The Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-10-07, Page 5• a
F '
Lyceum Theatre
Two Shows Saturday- Night
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
October 7, .8,-4
*: `in**
The 'story or a married couple
caught in - the tangle of a mur-
der mystery, which they seek
to solve with or without .the
-aid of the police.
Also ' "Short Subjects"
Matinee Sat. afternoon at 2.30
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday'
'October .11, 12, 13
The:_Czrreatest Hunan Drama''
Of Our Time
HI -
Also ` `"Short Subject”
Miss, Jean McGuire and Ms..
ziTorzi • McGuire -'called 'on Mrs. :
Hudson , and Gretta on Monday
afternoon. Mr, Roy Iiudson and
John spent the. week -end at the
same home. .
Mr: and Mrs. J. Dawson are'
visiting- in Toronto this week:
Mr.' and Mrs.. George Kennedy
attended a family gathering' on
Sunday at Mrs. David Kennedy's
in Whitechurch in honor of the
latter's .birthday. •
• Mrs. Alex Kennedy of Wiiini-
peg spent•a few days of last week
with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kennedy.
.Mr, • and Mrs.. Chas. Cook' of
Lucknow called on Mrs. Girlies
'and': Jack ,ori .Sunday. __d .. - .. -..: _ ...
Mr.' and Mrs. Ward 'Shickluna'
•clf. Port Colborne spent Thursday
• avening at the home of Mr. Geo:
Fisher. •
Mr. and e Mrs; George Fisher
'arid family visited recently with
• • Mr. and Mrs. Gordpn Rintoul.
Messrs. • Alfred Patterson and
Jaynes Orr spent Sunday with
Mr. and ' Mrs. Tota Inglis.
• Pte. Tom' Inglis who 'has spent
'the past two weeks at his home,'
left on 'Tuesday 'for Prince Rup-
ert, 'B. C. for further training.
Mr.' Batty and son James of
Chatham . arcompanied` by' Mr. &
Mrs: 'Will' Drennan & babe spent
the week -end with Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Helm.
Mr. ,and Mas. Sam 'Reid. Dri'ris.
and Milverteeisited with Mr.'and
'Mrs. P. Conk on Sunday. :
• Mr. and Mrs-, M. Henry. and
babe sncnt Sundv with Mr. •an,l
-Mrs. Gordon l itchie,. ° . •
Miss. Frances Gilmore is''spend-
ing a NVeek with friends in Lon-
don and °Hamilton. _ -
• Mr J. J. Monahan, of Detroit
and Mrs. Nellie Calhoun of Cal-
gary spent ;Monday with Mr. and
Mrs:. R. E. Gilmore •and fami'iy.
1Vi ss
Irene- Hogan rotor -nod
home- after a' two weeks'. vise
' with relatives in • Torontp' and
• Markdale. • • •
Mr. and -Mrs. .Art Norris incl
children of Markdale spent a
couple of days with Mr. and Mrs.
Hogan. .
Mr.' Wilt Hunter and family.
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
McKinnon at Tiverton...
A Visit to be Shared with Lucknow
Dear Sentinel:
Yesterday I visited West Tor-
onto, the district where : the late
Dr. D. T. L. McKerroll, also' well
known in Lucknow, had 'spent so
many. years. At a littleafter• nine
in the morning I climbed aboard
a, Dundas ;street car. Asking : the
rinotor-rnan-conductor . whether
the car crossed Laws Street, he
grunted. something • about St.
John's Square. 1.. asked if he
would please call it•out, Fie gave -
pp audible answer .lior any .vis-
ible • .change Of expression. Yet.
something seemedto tell rile that
all, would 'be well. It; was a dull
autumn Morning' cloudy...'. and
chill: Such .an answer was thus in
keepng with the` weather, un -
sunny but safe! St -John's Square
came in 'due 'time and with it
Laws Street, My conductor turn-
ed out to be guide' as , well and
a good oneat that. ` He added
"Laws" • .to 'his usual St, john's
Square call and, pointed saying,
"There • -it is over there ,on the
left. Go through the gas station
arid you're right at it".•
A. couple of hundred . yards.
Walk brought me to the home
of the late Doctor of Divinity, my
-inspiration when .1 was. `a. boy to
enter the • ministry, ' and 'a friend
and •counsellor for •.many' years.
