HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-10-14, Page 10•••••11.-: • • ...• • k 4. • • :•"7.'..,•-•"&,:r.4'.."'••:-',,Z•11:::.••',Z';•::::'.',..'•.V.,-ft-.4:-7,•,,T•ind..7,,r,•::`..&'''Zi..:.7...:,Zggri:Zir.-4.ZZ,Z=Fr4.4.4:=AZ•t.t...444Z. • • 4. THE 1411MIDIOW LPCKNOWt: ONTARIO Be Thrifty, do your own sewin BUY A . implicit Pattern S.O. EASX TO 'UNDERSTAND A BEGINNER CAN FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS t'5 lilffe4 lgit, ... • est. Why pay'. 59C and 60e • for .' a ‘pattern• when you can buy • 11. a, . , • . 7 ., • jiI4 .. at -good • for - 15e, 20e' and 25C . ''' ' ' . ' *...` -• '.. .. " . , . . TEMPLETON X CO.. HAVE THE AGENCY. Orop1004'.. • • 44' . ' • A Thrift & Quality Byvard, at :.Thompion's CHARME CASTILE SOAP 7 bars 14 25c SPRING CLOTHES PINS 2 dozen •15e MaPIe Leaf SOAP FADS Box • - .65c FAIR HAVEN -SARDINES .3 25c HI -HO ppoiakis ' 3 packages '• 21c RED ROE. COFFEE In the new Flav-o-tainer. Bag 1. lb -2 -coupons 45e 1b-1 coupon 25c RATION NEWS Now Valid S,UGAR---No. 1 to 18 TEA, COFFEE—No. 1 to 19 BUTTER—.No. 28 to 33 PRESERVES—No. D1 to D5 MEAT—No. 17 to 21 THOMPSON'S 9plioi0 82 WE DELIVER "Tell me, 'please, how I .should • go about 'getting a start in the , great game of business?" - "Sell your wrist watch, and • buy an alarm clock". 45 are. trained: • , Mrs. Susan "Andrew Of. Zion, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Finlay, Measra. ' Warren. arid truce of Exeter were . recent guests of Mr. and . Mrs. a Lorne Woods, and -Mt: Helm. • A• • . • I. • -ST. HELENS : • 1 Visitors inthe corrununity. for' PRE NUPTIAL EVENTS 'FOR SATURDAY BRIDE emozammmeaarsarso. • Mrs. A. B. Pentland of Dun- gannon was the hostess at a de- lightfully arranged trousseau tea •on Tuesday af last .week in honor Q her younger daughterl Victoria Claire, a bride -elect of the week 'The trousseau was 'displayed bY Miss Dorothy Salter of Essex, and Miss Alma Hammond Of Beam - vine. The. bride-to-be was the re- cipient of • •Many beautiful gifts • sktitedwi topturringW' Whi Tea was served from:a daintil Set, table gri the rOoln, :dec orated with till' tapers and aut umn flowers, where tea wa poured by Mrs. Wilfred Pentland sister-in-law' of the bride -elect Alia: George Cowan and the.Miss es ,Helen Anderson and Cora -Fin nigan, assisted in serving. Before returning from' Toronto Miss .Pentiand was the guest o honor, at a kitchen shower, and a trousSeau tea given by her sister, Mrs. Ernest Pritchard.• 2tTpOn another Occasion Miss Pentland was • honored .by the mothers in Toronto with whom she had come :in -contact in her profession as motherclaft nurse. The gifts were 'dusters upon each of which the namea, of the mother , , • • 44.Z.F,;47.!t.1,..'"="•• ; • HIGH SCHOOL FIELD DAY Continued from page 1) 4 4 IrriuRsDAT,' ocTOBER 14, 19 ..t-arlding hop, step and •jump Stanley Pres -t, Bill A. •johnstoi Everett Lane (25 ft.). ' • 220' yard dash:" •Everett Lane ffar�ld Henry, •Bill Johlisto (25 and three-fifths second's). Bicycle race: Bill Chin, -Ala Stewart, Everett Lane (36 an four-fifths second's). • Distance throw: Gerold Gil more,, •BillJohn n d' SEP Theatre. PRESENTS •friday and Saturda JOHN HOWARD M. VIIAPNIAN h‘r. fide" Stoyt nie' a . 