HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-09-30, Page 4PAGE FOUR THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTAARIO here is a ready market now fo your surplus t See. .your neareststraw presser or write;' linde & Dauch Paper'Company of :Canada, Limited Trenton, Ontario All Roads Lead Friday, PROGRAM HIGHLIG • HORSE 'RACES -224 pace or trot, 575 purse Running race, 516 purse; Hurdle. Jumping; Potato Race; Musical Chairs ' on Horseback Team Hitching Contest Prize for Best Square. Dance Set; Calf ' Chfb, 12 entries; . Professional: •C1ow,ns-on-Grounds-The Hilarious Jones Brothers. Concert,C4:DaflCe.., Concert at night by McGregor Concert Company. Dance After with Bert• Irwin's Orchestra. 1 - JAS. LYONS, Pres. T. M. ,DURNIN, Sec. BOUNDARY EAST Mr. George Kennedy attended the Paisley Fall Fair last week when he waPs, judge of the, sheep and swine. Mrs. Ed McQuillin and on Grant also spent Tuesday at Pais- ley Fair and report a good at- tendanee. 'Mr., and Mrs. 'John MacMillan and son Lavergne spent a day, last THURSDAY, SEPT, 30th, 1943 FOR SALE—Coal or wood, heat- er, good as new. Apply to Philip Stewart, Lucknow, 'Phone '8. : week in London where Lavergne FOR SALE Climax Cutting.Boc,' underwent a minor eye operation. hiells, Mr. and Mrs.' Frank FlannxFlannigan�'$60.00. Apply , to Stewart SRipley R.R.' .1, Ripley 'pho'ne:, .and Joan and Mr. and Mrs. Wal- -- _ ter .Flannigan and'Marie of Lobo.. WANTED TO PURCHASE• Tul- were .week -end • visitors at" 'Mr.', .lets,;,: all 'ages .and breeds, .good. George Fisher's. Mrs. -John. ' Car- 'prices paid: Wrrte..Tweddle Chick millers 'and Lillian and . Mr. Da- Hatcheries, Limited; Fergus, Ont.' vid •Carruthers; visited at the . same home on Sunday. FOR SALE -150 Spruceleigh Leg - Mrs: George Kennedy*as hos horn hens, one: year ord. Harry tess to the Jolly Workers Club 'Hackett, R. 7 Lucknow, Phone on Saturday afternoon for a Red 70-19, Dungannon Cross quilting..The tap and ._batt FOR SALEtwo, bicycles gin's were donated by Mrs. Pat Mac and boy's; goo. condition, -good: tires: ' Alex R. 7 L Phone 67- i unga' now, ,744:4:..., .Millan. Lunch was served:. The next quilting is to' be at the home of Mrs. Pat MacMillan.. The group on the Second. Con- cession east' of No. 9. held . their Red Cross .quilting at the home of Mrs. Robert, Laidlaw who don- ated the •quilt. A colleption', was taken for the Christmas boxes for soldiers overseas. . , Mr. and Mrs. John MacMillan and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Rettinger on Sun day.' . - • Mr,' and .Mrs: George Kennedy, t Billy and Jack spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. • Lorne Durnin Mrs. Alex Hackett is spending `g; n a few:' days with .Mr. and Mrs. Pharis Mathers. Silo filling is, the . order of the da_ Here. Mr. and ars. Wm.. MacDonald. and Mr. arid -Mrs. Wm. MacKen- zie . attended:, the , Stewart -Snell wedding at the Anglican church,.( Stoney Creek, on Saturday. The. September 'meeting of the *omen's :: Institute ' ' at .White ehurch . was'. Grandmothers'• Dam Mrs. Cecil. Falconer was in the chair. The roll call was answer- ed by , an exhibit' 'of old handi- work. The ladies joined in sing- ing Grandfather's Clock, Mrs. W.• J. Coulter gave a reading, en- titled "Gaieties of • Grandmoth- ers", 'sand . Mrs. 