It was a ''famjliar, house when it
appeared, but always • entered
from Annette St. up, and not as
this . ti
Hereit stood, just as if, nothing
unusual , liad• happened, no crape
on the door, • no sobbing or sigh-
ing from within. That's. as :he.
himself would have it; I thought.
Not i,ong ago I hadcome out of
the .house with him. He had roll=
ed p his. historic Genevan gown
worn once by a church leader in
the Mother Land, put it in . a
•black satin bag, slung 'it over
his shoulder and started. of for
a preaching .engagement in the
country.. And now again had' he
not set off in .much the same
manner? This time he had gone
to higher service among_ the iris: -
mortals. ,
A few 'moments pause at the
door gave . evidence either that
the door bell was not ringing or.
that no one was home. I_ went on
to Victoria Church around the
corner ' where the Doctor had
ministered. ,.Though it was still
early there were people seated in
silence in • 'several... pews :,'and
others were steadily coming `ap,E
By 'eleven' the church"was full:
Early in the service, the Min-
ister, .Mr. ' MacKay .announced
that .the session'; had 'arranged'
that there a brief ,memorial
period -in rnemor-y of ..their , late
pastor. -'A hushed' silence filled
the place. Heads were. slightly
bowed and the minister spoke .a
few words somewhat as follows.
"I do ' not intend . to make a
eulogy. The life. of the late Dr.
MOKerroll .speaks for itself, His
ministry here and: elsewhere is
the ' best eulogy possible. Many
a" home and many a life have
been different because he lived
and because he `was called to
serve the •Hiring. Lord. ^Iri •.tirties
of joy, he was a joyous compan-
ion.. In services • of worship he
was a reverent Jeader and„rnem_
orable teacher.' In. times of sor ..
row he was a haven "of refuge.
In memory of such .a one it is -
not fitting that we only sing a
funeral dirge:. We pause to wit-
ness the corning of a; soldier be-
-re -the Kirig-
e-re-the•:Kind to recerv.e• the trib-
ute, "Well done, good and faith-
ful servant": .•
The, Minister' then, prayed; com-
mitting the. remembered one to
God the heavenly ruler.,arid com-
mitting his bereaved w'fe to the
_Either's__care.-:and—keee ng. --y
.The singing of . "For All Th.e
Saints", ,brought, thebrief mem-.
oriel moments to a close.
Since many Sentinel, readers
would doubtless . like to have ac-
companied .me T hastily send you,
Mr, Editor,these motes.' attending the funeral from a dis-
Yours sine erely,
tante .were Dr:'' John and Mrs.
Hugh • MacMillan.. •McKinnon • and daughter of De -
canes or t part •encs For.' Rent
Boarding Acc�m�dation
Submit This Information To '
Local... Hous ng: Committee.
J, W `JOYNT.. Chairman; Wni Murdie; G. 11 SMITH,' Sec.'
This community was greatly
shocked and saddened on'learn-
ing that Mr. Robt. Andrew, had -
passed away ' early Saturday
morning. ' Although he had not
been in • good health for. some
time his death' wasentirely
looked for.. Mr. Andrew was a
good friend and ",kindly, neighbor
and will be missed in this com-
munity,. Deepest syrnpathy is ex
tended to Mrs. Andrew and Mist
Ellen and other relatives,'bereav-
ed by his passing. Among those
Miss W. D. •Rutherford le -on
Friday for Kirkland •Lak o re-
sume her duties on the- staff of
the Kirkland Lake ,High •School;
after . •seendihe the past,.. fe,w
Month's at her . home here.
Anniversary services will 'be
observed in the church here next
-Sunday ht 1l airy -01d -?:30---p:m;
'Rev. Mr Stewart of Lucknow
will 'be the guest speaker..
Rev: J. • A: Ward was a• visitor
last week with his mother at Ux-
bridge, •
Mrs. Fox' of Whitechurch has
been a visitor 'with .her sister,
Mrs. W. J. Humphrey. •
Mr.'• Hastings has returned to
'Barrie after •spending two weeks'
with his 'cousin, Rev.. J. A. ,:and
Mrs: Ward. •
Mr. and Mrs. Neel, Todd' and
tittle •son David and Mr. and -Mrs;
Helmouth • Schlenker ...and. .little
'daughter of . Stratford '"• were re-
rert guests of Mr: and. Mrs, D.
