HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-09-23, Page 5"DAY, P* 23rd, 10ii3
Lyceum Theatre
Thurs., Fri., Sat. Sept. 23, 24, 25
Love! Gold! Adventure!
Only cold steel and, bold hearts could answer the call .
in the days when villainy wore a sash and waved a .cut
Maureen ; O'Hara :Tyrone Power
"The Black Swan'.
In Technicolor!
Man. Tues. Wed., :Sep..27,28, 29
in 4'
"Tennessee Johnson"
The ' life story of President Andrew Johnson.'
The following' regulation is being enforced in this .Theatre
by The Theatre Inspection Branch of the Ontario Government:
CHILDREN UNDER 16 YEARS must be accompanied by
an adult at all •evening a performances.
At Matinee Performances on Satifrdays Children will be -
admitted' without an adult.
Robert Barbour of 'Tor-
onto visited last 'week with his
brother Mr. Wm. Barbour.
Mrs. McKenzie and Miss Hazel
Wocks of Teeswater visited, on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rob-
ert Mowbray.
Mrs., Ezra Scholtz spent the
Week -end With Mrs. Reg. Scholtz
of Blyth.
Mr. and Mr.:s John Falconer
and Miss Marjorie Falconer of.
Wingham visited on Sunday with
Mr.. and Mrs. Ezra Wellwood.
Mrs. ;Kirk has rented Mrs. Ed
Gaunt's house and will move
into it soon.
Quite a number from here at-
tended Mr. John Reid's sale .near
Auburn last Thursday. He had
a very successful sale.
Mr. and. Mrs. Harry Tichborne
Of Goderich and Mrs. Lorne Dur-
_nin and two sons of St. Helens
visited ' on Sunday with their
mother Mrs. `David Kennedy.
Enters Training
Miss Mildred McClenaghan,
daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Geo,
Mc`Clenaghan left on Monday of
this week for Guelph General
Hospital vtrhere she is goiingto
train for a nurse.. We wish her
every success. The Young Peo-
ple's Society of the United church
presented . her with a snapshot
allium before leaving at their
social last Friday evening.
Mr. and Mr.s George Fisher '&
family, also Mr. Peter Kennedy.
visited on Sunday with the for-
mer's sister, Mrs. Tobias Jantzi
and Mr. Jantzi of Milverton.
Ill With Infantile Paralysis
We are sofry to report the ser-
ious 'illness of Mr., Ross McKay,
who is in the army and is in a
Toronto hospital with infantile
paralysis. He is a son of Mr. Dan
McKay !Or Guelph and formerly
of this community. and a grand-
son of Mr. lector McKay. Since
this .was • written' Mir. McKay has
succumbed to till malady.
Autumn flowers and ferns
formed a pleasing background
for the wedding at • 11.00 o'clock
Saturday of Norma Marian, eld-
est daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd' McWhinney, Concession 2,
Ashfield, and Glen William Rob-
inson, only, son of Mr. and ,Mrs.
Frank Robinson Goderich: The
ceremony was performed by Rev.
C. H. MacDonald, pastor ,of Er-.
'skine Presbyterian church, Dung-
annon, in pe presence of about
20 guests, all immediate relatives.
The bride, given in .marriage by
her father; entered the drawing -
room to the strains of the "Bridal
Chorus" from Lohengrin, played
by Miss . Marion 1VlacDoriald of
Lucknow, supervisor of music in
the schools. The bride looked
lovely , in a floor -length gown of
white 'brocaded satin made with
long sleeves, tightfitting bodice
and sweetheart neckline. Her,
shoulder -length veil of silk ret
was held in 'place With white
gardenias. - She wore a double
string of pearls and carried an
arm bouquet of pink and white
"gladioli. For the wedding dinner
the dining room was decorated
With pinks and white streamers;
and "flowers in the same shades.
The bride's table ' was centred
with the three.storey wedding
cake. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson. left
later for a honeymoon trip inAthe
Niagara peninsula. For travelling
the bride wore a black tailored
suit with black hat and shoes and
white accessories. On their return
they will reside in Goderich.
FAILURE 'to possess 1943 radio
licenses has resulted in 27 .resi-
dents of Colborne and Goderich
,Townships and Auburn being
served with'. summonses., It is ex-
pected that the , levies of $5.10
each, including costs, will be paid
out of court. '
• PAGE Five'.
,The Presbyterian' W.M.S. will
join with the Sotith Kinloss W.
M. S. at the Manse on Friday af-
ternoon for their United Thank -
offering meeting: Mrs. Fowler,
W.M.S. president of the Mait-
land Presbytery will be the guest
'speaker.. o
Mr. and Mrs. John Currie of
near.' Wingham visited . ,Sunda
with Mr. and Mrs, ,1iarold Percy.
• ' Mr. John Colwell and Jack Ma-
son left last: week- for the West
On the harvesters' excursion.
Mr; and Mrs: Eze 'Stanley and
family returned from Sarnia . to
take up residence here.
Miss. Dorothy ;.Pinnell of Lop. -4
don spent the week end. at her
home here. '
Mr. and. Mrs. B.., E. McLean,
Balfour and Bevin and Mrs.
Slessor spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon McBurney, at
Southain ion.
Mr. Dick Neil, : Mrs. E. Simp-
son, Mr. 'and Mrs. Arthur Simp-
son and Marian of Lucan spent
Sunday with the of
Mrs. Wesley Boyle.
• Mr. and: .Mrs; Charlie . Burt;
Annie and Norma visited Sunday
with. Mr. and . Mrs. Walter For-
ster, Ripley..
