The Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-09-09, Page 5• k
• •
Lyceum 'Theatre
Two Shov0 Saturday Night
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Sept.91 .I' 10 11
'Five Graves to Cain)
Five persons enact a tense
drama .in Egypt,
ALSO "Short Subjects"
Matinee Sat. afternoon at 2.30
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Sep® 13., 14
"Yciu Were
A musical comedy. •
Also "Screen Snapshots"
Mrs. Markle of Hainilton spent
the week -end with: her. father,
Mr. Hector MacKay, and other
relatives. Miss Bertha McKay of
Terontospent the last'twp weeks
at the same home.
:Mrs.•Roy gringle of Detroit is
viisting this week with her,nioth
er,• Mrs: David
,Mr. and Mrs., Rhys Pollock
spent the week,end '•at Guelph
With. his sister, Mrs; CooPer.
1Vir.and Miai Dave MacDonald
s. and Mrs. Strothers,. all of Tees-.
water; visited on Sunday With
• • Mrs. C. •Mtirray, also Miss Ruby
Conn spent the week -end at the
same Mine, ' •
. The Young 'Women's. AuXiliary.
of the Presbyterian church will
be held Friday afternoon it 11/Irs,
Rhys Pollock's.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thornpson
and nephew Mr. Cpttle: of Tor:.
ontO,, also Mrs. Cottle of ,Detrort"
spent:the week -end with Mr. -and
Mrs. Joe Tiffin. The three ladies
are sisters. „ •
Mrs. John Griffin qf Detroit is
' visiting with her brothers, Mr.
John and Pat McMillan. . ' , •
Mr. ,Farricrhas.. gone
to teach .in';schoolanear Dung-
• Miss Letty.Fox of Hamilton is
spending a few holidays with
• her motherhere.
•. (Intended for . last week)
,:,• Mrs. Alex Ogilive cif Toronto
spent a few days ,recently with
her"father, Mr. John Clubb. `Mr.
Calvin Clubb and daughter of
London spent an afternoon at the
- same home.
: A number from here attended
• the funeral of the late Mr. John
'Jamieson last, Wedne-sday, from
the 'hone of. his Soli, .Mr. Torn
Jamieson where he has been, for
the past' eleven,,months'sinee the,
-death tOf. his wife. Sytpathy is
extended to the''relatives.
Mr. Joe. Hockeridgeof Hamil-
tonspent a few days with. Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Tiffin.
Mrs. Ab Coultes and children
Spent last week 'with her parents
at Paiiley, Mr. and Mrs. Kerry.
Rev. Mr. Wilson will: occupy
At her heMe Tciwn-
ship on August.44th; death claim -
'ed an old* pioneer and respected
citizen in the person of Mrs.
nie 'Caesar, widc)* of the late
Henry Caesar, in her 88th year.
For. the past four years Mrs.
Caesar had been confined to bed.
but 'bore her suffering with un..:
COmplaining patience. She has
been nursed and cared for by her
granddaughter,, Lillian, Doyle
with the help' of her' daughter,
Annie, Mrs. Rodger Corrigan and
by her son Henry`With whom she
made her: hoine.; , •
Mrs. Caesar was 'born in
Kapetsulene; Ireland .,and came to
Toronto at the agestof 16. In JuIy,,
1878, she was married, at Strat-
ford to her late husband who
Was rnative of Tippernry; Ire-
land. Sixty-five years ago Mr.
and Mrs. Caesar moved to their
farm - on Con. 4, Kinloss, where
She continued to, reside until her
death, and knexLr full Well the
Joys and.. hardships of pioneer
She was a devout member of
the Roman Cahthlic Church a
kind and loving neighbour, and
-alwaYs willing to lend a helping
•hand. She dearly, loved to have
the old' . an4 .young visit -her and
for the pas few years has looked'
forward annually -to her birthday
party which was attended by
relatives and friends.
• There were three denghters,
Mrs. Ed Lockhart (Lillian) of
Antler, f Salk.; Mrs. Rodger Cor-
rigan •(Annie) of Holyrood; Mrs.
