The Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-09-02, Page 2e•
be an event. Harold Butt
• lighthouse supply boat used to Mr and Mrs // on
. • I want regardless of the, other fellow's', that ' h
urday that peach.sales were to be frozen, • ; Keeper of 'the Light, is .genial Jack Camp-
: Citizensflocked to the market and, to district bell• of Amberley. He has been in charge' now husbleave.and who is'on a 60 -day farm
fruit growers; buying up everything in .:sight. for the past : five years. The arrival of the , .
at the Point, but for the past' t O years sup and., family have . retur ed to
pup -
� y
Established 1873 .
Published Each Thursday Morning
41t. ret_inPris WPM
B' dropesirig last weak';,. peper the Pub -
hexer was. ,exaabled , to get AWAY' tee the •ofie .
for .a w *k• : whic`:h, With NIL'S- Tt caailt?,SOta. and
Dcaiialcl; its N spent At the "'foot Of. they beim- .
.Subscription Rate e ---$2.0,0`A `A Year In, Advance dory'} in a�uie' ext . the K. 3. Elliesten cottages..
To United • S.tates $2.50 . Single Copies. 5c Fora real reest it is an ideeil location; There .;
• • Member of • The. C. W. N. A,• ,i- . are •only} five• CtIttftgt alt • thi+ teeth, rile cif
Publisher and Proprietor thetii. cewnt�el by W• B Anderson and the other
.. C. Thompson, Pub•
'four by Mr., Hueston of Gerrie. -lie* reserve, .,
one for .his own .rise •toad citfe s the tither three
for, rent. Mrs and • Mi,;. George. Cool:' and•"Mr.
end Mrs Charles' Webster have oceispiektwo •
Rationing becomes effective today in eon-
neetion with the. sale of jams, jellies, .marma-.
lades, honey, maple 'syrup, cornsyrup, canned
fruits and similar other products. It means an
equal distribution of these commodities which
have been in short supply.. •
Only complaint we've heard is that the
regulation pertaining to honey 'was, not en-•
" 'r,
forced before much of the crop has been grab- keen on' getting back , hom again.
. - board officials did not . But ,,being so 'close . to Point Clark,' there
No D nal
on his first climb to the top of r `�
the towe
of these. cottages .during the summer,
Donald and his:. Dad (who • is hidden -be-
, hind.. a newspaper ~most ,of . the time) really
got together `for a �v eek of 'hiking, ""playing"
in the sand. "splashing", in the water (we both
like. it about waste deep). and. 'some rowing. ,.
Of 'course .sleeping,, 'and ' eating are also big
features of a week. so, spent.
It was a week, of rest,' relaxation and a
complete change which'.we all heartily enjoyed
-but were, when the time was up, equally
anticipate the excessive • buying spree that has
• p#eyailed. •
An Alvinston press despatch recently re-
that residents of that district had "load-
ed up" long before thefreezing order came
in. To- some extent the honey demand has been
due to• short sugar supplies,, but in many cases
it„ appears to be moro' . of a case of "panic"
buying, People who in ordinary times would'
scarcelygive hone y a thought, have been stock-
ing up with the sweet,u and apiarists were Elite
eraily swamped with customers when' the . crop
was being taken off. , • •
• Another case of "frenzy" was reported at
Chatham when a; rumor yeas started. on Sat=
Was' nogetting home without taking , o
'.For. those who have . ever holidlayed at
Point Clark,. it has' many points; of sentimental -
int'erest. The bush drive to reach the Point,
the lighthouse, the bush trails to Pine River
and to Jardine's cottage are among . its simple
attractions. And' then, as it . has stood for 30
Murdie'S cottage still remains' • the '• cen-,
tre of hospitality at the Point,' •It . is-approp-
riately named . "We -Kin -Tuck -Ye -In". ; , The
beach which was ruined' by 'successive years
. of low . water, -is gradually being improved .,this
year, as the water level has reached the -highest
point in many years. . �
THUR,SDAT,..SEPT. 2nd; 1.943
Local and GeneraI
Mrs, L. •Knight of Detroit is Miss Eileen hall returned to
visiting, her 'sister,' Mrs, M.. Cole.,... Toronto on Sunday.