Mrs. Thos., Malcolm is, not as
well as her many . friends' wish
to see her. • • "
Mrs. Colwell and Currie and
Miss Dorinda. Weston visited
Sunday with, Mr. and Mrs. 'Don
Mrs. Jack Hodgins • . and -little
Johnny visited' Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. James Hodgins.
Mr"and Mrs. Sam'Stanley and
family have moved to Concession
10 to reside.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schumach-
er and Helen of . Bethany were -
Sunday visitors with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wall..
Mr. and Mrs. George Ernewein
motored to Lucan Monday and
Visitedwith relatives and Mr.
Ernewein also went. London and
underwent a minor nose opera-
Miss Isabel Orr is spending a
while with her sister, Mrs. Har-
old 'Percy.
Services on ' Sunday next are
cancelled... in ___the:,.--Pr-esbyter-ian-
church owing to the ,Harvest'
Thanksgiving : services morning:
and evening in the Anglican
Miss, Dorinda Weston of 'Tor-
onto visited during the week at
the Colwell home: • •
Mr. and Mrs. Howard McGuire
and Lovell of Olivet and Arnold
McGuire, R.C.A.F. of Cornwall,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Robb and ;Da,Da-
vid of Holyrood, Mrs. N. Bell
and other relatives visited Sun-
day with, Mr. and Mrs. Harr►
Bell and at Mr. G. Haldenby's.
,Mrs. Don McCosh is hostess to
the Women's Institute on Thti-s-
clay next, 'September 30th. Note
change of date. -
Mrs. Wm. Hedley, is visiting
with relatives here.
Misses Anne and Norma Burt
returned to Toronto after visit-
ing with their. parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Charlie Burt:
Mr. George Haldenby ,spent a
few days in Toronto.
Presbyterian anniversary wilt,
be-Octvber-°3rd:--Revr Dann "wild
conduct the services morning and
Mrs, Tom Hodgins attended the
funeral of her aunt, .Mrs. George
Gordon at Preston.
Miss Irlffiia Hodgins has return-
ed to High School at Kincardine.
A motorist was hauled into
court for running down a pedes-
trian. He :• pleaded guilty.
"The guy walked right in front
of My car, 'jtidge", he explained,
"and you couldn't expect me to
drive around him with an "A"
Afternoon Program
1.30,—School"children's parade leaves school grounds. for
Caledonian Park -2 Bands--30-piece Walkerton High
School cirS Bugle Band--Lucknow Pipe Band.
1.45®Fair. Officially Opened.
1.50 -Rural 'school chorus and school yell competitions.
2.30—Tuck Sisters=°Dancing, Singing, Acrobatic.
2.50x-Ban.d Selections.
3:00—Public Speaking Contest.
3.15 -.Public School Races.
3' 30 -Bicycle, Relay Races, etc
3.45 -Band Selections..
3.55 --toys' Calf Race.
4.00--Ziick Sisters.
4.30—Square Dance Contest -=3 Prizes, $10.00,,.$7.50, 55.00.
4.30 -Parade' of Prise Livestock:. .
5.00--Bands—Parade up Street.
Public . Address System-1.On the Grounds
tefreshment 'Booths Carnival Games
Not A Dull Moment
Concert: andDance at
Mrs. Samuel Reed spent a few
days last week with Mr. and
Mrs. John Reed, Auburn. ..
Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Swan of
Belmore were visitors in this
community on Sunday.
Mr. and. Mrs. Joe Freeman and
family, of Leeburn . visited on
Sunday with the matter's parents
Mr. and Mrs..Will Gardner•.
Mr's. Papernick. of Goderich
visited Friday with Mr. and Mrs.
Will Ritchie.
Mrs. David McKenzie and Bev-
erley of Kintail, Mrs, Jas. Web-
ster of Brucefield were visitors
With friends here on Tuesday.
Sunday is, Rally Day on the
Ashfield Charge and the service
at. Zion will be at 7.30 p.m.
'Mi-. and Mrs. B. Breckeribriclge
visited ' at • Mr. James Robertsbn's
on Sunday.
Mr: Raymond Emerson is vis-
iting with his, brother Glen at
Stratford Normal.
• Mr. and Mrs. Morley Pettiplace
of Riversdale -and family . spent
Sunday, at Mr. Ben Sciott's.
Miss Wilkinson is visiting, with
her aunt, Mrs. Charles Shier.
Mr. Clive Hill of Sarnia spent
the ,'week -end with relatives here.
Mr. Calvin Robertson visited
his brother Kenneth near Ar-
Mr. and Mrs. John Henry ' and
Agnes spent Sunday with M.
and Mrs!. Gordon. Ritchie and
family. '
Mr. Albert Helm visited with.
Mrs. Jos: Helm and friends in
Lucknow for a few days lar
Mr. and Mrs: Will Hunter spent
Sunday with their daughter, Mrs..
J. MacKinnon in Kincardine.
Mr. and Mrs. Les . Ritchie and
Alvin spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. A. Gaunt. Mrs. Sherwood
who is residing with her daugh
ter, Mrs. Gaunt at present time
is quite seriously ill. - .
' Mr. and Mrs. 'Earl Sherwood
visited with Les Ritchie on Sun-
day evening:
THE ARENA at Walkerton will
be taken over by the Town Coun-
cil. The price will be around
$2,500. It is being used for train-
ing and storage ,by the 97th Re-
serve Battery and the town coun-
cil is advising the Department of
National Defence of the purchase
and of ,.their decision to use the
arena far skating and hockey this:
No educational standard is laiici
down for . entry into the R.C.A.F.
Those suitable for enlistment who-
lack sufficient education are giv-
en the necessary academic train-
ing, after 'enlistment,- before• com-
mencing specified courses of