HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-10-14, Page 8PAO* EIQtfl a THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WiliTEC.HURCH _ •. 'Mr. and Mrs. , Neely of Port Elgin tOent the week -end .with Mrs. C. Murray. • ' 'MSS Winiiiired'Farrier of Tor- • onto spent the weekiencl,with. her „parents, Mr. ,and. Mrs. W. R. Farrier. ',-There was no service here in the UnitedChurCli last Sunday • owing to the anniversary at St. &Helens ' when ..quite nuMb'er •fix* Jiere attended it. Quite a number :from 'here tended. Teetwater Fair last Wed- nesday.,, ' •• • Peter Kennedy, Mrs.' David Kennedy and Misa Annie Ken- ' • nedY;Mr and Mrs. Icen-t• 'nedy and sons a this . coinrhun- . it Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Ken- nedy of Wingharn; 1VIr. and Mrs.' Lcirne Durnin and two sons of St, Helena; also Mr: and '1VIrs. 'John Reid -of 'Atiburn-t-SPenti • TbanksgiVing with Mr. and Mrs: Tichborne of Goderich. Communion an baptismal ser -- vice was held in • the. Presbyter- ian chnrkh, Sunday *hen Mr. and • 'Mrs. Ira MaLean'a son of St. Thomas, e Mr. • and Mrs.. 'Bert "EYnon'S three:Cliildren were' ASHFIELD NOTES • Mr. Leonard Phillips of Wing - ham visited Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hunter on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ritchie and family pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Robb pf Hem- lock City. . • Mr, and Mrs. Will Helm and familly spent Thanksgiving day with' friends in Clinton., . • Mr.. and Mrs. Jake- Hunter spent - Siinclay 'With Mrs._ Hunter's parents, . M. and 'Mrs.. Campbell of 13elfaSt. . • . ' Mr, and Mrs .• Earl. Swan and" family visited With Mr. and Mrs. 1").0°?15 1V19;ida-t, . - • 1VIr. and.,,IVIrs:' W., Hogan and• children of Toronto spent the hol- iday withMr. and Mrs. M. Hogan. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Helm and children of .Dorchester and 1VIrs. Ws. • Helm of LucknoW, visit- ed with 4,1r. and Mrs. Robt. Helm 'on Sunday. • Mr, and Mrs'. dam Johnston spent Sunday •with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Will Hunter returned, home after a :two Weeks visit with her datighter;,1VIrs. MeKin- ':••• tlaptrieti.,. ,.• • . . . • ' non of Tiverton. Mrs. .Bert Eynon and her, • • . . a . youngest son. are away -to -London. , A man doesn't haVe ' to be' a • thisl'' week where 'he is being , op-• live wire 'hi• order . • ., to live •. erated erated on for • ear * arid . face other.'a shock. •„trouble: We ish, him a good re- .1 • , • • THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1943 ' • LAURIER 1•RAPID CITY The Kintail Women's 'Institut meeting was held at the horn 0..,44.14.sr,. Fred McGregor, There was an attendance of N. The president, Mrs. Robt.• Scott was ' in charge of the meeting: - Mr. Stewart Wiley. and Mrs. W. Hardiewith spent a' few slays friends.in Hamilton. • • Miss Catherine MacKenzie' of TOrcinto spent the , week4nd at her •home., - • *Sympathy is extended to Mr.- and Mrs. Mervin Avery in the sad loss of, their. -infant, daughter Beatrice Marguerite. Mrs;, Clifford.Webater of Chat- ham visitycl with friends' here.• , ,Miss Bertha 'MacDonald and .Miss Merlon MacKenzie returned to Toronto after holidaying at • their .honfee to attend Shaw Busi- ness college. : • Miss Norma Ritchie 'of Luck - now spent • Sunday with `Miss 'Marion 1VlacKenzie. Misses Lilian,and Lois McLean of Kincardine spent the week -end with their Parents, Mi: and Mrs. Hector McLean. • •• San 1VIcQuillin - of TOr-' 1•••••••.•.",••••••••• • p Mrs. Chas. Thomson left a week e ago for Kirkland Lake to visit with. Mrs;,, Jack Thomson. Mrs. Kenneth Agnew ofMilton is a visitor with Mrs. W. O. Reed this week. Jack ‘.1V1cQuallin had a fermiil operation last Week. •' Mr. Clifford McNeil spent • the • holiday at his home here.:Clif- ford has, joined the R.C.A.F. and .reports for duty shortly. - •Mr. Ltoyd McNeil' returned from London' and' is ,einpleyed-in the.Maple Leaf Aircraft. Mrs. Jirn ,Erigland and Mrs. Harold Stanley are. .visiting, in Toronto thiS week. - onto spent the .week -.end with . her parents, Mr. and Mrs., John Cowan, Jr. • • •• • . • Received Several Copies • Sufficient Sentinels of Sept- ember 16th issue have •been re- • ceived to supply the need. For these. we ;thank Adam Bowman, • George Burgess; W. J. Todd: R.. • J. 