HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-10-14, Page 9AY?
Capt. "W. A: (Dr.) McKibbon
has been promoted to the rank of
Major. Mrs. McKibbon Was 'form=
. erly Nary Russell.
Mrs. George Phillips '.received'
word that her nephew; Fus. J. J,
Phillips was ;in the Pictou High-
landers and -stationed at D.ebert,
Nova , Scotia: • i
Received His Wings' .,
Sgt. Ivan Magaffin of the R. C.
A. F. has been . spending two
weeks' furlough at the 'home of
his parents in West' Wawan'osh.
Ivan recently received his wings
at MacDonald, Manitoba having
graduated as an air gunner.
•.Hear From Their Son
Mr,. arid .Mrs. James M: Hod -
"gins of Kinlough` have 'received
several letters from their son,
Spr.. J•. C; Hodgins .}vho . arrived
•,overseas recently. He, says 'mail
is coming through ..fine, that he
has met some •of 'the:boys from
home and: • enerall e er thin
Jinn Chili• of the Canadian
Army at Red Deer, Alberta., 'is
spending his furlough with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Chin.
Jack ^Cook of the R.C.A.F. at
St, Thomas spent the week -end
'with his parents; Mr. and Mrs.
Charlie Cook.
Received First Letter •
Mrs. Frank Ritchie of Zion re
reived her .first letter •last week.
from her: brother, Bdr. Lloyd Mc-
Auley, -since- his recent :arrival
overseas, .The letter was written..
in 'Scotland • and Lloyd . was de-
lighted with :the :country.
The Lucknow- Branch of the
Canadian Legion wants a. com
plete list of addresses of all men
from Lueknow and, vicinity in all.
branches of: the :services; whether
in Canada or overseas.
Leave all addresses with Clyde
Reid, secretary •of the' local.
branch.. .
Announce . Hunting Dates
R. J. • Moore• .is' in :receipt of
a letter from the Deputy Minister
of Game. and Fisheries contain-
ing the information for those who
may enquire about licenses, that
• ttie open deer season south. of
the French and Mattawa Rivers
will be from November 8th 'to
20th inclusive.
Going The Limit k
An Aberdonian and. a York-
shireman foregathered in Hull.
They discoveredthey were both
thirsty," but neither of thein had
rainy' money. A bright thought
struck the Yorkshireman.: "I
know a barmaid .who, IS very. for.-
-getful. If you engage her in con-
-versatioh she can't remember: be-
ing• paid or not. I'll go andsee if
it will work". In he went and in
a short time came out to' find
Jock . patiently waiting. "Weel;
hoo did ye get on?" "Fine Jock; •
you go in and try •it". In Jock
went and after ordering his gla s
of whiskey, he ,engaged the bar-
maid. in wi interesting conver- l
sation, end after ten • minutes t
had passed, he casually remark.,
ed:"Ah weel, I'll hae to be go- •
ing. Whit aboot my change?,
Girls in" the Women's Division
,of the ' It,:e,A.F. ;now receive th•
.r Y. hc'P7
same `trades pay as men.:
is fine. He, spent.. his- first leave i
seeing the sights in London.,
'With Pictou Highlanders
Mr. and .Mrs. W: G. Mac.Cros-
t e,: Belfast. have receivt?'d, .word
their son, . Pte. 'frith' i MacCrost ie_'
has been : trans.ferred • from 'the,
,.Scots Fusiliers Regiment .to the
Pictou• Highlanders stationed ;at
Debert; Nova Scotia. Hugh join=
ed the Scots Fusiliers at 'Niagara,. -
on-the-Lak.e in April hu't hasllbeen
for some time tr,aini'ng:• at Sus-
sex, , N. B. . ,-
The i41inister of Finance of the Dominion of Canada•
James •,Coyle: Russell. who :has
boen a yprisoner' : of ',it ar,+•m Ger 4
many since 'June '.is •.in' perfect
.health 'according. to a letter from
,..Sgt, •Geo e ,I. Pridham 'of. Tor-.
onto,,a member of the same ere::.
and 'Who lost'a =leg •on that fatal'
• flight. -
• Sgt. Pridh'am says: "I had ray
right leg. shot• off. it. vas so. full
of holes ,they haetio amputate
above the knee. • I am not down-
hearted. I. am• proud 'of the'Tay'
'1 lost my; leg. Please 'cion't take.
