HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-10-21, Page 1b-
$2.00. 'A Year --In Advance;' 50e Extra
Despite most disagreeable wea-
ther, large •corigregations attend-
ed anniversary servibes Morning
conducted ' by a former 'pastor,
Rev.. R. C. , Todd of Georgetown..
These services marked'` the 58th
anniversary of ;the dedication of
the present church. '
r Rev. Todd, whb 'left here. for
Georgetown little more than two
years ago; said he felt honored
to be . invited back so soon, as it
*generally took longer than that
for a congregation to overlook'the
many bad points of a former pas-
Rev. Todd Chose as his text in
the- morning,'Acts 20:28, ''''Take
heed therefore. • unto- yourselves,
and to , all the flock, over .the
which the Holy Ghost hathmade
you overseers,, to feed the Church
of God; which He hath purchased
.. _ with his pwn blood". He .pointed
out the reat herita_ ._e. -
fathers had handed down . to us
in the chureh, .arid stressed the
responsibility that is ours . in sus-
taininethis heritage and passing
it ofi to our children. g.
There can be no half way meas.=_sires _It, is eitI ex._,_the—chores ,orr
'° paganism. It is up to us, Mr. Todd
said: The churchis indispensable,
' but it can . only be as strong: as
we make it. •
' . 'Mr. Todd dramatized ..the death.
of a ` young's R:,A.F7 pilot,' who,
while. mortally wounded, wrote
a: letter to • his mother, dad and
sweetheart:' It pointed out that.,
he was not afraid to die, to•pre-
serve the, rights and sanctity of
t e Christian way of life.
said Mr. Todd! he did not die
that monopolies. might exploit his
parents, or vice rings .exploit his'
`sweetheart, or drunken hoodlums
insult " her as she walked down
the street. I -le died 'to protect.
them. against sucl_things„,and it
is that type of life thatwe are
committed to establish..
'At the evening service Mr.'
Todd chose as his, theme, "The
Lost •Christ". If -asked, if we are
Christians, most of us would.
answer we supposed so. "You
either are or you aren't, there is
no supposing", said Mr. Todd.
The reasons we offer for empty
pews in the church, and for fail-
ure to take part in church work,
are 'only excuses he pointed out.
The real reason is, -we have lest
Christ: "If you- haven't put every-
thing behind the establishment of
God, and if we are out .of sym-
• •pathy with raising up the coin-
omrnon 'man, we have. lost God",
Mr. Todd emphasized.
Frpm,his experience, the speak-
er said, he had• found :more reli-
gion in the troops than with. the
• folks at home ',and' pointed out
that the freedom to worship
which' was bought by' the saeri-.
Tice of our forefathers -was being
rebought today by'the flower of
our young manhood and woman-
, .hood. ' •
"Dare 1.0e, forget our , Christ?"
• he challenged. When we ' find
Christ there's a joy, . peace' and'
happiness that nothing else can
give. • • • -
Special music was provided by
the Choir at both servipes, • with
Mrs. ' • I)urriin Phillips presiding
at the organ..
ry } •
Underwent Thyroid Operation
Mrs. Earl Gaunt;. who under.
went a thyroid operation in Lon•
don on October 4th, is making
a a ,favorable recovery and is at
present convalescing et the home
of her mother at Loridesboro.
Among those listed • as being
repatriated from Japan, are Dr.
William Malcolm and his eldest
daughter Dorothea Pearson. They
embarked on the. Japanese evacu-
ation ship Teia Maru which •met
the Gripaholrne .at *Pdrtugese: In-
dia, where' the 'exchange of pas-
sengers was made:.
Dr. Malcolm is a brother of
Mr. 'Robert Malcolm of Kinlough:
Mrs. Garfield Ostrander; con-
vener of refreshments •at the .local
Blood Donor - Clinic, wishes to
acknowledge the; numerous don-
ations that have .been so ` grate-
dully, received. • I •
Many 'donations of jam . have
-been made, • and very few of
the containers bear names. Mrs.
Ostrander has these jars at .her.
.. n.e, n wonkuo_e gladLte •.
the .owners 'call and claim them.