1StarfleY i?rest 31 point's but as he won the award last year it goes ',to Everett Lane who had. 20. points. s Runner-up for Senior .Boys is Bill A. Johnston who had sixteen points. •• • ;-• junior Girls' Events ---J - •Standing broad:. Mary JOhn,7 son, Jessie Marshall, Carrie Milne (6 ft. 7 in.). • f Running broad: Margaret Mc- Pherson, • Mary Johnson, Alice Jardine (11 ft, 7 •in.). 100 yard dash: Carrie Milne, Jessie Marshall, Mary Johnson • (13 secinids). Running high_ jump: •Mary. Johnson, Jessie Marshall, Elva ' •RoSs (3 ft. 7 in.). -• Distance softball throw: Mar- garet McPherson, Mary Louise eousJssje Marshall. • ACcUracy throw: Margaret Md Pherson, Alice Jardine, Shirley Sherwood. • Standing . hop, step and jiluru): Jessie Marshall, Mary Johnson, Alice Jardine ( 16 ft. 4 in.). the holiday week -end included: Mr. and .Mrs. Wm. Dougherty and Gwen and Mr. and Mrs Wilson. Woods and' children Of Guelph with Mrs. R. J.. Woods; Mr. and Mrs. Mel' WS. Alex Murdie and Bobby of Toronto with Mr. • and Mrs. • R. Woods; Miss. Dorothy Webb and • Miss Margaret Hutchison of Tor= • onto with Mi. and Mrs, McKenzie Webb.; Mr. and Mrs: Jas. Douglas -K-k1-4-Ifornierly; tis—Margarit- Ryali of Dungannon and .Miss Frances Armstrong of GOderien, assisted in se'rving. These inClUded: Mrs. Turnpenny,.. • the former Miss Bessie Mallough; well known in'Dungannon circles, also Mr's. Sy]. ,Apps„' well known in 'sport circles: Mrs.. Williana Al- ton pou,red tea,. and Mrs: Gordon WM• WRIGHT.: ubiliatiff Raider ACTION-nRAIVIA * * * * On the same program . . "SO LONG MR. CHUM'S" Stooge Comedy' * * * * NEWS COMMUNITY SING' and Mrs. 'John Cameron. - • g'gt. Gordon Miller of Debe'rt, N. S. and Mrs. Miller of London are ,spending the week with. their parents here. Mrs. Jas. Gaunt was the holder: of the .hicky' ticket in the draw made for .the War 'Savings Cer-. tificate at 'the dance under the auspices of 'the Wornen'a - Insti- tute on Thursday -night. 1 Successful anniversary serVices Were held in': the United church on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Stewart of LueltrioW delivered interesting & inspiring addresses to large con- gregations bOth morning and ev- ening- --Spec-ialusic--Was -;Pro vided by, the choir with, Mrs: Stuart, -'Mr; and Mrs. Rite and Mr. 'W. I, Miller singing a quar- tette at the morning service.. The October meeting of the Women's Institute was held in - the community . hall. with Mrs. Archie Aitchison in the chair. The roll call was responded to, by the naming of a prominent Man or woman of today. October 22nd was the date Chosen, for the Red Cross quilting. Mrs. Aitchison, Mrs. McKenzie Webb and Mrs. McPherson were appointed to, ar- range for the Chriattnas boxes for our boys overseas. Any con- tribution for this.purpose will be 'gladly received. Mrs. Ball gave a humorous reading and the mot- to "Procrastination is, the' thief, of time" was taken' by Mrs. W. A. Miller. Mrs. Rice favored with • solo and 'Mrs. Ward read an nteresting' artitle on how dogs Running hop, step and: jump Jessie. Marshall, Mary Johnson Alice Jardine (25 ft). ' 220 yard dash: Mary Johnson, Jessie . Marshall,- Margaret Mc. Pherson (31 seconds).. , Bicycle race:-Mary.ImuisesPor- • teous, Mary JOhnson, Jessie gar-• shall. Junior champion: Mary John- son with 28 points; runner-up— Jessie Marshall with 24 ,points: Seitior Girls'. Events Standing bid: Mary Marshall? Helen Mowbray, Bertha ,StimsOn (7'ft. 1 in.).. • Running broad: Mary Marshall, Fatricia Shaw, `Helen. Mowbray (18 ft. 3 'in.). 