HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-10-14, Page 2PAGE TWO THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO THE L .CINCW SENTINEL, 1 UC 0W;.. ONTARIO. Established 187 Published Each Thursday Morning Subscription Rate..— $2.00 A Year In Advance • To United. States $2.50 • Single:Copies 5c , 1V ernber of The C.. W..N. A. VIA. C. irfrompson,ublisler and Proprietor,' THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14th, 1943 EDITORIAL A SOVNp INVESTMENT, IF NOTHING ELSE Canada's 5th Victory Loan THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1943 THE PART WE CAN PLAY (Contributed) . Friday, October 15th, -1943, is the day • for cur next Blood Donor Clinic to be held in Luck-. riow. This is a very, worthwhile way in which any of Us who enjoy reasonably good health can have a pant in helping to win this war. Each pint .of blood donated may be the means of saving a soldier's life: Here, we lie com- fortably on a .couch; feeling no pain or dis- comfort' whatsoever, save a .Pin - prick at the Start, while a doctor , and nurse hover about taking 'care of us,. and immediately after.our gift of blood we are a'ssi'sted to a lunch rooin Where ' an abundance . of tea, •coffee,' toastd, Jain- .await • us, with :plenty of attendants t .', Next Monday, cater to our, reeds. gets underway with a national objecive of ,give• soldiers on . dred million. Stop; and ponder that amount, the battlefields spill theirs, our part seems ea Some 'Will' say it can't be done. They said . trivial indeed. ;They ,have no •one standing that before but .ghey Were., always wrong. It. by ,ready to alleviate all suffering even be- van be done, an'd"ltwill! fore it 'begins, or to i nnnediately bind up their 4 • Canada -enters her fifth year of war. The post iri dollars has been stupendous. There ,are, wounds and feed them abundantly to restore their strength, but they must wait•until a, ... only two ways to finance this cost—by tam hospital can be reached which is sometimes. .ation and.`borrow,ing against the vast wealth of too late: the Dominion, . • There are only. two ways to induce people •Surely any of "us who take time, to `'think about --our brave boys "over there" .must . real - to buy, Victory Bonds: One is to appeal to . ize that their' lives are well worth saving ' if their patriotism. The ,other„is is to show . them it is possible to do so. They are giving their that buying Victory ' Bonds' is .goad business. young happy ,years for us. Surely we who Canadians .scarcely .need_ao b_e• shown , this. They st• ay at home enjoying , comparati`ve comfort -know it, and if for • no other reason, . we should should be willing ' to help save those precious dives, 'It is not possible for all of us to go to the ` battle front . and fight, but it is possible investments. s, €or- g e -t majority of -us -to -help -save -the buy Victory Bonds ' to the limit. , because they are such; a `'good' investrinent, .paying good div- "' • Bends • and•. are , the safest of all t t n But the dividends they pay the purchaser in dollars and.\.cents, are as nothing .compared with the dividends our .dollars : have paid al- ' •ready on the battlefields of Africa, Sicily, Italy, Russia, .. • "Speed the Victory" is . the theme of this Fift Vaetory Loan. -l'ut- ever dollar_, you ca _ _: to work, . to :help make this slogan a reality. Victory 'Bond salesmen, will call : on . you shortly. Be prepared, to buy a bond. There are " • several ways this can be done. You don't -have • iq; have money to buy bonds. Seems strange, ° the Wartime Prices and Trade Board has is- • doesn't it, but. your 'salesman can explain the sued the. following 'advice to domestic users plan.• ' of 'coal:'' -12 points . on ' how to save coa . this, And` just sword here to scotch those idle winter ,in`the face of fuel .stringency: " rumors about the get -rich -•quiff'.. commissions, ' 1. Avoid• excessive:' temperatures. Over= . paid the salesmen:' The overall,cost of ., fin- • heated, homes are bad for your he'atlh, as well ng the Fourth Victory Lown -every ;cent as your pocketbook: It 'takes more 'fuel, to- heat spent in every way—was one per cent—.96 per* a house to 77 degrees than to 68 degrees. 2, Close all unused, room's. By closing off an. unused room you make a .considerable sav- ing on your fuel: bill. : . 3. Don't try to .keep your 'garage as warm as your home. If•you ' heat.your garage, 40 degrees will be, better' for your .car and. your pocketbook. .lives of those, who. have "gone. to fight for'• us. Let xis rally :round, on Friday, October 15th and enjoy the comfortable.' feeling that we are renewing life . for those of whom ` the . Great. Master once . said"Greater love hath no man than this, that . i man .lay down his life for his •-•-f-trends" _ SAVE. COAL THIS WINTER • 'The, Office of the Coal Administrator of rent to .be exact: T-he__salesmen are not paid on the volume of sales. Commissions are pooled on the basis of county sales. ' Let's ` stamp : out ' these ugly rumors, and . - also let's not be lulled into complacency by current successes The final andheavy punches are yet. to be •delivered, and when the Nazi• k 4. If war machine. is subdued there are those little your ,bedroom window is open,' keep h the door of the room closed. If you are a be - yellow men still to be dealt with. Bank depositsare greaterthan ever today: Bever. in plenty of fresh air, keep the bedroom • : "Speed the Victory" by 'putting those : dollars to work, via ,the Victory Bond route.