HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-09-16, Page 61 , PAGE Ste'_ 4411701C.14411701C.14411701C.140*, SENTINEL, LgcIINOW, ONTO Mrs an. Wagner,. Vancouver Is. visititrg her •cousin, Mrs. J.' B 'Young • Master Donal& Mole, on' of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mole, is this week indisposed with' an at- -tack Of measles. • .. Mr*, and Mrs. -Thos. Webster • ails. daughter Lois, also. Mr: and Mrs. Harvey Alton and ton Lorne enjoyed a ;voter trip recently to Toronto and also visited Miss Ettabelle .Webster; nurse -in -train, • ing • at Brantford °General. Hospi- Miss L. Dreaney was latelly vis- • ited by ,her niece, Mks. Allan iVlc Nab, Mr. 1VIcNab and daughters; Toronto, .also Mr. • Eddy Durnin Of Essex, her nephew: • Miss Viola Young returned last week from Delhi where she had been working with the tobacco harvest. Miss Dorothy . Robb who visit • .ed : two .Weeks with friends in Toronto returned 'home the first of this week:., ; -.Mrs. Jas: ----Alton was a visitor. on .Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Herb • Alton. . •- Miss Isabelle Montgolinery, R. 'assistant supervi`�or Tie the operating room of Galt ;General hospital, •is • a' visitor with her Mother, .Mrs. J.• Montgomery, Mrs John McGee returned' plerne oil'' Sunday • after being a, atient for a fe days' at. Wing-' hams Hospital . suffering with quinsy. We are glad to know she is recovering nicely... Miss Bertha Jones, R.N. has taken a .:position op. the staff of. College "Street Women's . Hospital; Toronto:: ' The September meeting ;of the. "United' Church' W _A. will be held: at the church on Friday. at 2.30 ' th Mrs., Webster,. • Mrs. V. Er- rington and • Mrs. Harvey Alton an chargeof the program: Miss . Flora Durnin returned hsirne at the 'end- of the week from inspecting ,Victory• Gardens of which she is ' supervising 500 i '5 counties; Bruce, Huron; Grey; :Larebton and • Simcoe: Pte. Irvine Eedy of Camp Ip- Terwash . is spending two weeps leave with his parents,' Mr.., and 'Mrs. H: J.: L. Eedy. • . • Misses' Lily. and Frank . McLean. .. returned on Wednesday to Luck- . now after spending the summer with their. brother, i Thomas' McLe1Van., . The Red Cross sends out' an. appeal for gifts for the 'men in service and are in Newfoundland hospitals. 'Suggestions as •these are acceptable, • pencils, • pens, gum; hard candy, crossword puz- zles, cards, checkers, chess, cig- arettes, statiorhery, Readers Di- . gest and other .recent magazines in :good condition, knitted •com- forts, razors or blades ;are not asked for in this donation. Show- ers Of these articles may be left with Mrs. , R.. Davidson or . Mrs. R, J. Durnin and are to be in by September 25th. Mr. and Mrs. John Blake last week ' accompanied their daugh- ter, Miss pernice Blake, B.A. to Oil Springs, who has accepted a position ' .there. They spent a few days before . r. eturnieg at London and -Str-athroy., Mr, and Mrs'. Lawrence Kelp .and two sons Donald and 'James , of Walkerton visitedthe former's uncle, 'Mr,. 'Barney Benninger' on . Sunday. , • Dr. 'Dan and Mrs, Blake of Tor - :onto spent three weeks with the former's uncle,., Mr; John Blake • and othef• Ashfield relatives.. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fowj er and daughter Melba: were rec rt visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Geo. 'Swan, Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. C or - don Struthers near 'Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs: 11+ ton Stothers of Toronto spent a fewrdays last week. wi e RECALLS LAC.IaoSS G AME, IN 'SEPOE' TOWN ,$0 OARS AG() Mr. Russell T Kelley, found, er and manager of the Hamilton Advertising • Agency, . Hamilton,, Ont., and former . Teeswater boy, who has been appointed by, the Dominion Government as the Fuel Conservation Chairman• for, the Dominion of Canada,•,was in town the , first ' of the week in •connection,: with the coal.'