this trouble., of mine t6c serious -
1y, This is just •another••expori-
ence in my'lifc.'The docMtors:are
really marvellous .here.. and I am
being.; treated well?'. , . ' • ' 1
The 22-year-Od Toronto, r
gunner of a' Halifa.R 1.Tmber fa
ed to return follnwi;ing. a raid on
ltrefe.ld, Germany., on the,:.'night
of June .21. Sgt.. Pridharn •W -as .•
attached td an a11 -Canadian, crew
• that had been in many heavy„
raids . over • Germany. Several
timos his plane was badly clavi -
aged. -'
On the • regu ar r:, .o . .
bile • Recruiting Unit on. Tu.esd:ty
morning; Lt. 'R, C.. ca C
issued the following • ita:eracy
''At"this crucial time the v'•t:•
we have not .tinic
shirlccrs or- cc\':M*0...s. lies.::•N
. men; should .:ss • .t ,..
drily and asist .al.l I.E:r;r • .,c; . ;r
going active.
handed in„to tlu r}�, . • .. ' ,,: •.
taking !vets`s:try •
good' girls frot'n
CW AC. Then, t: an kc :;1 ,
. for 3,000 more to t , "chi r.t t, 1{'ttg
land at once. .So t,,F.t :s r,�:..
chance girls..S``t ;z;
- in town'}.'
offers for public subscription
..,� �-� f t• h
Dated' and bearing interest from 1st November 1943, and offered in two
�• maturities, the choice of which is optional with theisul;tscriber, as follows
15 years and 2 months
Due lst January '1959
• Callable'in or after' 1956
Interest payable 1st January and July
• • Bearer denominations,
$50, $100, $500, $1,000, $5,000, $25,000
Issue : Price 100%
3 years and 6 months
I and s
Due .l.st'l May" 1947.
Non -callable to maturity '•
Interest payable list n1'ay and November
" Bearer denominations,
$1,000, ..$5,000, $25,000, $100,000
Issue. Price: 1O0%
Principal and interest payable in lawful money' of Canada; the. principal at any agency of the Bank of
Canada and the interest. semi-annually, without charge, at any branch in Canada of any
Chartered Bank, excepting that the first interest payment on the 3% Bonds will be for
an eight months' period and payable lst July 1944.
Bonds may be registered as to principal or as .to principal and interest,
as detailed in the Official Prospectus, through any agency of the
Fully -Paid Subscriptions Subscriptions for either or both maturities of the loan may he paid in full' while the
lists areopen at the issue price in each case without accrued interest. Bearer bonds with coupons will be
available for prompt delivery..
Instalrne'it,.Subscriptions-Subscriptions may also be made.payable•by instalments, 'plus accrued interest, as.
follows -10% on application;. 18% on lst December 1943 18% on 3rd January 1944;
18% on 1st February 1944;. • 18.% on 1st March 1944;
18.64% on the 3 % bonds or 18.37% on the 1% % bonds, on 1st April • 19444•
The last payment on 1st April . 1944., covers the final payntent of principal, plus .64 of 1% in the case of the
^ % onds and ;37 of 1% in the case of the 134% bonds representing accrued interest to the due dates of the
. respective instalments: . •
Conversion Ofer+—Holders,of,Dominion of Can ida;5•% Bowls due 15th October 1943 and Dominion of Canada
4% Bonds due 15th October 1945 (the latter issue called for payment at '100% on 1 -5th October 1943), who have
not presented their bonds for payment,' may, while the subscription lists are open, tefidct• their bonds in lieu of
cash on,subscriptions for a like' or greater par value of bonds of one or both maturities of this loan at the issue
• price in each case. ? The surrender value of the 5% and/or•the 4% bonds will be 100.125% of their par value,
the resulting adjustment to be paid in cash..
The Minister of Finance reserves the right ,to, accept or to allot• the, whole or any part of the amount of this loan,
.subscribed for cash for either or both- maturities if ,total subscriptions are in excess of $1,200,000,000.
• The cash proceeds, of this loan will be used by the' Government to finance expenditures for war purposes.
The lists.will d ren of 18th October 1943, and'will close on. or about •
.6th•November 1943, with -or without notice; at the'discretion •
of the Minister of Finance.
Suliscrjptions may be made through any Victtbry Loan Salesman, the National War Finance Com-
mittee or any representative thereof', any branch in Canada of any Chartered Bank, or any
authorized Savings Bank, Trust Or Loan Company; frown whom ,may be obtained
application', forms and copies of the Official Prospectus containing complete
• details ofthe loan.
Department of Fin.uiwe, '
Ottawa, 14th October 194.3.