- - * .* Monday was Thanksgiving Day .and a lot , • : of . people, . when they weren't picking . bones, • were picking, apples. And • it jwas delightful weather - :for the last , . national holiday until ' Christmas. _ * *. a. "What is so rare as a day in. June?", the poet asks. But we'll. take October. days such ' as we have been enjoying - for the past couple of weeks.: And as. for beauty, well, nature is at her loveliest. • -• *. * * * door closed 'and , cover the radiator with a blanket and not chill the whole house. - ` • . 5. Don't heat the sunroom. Because of the ' • • greater window space, sunrpoms are more ex- pensive Ito heat than ordinary rooms. If you must .heat it, use double.. windows;- weather . . stripping and caulking to conserve Pleb 'a The milk ration in Britain has been re,• duced from one-half pint per day per person (31/2 pints per • week) to 21/2 pints per week: This isto meet special demands for manu- factured milk 'products for the •arn.ed forces. Canadian Red 'Cross blood serum goes to: the front . line now in ' a special. box devised to carry `serum; distilled -water d adminis=-'r tration sets. The ease . weighs ninety pounds 'and can be carried on. a man's back thrGugh 6. Close the fireplace damper. If this • 'dam per= rs left op'en, the draft in the-fireplace- chimney hee-fireplachimney will draw the warm , air. out of your , , - . house. Keep it closed ,when not. using • the. fire-' the jungle, over rough trails, :• or to" wherever , ' men face 'the enemy—and death. ' * ,.,� * On ,August, 26th, 1940, the first": raid on Berlin was made by the R.A.F by a few. planes. On August 2rd,-•1943,'4 aeres of Berlin were demolished by nearly 2,000 tonsof bombs, dropped by 700 R.A.F. planes, During August, .1940, the "Battle of Britain" . was: raging, this fail it is the "Battle of Berlin" which is raging! Surely such a, brightening picture, rather than • • lead to complacency, should spxfr everyone to redoubled efforts to "Speed The Victory". On the home front we now have an opportunity to aid materially by buying "Speed The" Vie - .tory 'Bonds„ :. place. 7. • Close your, outside doors promptly and firmly. A short gossip by an, open door will ' ., cool your ,house appreciably and . waste fuel., 8. Watch the. humidity. If .you keep your humidifying pans and equipment full of Wafer, .a lower temperature will be needed for warm- eth and comfort. ' - • . . 9. Take care of your hotwater tank. An -insulating jacket will saveheat and assure you of more hot water. At frequent intervals ' drain off any accuirulation of sludge through the tarp provided, as clean water heats with Mesa frrl: - •10. Don't allow' leakages of hot water. Keep a supply of • washers on hand and • replace washers on taps when ,they, leak. It is wasteful to - heat .water for the sewers. .• . f1. Put a blanket on your hoose with in- sulation. If n-sulation.If the snow melts off your ro.of • in cold weather, it• is your" fuel that is providing the heat. Save this fuer by insulating your roof or attic floor: Such insulation' will reduce your fuel bill .substantially... Wall insulatioh will make an additional saving . in fuel. 12. -Take care of your windows and doors. In this climate double windows save consid- erable heat.. Weatherstripping Of o` f . doors, 'and windows and caulking around door and win- . dow frames Will . `add to your comfort, , with • less fuel expense to your purse. Check • ins,il- • I.oc�al and General Mr. and Mrs. Hebert Fisher of Hamilton spent the week -end here. Miss Jessie Henderson of Tor- onto spent the week -end at her home here. ' Mr. Norman Taylor of Toronto called .on Mr. George Phillips on Sunday afternoon. " Mr and . Mrs.. Wm. Alton and Douglas of Toronto - spent the weekend with Mrs, James Alton: Lloyd : -Stewart of Stratford spent the holiday 'with. his par=, tints, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Stew- art. • Mrs: George Agar of Stratford visited for a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Philip..Stew- art.•. Miss Beatrice °McQuillin spent• the holiday week; end. with Mr. and Mrs, Robert McQuililn at Hamilton. " Rev. C. H. MacDonald, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Spindler, Mrs. Walter MacKenzie ;and S.. E. • Robertson attended the funeral in Owen Sound lastweek of Rev. "b, T. L. McKerroiY. - 1VIr. and Mrs. • Wilson Woods -,a • - . d ' and Nanc of Guelph spent the week -end with Mr.'and Mrs.' Jas. R.: Hackett of town, and with Mrs. R. J. Woods of St. ,Helens. . Mrs. (Dr.) W.'Sherwin and sons. Donald and Douglas; Mrs: Lillian Rei `of Orono and -Dr. J: Lonias; have been. visiting • :with their father, Mr. D. H. Alton the past .week. Mr: and Mrs. Harold .Frazer of Ripley, i,Vir. and Mrs. Gordon Frazer and Mr. 