HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-09-16, Page 5I .vrw a nr.. .wwp.,u.v.. Y.ur•-y
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yeetisit Theatre
Fri.,, Sat., .Sept 1`6, 17
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. ALSO , " ORTOON" and "NEWS"
•Rdnenor TA VL
T Ibii1its 1 T HEi L
et'40 War Drama '
4. ,ALSO ' "TRAVEL- T4K°' , '
1 '
Mr. ,and . Mrs. J: F.. MeI. can
visited on Sunday with their son-
on'acid-Mrs. Ira McLean of • St;
Thor tas..
Mr. and Mrs: David Grant, Mr,
and Mrs. •annerinan and: Mr.
and Mrs:: R6ss of; Teeswater. spent
Sunday afternoon with `M>r. • and
Mrs.' • Robt. Mowbray.
Mr. and .Mrs:- Pratt'arid 'family
spent the • week -end- with,,IVir'. R..
Y. Carrick and Mess :Susie Car
Mr. • and Mrs. Oliver McBrien
and daughter Doris of Goderich
visited recently with Mr. and
Mrs. James' •Laidlav44. =
Miss Annie Kennedy is visiting
this+ week with 'Mrs. John Reid
of Auburn.
Miss Dorothy Walters is taking
a business course at Welles. :Aca-
demy' at London. We. wish her
every success.
Mrs. McWilliams • of Toronto
is visiting with her brother, Mr.
Jas. McIleaith and. Mrs..McIlraitir.
.-..,1VLrs:; .13,en.- ,McClena-
ghan and Faye and Carl of this
community, • , andt-F 1V. and • Mrs.
Harryoss of G1eneee attended
the wedding of the former's son,
Sgt. -Maj. James Melvin McClen-
aghan and 1VI'iss Norma Keller on
Saturday morning September 4
at 9.' a.m. at .St. Marys R. C.
church, Kitchener. A 'reception
was held ;at the home of the
bride's parents, in the afternoon.
This` community extends best
wishes to the bride and 'groom.
Morethah a quarter of Can-
ada's dentists have enlisted lin
Mr. 'arid :Mrs Norman' TKomp-
ten have. received word that th r
son' 'Pte: Sam Thompson -has' ar-
rived safely overseas.,
lr.. and • YVlts. 'Jas... T. Craig
were , London, visitors , over the
The ' W.M.S. and •W.A. held a
social egeriing;:at the home of the
president; Mrs.' Campbell. A pro-
gram :consisting''ot solos" by Rev.
Snell, Messrs'. Bert Taylor,. Geo.
Wallace and Gordon Chamney,
ari-liistr"umerita1 by'-Mi"ss." N if1
.Cobb of Hamiltpn, Or. ece..of Mrs.
Campbell's >'Who si i'g qh r
and::ari addz s4.iw Re . $ 11qnt
titled "Ambassadors" wasmuch
enjoyed. A -bazaar• under the au-
spices of the 'W'.A. •realized , $15.8`
for Red Cross work. ' • '
(Intended For Last Week)
Mrs.. Mina Sherridan and son
Prank of Oshawa' are Visitors
with her 'sister, Mrs.' 'John
Thompson and. other friends.
M. and. Mrs.' E. H. Dd
Ooeer an
family of Niagara Falls and Miss.
Virginia Chamney. of. Windsor
- re --week --week-end viisitaxs_..at- the.
home. of Mr. and Mrs. R: Chani
Mr. and Mrs. Carman Pratt Elft
Brownsville and Mr. and Mrs
L.loy-d'Parker and daughter. Of
Ingers,bTl vjere Visitors during
last week with Mr. and Mrs.' ,t
C. Robinson and other friends.
• Mr. and Mrs. Calvin' Robinson'
and Miss Ruth- Robinson of Wind-
sor spent 'the week -end with
friends on the ninth line.
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. MacLaugh-,
lin and daughter ,Joan of Detroit
were recent visitors with. .her
mother,' Mrs, Jos, Chamney 'and
other, friends:
Messrs. Jan#es,,.. a i1e.Y •rand
Garvey. Johnstppe,' left last week
• for the .West`on, the harvester,•.ex-
eursion. • : '
Mrs. Wm. Cerson of. 3 ina'ar-,
din Mars. Sophia Weston :of
t oderickivisited du'ing the weed,
.with Mr. ,and.,. Mrs. Oscar Hod -
i vans and, Ma,, and, Mrs. Fred Eod-
The . Sr, Wox en's, Auxii' y {
met on .T iursday afternoon• ".at•
the herr a of, MrsP ,Jaiynes.odg} •
The, presentr,M-sr 2i1ta7 Walsh
resided and . opened, ,the meet-
*Mg, With tl a hymn•".For ,my. sake.
and the. Gos'pel's go".. `Miss 1;1 :ay.
BoylJ, read the, scrtui e; lessor..
Prayers' followed: Minutes, of the,
-precious' meetng were.,,rread and
approved. The roll call', was,,. re
sponded rte by in .: a verse .scrip-.
Lure. ; A portion' of ,the Diocesean,
president's address -::f rorty they
port wase read. Kind, wards were,
expr'e ed•, by .• the. ,president .to•,
a forin'er- Member,.,' f, 11I0° Jane,
Percy who is „over ,., ninety•
Was present. Mrs. Percy replied;
in saying how happy she was to'
be ' baclt.,,amo' g
d: friends.T
found places around .a
which they; .cnmpleted, '•and' pre-_
seated > to the ,rector, • Rev. G.