-distri-° bution " and fuel situation here. Mx`. •, Kelley addressed' a : Meeting of the ,Ministerial Association .of Walkerton, and urged that union services be .held. of the' various. Protestant 'churches M. town and •that • everything possible be done to conserve . coal and other fuel here. Mr.. Kelley _gave the Her- a1d-Times . a :friendly call . while in town and during a . conver- sation with ; the scribe recalled that he - l ad -played ,,lacrosse on. the line-up . of 'the Wakerton tearli when they contested •for county honors 'with the Sepoy Lacrosse club of . Lucknow on September 9th, 1893; or a half century ago. The Walkerton tenni nosed out a victory over the Se; :pot's' of, 2 to 1, Mr. Kelley, being, responsible. for the scoring on, Oneof Walkerton's goals and be- ing credited with anassist for the other counter. Mr. Kelley was. accompanied to Bruce by his daughter, Miss Patricia Kelley, who has .been engaged as teach- er of the Paisley Continuation School for thea %doming year.. Walkerton Herald -Times.: Season Opei s . The duck hunting season open- ed 'on . Wednesday morning with a few birds' bagged the'first day. For those who are located so they can hunt .both north and . south shotgun shell§ • will probably the season won't close until, De - ember 10th, but the scarcity of shotgun, shells -wil probably. automatically end the season long. before that.. •• -Mr. Thos. Stothers. ' - -- (1itended For Last Week) M Carmen Farrier of White-, church :has been engaged as tea- cher at U.S.S.' No. 17, on Con. 2," West' •Wawanosh to succeed Miss Mary Horton. • • ' Miss . Bernice Blake, B.A., has returned: to teach at Oil Springs Continuation school. Mr. and . Mrs. George Hearts of Toronto spent the week -end with Mrs. D. Sproul, . and Mr. and Mrs.' Arthur Elliott. Harold • Dickson and Charles Girvin left :on ,Tuesday for the West. ' ASI FiELD Sub -Lieut. George Sullen of Ottawa is spenddirig ' a few '`days at his home here. - Mrs. Gordon Fenety and little daughter of Toronto spent the week-end.with Mr. and Mrs. John MacRae.' • • 'Mr.'Neil MacKenzie and. dau- ghter Mary of Toronto spent the week,endrwith relatives here., . 'Rev Gillies of Port Elgin spoke. ire alae Presbyterjan -church on Sunday in :the interest of the: Temperance Federation. ' The September -meeting .of Kin tail 'branch of Woman's Institute was held ';at . tile. 'home o f ' Mrs: 'Ray Dalton The president,' Mrs. 'R: Scott presided. A. display of work done ~ for Red Cross inelud- ed eight quilts . besides knitted articles. This society works with. 'the Lucknow. Branchof the Red Cross: Miss Rita Dalton, A.N. who has' just returned from a year on duty in South Africa told many interesting stories and :showed . pictures of the natives and some of the modern new`- Cit- ies of that country,: She also, dressed in Hindu -costume. ASHFIELD. DOTES`' Mr. 'and' Mrs. Irwin Henry and Ross visited with Mr: and. Mrs. Les Ritchie and Alvin on Stun iViiss - Muriel Farrish,, "R.N. of Brantford Hospital is' spending her vacation with her mother and brothers. • ' Mr.and Mrs. .. Gordon iRtchie and family spent Sunday 'with, Mr-: and Mrs. John Robb of Holy rood. ' ,: Mrs.: Courtney and Fred ac- coinhpanied by' Mr.' & Mrs: Haley: called on Miss M urchison, ,Sun- day afternoon. ' • .. Tpr. James Hunter :of Camp Borden spent the week -end with his • parents. Miss Helen Gilmore of Hamil- ton spent Labor day week -end with her parents. ' Mr. and Mrs. A: Helm and Mr. Wm.' Helm -and children visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Little of Curries II Corners:• Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDon- ald and babe spent Friday even- ingwith::: Mr.