A. Doyle (Mary) of Detroit who
passed away in 1931; one son
Henry op the horne farin and:
five stepbhildren, , James, -John,
Edward, Joseph and Lednice.
Surviving are Joseph, John and.
Henry .and .Leonice, Lillian and.
Annie; ai, Well as eight grand
children .aid'12 great grand:
Burial topk Place iri Holyrood
Cemetery. • •
The death occurred on .Thurs-
day, August 26th in 'Alexandra
Hospital, Goderich, .of Jean
--Rertha--Matliierre, widow of the
late Kenneth °Madvor in ,her
72nd year. She 'had been in fail-
ing -health for sorne:tiine but had
only been in hospital the last
month when her condition:. be-
came Serious. . Throughput her
illness she bore her days of
weakness and:disconifort patient-
ly and 'with Marked Unselfish-
She was a daughter of the
late Mr. arid Mts.. Archibald MacL:
Intyre who Settled' in''Ashfield in
1869 corning' from _St. ' Thomas -
district. After the death of her
husband in 1922 she Went to De-
troit and remained there till her
health tailed: The memory of her
gentle kindliness' and her. unas-
suming way S will linger with us.
She is survived by One daugh-
ter Mary,-..1Virs: R. 0. MacDonald
and fate 'grandchildren, Bertha,
Isabel, Roddie and'.Kenneth' and
one brother, D. A. MacIntyre and
two, sisters, Mrs. Rebell Mac?
Donald and Mrs. Donald Mac=
Kenzie, Alberta. •
The funeral , service was • held
in Ashfield' Presbyterian church
in •Which her father serve as
elder fin' many years. The set--
cobducted by Rev. R.
A. MacConnell and Rev. W. 0.
1%40! Many' 'relatives ano
friends attended: the funeral .ajtd-
many beautiful floral tributes
paid their silent tribute. •
Presbyterian church, after four
Sundays in which the young peo-
ple ' have carried on the services.
,MrS. Tom Moore., is in Wing -
ham Hospital where she had an
operation for ,appendicitis. We are
Miss Jean Thom, Mothercraft
nurse, has returned from a two -
week's trip.' to • New -York and
js leaving this week -for Pictou,
N. S.
Recent visitors with Mrs. R. J.
-WoOds included Mr. and Mrs:
Wm. Dougherty .and Gwen _and
Master Teddy Woods of Guelph,
Mrs. Whitham andftlViary .of Galt
and Mrs. Rathweli of .,Varna:
Mrs. Gordon Miller of London
spent the Week -end with her •pr-
ents, Mr. and .IVlrs. Chester' Ta7-
Mr. and Mrd. „Neely 'Todd rand -
little son DaVid. of * ttratford
were week -end guests of Mr. and
Mrs. D. Todd. -
The following teachers resnin-
ed their dutieS on Tuesday after
spending the vacation at their
homes here:' Mrs.' Jas. Ran -rage
'at Paramount; Mrs. Durniri Phil-
lipa at Fordyce; Miss Marie Me-
Crostie to Whitechurch and Misi
Norma Weatherhead to Stayrier.
There were, four --in the.Bedin-
nem' Class' at St. Helens school
on Tuesday,. Isabelle' McPherson,
Ann Todd, Rhoda Chesbro and
Ivan 1V1eQuillin.
The Septernber meeting of the
Women's Institute was held in
the Cpmmunity. Hill with 'Mrs.
Archie. Aitchison, 'vice president,
in charge. The roll call was re-
sponded to by. "Hints for can-
ning". The motto;"If at. first you
don't Succeed, try, try again" was
taken -by Mrs. Thom. A reading
"Art and Life" was giver. by Mrs.
Mc. Webb and one "He adopt-
ed: us" by Mrs. ,Lorne Woods.
Plans were made to enter an ex-
hibit at the Lucknow Fall Fair.
The subject On Social 'Welfare
was taken 'by. Mrs. E. W. Rice
who dealt With the work of the
Salvation Army, the adoption of
:children and health insurance
Yridayi1:September 17th was the
date set for the Red, Croas
ing. Lunch was served by the
hostesses, Mrs. MephersOrr and.
