie,
Barrister; -Etc., ,_ y
Walkerton, Ont. '
Solicitor for the Administratrix.
'AUCTION SALE—implements &
furniture of the Estate of Henry
Pinnell, will be field at 'Con:1.2,
Kinloss, half mile west of Kin-;
lough on Friday, October 22nd at
2- o'clock: • 12 Durham calves will
also be sold. See bills. Matt Gay-
nor, Auc.; 'Geo. W. l aldenby, Ad-
ministrator. °
AUCTION SALEM of household
effect's. and :implements at God-
frey Hall's,' Con. 9 Ashfield Twp.
on- Monday, .October 25 at two
o'clock sharp; ° also, there will be
a furniture sale thatsame after,.
noon at 3.30 o'clock.'at the farm
of Thomas Woods. See bills. Don-
ald B. Blue, Auc. '
O•lirhe preached it from the
. house -top
And' he whispered it by stealth;
He wrote all kinds' of stuff about
The awful curse of wealth.
Yes, he spouted, it and:shouted it,
And made the rich man wince,
But an uncle left him, money—
And he h.asn't`=shouted'since
Thurs., Oct, -fill impieln- ents-&
registered Holstein. cattle,'
- Colborne Township. Wm.
Tabb, Prop.
Friday, October 22-40 head of
' choice cattle all in good
condition. Wilfred McCar- :
thy Prep.
• Saturday, Oct.. 23—household
furniture at residence of
Jas: Johnstone, Goderich.
Donald B. Bine,- Auc.
2 p.m. to 6 o'clock
P. Stuart MacKenzie
Walkerton, Ontario..
Each Wednesday
Afternoon & Evening
(Intended' for `last week)
, Mr. and Mrs. Ben 'Comfort of
St; Catharines are spending their
holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Blake and Harold: `
Mrs. Wilfred Drennan, Lor-
ainne, and J. C. spent Monday
with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Ray -
nerd near Lucknow:
Mr. ' and Mrs. Palmer Yilpat-r
-rick' & children of- Toront`spent
Sunday with his parents, Mr. &
Mrs. S. J. Kilpatrick. Other call-
ers at the Kilpatrick home were
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Treleaven
and - family, Mrs: Elizabeth Tre-
leaven, Mrs. Higgins, Mrs: Har-
vey Webb' and daughters of St.
Helens,. Mrs.. 1", Anderson.,Maf
eking ,Mrs. Chas. Pierce of Brant-
ford, Dr. and Mrs. ' Atkinson •of
Goderich, Mr., and Mrs. Harvey
Anderson and Marylyn, Mr: and
Mrs. Cecil Blake and Jimmy and
-Mrs. Ben 'Comfort. and Mr.. 'and.
Mrs. Rich Kilpatrick and Doug-
Mr. Wilfred Drennan and Mr;
and Mrs. Bert • 'Treleaven and
Gwendolyn spent\ the holiday
week -end with Mr.: & Mrs. Law-
Mr. Edward Gilmore made a
trip to London on Thursday • to •
visit his father in St. Joseph's
Hospital. We, are glad to report
Mr. Gilrrlore's condition is some-
what improved.
Mrs. R. Brown of Ripley spent
the week -end with her sister 1VIrs. -
Gordon Ritchie.
Messrs. Leonard . and_iarold..._-.
Ritchie spent Sunday with their
parents. - . The Zion members of the W.
M. S. met at the home of Mrs.
John McDonagh on Thursday af-
ternoon with a very good °2!t- •,
tendance. `
rence Tremaine, Toronto. �II
The autumn Thankdffering -
meeting of the W.M.S. was held
on Sunday afternoon when Mrs.
H. Durnin gave a splendid ad-
dress, on her work among the
Indians, at ' Teulon, Man., 'where
she was stationed for the past
two years. She . is . at present
spending "some: timewith het --
,moth er, Mrs. Gray, in Goderich.