--&-1Virs.: peter 'Cook: Messrs. John, Henry and Ar- thur' Gih ore. spent Sunday with the former's father who has been a patient in London. at . St. Jos- eph's .hospital for some • time.- • .Mr John Malloch.. and sister visited with Mr. and • Mrs. Jake Hunter on Sunday. Rev. T Ford of . Strathroy is visiting his sister, Mrs. M. Hogan and family.: • 'Q THURSDAY, SEPT. 116th, 1943 • PROSECUTIONS ;I,TNDER iNS*Jl NCE ACT. Since, the Ur}e><#a lbymen. t In- surance Act has been put into op- eration, informations have been, laid against 31 employers, under' ,part XV of the Criminal . Code for failure to comply with the provisions' •of. the Uneinploynlent Insurance Act, 1940. Twenty- three eemployers have' been 'charged with failure or neglec to pay contributions for which they, were liable under the Act; one employer was charged with failure to register hit employees; 'seven eemployers:; were :charged with failure to return the old In- surince 'books in their 'Possession. There have been : thirty-one convictions and no acquittals. The, fines imposed in these convictions ranged from $5.00• to ,$100.00on each count. e Other cases of non-compliance of the Unemployment insurance Act and National Selective Ser- vice Regulations . • are under re- view and when evidence is advt. quate prosecutions will follow.. SUCCESSFUL •. MUSIC STUDENTS At the mid -Summer examina- tions in music the foliowing pup - 115 of A , E. Cook were 'successful: Marion Mason; passed the Grade X piano Examinations of . the. ,Toronto Conservatory with hoe - ors; Hugh Rose the Grade II theory with first class honors; obtaining 94 marks; Doris. Fer- guson passed the. Grade K piano examination of Western • Univer- sity with first class honors and also Won. the gold medal' award- ed by the.,Universityy for the. highest `standing. . Richard Tattersall was the ex- aminer for the Tbronto Conser- vatory and Dr. Harvey Robb for Western University. Newton-Joynt Group W. A. The • opening' meeting for the Fall term of the Newton-Joynt.• group ' Met at the .home of Mies. R. H. Thompson with. 18 • in at- tendance. Mrs: Joynt eonducted ihe___devotionaLperiod. 'with.• -am reading, followed by hymn and prayer by Mrs. Decker. Miss Mar- garet Rae read the scripture les- sen. The minutes were read and approved:.The program consist - ed of a reading by Mrs. W. B. Anderson and' a solo by Mrs.: J. W. Joynt. Two, humorous con- tests were conducted by Mrs. Harvey 'Treleaven. A hymn ,and a prayer, by Mrs. Joynt closed the meeting. -•- eady-Ma Tempting ... Convenient . . genus for21 Days Nutritionally • Right! Pts easy to serve healthful meals, ifyou follow the timely menus in "Eat -to -Work -to - Win" *. Sound, practical, interesting, this clever'new booklet does all the difficult, time - taking planning for you. And it's yours FREE. 'Never wat it more aim or eat• thai you pro- vide proper food for your family. For good nutrition is vital to Victory now—to health and happiness after the war. Yet recent Govern- ment statistics show that only, 40 percent of Canadians regularly eat the right foods, even though seemingly Well, fed. Learn thecan't-go-wrong" way to tempting meals that fill every ,food need ofyour' family! Send' for your FREE cdpy of "Eat -to -Work -to - "Win". Mail thecoupon today!'