160 yard dash: Mary Marshail, Patricia Shaw, Betty'Hamilton (12.aeCondS). • Running high jump: Mary Mar- shall, JeSsie Reid, Betty Hamil- ton (4 ft.). Distance softball throw: Mary. Marshall, . Helen Mowbray, Pat- ricia Shaw. •• Accuracy throw: Patricia Mil- ler, Betty, Hamilton. Standing hcip, step and jump: Mary Marshall, Helen Mowbray, Bertha Stimson (18 ft.). Running hop,, step and jump: Helen Mowbray, Mary Marshall, jessie Reid (28 ft.). . • 220 yard dash:'Patricia Shaw, Betty Hamilton, Mary Marshall (30 and one-fifth seconds). Bicycle race: Helen Salkeld, Mary Marshall, Mary IVICQuaig. • Senior " girls' charripionship: Mary Marshall With 37 points, runner -Up, Helen Mowbray with t5 points. • Taking First Aid Course • Mr. N, E. Bushell of .Hamilton, 'who spent the week -end here; • informs us that he is taking a first' -aid. course, ,sponsored by C. 1, L. and open to. anyone, who cares 'to register. At present there are -ten in the:class, Wluch meets one night a week. . •Turnip plant Razed In: Mildmay the WidelyAnown Goetz Turnip Waxing Mill 'Was completely destroyed by fire of unknown origin. Walkerton 'and Formosa 'brigades were called to assist the Mildmay Fire Depart-, ment which could not cope with the conflagration. LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Rev. J. W. Stewart, B.A., B.D. Pastor SUNDAY, OCTOBER 17th ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY Services at 11 a.m.,and 7 p.m. --conducted by ,Rev. R. C. Todd, of Georgetown, a form- er pastor. 3' P.M.—Sunday school. A special invitation is extend- ed to all to attend 'these ser -'- vices. NEXT WEEK "HENEVAThRICH.' FOR PRESIDENT" `.41 Paramotuit Comedy COMING . . . . . • OCTOBER.23 & 30 Bing 'Crosby, Fred Astaire in. HOLIDAY INN" Relay race: I Grade 12' ond 13 • team—Stan Prest Patricia ghaw, Everett Lane; Helen. Salkelck • .•,( 4.14 . 2 'Grade 11 team:. Bill A. Jahn - son, Helen M6wbray, Geo. Cris- pin, lylary - Marshall. F. .:. • :. , 3 -Grade 9: Alan Stewart,- Elva ';f. Ross, Gerald . Gilmore, carrie-'2A Milne. i Solves Fuel Problem Jack Smith of Kincardine solving•• the •fuel 'shortage in his own way. In his spare time. he's been combingthe. beach -north and south of Kincardine and has gathered more than a truckload of drift wOod which will be a, big help -in keeping-,-JaCk------Fro.- h,is place this winter. Since leaving this community Jack has been employed at Malcolm's fac- tory. ° PARAMOUNT The Women's Institute will. hold their Meeting at the home of Mrs. Jack • Hamilton on Oct- ober 20th. A tea will be held to raise money for •Christmas boxes for the boys in uniform. Fro - grain coMmittee, Mrs., Orland Richards, Mrs. Wm. • Kerriptoe. Roll call, verse for autograph, book. Anyone with Red Cross knitting" to report on their work. 371 ad, , Women' -.holding • an Ontario driving license, with a general knowledge of the Proviridial Highway 'Traffic Act, can be en- listed ,in the R.C.A.F. WOmen's Division as Transport Drivers: • • Clearing All Congoletun Rugs at Iteduced Pri Good Assortment of Patterns and Most Sizes The Store With The Stock : A STO 44 t es '