'Ross, Mrs. M. Dudley and Mrs. Etta Belle Smith of Sault Ste. Marie. • . • • • . , . • New 'Attendance Record' • Gate receipts at Teeswater Fair, last- ' Wednesdaly were approxi- mately 0,900 or well over $400 i above the Previeuscord take" • Of '1942.•It it estiinated that over • 'Try a Want Advt.--They bring results. • 17.000, people passed through. the -gates. • MArp<ING Miss Phyllis Blake • went to London on. Friday to spend the week -end with her sister Muriel. Mr. and Mrs. ,Frd Finlay, War.- • "ren •and- Bruce of r Centralia Vig- ited with their uncle, Thos. J. Anderson on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Johnston and family of London visited over the holiday. with Mr. and ;Mrs. - Chas. Ha11am.. ' ," • • Mr. Wallace Twamley and„farn7., moved -to their :home in Luck- thoW on .Monday. Tey Will be. greatly missed in this-ceinrminity. 1V1r.' and Mrs.Herb Curran:Mrs. . , Lloyd Hunter and IVIr:-aud Mrs. • T. iVL. Anderson„ visited friends in ,• Stratford on Saturday. • Bertram Curran, S.B.A: of Lon- ipt • don spent Thanksgiving holiday with his parents. • • Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Kilpat- rick and babe spent Sunday ivith her mother, Mrs. Geo. Pollock . of Sbeppardton. • Dr. Daniel 'Blake and his wife of Toronto spent the holiday at Mr: 'Ernest Blake's.. • Mr. and Mrs. Reg Browne of, 1-161Yrood visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. George Saunders. • Harvey KiipatriCk •of. Sarnia • sePn:s.nt.• the week:end with his par- ••• Mr. and•Mrs. Harvey Webb and , • family of•St. Helens, Mr. and Mrs.:. • overy. Mrs. 'Roy patten, of St. C4eorge,. Miss Lettie Fox of Hamilton and Miss Isabel Fc;,Jc of Kincardine - • hospital ,staff spent the week- ' end with their mother; Mrs. A. tha:-WKay of Toronto spent the week -end ' with her father, Mr.. Hector McKay and other relatives. • . . Pte. Athol Purdon and Mrs. Purdon andlittle daughter spent • the week-erid, with his parents; Mr. and Mrs. A.E, Purdon. • Donald Ross, a soldier of. Camp Borden is home ori a two weeks' • . f-urlough; also Mr. George Ross of Owen, Sound' spent the week-' • end with -his parents, Mr. and Robert Ansa. -Mr. and Mrs. Ira McLean of St. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. • Cross and" fainily _of ,Walkerton spent • the week -end with their parents, • - • - Mr: rand-Mrs.T-J.-F:-M-c-Leafi. • •,k • . COOPERATION REQUESTED REGARDING 1944 SEED -GRAIN • Due to the. partial • failure'. of • • 1943 oats and barley crops in the • prevince, the Ontario Department of .Agriculture this Week is tak- • ing, steps in an effort to assure an adequate seed Supply for 1944. • The Department is requestingthe co-operation of growers in plan- , • rung now for their (1944 seed' ,. .• • ' •. -needs.' and reporting individual requirements .t� County agricul- , ,.,- - tural representatives by Nevem- . ber l.5th... ..• • .' -• '' . • ' -• Hon.. Thomas L. Kennedy, Min-. ister of .agrieurtiire, . in comment -• •ing on this measure states: "What ... the • Department of Agriculture ...• would like .fariters to do is se- cure wherever .possible good seed . of, suitable varieties for 'their 1944 . . - sowing needs. All oats and parley • • suitable' for- seed frora the .1943 ".: -. • , : eropiand any held Over from 1943 ..•• . .. . • . • Should- be cleaned and offered for, — .