Honour and: M s . Honour ` Tb
Meeting' closed th the 'Litany.
Refreshments were '.served ;by the
hostess,,. •
Mrs. Jack • Hill and • infant' dai-
ghter Shirley'Mae returned home
trent, Wingham hospital' ` on•'
Mrs. Redding of Stratford, .Mrs:`
George- Margern and ' Joyce, Mr.
and '1Virs: James Airier 'and LOIS
of Windsor: •rettirned' •' to' their
homes after enjoying 'the ' past`
`Week'' ,with' Mr.;. 'and "mtrh: Fred:'
Miss Norma Burt ,of Tordntty
has • beim'holidaying at her: twine
Mere. .
Mr. and Mrs. Frank ` 1VI'aulden
rettiriSied' to' .Glen . Orchard af''r
visiting with Mr. land Mrs, ' J; •'
. .
, Congratulations' til, LAC:, ,oma'
inax ..Bifshell; TRC.A.F. and Mrs.
Bushell, formerly • Mildred • Rid-,
dell of Bervie Who. were married'
on Saturday last:
The first of the Red .Cross- sod-
leis was held. on Wednesday ev-
ening in the school. Due to ill
ness in'. the section and' threshing.
in operation the crowd was not
as: large as was• hoped for. M'r.,:
John Emmerson was chairman•,
and after ' a short program of
Music, readings and speeches,
Mildred Pinnell and Doris Barr
were chosen captains to call up
's des 1or'•a: geography r tiiatcl-i. This.
pp '•ved most -amusing and •enter-
alning*The president; Mrs. Fred:
^ Igdlgi s, •r;spa c briefly' and', en-
couraged " all , pra4er;t ;and also •
the whole•` community to come
Out and support this worthy • or-
ganizetiorr. It is corning near the
time of: yr. when we have 'to.
'make neeeskary plans • to raise
funds to send; boxes -of. Christmas
eh er_to:.those overseas as Well'
as thdse,in Canada. `11his can only'
be deneby_y_pu.•,,annd you standing
behind us. They are risking . their:
lives, their' all on that front for.'
you.What-are .yoii__do%ng..-on' the_
horde frptit:''�et it .not •be said'
of the :.Itirilatigh co'inniunity -that
they fai d ,their young, folks iti •
service " '.heyE depend• -Ori u's. We,
.d'epend Yo*,. so •do all you an
to aid :tile loea,1,,.Red Cross. The
*it social was''`planned for Tue's-
'deet;, Cctobei• 26th. This is a; lia1-
-loWg4,0^'b masquerade social and'
everyone is urged,, to, attend. and
lend your support in oily 'Way
Mrs. Alex Reeves and Mrs: "W.
Neff 'of .I•iamilton were -week --ends
guests of th'e t'atter's • sister, Mrs:
W. Pitmen, -
Mrs: M. Dudley of Lucknow .4
eStern Ontario
find gi gg'b 'va> %ble •
and SELECt
R.FER` TO° C." Tt: `50
L� .. 1 , r.,., Y .
luir grandson Mr. Artliur iolpin
of London. called on friends here
on Sunday,
Mrs. Jane Percy is .visiting
with Mr. 'and, Mrs. Alf Haldenby.
Glen r.Pinhel, It C,A=F 'hof
`.770 -
:onto see ;t the Week -end' at Ms
home here.'
Rev. W. Eccelestone of ' London
will be • the guest speaker at th• .
Harvest Thanksgiving services
at • the Church of Ascension ,on
Sunday, September 26th. o
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hodgins
returned- to Windsor after visit-
ing with friends here.
1 rs.• W. J. McLean has had
'the exterior of her house painted.
.The work .was •done by Mr: Phrl-
:iip Siewarif and • his son' Allan of
Luc nq'w;,• It, is a-'roal good job'
•,and adds • a,.touch of .color :and
freshness to,, the corner. .. -•
,Services, in;.the United' church
next Sunday will''corinmence at
11'. a.m. ; •,
1Vtr. Olid M'rs. Newton James
of Windsor .,ere' Visiters a this
'weMt "-with Mr. and ));(tris. • N. J..
; Thom.. -an . •.11l r.. and. Mrs. W. A.
Ail thelaths are invited , • to
the .t'ed Cross quilting in the
,11,411. on Friday' afternoon.,
Mr. and 'Mrs. - Vernon Hunter-
unted^and "family were recent visitars-
.vvith Mr.' and W.G. W. G. Hunter„
Visitors with Mr. `& Mrs: Frank
Ritchie over the week -end were
Mrs. Mary McAuley, Ripley and •
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Anderson, Mr.,
Angus McAuley of Toronto.*•
Mr, and Mrs. ,Gordon Stobb of
Teeswater were. visitors on Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Gordo
Kirkland. .
• Tpr. James Hunter arid Tpr..
Gordon 9ichards of ' Camp Bar-
den ;were week -end visitors at
the former's home here.
Miss • Lois Hunter is assisting •
in Mr. Charlie Webster's restaur-.4
ant ,in Lucknow. - •
Mrs. Sam Reed and Miss Lorna..
were guests at a trousseau tea ori`
Friday, p.m. that Mrs. Wm. Irvin,
Con. 9 Ashfield gave in 'lionc> •
of her daughter, Doreen, bride-
elect of .September. . -
THE BOD of Miss Louise Woods,.
56 -year-old Guelph resident w$s,
found floating near Southamp-
ton dock. Authorities believe e.
woman had .suffered a heart a b
tack. and ,fell into the water.