Todd. •
Plan' to' attend the dance
the • ; Comn1unity • Hall' tonight
LAU R I Eft. Windsor; Mr. and• Mrs.. Wm. Pep
troit; -Mr. Edmund Gardner '•of
Mr. and. Mrs. Donald Martyn
and' '; infant ' son of .London are
spending ; a • few days with her !I
narents, Mr. and ;Mrs. . D.A.. Mc-
Lean. •
Miss .Isabelle Hamilton'was 'a-
sisting in: Lueknow at the Web-,
stet Restaurant for a few days
last week. '
• We -are--; sorry to'--repart :'thati
Miss. Vera Robb of London. is .not•'
as . well -as friends would like to
have her. •
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gibson and
family.. spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs: Jelin Gibson of Clinton.
Miss 'Grace Boyd has . secured
•a, position, in Kincardine.
Mr. and. Mrs.' Jacx Bradley.
Mr.- and Mrs. Sarre Gibson atten-
ded the ' funeral on Monday of
Mr. 'Robert Andrew of Zion. •
(Thursday)_ under,the auspices
of the Women's Insitute. A• draw
will be made for a War Savings
Certificate on which tickets are
being so -1d, Music' .will • be pro-
vided by the Tiffin orchestra 'and
'nroceeds will 'be for 4 patriotic
purposes. -
per, 'Jr:,' • Miss Doreen Pepper,
Mrs., Thompson : (nee, : .Grace Pep-
per) of Brucefield; Mr. and Mrs.
Bruce Gammie: and family of -
Elora,. • Mr. and. Mrs. John Reed I
Of. Auburn, Mrs: Ivan Papernick'
of Goderich.
..Mr. and Mrs. Joe Freeman and
family of Leeburn'" visited Sun
day evening With Mr. and Mrs.
W. T. •
Gardner. • • `"
Com.mtenion service was held
for' the three appointments at
Zion ,on Sunday.
Mrs. James Cook of Port Col-
borne is: renewing acquaintance's
in this . community. p
Service next Sunday here Will
be at 7.30 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Hinton,
and daughters, Misses Irene arid'
Ina Hinton of. Oakville were
week -.end visitors with Zion and
Lanesville friends.
Mrs. 'Chas... Ritchie, Mrs. l+rnest
Gardner; Messrs. John and Frank-
rankRitchie spent a t few days with
Mr. and Mrs. Boden Ritchie
Windsor. Mrs. Ritchie' has not
'been enjoying good health of late.
Sympathy: is extended to Mrs. ,
Harvey Houston in the sad loss
of her brother. at Pinkerton.
Mr. and:Mrs. Graham Pinkney,
accompanied by Miss Doris Eadie,
stud'eztt nurse, all, • of Toronto, ,
spent tkei eek -end: w th he- lit»
ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
,•Miss Helen Valad of the Air --
craft Plant 'at Lucknow spent the
Week -end :at. the home of her
Mother. . 7•
• The :weatherman sure has sent
us a ,spell of lovely ;weather. •
A number of Mrs. Jas. Baker's;
friends, , will be pleased to hear
she has much recovered from
her 'critical condition.
Sales seem'- to be the order of ,'
the day..A large croWd frorn,here
attended . Mrs. Boyl's' sale' .last
Thursday and report prices high.
Mrs. • Oscar Keiffer and 'babe •
returned from Kincardine Sun.
George ,Kerr, resident, of 'Wood-
stock for the past 37 years, pass-
ed away last Tuesday at :Wood-
stock. General Hospital in his 79th
year. He had been ill• 10 days.
Born in-Ratho, he spent his en-
tire life in Oxford Cou , with
the exception of a s time at
Lucknow. He .wag, ormer,graini '.
salesman acid traveled exten 've�
ly in Ontario and' Quebec.
His wife predeceased'' hirer. He
is • survived by three 'daughters,.
Miss Ina Kerr and .Miss Mabel
Kerr, loth of London, and`Miss.
Edith at 'home; also one. brother,
Robert of Sterling.,,
The funeral was held on Thurs-
day from Meadows funeral, home,
Woodstock, to Innerkip cemetery;
• �.__
In the Town Hall, Lucknow, on
9.30 SHARP MactaNZIE'S 7 -Piece 'ORCHESTRA t