HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-08-19, Page 3TIIURSDAY, AUGUST 19th, 1943
--r and Mrs. Elmer Armstrong
and family returned to their home
at 'St.' Catherines, -
Mr. and Mrs.' Perry Hodgins
was recent visitors with, friends
at Jamestown. ••
Visitors with Mr: and'Mrs: Fred
• Hodgins during the ' week were.
• 'Mr. and ' Mrs. George Margern,•
' Mr.. and „Mrs:- George..White and• ,
Mrs. Deckerson of Windsor.
Mr. and Mrs. • Herman ..Care-.
foot were. reeent visitors with
friends here; • , 8' ;
' Miss. Joan Elliott of,',London is
holidaying, with herr sister, Mrs.
Karl Boyle,
A number from. '"here "atttended
•i 'the, W.A.' meeting at the rectory,
t Bervie. The guest 'speakers were
Mis:. ,Edgar Rowe, deanery sec-
` retary Of Kincardine,. Mrs. Hon-
our of Bervie, Rev. W. D. Davis
of ' Owasso, 'Michigan and Arch
deacon W. H.. Hartley .of Kin-
cardine: -
°Congratulations to. 1VIr. and Mrs.
Allan Wall on the arrival of 'a
baby girl.... •
Betty • Gillespie and Jimmie
Hodgins are visiting in St. Cath-
arines.: 4
Mrs: Pierson visited during the
week with Mrs.. McLean.
Mrs. Frank',. .Cole , of .Lucknow
spent a. day last •week. with Mrs.
VVm. Pinnell:. '
1VIrs. Wm: Holland and Jack
visited with leer Cparen-ts,-Mr- -and
Mrs.. Robt. McLeani • •
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert 'Hodgkin-
son 'and Kenneth spent Sunday
with South Kinloss friends:
'Mrs. Harold Thompson of Kin=
cardine spent a few days with
friends here.
Mr, and Mrs. •A. Haldenby. and
Mrs. Art Graham spent Saturday
"at Kincardine.
Mr. Bert McLean spentthe
week=end at his home here.
Mrs. A. Hodgins, Mrs.' Rudy
Sieloff and Elroy. of Detroit are.
visiting with,. relatives here.
• Mr. and Mrs. Geo: Haldenby,
Ethel and Marjory and Mr. and
-•". Mrs.- Bell spent' Sunday evening
with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mc-
Visitors with'Mr. and' Mrs. Al-
lan Wall on Sunday were Mrs.'
Wellington McKenzie, and family.
pf Teeswater, Mr. Grant'Whel-
arrd-; VIr and -Mrs:- Jafnes- Stan-
ley and family, Mr, and Mrs.
Meredith ,McGregor and family'
of Kincardine. ' , •
,.-Glen Pinnell, R.C.A.F., Toron-
to is with a mobile unit at Port
Albert this week and :also holi-
daying at home here.
Mr..James Montgomery of Tor-
oronto-spent Sunday with his sis-
ter, Mrs: John- Bushell and Mr.
Miss Mabel Bushell is enjoying.
a week's holidays with her par-'
•ents. Mr. and Mrs. •John Bushell.
Mernbcrs of the ;Beef Ring
please note that meat coupons
.1 Nos: 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 should
be handed in ore Thursday, Aug-
ust 27t-la�„, • • •
Miss Florence' Stuart of Evan-
ston, I11.. is a guest of Misses M
C. and W. D. Rutherford.
Miss Jean Thorn who has spent
the oast, few months in the Mari-
time provinces spent the week-
end at.her,horne here b ore leav-
ing for Ncw York..
Bdr.. and, Mrs. Gordon Miller
have returned from their wed-
ding . trip, and are, visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Taylor and
Me, and Mrs. VA• I. Miller.
All the ladies are invited' to the
Red Cress quilting in the •hall on
Friday afternoon. •
Miss Rowna Urry of Toronto
i spending hler vacation with Mr.
' and Mrs. Will Rutherford.
• ' Gnr. H: L. Rutherford of the
R.C.A., Orillia, is horne on farm
leave for two Months.
Mrs. Ada Hodgins of Detroit
is visiting,. her son Morris arid
Mrs. Hodgins. .
Mrs." NellieBeckerso of Wind-
sor visited last •►week at the home.
cif Mrs. James Valad. •
Mrs. Thos. Roach of Lucknow
spent a couple ofdays at her
home 'on Concession 6.
Misses Betty and Norma •Cas-
idy of ..Cargill" are. visiting their -
cousin, Miss . Helen Valad. ' • - •
The W.M.S.' met on Thursday
afternoon with an attendance of
fifteen -During the afternoon two
quilts ' were completed' for the
Red .Cross. The president, Mrs'.
Albert 'Ca'mpbell, offered her
home for 'the September .meet-
ing. .
Sgt. and Mrs. Herman Chamney
and fap ily of Windsor spent -1 -he
week-end.at•the home 'Of his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Chamney.