Mrs. Kenneth Ross - and child- Rev. and Mrs.' R, W. Craw and
ren are- Visiting with Mr: Rod; Isabel of Fergus celled on'friends
eVel. Roan, Lochalsh, here this week.
Miss:'.Alice. Barkevell returned Mrs'. James Geddes of Toronto ,,
hoMe' last, week .after holidaying spent the week -end ,w;ith friends
in Toronto and Dundas..' • in town. ' '.. '
Mr.. and; Mrs.. Obert". Fisher 'Mrs.,Don Graham of Stratford. •
and parity of .Hamilton spent. the : is visiting with .her, parents, Mr,.
past week with Mrs: David. Hu. s- . and Mrs. Wellington Henderson_
tan. • , ••Miss 2 Lebniee Caesar of 'Lon-
ld • Poi rs . of New York City:' •dbn spent the past week •with •
d' ! his vacation at An- her. cousins, th,e Misses A. and H.
as. speer an
,gus Graham's, 4th concession,' ,;Webster, Ross' Street. •
Kinloss, .Mrs: R. J. Woods spent' the
A coat of:paint has brightened week end at Varna. wit,. and Mrs.
up the front of the municipally- Rathwell�_returned with•. her for .
owned building, occupied by D. a visit.' ' •
Mrs. Oliver, Johnston. and Miss
Elva ' Johnston of Toronto, have
been. visiting' here for the l: past
few days,
Earl (Joe)' McCoy• who' under-
went a major operation in Lon-
don a few weeks agog returned
to the village• last week. '
••Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Johnston
and. son, Douglas of Sarnia were'
.holiday visitors last week with
Mr: and Mrs. Richard Webster.
Mrs: Roy Black and Wilfred
and Miss Grace Weatherhead
spent last .week at the Anderson ' •
cottage at Amberley ,Beach.
Misses Nancy . and Margaret
Grant' of `London: have returned'}
to London after spending the past '
nine weeks .„with their friends,
Ada and. Hazel . Webster.
Mr. and Mrs: 'James . Wallace •
of.: Port' Elgin and .Mrs.. M. Ren-
aud of Seattle, Wash., visited
this week with 'Mr,• and'. Mrs D. .f
C. McMorran.
Mr.. and Mrs. Andrews M.
Mr.'and Mrs. Norman 1VIcDon-
Thompson of Bowrnanville are old' and. Better and Mrs. George •
visiting this week 'with his par- .Philips of ,St. Helen's. visited on .
ents, Mr and. Mrs°' D: M. T.homp.- _ Sunday
son. � � Hr ner,with- IVIr ' and'Mrs1
Mrs.' Ted Collyer. spent last Mr. and I'Mrs. Everett Ostran-
week in. Toronto ' and. on her der of Windsor and Ldg.1Smn.
`return .' was. accompanied by her • Raymond. Ostrander, Mrs: .Os-
trander and infant •daughter Jud -W
ith, were' recent visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Garfield Ostrander.
Ibis this attitude of "I'm going to get what
forces rationing :regulations.. We ,live . in a vit-
amin conscious country and although there' are
some things we cannot obtain in unstinted
quantities,' no on will go hungry .or:under-
TlTese facts do not seem to be appreciated
or else it is pure" greed that starts these' waves
of panic :buying; that causes ' people to 'pat-
ronize black markets, and whose. actions
threaten our whole price ceiling. structure:
• *. .• *-, * *
n,. alarming of about '71/2 seconds: The dight revolves 'on a
plies have been trucked from Goderich:
The lighthouse,, which towers about 100
feet in the air, .. was built over 80 years ago
and..: is the highest ,light on ' fresh water, Mr.
