HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-08-19, Page 4• • ..PAGE FOUR -• • ,'••••• ".• • — TI ILUCK.liOW STEL, LIYCKNOW, ` ONTARIO 1-44' 'THURSDAY 1,15GUST 19th1943 - ' - -;;;;,f • • • ' There iS a keady Market, now for..y? 'I; 5 \ heat and tra,, • , See our nearest straw presser write .Hinde & Dauch Paper Company • • 01 .(anada,. Linnited .• •'• , Trenton, Ontario . . .• • .SUMMARY OF WORK DONE _BY CANADIAN LEGION ' Owing to the Canadian Legion • -not. publicizing the. work, it has ' done kir the boys • in uniform, Jew people' are .aware of the tre- mendous amount •of comfort ••it las afforded the' boys at home .anc,Loyerseas. The, following is a, • :summary of its work up to- De- . • cember, 1942. • • • k • Educational,total registrations, 136,953; Personal service cases, 322,791; , recreation huts built, leased . and operated,. 88; hostels 'owner) and operated, 7; .Legion houses used by troops, 326; canteens operated, 33; libraries '• operated, 1187; books in eircula; • tion, 99-,704-, magazines distribut- ed, 1,739,531; note *papert distri- %kited', 36,162,048; envelopes dis- tributed, 15,759;339; cencerts, • dances andsmokers .held, 17;681; :moving picture soimd, projectors .operated, 123; religious services ""- Legion--huts,•_7454...cigarettes_ distributed; • 39,503;100; , parcel • comforts, etc., 31,212; mobile can- teens, 20; library vans,. 2;; staff, 575; 'town recreation centres, 12. In war and peace the Legion carries on truly living up to their motto, "They served till death! Why not we?" Keep The' "7th Column" 2 Out of Your House. • Carelessness, now known`as the "7th Column" becauSe it -gives aid and comfort to our Axis enemies, was the cause of 30,000 ,fatal ac- cidenta :and more than Pa 'million serious injuries last year in Am- erican homes, :Afull page of pic- tures in The American Weekly with this Sunday's (Aug. 22) is- sue of The Detroit Suriday Times. Get the Detroit -Sunday Times every week. FINED FOR MISSING MILITARY PARADES • • FOr failingto 'attend parade Magistrate Walker, in pence court here on. Monday morning, fined fiVe Members of the 99th (Res.) • Battery. •Four of the lads'. were from Wingham "and one from Lucknow. The fine Was $3.00 and costs for each, man and each re- ceived suspended sentence on ten pt,herLeharges. of. npt attending parades. They -.also received very severe lecture as to their responsibilities as members of the reserve fprce and as citizens. —Advance -Times. • ' BUSY ON MRMATI T EIGHTY -Et HT' Mr. Thomas Culbert 'of Dun- gannon, who ,recently celebrated his 88th birthday, is still hale and ...0•••=4 .•.----• -.-"•,-. ;>•••••••• ear deapite" Has adOlidett"'We' Born in Pickering Township, •the son of Thomas Culbert and • Jane Martin Culbert. who caine from Ireland and settled, first in Pibitering Township, . he came, when- three years old„ with his Wents, to the township of. Ash- field. When 17 ^years old he ac•;• *fired' the wander;lust" • and went to New Zealand, ;where 'he remained for five Yeart. He then •Werit AO Sydney, Australia; Where he• spent a Year., Returning to. Canada, he went, to North Bay and remained for six -Years be- fore going to Chatham where he Stayed five years. He was marr- ied 64 years ago to Margaret Ann McManus who predeceased him, -leaving a family of four sons and One daughter: Fred of Listowel; Thomas. Henry of Crewe; Arthur, nevi .Louis and Mrs. paterson (Jane), of Gtiderich. He later married Elizabeth Wraith Who is ;the inother. of _one son, Nelson, and four danghtera, Mrs: Samuel Swan" (Clara) of mere; Mrs.' William Nivins (Me- linda), Con. 3, .WeSt Wawanosh; Mrs.,iJohn Errington :(Eyelyn"), Con. 4,. West. W,awanosh, and Mabel.,, -at -home, _ •-• Mr. Culbert assists his sori,q\iel- son, .pn the farm with all : kinds of work, feeding the stock in. winter and plowing, haying, etc, in summer.. This year he worked the tractor -drawn binder. for the cutting of 70 acres of Wheat. He is an ardent Orangemanand has scarcely ever intased' an Orange Try a Want Advt.