Tpr. Wilbur Barkley of Sask-
atchewan, now • in training at
Camp 'Borden,' was a recent vis-
itor with' his •aunt, Mrs. Albert
Campbell, °
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Craig
were London visitors a couple of.
days last week.
1VIr.. and. Mrs. John 'Jefferson
and family of Munroe spent•a day
last week at the 'Jefferson home
here. • Miss Gladys ,Jefferson; R.N.•
ofi Toodstock is home for a . va-
cation and Nursing Sister Olive
Jefferson of .. Toronto spent the
week -end at home. ,
Albert and Marie Fitzpatrick
of Clinton are spending the holi-
days' with their aunt, Mrs. ..John
Hallahan.. .
Rev:. Ward of St. Helens will
have charge of the church service
on Sunday at 7.30 p,rn. •
Mr. and . Mrs. Chester ' Hinton,
Misses Ina, and Irene Hinton. of,
Oakville, were visitors over the.
week-erid with Zion friends.
• Mr. and ' Mrs. George Hunter;
' /Ir. and Mrs. Will Hunter and
,Marlene • visited with Mr. ' and.
Mrs. Wilfred Drennan of Crewe
on Sunday. .
pr.'. Jimmy Hunter. of Camp
Mr. and Mrs. Neil McCallum of
Lucknow visited. on Sweday with
Mr. and Mrs. RabertViowbray.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart of Win-
nipeg are visiting with her sis-
ter, Mrs. Ezra Wellw�ood and Mr
Mr. and Mrs. Shaw of Toronto
visited last week with her mother,
Mrs, Jarr>:es ' McGregor.
1Vjvigs Ruby "Conn is visiting, .a
few days this week with Mrs.
Rhys Pollock at a cottage at Point;
Clark. .
Mrs.. C. Murray: and Mrs. Robt.
Mowbray ,and. Miss Roberta Mow-
bray are having, some holidays
.this week of Miss' Henderson's
' est -A -While"' cottage near Kin-
.Mrs. Cross and family of -Walk-
erton visited last week with her
parents Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Mc-
1VIr.: and 1Vfrs' Elmer .Alton of
Ashfield visited on Sunday with
Mr., and Mrs. Joe. Tiffin..
Mr. and Mrs. Hank Kruger' of
Detroit are visiting this week
with her mother Mrs. David' Gil-
lies. • 1 ,
' Mrs. Eynon and three ' children
•of London have moved ' into. Mr..
Herb Pettipieces house last week:
Mr. ` Price' Scott, visited this
week With. his daughter, Miss
Velma. Scott of Preston and who
is in the 'naval service. She is
being transferred this week. -"-
Mias Eileen Yeoman is visiting
an Toronto this week., .•
Mr. Frank Coulter is working
with ,Mr. ' McDonald's threshing
machine, of St. Helens..
The Young .t'eople of the Pres-
byterian church took ; the service
on Sunday, morning as Rev. A: H:
Wilson is On his. holidays. 'Mrs.
Dawson! Craig took the chair,
hy`rnns' were sung,' Miss Annie
Laidlaw read the .scripture les,-
es.son,. the meditation was taken. by,
Mr, James Laidlaw "Making Life
Complete" • and :Mrs.k Johnson
Conn, gave the topic'``Loyalty and
Courage", prayer was offered by
Mrs. .Dawson Craig. They took
the evening service at Calvin
church also. .
Mrs. Scholtz of Auburn is vis-
iting this week with Mrs. Ezra
Scholtz, • ° •
Bor-derEspent the° x've kericl :at his, _.
,home ,here.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Young,
Mr, .Allan • Young of Carlow vis-
ited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred ' An`-
derson on _Sunday .afternoon.
Miss. Ada Webster, Miss Agnes
Lindsay of Lucknow, Misses Ma-
garet and • Nancy ..Grant of Lon-.
don are, ;spending a few days with
Mr. and' Mrs. Richard Gardner.
Misses Elsie and Violet Ritchie
are visiting with their sister, Mrs.
Elmer Wall and '.Mr. Wall this
Mrs. Will Helm spent• a few
days in Toronto, last weep.
Jiese clays, when ' tea must yield
the utmost in flavour, quality
is of supreme importance. Ask for.,
Mr. -W. B. Stothers .of London
spent a few days at the old hol'ne
after holidaying at Wasago• Beach.
He returned to London on Sun-
day. •
Mrs. Jbs. Shaeltzer' of Amulet,
Sask., visited at Milton Kilpat-
rick's on Friday last.,. '
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. J. Anderson
spent Sunday in Clinton with
their daughter, Mrs. C. Pearse.
and Mr. Pearse.
Miss Phyllis Blake is -spending
this week in London.
Harvey ' Kilpatrick of ' Sarnia
spent the week -end' with his liar -
elate and sister."
Mrs. Will Conn, Mr. and 'Mrs.