Mr. Dave Cassels, Bruce Co4nty
Victory. Loan; organizer; reports
Wednesday noon, 'that the big
news in .L• unknow is -the fact that
craft Corporation have already
Substantially oversubscribed their
objective: This was set 'at $7,000
and by Tuesday, night ' total sales
were reported as, $10,200, with
the plant canvass, not completed.
Ari impressive service was held
in St. Peter's Church Sunday' ev-
ening, ,when Bishop ;Seager' con-
ducted the Rite of Confirmation
for eight candidates: Betty Eileen.
Marshall, Jessie Edna; Marguerite
Marshall, Mrs. Annie Jean Gaunt,
Mrs.' Isabel Evans Gaunt, Law-
rence Alban: Salkeld, all of Luck -
.now; and'C'atherine Farrell;' Mrs.'
Annie Scott and John Farrell, of
Bishop.. .Seager delivered a
forceful and feeling sermon, out-
lining what „ only ' the Christian
church can give to the world
a true vision' of God, and, human
redemption . through *the sacrifice
of Christ. NO movement,' no phil-
osophy, no organization; possess-
es this redeeming ., power. The
sermon, based upon the "passing
by" of the priest and levite in
;the parable of. the Good Samar-
itan,was a call: upon 'the church
and its members,` not to "pass by"
the, world and its needs today,
for the church alone can meet its
crying needs. ,
After spending six years as a
patient in Victoria, Hospital, Lon-
Muriel'. Blake, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Blake
of Ashfield, has returned home
—oras near home as ins permit-
ted by hydro facilities, Which op-
erate the respirator on which her
life depends.
Muriel was stricken with in-
fantile paralysis during the epi-
demic thatraged in Ontario in
the fall of 1937; and which claim-
ed.. the Life. of her 19 -year-old,
`brother, Clifford.
It was In mid-September six
years ago,1 that Muriel was rush=
ed to London, and two days later
.as • the • paralysis spread, was
placedin an. Giron lung". For
months on end Muriel was never
but of . the respirator but while
she yet remains completely par.-,
alized,'her condition has 'improv-
ed to, a• degree that for some time
she has been able to remain out
of the lung during the day and.
requires its aid only while sleep-
ing. ,
Arrangements were: completed
some time ago for Muriel's re-
moval -to the home of. Miss Sarah
Mallough in Lucknow, but it was
not until ilecently that a "lung"
became: available. The, 700 -pound
respirator arrived, on Friday and
was set up by Mr. Palmer, an
engineer from' Victoria Hospital.
About midday on Saturday Mur-
iel arrived in Lucknow by ` am-
bulance, accompanied . by two
nurses, so . that she has constant
care day and night.,
Muriel stood the trip well' and
was happy to be so near home
again. In spite of her affliction
Mu iei remain cheerful full
of fun. She is completely paras-
ized except' for the ability to
turn her (head from side to side,
but her faculties of speech; hear-
ing and sight are not impaired
and she enjoys to the. full read-
ing, the radio and the visit of
Muriel is;, now 23 years of age,
andthat she can' still simile -and
enjoy life under such circum -
_stances. earrms.or -her.-the highest-
ighest-commendation for her fortitude
and forebearahce.
THE 'DEATH of Geo. ' S. Schvvindt,
ex -mayor -of Walkerton, occurred
in Detroit' last Wednesday while
visiting 'at• ;the .hone of his dais-
ghter, Mrs, Huntley Gordon; •
Mrs. J. W. Joynt has been _con-
fined to bed for the past ten'
'days, the result of painful in-
juries which • she received. in -a
fall on Monila o last week. Mrs•.
Joynt suffered a badly gashed
arm• and torn ligaments in her
leg. .