Mrs. Webb. .
Mrs. Leitch; Mr. and Mrs. Jirn
Bowden and. Jiimily of Detroit
and Mr. and Mrs: Horace
Cuire and Shirley . of London
were recent callers on Mr. and
Mrs. E. J. Thorn. '• •
WeSley Twamley & hes-
of • Woodatpck spent Labor
Day 'with Mr. 'and. Mrs. Milton
Kilpatrick. '•
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Moffat &
family of Watford' and Mrs. An-
nie Johnston visited at Elmer
Johnston's on Sunday.
De. and Mrs. 'Dan: Blake who
are visiting friends in this vic-
inity spent a day 'in London last
Week. They were aceornpanied'
by Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Blake.
• Mr. and Mrs. Harold Webster
and Alan of Wawanoshvisited
on Sunday at the home...of .her
parents. .`:
Mrs. J. ' A. Crispin , returned
from Farm Service Camp at
Cooksville on Wednesday last.
• Mr. • and Mrs. S. B: •Stothers
and farbily. of Arthur, 'Mrs. J.
Crispin and John spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Horton., Other visitors were Mrs.
J. C. Stothers, Jean and Jack of
London. -.-
G. G. Howse and farrilly
have returned- fromvaration..1Vir.
Howse -took charge of the ser-
vices . at each appointment on
Sunday last. .
Anniversary ' services will ne
held at Blake's church on Sept.
19th. ,
Mr: 'and Mrs. Geordie John-
ston •and family. Of Porters Hill
visited on Monday with Mr. and
Mrs _C
PAGE resit
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Now Operating
Full Cost of Living Bonus
Board and Lodging Available at
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Apply Your Nearest,
REFER TO C. R. 50'
Mrs -Wallace Conn returned
home from Wingham,hospital en
Friday where .slie had recently
undergone an appendicitis' opera-
Mr.. 'George Harkness .accont-
panied by his grandson Ross
spent the week -end in Toronto.
" Mr. and Mrs. Gordon .Murray
and daughter Margaret 'of Tor-
onto spent the week.efid at the
slimmer hoine here.
Miss Grace Richardson of Tees -
water returned to the, creamery
on Tuesday after spending a vac-
ation at her home here
Mf: and 'Fred Thompson.
of Toronto, 'Mrs: , Cottle :and son
Fred of Detroit spent the 'week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. George
Tiffin . and Mr. and. Mrs. Wesley
Tiffin. • . •
Mr, :.rid MeS.- Bill 'S�t 'end
Mrs. Wm. Brown spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs..F. Johnson of
8th Con. Kinloss. .
Schdol reopened here with Miss
MacMillan at S.S. No. 9 and Miss
•Salkeid at S.S. No. 8.
• -,sy•
,Miss' Vivian Tiffin of Wingham
spent Wednesday with Mr. and
'Mr. and Mc& Bert,. Bain and. ‘•
Neil of Londdn spent the holi-
dwith Sixth Con. friends. -
• • Miss 'Marion MacDiarmid
spending a few days with Mrs.
W. MacKenzie. • -
1 Mr. and Mrs. Wrri. ,Scrimgeour
PalmerstOn spent the.. week-
end at R. Middleton's.
. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McLeod of .
London spent .the 'week -end at
Mr. John McLeod's. Mrs. McLeod
just returned from a six Months
visit with her mother and was
accompanied back • by her :friend
Mrs. StephensOrf of Indiana who'
will spend a week here.
Mr. 'Martin McInnes and son
of Detroit and Mr. Gordon Mc-
Innes of Toronto spent the
.week -end with their mother, Mrs.
Malcolm McInnes. • •
. •
Neighborly News Resumed •
Andy Clarke's popular "Neigh-
borly News" broadcasts wefe° re-
sumed on Sunday, Septernber 5th •
as his usual time, 10.b5 to 10.26
a.m. EDT: Andy had a holiday`
for the past 'month and.came bark
brimful of new stories, tall tales
and happenings in the rural sec-.