—They bring results. • , . . • EEINEDIffERERMIlillikf • V • • '1 • • • . . • No Shortage of Water GIVE YOUR LIVESTOCK PLENTY OF IT Eggs are 66 percent. water—Milk 87 percent ,a.nd Pork 65% FOR MORE PROFIT AND MORE FOOD FOR VICTORY 1. Provide plenty of -drinking space. 2. Keep troughs and fountains filled at all times. Use Purina Cliek- -R-Ton As a flock treatment for large roundworms in chickens & turkeys and as an appetizer and intestinal astringent. • FOR HOGS • Add 1 gag Hog Chow to each 5 bags Chop Produce 4 Hogs per ton, of Chop instead of just 2 Ask for plan of self feeder. For reliable farmers, we will supply you with Hog 'Chow at today's Cash Price, 'pay when the Hogs go to' market --,-no carrying charge. • 'Lorne MacLennan, 'Phone 77-w REGULATIONS. RE TRUCKING ,OF STOCK.TO FAIRS The Wartime Prices and Trade• Board has issued- the following ruling on the transportation of livestock for show purposes to • 1. When exhibition livestock is hauled by truck owned and oper- ated .by a bona;fide farmer, who for the purpose of the Order' is, -defined as a r perspn, principally FOR SALE -L. Model A /Ford "in good cenditiOn. Apply to Elmer Johnston, . FOR SALE—Electric 'washer in good repair...Apply to Mts. Allen Turner, Ln : .eknOw , • ROOMERS WANTED School, girls, lirst year prefermi Apply at Sentinel Office. 20 CHESTERFIELD SUITES, 12. Pianos, 12 bedropni suites, for Sale at Schnett. & Sons, Mildmay. Free delivery. WAgTED TO PIJRCHASE—Pnl, lets, all' ages and breeds, good' prices. paid.. Write Tweddle' Chick Hatcheries, Lindted, Fergus, Ont. RADIO SERVIOR—in the former, 'W. J. Little Shoe Store,,Lucknow. Batteries charged, tubes tested. Radios for sale., A. C. RAMA:GE FARM FOIL SALE-E.H. Lot 2, den. 12, Ashfield Twp 100 "acreS, good house and barn, well ,watet- ed..'Lothiazi school on premises. Five miles from town. • Apply to. Robert Nelson; Administrater.' - • NOTICE -RE: -SLAB- We are now in. a. position to 'book • further orders for Slabs. We reserve the right to limit any customer to any quantity or kind we may be able to deliver. The Lucknow Sawmill Co. • FOR SALE -4 kitchen tables in good condition; five feet. W. Hor- FOE SALE — 1931 Ford coupe, gittod sha.)o! arid geed tires, rumble seat Apply._to "Elmo Pritchard, R. LkICknOW.. . AUCTION SALE of valuable real eatate: and household goods and furniture, the estate of the late Oliver Johnston, to be sold by public auction at the residence, • Havelock St.. Lucknow, on Sat- urday, August, .28th,. at 2 p.m. Sharp. Property offered subject to a reserve bid. See 'bills for particulars. Well. Henderson,. al:lei T. H. Peine, lqcW Hamburg, Ont, scilibitor for exeeutor. NOTICE •TO CREDITORS All persons having claims • a- gainst the Estate of Oliver John+ ston,, late of the Village of Luck-' engaged -in tanning% n°---Pehnit-is the County of 7 -Bruce, required. In. such instances truck may also haul ,exhibition - live- stock • belonging to a neighbor farmer. ' • • 2. No permit is required when exhibition livestock'iS handled by a P.C.V. operator authorizing him to carryolivestock providing that truck ,it operated over route as 'authOrized in the truck operator's P.C.V. "3„ In. other instances where ex-, hibition livestock is to be hauled beyond 35 miles from the trnek's registered address, a permit must be obtained from , this Adminis- tration, • 4. Confirmation is also hereby given to the arrangement agreed _upon, wheretInder applications should be endorsed by , Agricul- tural Representative in the' area in which the truck operator re- sides, rather than having applica- tion signed by Fair Secretary. gentleman, ,who died on or about the' 28th day, of May, A.D.I 1939, are required. to send to the un- dersigned full •particulars of the iame on or before the 25th day of August, A.D. 1943, after which date the assets of the deceased Will 'be I • distributed, having re- gard only to the' claims of whicn the executor will then have not- ice. .