• ale -seed. FarmerS--should 'Or•: ' fer theirsurplus first to 'neigh••• tors and .advise 'their .4grictiltural -. ,. . •• • representatives of - anY Pot sold . by November 15th. D6 not feed grain of seed quality. If neces- ,. • sary,-replaCe. it with wed ern.feed grain. Farmers are aciVis cl to buy i., seed "grains early and - unable . to •okrtain suitable s:eed .advise •;,i. their :agrictiltural. representative.. ' iiot later then November 15th. • This..witl enable us to estimate - the-requirementoaa: district' .. • so that there ,will be a ple'seed .. grain • for. everyenc.". 4. .!* • • • TI -IE RECORD • Amount Subscribed, , May 'Novenibei • Vietoi_7___Loans.: • - 1943 - 1-942- Bruce 'County. • •$2;567,150 $1,684;750 , . LUCICIIOW, • 104,800 ' 89,850 _Huron Kinloss ' •, 49,350 • 36,500 09950T 63,450L • THE PAST . • In , every Victory Loan to date, there were some timid,, people who said'Can't Be Done. . . . The objective is too high.. .Bruce county . hasn't that much money". '• • • ; They did not figure that the people of • Bruce County are courageously -patriotic . . . . that no' objective is too great when it helpsin to win the war and bring their. boys. back hoe • again . . that nothing. we can loan to our country can be compared with the Sacrifice. , made by people in other countries.. 4.77a. • 4, • • • So Bruce County has gone' on from one record: to another, as evidenced -in •the above figures. , 7 ,• •_,_4_ . • , A NEW CHALLENGE now confronts us.. . Our country agin calls 'for .investnrient. in the ,5th. Victory Loan . . foVMOREJnoney to speed ' the. day of. Victory. ...• tremencloui investment in previous loans, there is as much or more money in 'savings -accounts '. • as there has ,ever been. , •' • • . " This ..clistrict (and Bruce Cotinty as a •• Whole5 has •subscribed mote and more in each. succeeding Victory Loan Now weare again askedfor a &eater amOnnt, as is t1icase in the entire DOrnintori. •• , • • • W6 h -ave done it before wp • can do :it again -if•everybody putstheir shoulder to the'wheeL' - • - • • • , • -- • 04. • 5 • 4* • • Bruce County Victory Loan Committee and Mrs. Chas. ,Hodgins of Kirk- , lotigh visited at their parent's - • home On Sunday., Visitors with Mr. and'• Mrs. :Henry Morten over the week -end were Mrs. J. A. Crispiri.and 'sons LLueknow,MrtLj C Stothers----''-' and family Of London and Dr. Carman §tothert of Toronto. Visitors on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Irvin were Mr. and Mrs. Percy Blundell and babe, • Mr. and Mi-CChas,• Morrison. and • • children of Goderich: • • , . ,•• • • .• .• -LANGSIDE •-' Mr. CharieS. and Fred Tiffin ha •are busy doing fall plowing with it. rchgeeda new tractand or • The fine weather was a boon to farmers in this locality •enabl-, ing thern_l_to_liave-eorripleted-Ailo - - .-- muriity. - filling arid threshing in this. tciirt- • • • Mr. John rieidlis 'employed do- ing repair at Howsori's • in Winglient. - • • _ Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schrieider & • baby Gairy ef I. leave this week after a two weeks' holiday with Mr. and Mrs. George Hark- cess for P. E. I. where ,Mr. Schneider is stationed- with the R'.C.A.F.* . • Mr. And Mrs: Clark. Johnson of Belgrave' spent • the. week -end • . ,with the latter's parents, kr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown. • •Mre, Forsythe and Miss Elea- nor Taylor of Toronto spent the 4hbliday with Mr. and' Mrs. J. B. Morrison. Mr. i11 Burgman of Wingham and Misses M. L. Porteous and ,• M. L. Johnston of Lucknow spent Saturday wkth Mn and Mr's. Vic- tor Emmerson. Mr. and Mrs. Harry. Peppier of • Tavistock spent the week -end with Mr, and rnerson where they visited With • Mrs. A. 'Emerson. - Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ritchie aremoving this week to their new home hei:e. On Thursday fast Mr. Ritchie arid Mr. Culbert held an auction 'sale. Some from this community -attended -arid report cattle prices good,. cows selling • from $125 upwards. "1 say, waiter; is this peach or apple pie"- "Can't ,you tell .by the taste?" w" en hat :differene'co does it. maker, . • 4. • h 4. • • . ' . • ._ • . . -4.