Campbell told us. It is:cbuilt''of "quarried lime-
stone. and strangely enough is' on a foundation
of wood. Unable to each rock,,. the foundation
was laid by.' driving ,a solid mass of spiles as'
far as they could be driven, and then sawing
them off. . • -1 •
Each lighthouse on the. Lakes- has a- special '
flash to inform. • sailors : of their position.. e
Point Clark light has three flashes and a' lapse
Wild carrot is spreading at a
rate in •Ontarioe-and-aseno_we constde.red_one , o mercury. bearing, and has to be wound up
the most objectionable . weeds in the province, every six hour's to keels it revolving; Mr:. Camp—, -•-•
says the Crops, Seeds and Weeds Branch ' of bell lights the light at sundown :and at present
the Ontario Department 'of Agriculture. This hasto arise again. at 2 .a.m. to -climb the' 114
weed however, can be controlled and farmers •steps to again ' "wind' • the light". A full half
hour has elapsed bef the nocturnal chore
is done: The light burn as long as a boat
is on the lake in the fa 1. •
* *, *! *
It must be rather einbarrasing to some ele-
ments hof the 'C.. e. F. Party to have Tim Buck
now publicly. hobnobbing.
*' ' * • * * * :
Premier., George brew apparently recog-
nizes the. fact that yc u can't centralize' all
• authority. He used good judgement in leaving
are urged to take drastic steps to help in its
elimination. •
Wild carrot is a biennial and requires two
years to preclude seed.. The plant .flowers from
July • to September, and when near maturity -
the flower clusters curl up and break off 'dur-
ing the fall and winter, scattering millions
of seeds i on the ground. The -importance of
destroying all plants immediately. after they
come into flower cannot be' emphasized too
strongly; asthe seeds May be carried for miles •
to infest fields,'
the matter of school, opening. to individual
Tdifficulty in weed does not give anyschool boards. • There are some centres where
' fields where thorough 'cultivation and •
a short a delayed opening is adviseable and others
rotation of crops, such as clovers, buckwheat,
hoed crops, and early summer cultivation, fol-
lowed by fall 'wheat or rye ,is practised. How-
ever, in meadows which are down two years
er more, in clover and timothy fields kept for
• where it would serve no purpose.
•While Kincardine merchants are agreeing\
on a five-day week, Lucknow merchants are
• quibbling over. whether or not stores will re-
seed and in pasture fields, this is rapidly be- main open on Wednesday nights duringSept-
coming one of the worst weeds. Pulling, spud-
ember.The, petition circulated in the spring,
ding or cutting for two ears in 'succession which- ..resulted rri.._renlainng .open, Wednesday
will not give new plants an opportunity
inatux a seed arid will lessen the amount of wild nights during the summer,,did not include' the
carrot. When a single plant or a small patch , month of September. ' The.. minute book does,
it seems, and so another confusing and .con -
is observed all other workshould be dropped troversial situation has arisen. •
until .every plant is. 'eradicated. Clover and
timothy ',fields being kept for seed should be .
gone over carefully and all wild ,d4rrot plants The Teeswater News 'complains about gum •
pulled out: 'Pasture "fields or hay fields where wrappers, cigarette boxes and even newspapers,
• a single cut of hay has been taken off should littering the street. What we'd like to knotv
be trirrimed again before ..the plants, become r is how Teeswater gets .enough m to be a
too far advanced. If plants have reached' the 'factor in littering the streets. At that we prefer
stage where flower clusters have curled up, . to watch the wrappers fluttering about, rathee
the whole area should be raked up and burned. than step in a wad of the messy stuff. ."But
Chemical weed killers are the only pact- seriously, the , thoughtless discarding • of all
real solution for control of this week on road- manner of waste, often makes ;Lucknow's main
sides and fence lines where cuytivation is .hp-
• possible. For information as to spraying, ' farm-
ers are urged to Write to the Crops, Seeds and
:•,Weeds Beeneh . Parliament Buildings, Toronto,.
or r 1ate5't' s ., e
^ chemicals*.
drag a sight for soreeyes. too. Strategically
located waste paper recept4 cies 'would help to
keep the streets clean --•i the public would
co-operate. Its a bit ,.la't in th'e. season to
Dundas after' spending .the past
Week, -with friends . on the • 2nd"
and in . Lucknow: • .
Mr. and Mrs: John Kilpatrick
and children . and Mrs.' Kilpat-.
rick's parents. Mr. and. Mrs. Rob-
inson, spent the end of the week
at Ower Sound: and 'Meaford.