'Alex Frazer of near Embro spent the week -end at the homes . of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Robinson and Mrs, Edna Robinson, • ' Recent visitors with Mr. , and Mrs. D. C. . McMorran -were Mr. and Mrs. Fred McMorran and, daughter Ruth of Toronto Mr:' Harry McMorran of Caledonia, Mr. Harry McMorran of Paisley and daughter Gladys of. Toronto.. Mr. and Mrs. Miller ' A. Kolpin 'and two sons. Gordon and Ronald of London motored to Luckno* Sunday and remained over Thanksgiving day at the home of the former's mother, Mrs. M. Dudley. They also visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs:Wm. Wm. Hal- den.by on Concession 14, Culross, . and with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Proctnow of near Walkerton. Mr.. and Mrs. N. E. Bushell of Hamilton were week=end visitors with her mother, Mrs. R. J. -Cara- eron. • The Legion held a 'very sue= cessful dance on Monday evening with music .by- MacKenzie's 7 - piece orchestra. - Rev and Mrs. Wm. A. Render- ' son . and ' infant son, :John; are Thanksgiving .„ visitors aat their ' parental homes :here: . ' • . and. Mrs: Stewart Durran. .and, family of CollingWeod were week -end visitors -in. the .com- :r munity. • Mr.' and Mrs. McWhirter and sons •of '.Kel;don. spent the .Week- end . with Mr; and Mrs. W. J. Spindler:'. . Mr. and Mrs! James Bird and. Mr. .and Mrs.', •Allister, Bird of Brussels spent' Sunday at Geo. Phillips..: • • Mrs. Max Raynard who, has been .in poor health for a :time - returned to her home here tent flays ago . from Winghani Hospital. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Johnson of Oshawa 'visited here last week and attended the Foster -Pentland wedding on Friday at Dungan- • ' Cameron and Miss Ann Fin- laysoni of -Toronto and her friend . Miss Grace Larkman spent the week -end' at the home of Mrs. A. R. Finlayson, •• Mrs:-Roy=F'ir layson and daugrr- _.W.__ -d ter Elizabeth Ann 'of Hamilton spent` the week -end with her par en.ts; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MacKen- • zie of Langside, Mrs" Donald Blue whowas ser- iously ill for ,.a;"ttime in 'Kincar� :. dine Hospitsrl i making a favor- -abfe recovery and' was . able to - return to her home on Wednes- day. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Ferisham and baby' daughter . Linda of 'Kitch- ener spent Thanksgiving - week- end ' with Mr. and Mrs. James Smith. Mrs. Smith , returned to , Kitchener with thein for a . visit. Mr-. fid-'Mrs,-J-ack_:grin tb- and children of Kincardine visited on Saturday with his sister, .Mrs. Frank Miller, of ,Langside. Jack has three brothers :overseas, Lloyd;. Reg and Fred. ' Mr. Andrew' Lockhart who was - indisposed for -a • time returned to his, own home the end 'of ,the wee Mr. Lockhart was -a patient week. Hospital for 'a few . days. •. MEN ARE 'WHAT '. WOMEN MARRY Men. are • what women marry_ They have two hands, two eet, And sometimes two wives, . But never more than one 'dollar And one idea at a time. Like Turkish cigarettes . They „are all made of the sante material, They only differ by,some being Better distinguished than others. Generally speaking they are div- �_ ;ded.....iiito.-:three cassis; A bachelor is an eligible mass of obstinacy Surrounded by suspicion. Husbands arethree types— Prizes, suVrises, and consolation . prizes. It •is a psychological marvel that A tender violet -scented thing lake, . a Woman - Would enjoy kissing a big awk- ward, Double chinned, tobacco scented thing like a man. Ife you »flatter him, you frighten M - to death If you- permit him to make love to you • He' gets tired of you in the end; If. you don'the gets tired of you. • in the beginning.- - If you 'believe all he tells ,you He thinks you are. a fool; If you don't, you are a synic. . ou wear 'gay colors and a s`%artling hat, u q He hesitates ,,hat, take yoix, out; If you wear, a' beret and .a tailor- ed ed suit, ry He takesyou out.and then stares all night At a woman in a, gay dress and a - startling hat. If you .join iri hit gaiety and app- —^ ,rove : of his- drinitn ' He swears you are driving . him. to. the devil; • - I€.'you don't approve of his gaiet les,,. He vows you are snow and�- If.you are the clinging vine type, •He doubts if you have a brain; If „you are a modern, intelligent woman, . He doubts if you have a heart. ' If you are si11:y, he longs for a bight mate, If - you •are intellectual, he longs for a playmate. • Man- is just .a worm In the , dust. He cornes -along; wiggles around for a - while, • - And finally some chicken gets , him.' • Men- are what wronten ` harry: » -' ,I