° roans FREE Thaely... interesting... helpfull Let this origi- nal'new booklet bring better health is your family. MAIL YOUR COUPON, TODAY! *The Nutritional statenyer it in Eat„ • to -Work -to -Win" are acceptable' to Nutritionservloes DebattnieetotPen- alone and National Health, Ottawa,.tor • the Canadian Nutrition programme. 1 "NUTRITION FOR VICTORY", ' 1 HOX 600: TORONTO, CANADA. I a.• I Please send the my PREM copy of"liskto=VDorlc-to-Win' I Sponsoredby 4, 111E BREWING ulD,•USTRY (ONTARIO) - 1 Address _ in the interests of nutrition and health 1 tis as aid to Victory. • ' 1 city . "p Nary. CREWE ccoss Colin Crozier of Crurn1iri spent the week -end at his home here. • 'Mr. and Mrs. Victor Whitley of Harnilton ' called ori • friends here last Friday. • Mr. Elliott' -Rivet -of • the ll. A. F: at Guelph is spending' this week with. his parents, 1Vlr:. and Mrs, Jack Rivett He spent the. Weekend -with his brother Ivan, at Midland. On ' Tlhtrtisday afternoon . ` the members of the W;M.S: ,met at-� the • home of Mrs. Rivett. The .de- votional period . was taken ' from the : Missionary' Monthly. Mrs. Kilpatrel' had . charge • of the • meeting. Mrs. Treleaven . had charge' of the new study book which proved very interesting. Mrs. Rivett and Edna McWhin- ney rendered a duet, Lead Kind- ly Light Shirley Sherwood then gave a, poem also Mrs. Cecil Blakeread a poem. Mrs. Shackle= tongave her Temperanceread- ing. Hymn 252 was sung and Miss Mallock gave .a reading..! Mrs. Crozier then lead in prayer.. Mrs. Benson Shackleton gave a read - ,ng. After. singing. Wonderful Love, Mrs. Kilpatrick closed the meeting with prayer. Mr. and -Mrs. Jack Curran and family visited : ori Sunday with Mr. `and Mrs. Herb Curran, 1V.iaf- eking... (Intended ,For Last Week) Mr. and •Mrs. Wilfred Plunkett and sons 'of Auburn, Mr. and ., Mrs. Jack ' Bradley and Jim of Amberley " Spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Drennari, Mr. and Mrs: Cecil Chamney and Anne, Mr: • and Mrs. Clar- ence Chamney and Clara of Bel- - gr -ave, . lVIrs: McLaughlin -and° Joan Of Detroit, were guests 'of Mr., and Mrs. Raymond Finnigan on Sunday, Mrs: ,;McLaughlin and Joan remained; for a longer visit. Mr. L, S. Wood of Sarnia spent a pleasant week -end with his sister; Mrs Jarries Sherwood and Mr. Sherwood: Mrs. Harry, Middleton- and son Lynn: : of I:ucknow- are spending' a few days with Mrs. Cecil Blake: 1VIis's , Helen.: Stothers was a guest of her cousin, Lorainne Drennan for 'a few days. • • •. Messrs. , Raymond . Finnigan, -' Roy Culbert and Norman Rivett eft on Thursday . for . the West where they intend to spend the next two months, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Maize; Ken- neth McGuire and Norman Mc- Guire spent Sunday 'at Stratford. Mr. and . Mrs: Clifford' Crozier and babe spent last .week -end in London with Misses Frances and Lorena .Crozier. Last Thursday evening the friends and -neighbors of LAC; Graham Durnin gathered,at the' -- school. whei a social time was spent: When • Graham was called • to the platfornj Benson Shackle= ton read an address and Ronald Treleaven made the presentation. of a sterling' silver identification disc.' Although taken by surprise raham , made a neat reply, t1hanking all for their kindness. Lunch was then served by the ladies. . -1Vlr: �arid Mrs, T. M, .Durnin spent the past. two weeks,at her home near Applehill; • Mr. Robt. Durnin 'of Toronto and Mrs. Marie G ranat of Ham- ilton spent the week -end and holiday with friends here. Misses Shirley and . Norma Sherwood visited last week with their aunt, Mrs. Leslie" Ritchie: Mr. Walter Dodds, who' spent the past three months at Win. Crozier's returned to . his home at London on Saturday. FOUR, FIVE and 7 -leaf clovers were picked 'recently by Kath- leen Mitchell. rant llurorr.'' r9' •