Repairing. Pump
Water supply engineers have
been • engaged this week in mak-
ing repairs to the purnp in the
secondary well of the local- water
system, which has been out of
• order fot some 'lime. The pump -
house : was . built in sections so
that it could be readily dis'man,
fled in such an emergency, but
it has been necessary t�• remove
the roof only in order to draw
the pump for current repairs..,
In connection with the current
Fifth Victory Loan campaign, the
management of the Maple Leaf
Aircraft Corporation Limited • 'of
Lucknow has-- kindly consented
to open their plant, , for public
inspection next Monday, October
25th. - •
• Plant Manager (IlGebrge Cook
has extended an invitation to the
general public to visit the fac-
tory that day when they will ` be
taken -on a. conducted tour of the
Engaged as as -they are on war
contracts, • it' has not been poss-
ible to let thepublic roam this
plant at 'will, • and so Visitors'
Day ' affor.'ds townsfolk and all
other interested residents of the
community- and County, possibly
their first opportunity of wit-
nessing -the activity that goes on
betel thelorelirxarrly closed doors
of this busyindustry.•
. „ We've heard, of, and seen, •some
low performing planes, but the
one.; that chased 'a farmer down
out of• ' an apple tree, really takes
This 'particular.' pilot' • zoomert
his plane at such .a low:level over
the orchard that. leaves Were
blown.• off the trees, and apple
pickers scurried, to the ground
for safety's -sake.. After • a "circle
• of thebarnyard” the daredevil
pilot took off, probably in search'
of other apple. piekersyfor-all we
Rev. G: r.Vl. .Young and .Mrs.
Voting left last. week to take up
residence in London. On Sunday,
October 10th, Rev: Young preach-
ed farewell.. sermons in his two-
point • charge. at Norrimanby and
Dro ,more,, where. he has ,minist-
er -d for th- +as
Young,: prior• ` to :that time,.. was
pastor at South Kinloss and Kin:-
lough churches.
Victory -Loan, saiesinen. in Bruce
and Huron are hard ,at work in
this the first week of the earn -
paign to raise a total • of $.1,200,-
000,000. .
In Huron the., loan wasoffici-
ally' opened at 8 a.m.. •Mond'ay
morning when • Rev. "W. A. •Bee-
croft .took to the air to -appeal
to the citizens of the Countyto
back this -Canada's largest - Vic-
tory Loan—to .the limit.
Early reports indicate that
salesmen are meeting with a .good
response from -all types of in-
vestors. Special stress' is being
placed _ on, -_.installment--•boxing--a
well as the importance of, the
small • investor in aiding to meet
municipal. quotas. •
In Lucknow George ' Smith is
aiming at an objective of $95,000.
George Haldenby and Geo. Smith
face "the task of raising $65,00,
fn Kinloss Township. West Wa-
wanosh salesmen •are Durnin
Phillips and Thomas Webster who
are tackling the job of raising
$67.,000 Kiri that Township.' Ash-
field's 'quota is $103,000 and this
'selling job „is. in the , hands of
Wilfred 'McCarthy; .Donald Blue
and Lorne Johnston:
Be ready for' your salesman
when he calls.• Give him a friend-
ly reception "and buy more bonds
to Speed The Victory.
Mr. Wm. 'A. Johnston. of Ash-
fiPld is,.in his 9.0t1Lyea4 ancL mart.
as a cricket. Mr. Johnston was in
to pay for his Sentinellast week
arid says he is busy about his
farm every, day.' He has never
had. a bottle of 'medicine in his
life and has only been sick in bed
once. Then he hastened to. add
that, of -course, he wasn't in. bed
all day:' It was when the. 'flu
was raging' in 1918 and he 'had
to get up". to help with the even -4
ing chores. `That epidemic claim -
the 'life of his, son, Alex __. —
Mr.: and Mrs. Johnston . are . the
oldest couple attending Ashfield
Presbyterian Church , and - if
spared for a couple, more .year,
will ° observe their sixtieth wed -
ding anniversary, Mrs. Johnston -
is eighty-five.
. There Were 80 donors in at•-
taendance at the . 5th Red Cross
B}ood Donor Clinic held in Luck-.
��� �• �� .,,�r.adaya.��l�,�.r
There', wer• a "56 rnen 'arid • y24 we-
:.mien donbr,•s. ` • .
Three made their' fourth dons -
tion, . Gordon Fisher, Harvey
:Houston`•and Art Cann. Twenty--
' of thea: number, made their
third donation. • .