Master Clarence Button. of
Dundas; who .spent a few weeks
at the- home 'of his 'grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. G. "Barkwelbj re
turned home Saturday:
_Mrs. Mac Graham who has
sent some time in Halifax with
her— husba-nde __has returned to
Lucknow. Mac is in the Air Force°
and has been posted'. to Labra-
Mrs. B, H., Thpmpson arid Miss
Helen Thompson- are spending
this week in ' Toronto, where the
latterttended the Women Tea-
chers' Federation convention the
first of the w'e'e, L
• Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Thompson
and daughter Barbara, who: have
spent the. summer in the Mus-
koka district, were 'Week -end vis-
itorswith his parents, Mr. and
Mrs, D. M. Thompson,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy McCreight .• .
and daughters. Helen and -Jean
of Harriston spent an .evening
last week with Mr:. and Mrs. Wm. '
Robb. Helen remained for a
week's visit. -
`Week -end visitors . with..Mrs.
Lewis. Taylorwere Mr. and Mrs.
Alex Harvey and Glen o.West-
on, ' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Watts and
Mary of Kincardine, Mr. and Mrs, •
liarvey 'Palmatere ' of 'Toronto. ' .
•Mr. 'Colin • Brown, daughter
Ruth and grandaughter Carotin •
'Ann; of Tillsonburg and Mr:'Sanr-
Durnin .and .Betty •of Lucknow.
"and Mrs. John .Campbell,. Belfast
visited on Saturday with Mr, and
Mrs. .Jake Hunter.: '
LAW. Margaret Hamilton of:
the' Women's Division of the
C. A:. -,F. at Patricia Bay,.. B.' C.
was a recent `• visitor' here. Her .
'mother: Mrs. 13. R. McNab; .who •
had been a patient in Wingham
Hospital, returned home a week
ago -Sunday. -considerablyt'im-
proved .'in health,'•
Mr. and Mrs,, Wm. Habkirk,
son George and daughter Betty
Joan and Mrs. Donald Habkirk
arid daughter Beeeerley Ann of
Munro spent Sunday with their
mother, Mrs. Wm. Habkirk.
Mrs. Robert . MacCailu,m is vis-
iting :;w.ith friends here, . Miss
Joan MacCallum who spent two
weeks with her mother at Bruce
Beach upon returning from the,
Coast of Maine, is at present vis-
iting in Mount Forest with :Mrs.
J. A. Robertson, 'formerly Dean
Geddes. Mei..MacCallum makes'
her' home in Stratford with her
daughter Margaret; Mrs. Oacar.
Caseniore and Mr. Casemore. •
Nursing'.Sisters"Margaret Mit-
chell and Rita Dalton arrived at
their homes in Colborne • town-
ship and Kingsbridge, respective-
ly,' on -.Saturday'' after a 5 weeks'
jot4trney from • South Africa,
where they spent oseite.a year
in the nursing service of the Bri-
j tish Governrnent, caring ' for
wounded and sick members of
the armed forces brought from
the Middle East. The yo'urig wo-
men said they had -enjoyed and
profited greatly by their • unique
experience but were happy to be
back in •Canada, among their
own people - and 'friends.
Miss Mitchell, a popular,grad-
uate of Alexandra Hospital, said
'vas mid -winter •in South
ie when. she_ eft and. as cold
as' "Greenland's --icy macmta±ns'',
up in the mountains near Johan-
nesburg, where she nursed in a
tuberculosis ,sanitarium. The pat-'
.lents were- English, Greeks and
Poles. Miss Dalton, who isa
graduate of St. Joseph's Hospital,
London, nursed in a hospital
near Pretoria: . . • •
Notwithstanding the ,submer--
bbe menace .both ' young women
said the month's 'ocean voyage .
was the high spot of their four-
teen months' term, 'of service, ani
experience they would not have ,
missed .for. anything. ' When they
enlisted it was for one year,. Miss
Mitchell said she had re-enlisted
in the Canadian Army Medical •
Corps, but did . not know when
she would be cabledup.—eGod.
erich Signal -Star. • .
Things that arebett'er4ei'ot. un.-
n :sarci :are ,sure:. -to- be heard'.'.