'Mac Ross gave one oh Rationing: Then they. a- gain joined in singing 'Long, long ago." •'Ars, Kirk gave a 'very: splendid paper on Canadian Iiis "tory: An instrumental.. -by: Mrs W. " R. Farrier was enjoyed and • thena reading by Mrs. Robert Mowbray on "Life's' Greatest Blessing". Lunch was served by, the Members, after which Mrs. Kirk was presented .witha gift for .being th8. oldest grandrriother. present and •a f corsage of'flowers Was,given Mrs. Robert Mowbray who was the youngest grand- mother. there. The October meet- ing will feature a bazaar .when tnembseas 'are' requested to bring baking, sewing, vegetables, etc. to beput up for sale at the close of the bazaar a ten -cent tea will' be held. EETNEDIffERENCEPURINAMAICE, Purina C For.... GROWING PULLETS?, GROWING' TURKEYS, LAYING FLOCKS AND BREEDER ' TURKEYS IT PAYS to fight: roundworm from .the'wery beginning for they rob growing birds of feed that should gqinto building, bone and flesh. They ,reduce egg profitsby cutting pro- duction of layers.• . PURINA CHEK-R-TON serves • as a . flock treatment . for large roundworms ' (ascarids>' . and as an appetizer and in- teStinal astringent. If Birds Are . Offs - Condition Mix Chek-R-Talo in their mash '(full directions on. the can) It will increase .appetites and tone them up for continued produetiotk. Lorne MacLernafl, Phone 77-w FARM FOR SAL of the N.H. of Con. 1, Kinloss Tow taining 75 acres, 60 bush. Apply to Mrs Purves,R.R. 4, Ripley. FOR SALE -Durham cow with calf atMoot; 75 year old p hens, Light Sussex; ,50 pullets, . Light Sussex; also a . Collie dog. Wal- lace Twamley, R. 7, Lucknow, P_lione 77-18. Dungannon. • • CHOICE SEED .OATS For Sale 1,000 bus. of Banner Oats, over. 100 lbs. to bag. Get your supply while they 'last, as this is choice. seed grain: Apply S. W. Schurter, .Chepstow, 'Phone 1944 "Walker - ,ton. FO,R° SALE — Jersey Cow, your: choice of two, both young, good on. erly 34 1 &,2, ip, con - res under Esther A. FOR SALE—Lovely 7 -room two storey red brick home, good. lo- cation on Victoria St., Goderich, • new hot waterwheating; riewX ' de- corated, wired for electric .,stOVe, oak flnorS; possession Oct.: 20th, 1943. Priced to sell, owner leaving • town. ' .E. Astle, 38 Victoria. St.; • Goderich.,_,Ont. 'FOR ; SALE --7 xoom brick dvireil- ing, Gough St.i Lucknow; 3 piece bath,: concrete floor iri. basement, good, furnace, woodshed, double. garage, garden. Buildings all 'in good condition and would be suitable for two apartments. This..... roperty is the Estate of Moore- use ' Mitchelland is offered, for sale to. settle estate and can be purchased at reasonable price for quick sale, substantial down pay- ment, balance 5 per: cent on Mort- rage. Apply . to' Clarke, & Clarke, Realties, Kincardine,, Ont.. Y milkers, high testers and, quiet. One due to. freshen •in February; the .other in,May. Apply to W. R. Farrier, Whitechurch. . Phone 611-r-31. Wingham. „ -CARD OF THANKS • F.. T. ARMSTRONG • OPTOMETRIST IN LUCKNOW FIRST (WEDNESDAY OF ' EACH MONTH r . . -AFTER JUNE 1st d. 10 a.m. to 6 o'clock ' AT WM. • SCHMID'S STORE During our time of deep sor row in this dark .hour of trial, we wish to express our 'heartfelt appreciation to all, for your pray- ers, kind . acts and expressions of sympathy oyer the loss of our beloved son Grant =1Vlr and Mrs: Wr-L.:- MacKenzie and daughter Jessie. W'H (TECH URCH Mrs .Alex Leaver & Miss Jean Leaver visited an Monday with 1G Ir. and Mrs. Ab Coulter. Miss