The Clinic was- held 'as usual
in, the United Church :and ' the
;very enthusiastic staff ,of volun-
teer -workers again;saw to it that
the clinic was conducted in
very efficient manner. The Mo-
bile -Unit .was in charge of Nurse"
Jackson,, and her driver,,. Mrs.
Smith. Doctors . in : attendance
were Doctors McCallum, Craw
ford and Johnston. •: The nursing
staff included. Mrs. W. S. • Reid,
convener . of nurses;, Mrs. Donald
MacDonald,'- Mrs. J. W. Donald-
Mrs..Walter -MacKenzie, Mrs. .
Allister. Hughes,.- -Mrs. Mac Gra-
ham, Mrs. yVilferd Hackett; ' Mrs.
.Wm, McGill, Mrs. 'Alex Suther-
land, Miss' Hannah, MacDonald,
Miss `;Cora McQuaig, Miss Sadie
Sohnston, 1Vkiss: Sarah L Mallntigh,;,
Miss; Lena Robinson and Miss:
Lorna Reed. "
• The fgllowing were. the„donors: • .
Morgan Henderson 2; Chas. Shad-. , -
dick 3; Virden' Mowbray 3; Fred.
Emberlin 3; Miss. Margaret N. �.
:MacDonald 2;' Miss Elizabeth M.'
MacDonald 2; Miss Susie J. Car-
rick 2; Miss Evelyn Little 2; Geo. • '
Hassall 3; John A. Cameron '2;
Earl . A. Durnin 2; Mrs. Emily
Douglas 2; .as. H. Cochrane 2;.
Grant l\4cDiarrnid•2; Miss Jean D- „
McMillan 2; Kenneth.Mowbray 3;
Dr. Jas. E: Little •3 Richard .EI-=
liott 3; Stuart Robertson 3; Miss
Hazel ,M. Culbert 1; Mrs. Kath_.
leen ID. MacDonald 1; Gordon J.
Fisher 4;_r rdon.�Einnigan_ 1; G.
K. Finnigan 1; Ed. B. Finnigan 3;'
Mrs. Olive S: • Culbert 1; • Miss
Myrtle A. Finnigan 1; Wm.
Cook 3; Mrs. Amber M: Popp 2;
Otto H. Popp 3;. Harold Fine 3;
Harvey Treleaven 2; . Harvey J. •
Houston 4; Alex J. McNay 1; Rev.
J. W. Donaldson 3; Mrs: Theresa
Breckles 1; Mrs. Dona:lda Scott 2;
Donald' J. McKenzie 3; Alex Mc-
Kenzie 3; Mrs. Ingrid- Canham 3;
Miffs, Bernadean rAlton. 2; Chester
R. Finlayson 1; Chas. G. Ander
son 2; Walter Alton 2; Miss Dor-
othy M. Robb 2; . Mrs: Myrtle
Stewart 2; Miss Lena Robinson 3;
.Rexford Ostrander. 3; Miss Greta '
Campbell 2; Harold J. Gaunt 2;
Kenneth Purves 2; Orland Rich-
ards•2; Ernest A. Ackert 2; Thos. •
M. Anderson 1; Harvey D. 'Ander-
son 2; Jack A. Ackert 2; Roy L.
McKenzie 2; John B. 'Ritchie 3;”
Ewart J. Taylor 1; Mrs. Sarah •
C. Ritchie 2; Frank'11. Ritchie 2;
'Melvin 3. Morrison 1; Russell E.
Alton 3;• Albert B. Alton 3; John
mith 3, -Lorne Woad 2 -Baynard
Smith 3; Lorne Woods. 2;• Raynard
Ackert 3.; 'Arthur Cann 4; Miss
Marion McDoizgail 1; • Manson
Reid 3; Miss Mildred Anderson" 2;
Miss Lorna M. Reid 2; 'Alex G, ,
Andrew 2; •John D. Ross 1; Clif-
ford Menary ' 2; Howar=d E. Ag-
new 2; Archie, S. 'McKinnon 2;
Mrs: • Jean Reid 2.: • • -
Held Board Meeting
A directors' meeting of the
Lucknow . Agricultural Society
• was held on Saturday evening,
when a tentative financial state-
ment was reviewed, which indica-
ted that 'prize Money would again - •
be paid in full.:
II '