• • Dated this 31st day of July, ,A. D. 1943. • ° Gordon M. Johnston, 787 Coxwell Ave., • Toronto, Ontari). Executor. 5. •ApplicationS to be forwarded to the W'artirne Prices and Trade Bard office at the earliest op- portunity so that they may be considered and necessary permits. issued in good time prior to date• of fairs to which the exhibition is to be hauled., • If any. additional information • is desired, consult your Agricul-. 1 tnral Representative or write J. A. Carroll, . 'superintendent of Fairs, Toronto. , • , A lot -of •chickens are growing • happily today that do not real- ize .what sharp things are in store • for them this fall and winter. GARDEN PRODUCE FOR SALE ;-.John Barger announces that - potatoes And Or den produce are now ready, but: he :is unable to deliver it. Bring your basket and 7 call at Mrs. Mary Jane. Parrow's, Lucknow: CARD .OF THANKS Mrs. Wm. R. Martili- and fam- 11:y wish .to acknowledge with heartfelt appreciation the many, kind acts and expressions of sm.!. pathy extended them in their bei- • rea;.Ternent. • - IN .,MEMORIAM WOODS-L.7In loving Memory Of . my dear mother, .Mr4 Alexander Woods, who passed away August 22nd, ,1942. ". • Sometimes a • note of an 61d - fashioned Song, • -Sometimei _a_flewer,As' we pass •' along, Or a silVer lining in' the •'clouds Withthe sunshine peeping • through, • • Brings us treasured memories of who§e.smile:we'll remember for- ever. • , • ' • . Ever lovingly.remembered by Ellen and Bruce and family: ° F. T. ARMSTRONG ,OPTOMETRIST IN LUCKNOW • FIRST WEDNESDAY OF EACH MONTH AFTER JUNE lst 10 a.m. to d'o'clock AT-WM. SCHMID'S STORE_ ?. Stuart MacKenzie BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Walkerton, Ontario. ' IN LUCI(NOW Each Wednesday Afternoon & Evening At a II. SVIITH'S OFFICE • DUNGANNOI. Word has been received by rel- atives•that Mr. jack Nivins pass, ed away Tuesday' evening at his home in Sault Ste. Marie. The funeral will .be held on Friday at 2 p.m. at his late home: The deceased was in his 63rd year arid was a native ,of West°Wawa- nosh. 6' Misses Margaret 'Dickson- and her friend Shirley Mcltardy of, Goderich were week -end visitors in London.. • Miss DreaneY, was a happy hos • tess recently to many friends and relatives. She. had - as her guestq over the week -end, MiSs Marie Lynge of Landon; Miss L. E. bur- nin, vice principal of Ft. Frances high sehOol; Capt. T. E, Garri- son of the .R.A.F., P.C.; and on • Sunday she had the following. ad- ditional guests, Mr. and' Mrs. Charles Whitley and Graham of Goderich Township and Miss Hel- en Whitley, A.D.C:A., of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Durnin of Ashfield; Capt. and Mrs. Hall of Gbderich; B. Woods and Mrs; Hanneman of Detroit; Mrs. Myers of. Kitchener; Miss R. A. Woods, R.N. and Mr. R.11, Me- Quillin of ,Lucknow; Mrs. T. Mc- Pherson of Teeswater. Mr. and Mrs ° Robt. nurnin called to spend awhile with the 'other relatives in the after,noon. They were Pleased to hear an airgraph let-. ter read from Benson WhitleY, _fir son of M. and Mrs. Chas. Whit- ley, whh .had arrived lately In. nglandl He mentioned particu- larly how the boys overseas wel. come letters and parcels. • • A:. ',•••::•