Marie ?Aitchison had her tonsils removed last ,Tuesday. Mr. John, Mowbray attended the funeral of his brother-irilaw, in Michigan last week. . ,Mr.. and •'Mrs. Robert Mowbray, Mrs. A. E. Purdon &,Miss Agnes, McKay attended thefuneral of theirr nephew, Mr:'- Ross McKay ,of the R.C.A.F.: which .was held on Wednesday:last week at :Tor- onto. Weextend our 'sympathy to the bereaved relatives.. Mrs. Ab Coultes' and .two chit= dren visited •,on Saturday at Lucknovi with relatives there. Mr. Harold Gaunt and : Miss Mary Caution of this community have started working in the Air= craft faotory at Lucknow... • Mrs. Toynbee Lamb of Goder- ich and Mr's. Wm. Cranston of near St. Helens visited last Fri- rlay with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy; and Miss Olive ' Tichborne; and Mrs. Harry Tichborne of"G'oderich Visited on Friday with the. latter's mother, Mrs. David Kennedy. Mrs. Wm. Taylor was lucky to win the $10 prize in the I. D. A. barn dance from Wingharn Sat- urday night. Mrs. 'Alex R. Kennedy of Win- nipeg.is visiting Mrs. David,Ken- nedly and other. relatives here. Rally Day and., baptismal ser- vices were held in the Presbyter- ian church Sunday morning.. Jim- mie McKenzie; infant son of Mr., and Mrs. James Wilson ,and Doris Elizabeth-, infant daughter of: Mr. and Mrs. Ira Wall wero.'ba:p. CREWE .. Mrs. Ruttle of. Edmonton, Alta., Mrs: Arthurs ,of Fort Francis, Mrs. McIntosh of . Windsor, and' Mr.'and Mrs. James Drennan of K.intail . spent Sunday evening with Mr. and .Mrs. Wilfred Dren- nan. Wilfred accompanied trem to Auburn and'spent the day with Mr. and. Mrs. Wilfred Plunkett Mr1 and Mrs. Wm. Long and grandson Master Brian Kilpat- rick of Toronto,' visited Sunday with' Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kilpat- rick. • Mrs: Bert Treleaven viated- with her; parents,' Mr. and Mrs. Jos.' Hackett, Lucknow on Wed- nesday. •• "Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Curran on Sunday were Mr. and. Mrs. ;Herb Curran, Mr. and Mrs. TORt'b- • Anderson, Jr., " Miss Willa Irvin and Mr. Bertram Curran, Mr., and Mrs. 'Peter Moffat and family of .Teeswater, , spent last ° Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Erni/ions. ' Mrs, Kilpatrick attended a Red' Cross quilting at .Mrs. Thos. An- derson's on Thursday afternoon. P. Stuart Mackenzie BARRISTER & SOLICITOR.. Walkerton,, Ontario. IN LUCKNOW, Each Wednesday Afternoon & Evening At G. H Sl1'f ITH'S O010E BIue!i:Auctin S Register Sat. Oct. 2—Furniture at Mar- tha.Million's, St. ' David's St. Gciderfeh. Monday, October. 4 -j -Furniture. at Charlie Elliott's,'' Dung- - annon. ''Thurs. Oct. 7—At 'rhos:, Cul- bert's, Lot 3, Con. 8, Huron Twp.. Culbert & . Ritchie. Friday, Oct. 8—Cows, young cattle, pigs at C.P.R.. Stock Yards,Wingham. Cattle all gool quality Durhams. Thos. *Cassell, Prop. Sat: Oct. 9—property & :,chat- tels of the late Wm. Kef- fer, corner Victoria & East • `St,,. Goderich. Full line of best7iof tools and .walnut furniture. ; Tues., Oct. '12=Stock Yards, Ripley; 100 stocketis;' yearl ingsL and springer cows. T. ° Harris, Prop. • Wed., Oct. 13—farm stock &* ,,implements, Con. 4, Ash- field. Art Roach; Prop. Friday, Oct. 15—Cattle. of all kinds, one mile north of .Tiverton, Dunc. Cameron, Prop., , • •: Tues.,' Oct. 19—farm. stock & implements . at farm of Ed Welsh, Con. 9, East Wawa - nosh. Donald B. BlueAuc. d