Wallace. Conn :and `Kathleen
Simpson'. 'of Langside visited •at.
George ;Saunders on Sunday.
Guests over the week -end 'with
Mr. ,arid Mrs. George Twamley
were her.. brother Mr: Darrell Mc=
Cann, Mr. &'Mrs: Chester Brown
and Master Dean McCann ' of De-
Mr. and.. Mrs. Herman. Philips
andfamily visited with his moth-
er, Mrs. Thos. 'Phillips of St. Hel-
ens bn Sunday. '
Miss Ruth Schrriidt of Tavistock
.visited over .the week -end with.
her friend,Mary Horton.
' Mrs. Sarah Helm is visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. J. An-
derson thiss week. • '
Mrs. Eddie Johnston and fam-
ily of Blyth 'spent Sunday with
Mr. and , Mrs. C. Hallam, Tom
and Freddy returned home, after_
a holiday with 'friends.. ;
Mrs:Herb Herb Curran returned on
Sunday night after a pleasant
visit in London.
INJURIES that include a broken
back, . which' he suffered while
tryin"g to board a moving train,
sent Allan Wilson of Kincardine
to Kingston Hospital:in a critical:
condition. He is a brother of Mrs,
Grant Bannister, ' formerly of
Lucknow and St. Helens. `
Heres the :New Easy Wiytp, ,
Healthful �am,�l Peals'' :
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So learn the easy way to "good -to -eat" meals °
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Menus for 21 breakfasts
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*The nutritional statements in "Hat -to -Work -to -
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Please send me my FREE copy of"Eat-to-Work•to-Win".
a r•®Wei1rralot lrYYetlest Week meumf!
Mrs. Kenny Campbell and
een •and • Lillian of.' Detroit' are
..spending the week with Mr. ohn
Menary and .. other' ' friends' ` ere
and at' Mafeking.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Hunter and
1Vjarlene and: Mr. and Mrs. George
Hunter ' of Zion spent,, Sunday'
with Mr. and. Mrs. Wilfred Dren-
• Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. S. J.
Kilpatrick during the week were
Mr. and Mrs. Fred -Finlay, ' and.
sons Bruce and; warren' of Exeter,
Mr. 'Harvey Tr-ele:aven ;and dau-
ghter , Jean of Lucknow, ' Miss
Richardson of;Seaforth, Mrs. 'S
Treleaven and .Miss Kainne ' of
Dungannon, Rev. , Isaiah and Mrs.
Kilpatrick of Strathroy and Miss
Margaret Kilpatrick of Toronto;
Mrs. Sarah. Helm of St. Helens:
Mrs. Helm is remaining for a few
days longer, •
Mr. and Mrs. .T.' • M. • Durnin
spent Sunday with.. their aunt,
Miss Letitia breaney at ' Dungan-
non. Other guests with Miss.
Dreaney were Mis§ .'Letitia Dur-
nin of Fort' Frances, 'Mr. Tom''
Garrison and friend of the**. ,C.
A., F.- at. London. •
• • Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hackett;'
Mr.: and Mrs. Vernon Hunter,:
Joanne and Murray of Lucicnow,
Spent -Sunday with IVfr. and Mrs.
Bert Treleaven,
Mr. and Mrs: Jim Sherwood,
Shirley and; n Norma- visited on
Sunday with Mrs." Sherwood. and
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew . Gaunt,
St. Helens: •
(Intended for last week)
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Fines and
Suzanne .of Toronto, spentthe
week=end here and 'have- taken
a cottage at ,Kintail. .
'Messrs. Roy Culbert and Nor-
man Rivett spent Saturday in
London and Grand Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Treleaven,,
Ronald • , and • Gwendolyn'spent
Sunday evening -T with Mr. and
Mrs. Alex Hackett, Belfast.
Mrs. Lawrence Tremain • re-
. turned to Toronto on Wednesday
after ' spending a few days with
her parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Bert
M. and Mrs. Clifford Crozier
and Joanne spent. Sunday • with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Maize. •
Miss Lorainrie Drennan visited •
in Toronto with her cousin, Mr.
and Mrs. Lawrence- Tremain.
The annual Sundayschool pic-
nic was held on Tuesday .after-
noon on the river flat. An after-
noon of races and softball was
enjoyed concluding with a del- •
icious picnic lunch. _.
On Thursday afternoon '•the W. -
M. S. held their girls' meeting
at the home of Mrs. Edna Mc-
Whinney with a good attendance.
After devotional exercises taken
by .the president, Shirley Sher-,
wood gave a reading, followed by
a • solo by Gwendolyn Treleaven
and a reading ,by Sylvia Curran.
Shirley & Norma Sherwood then
sang a• duvet. Ruth . Curran and
Gwendolyn Treleaven gave read- •
in'gs. A temperance reading was
given by Mrs. Benson Shackle-
ton. Mrs; Treleaven gave a read-
ing and Mrs. Kilpatrick led in. •