HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-08-05, Page 8v..aPJ�..., AGE m1IGwT. , . • • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL; &VCKNOW, ONTARIO. �liN:e*sfor Knitt.er WE HAVE BEEN FORTUNATE IN RECEIVING A SUPPLY OF WHITE YARN, PINK AND BLUE. „ BEE° HIVE YARN -100%a ' pure wool.'White only .,one ounce • ball.. , \25c BEE, HIVE glIkZGERING ARI44-,--3-ply, 100 per '•cent .,wool. Bee Hive Yarn for satisfaction. 1 oz. skein 30e SILVER GLEAM 30% RAYON—Idea1 for` children's Pink and. blue. 1 oz. ball wear.,' WHEELING A `YAR$=•4-PIY grey` smooth soft yarn for socks; Skein 39c. AIR, FORCE BLUE -ply wheeling will make good wear- ing sweaters. Skein .:.. 39c empleton if A. HORSE BILLED On , Tuesday evening Dave Milne had his grey driver instant- ly killed, when struck by a car driven by a London motorist.' The accident happened in front of Mr. Milne's home. Your.... Weekly BULLETIN from Thompson's GOLD MEDAL PUDDINGS, Chocolate' and Butterscotch,. Package 5c WET; ME WET Cleans and Polishes Box ° 10e MONARCH -PASTRY FLOUR 7 :lbbag 30e' 24 lb. bag �'� • 85e., AYLMER• APPLES - Dehydrated for Applesauce Tin f ., 10e 2 BORE 41e RATION' NEWS Now Valid—Tea, •Coffee and Sugar No's. 11 & 12. `Butter No's. 22 : & 23 Meat No. 11 • . i All Cannipg Coupons THOMPSON'S 'PHONE 82 WE DELIVER THURSDAY, AUGUST 5th, 1.943 1iIRECQPTION HELD Coining IvV UULJ FOR NEWLYWEDS DANCING i(T PARAMOUNT There is dancing at Paramount each Friday night, to music by Carruther's popular orchestra. Door prizes. Admission 35c. . R.C.A.F. MOBILE. ,RECRUITING UNIT 'HERE NEXT WEEK: A Mobile Recruiting Unit -from the R.C.A.F. Recruiting Centre, London, Ontario,; under the com- mand of Flight Lieutenant J. W. Peers, will be at the To ;Hall on Wednesday, August ith"' a.rn. to 3" p.m.. TMs unit will be prepared to give all the necessary tests, medical• examination . and will complete enlistment on the spot. a Men are required for aircrew, general duties, • standard trades- men, service police and chefs. There are also a few openings for men to be • trained -as wireless me- chanics, welders, carpenters,%met- al workers, airframe and aero engine mechanics. Enlistment . of . women is very necessary at . this time, particul- arly those qualified to be clerks operations, labratory ; assistants, wireless operators, motor trans- port drivers, who go in as direct entry, and : cooks, Large numbers of girls are urgently needed to be trainedas clerks general '°be- ing given .a .:two months' course at a " . well-known commercial school. ENGAGEMENTS A community reception was ,held in Holyrood Hall oil Mon- day evening for Mr. and Mrs. Leonard McInnes, recent newly- wed Rev, H. F. Dann was chairman for a ry, enjoyable program that consisted of . thefollowing num- bers: solo by Miss Wilda Osborne accompanied- by,.. Miss " Osborne at the, piano; piano solo by , ,Mrs.' Donald Ma-cDonald; solo by Miss Marne Irwin •;`accompanied• by Miss Ruby Irwin; recitation by Miss Annie MacKay; duet by- Misses yMisses Doris Irwin' and May Web- ster, accompanied by Miss Eliz- abeth Robertson; violin solo by Austin Martin with accompani- ment by Miss Osborne. Rev: Dann addressed the guests of honor and called them tothe platform where they were pre- sented with . -a . well-filled purse of money . by Lloyd McDougall and Harold Campbell.. Mr. Mc- Innes,. on behalf of himself and. his bride, made a suitable reply thanking them all for the gift. - Lunch was served, the Wed.- ding ed=ding cake passed, and the remain der of -the evening spent in danc- ing. Miss May Thom;aS,• London, -•an- nounces the engagement of her. niece,. Dorothy May, daughter of the late Dr. S. M. and Mrs. Thom, as, to S.Sgt. William Harold Jew- itt, sonof the late Harold Jewitt and Mrs. Jewitt, London, form- ,erly .of Lucknow, Ontario, the,. wedding to • take. place August, 7., Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bawks of Midland, • Ontario, . announese , the engagement of 'their only Baugh- ter, Eva Gertrude, to James Al- fred . Burt, both of ".Toronto, ` eld- est son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles. Burt of Holyrjood. The wedding to 'take place early in September. The engagement is Itnnounced of . Vera .:Ina, elder daughter " of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Taylor of St. Helens to. Bdr. Gordon Ruther- ford Miller, only son of Mr. and Mrs. W I. Miller • of St. Helens. The wedding to take p ace in Centennial. United Church, . Lon- don, Ontario, . on August 7th. Dave McLay, former principal of Ripley Public. School, has en- listed for active service in the • Canadian Army. Dave has been employed at Toronto for the past few months. • • SPOKE ON SUNDAY The Rev. E. J. •Roulston, 'a for- mer Huron township resident and one of .the six- young men who entered . the ministry from Olivet church, occupied the pulpits of St. - Andrew's, Ripley and Olivet' churches on Sunday last, where he preached 'acceptably at all - services. Mr. Roulston has been in the. 'ministry 'for over 25 years; first in, the former. Methodist church and sihce organic union • in the United,Church of -Canada. He has held several pastorates in west- ern Ontario? For the past seven years helabored successfully at Ridgetown.. Friends in Ripley an vicinity were pleased to meet. M and Mrs. Roulston and to wel- come them on "this occasion. — Ripley Express. "How did Junior make .out in his latest exams?" "Oh,' he's doing much better. was almost on the top of the list of those that failed". • Isn't it amazing the number of things -that are --found, at' election time that should be done that are. never thought of at° any other time? • • "Pop, what's a grudge?" • "Itis what yiz keep an auto- inobile in." • ,° II, Union Church - SERVICES SUNDAY, AUGUST 8th UNITED CHURCH 11 . a.m. and -7 p.m.—IhjCapt. R. D. MacDonald will preach at both services. Sunday School at 10 • a.m. each church. ° OBITUARY MATILDA. WOODS- Dungannon's • oldest citizen, Miss Matilda .(Tillie), Woods, died Saturday afternoon in her 916 year, • at the home ,:of Mr., and Mrs. Robert Moore, where she has. beencared for since .her return from Goderieh Hospital about two months .ago. She had resided on the homestead two miles north of Dungannon - until last winter. when , shecontracted pneumonia. at which' time she was removed to hospital. Previous to her ill- ness she had been able to attend toher household : duties for her-, Self and her brother, Thomas. She belongs to one of the earliest pioneer families and was one•/of a family of eight of the late Thos. Wolds and k Mary Staples Woods, both of who came from the Old Country. She is survived' by only one bher, Thomas and a neph- -ri Edgar Woods, of Niagara Falls. Predeceasing her were An- nie, Mary, Jack, Jim, Jenny and George. r :The departed woman took an active . interest in tSt. Paul's Ang- lican Church from *here the fun- eral Was held Tuesday afternoon at ' 2.30 with interment in Dun- gannon Cemetery., Pallbearers 'were Bill Cook,Isaac Cranston, Will Reed and Jacob' Reed. • A sister Annie, who prtedeceas- ed her . a number of years 'ago, was a former dressmaker in Lucknow. • - SEPOY Theatre. PRESENTS This Fri.. & Saturday • kugust° 6th &° . 7th ptemsavakmagauawou THE MOST DANGEROUS MAN IN THE WORLD!. in the most ama"sing story of our times!. • ILONA HASSEY ION NALL ou PUB LORRE SIA;; CEONCHAROWICKE, J. EDWARD BROMB,ERS JOHN LITEL ALBERT BASSERAIAN "What's happened, George?" "Puncture". . "Youshould havelooked out for it. The guide • book said that there ,was a fork in the road just about here". ' flOWSIONti Original Smarm Play by Cutis.Siodmak • 'Directed by EDWIN L. MAR1N Associate• Producerr, GEORGE WAGot1ER ADDED Attractions "Taming of the Snood" with BUSTER KCEATON REMEMBER NEXT SHOW "MY SISTER EILEEN" AUGUST 20th '& 21st WAS 'HIGH AGENT • Forthe second year in succes- • sion, John Farrish of Ashfield has carried off =the,, prize among the insurance agents of the Con- federation Life. Insurance Com- pany,. in, the Owen Sound Dis- trict. His was the largest percent- age allotrrient, being -200 per cent. He secured a total of 3,200 points. His nearest competitor received 2,200 ,points. Mr. Fairish is a hustler and if his health permits, his aim.will be to win the covet- ed prize three years.—llipley Exp press. ' Clearing all Yardage Goods during August Dress Materials, Silks, Printed Flannels, Etc: SPECIAL LOTS of Hose for Women and Childreti ORE,