HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-08-05, Page 5THURSDAY, AUGUST 5th, 1943
Lyceuni Theatre
Thurs., Fri., SatM Aug. 5, 6,
Mon.., Tues., Wed. Aug.9, '10, 11
* *. in'---* ,*
14:1111Itit '
A thrilling story of the Orient.
Also "Short Subjects"
Mr. Clifford McNa.11, 'Mr. and.
Mrs. Frank McIa11 were up froth
'London for . the holiday at Mr:,
' Robert McNall's. •
Mr;., and Mrs': Wilbert -Webster,
Mr. and; Mrs. Lorne. Webster vis-
ited . relatives in this`, vicinity on
Miss Kathleen Weiler of. Galt
• was a recentrvisitor with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weiler. ,
' Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Reed and
Eunice, Mr. arid Mrs. Archie
NichoIsori. spent Sunday after-
noon at -Port Albert. {.
Miss Betty. England is assist-
, ing Mrs. Harvey. Houston at pres-
Misses Donna and Betty and
Sonny Fountin of Detroit visited
with Mrs. Jim England and other
relatives here.
South 'M
Kinloss W. ,
-,; The August meeting of the S.
at the home of Mrs. Peter and
Miss Dean McLeod with 18 mem-
bers'arid seven• visitors attending.
At the conclusion of the devot-
ional and business period Mrs.
Douglas Graham presiding, • Mrs.
Herbert Buckton gave a short
reading from the Christian Digent
"Answered ,.. Prayer". Bett' yand
Joan.. Iamilton then very pleas-
ALEXRINTOUL Kinloss W.M.S. • was entertained
The.' death occurred early Mon-
day morning of Alex Rintoul of
West Wawanosh in his 76th year.
'On March 14th, 1900 he was
married in Kinloss Township to,
Jean Gillies. who survives him.
Surviving . also •are four ' daugh-
ters and three setts,. namely Mrs.
Harry Lee.. (Margaret), Toronto;.
Mrs. Ewart 1VtcPherson (Luella),
Wingham; : Mrs. Ralph Cameron`, , ingly sang a • duet "Jesus keep
(:Euphemia), 'Ashfield; Mrs, Jas. 'me near .the Cross" and "Won-,
Reid' (FF"reda)°, Lucknow; John of
Toronto; Will. on, the homestead'
and Gordon of St. Helens. • One
sister,, 1VIrs., John Coulter, • Can
apdaigria, N. Y. and' one brother,,
•Will Rint'oul of Wingham.
The funeral was held Wednes
'day afternoon from .his late resi-
dence, 10th. Concession of West
Wawanosh. • Interment was in
Greenhill Cemetery, Lucknow.
The pallbearers • were his three
,sons. and three sons-in-law. The
Rev. James Wilson of White-
church Presbyterian church' Coe -
'ducted. the . service.
Quite a number from here took,
time off' to attend ' the, races in
Goderich on. Monday.
Starting last . Sunday and for
the next six months the service in
.the Presbyterian . church will be
at 2.30 p.m. ' with Sunday. school
one hour earlier.
The Mary Hardie Mission,Band
meets this Saturday afternoon 'in
the church basement. '.
The annual MacDonald re -un-
ion was held on Saturday last
with over one hunrded in at-
tendance. . '
On Sunday night the barn on°
the -farm of Mr. D.. A. McLean
was completely destroyed by fire.
In the fire he lost, hisentire hay
crop and some livestock. perish-
ed and a quantity of';last year's
grain was also burned.
. ,
Each day the Farm Broadcast Commentators of the CBC add
their news and market bulletins, give directives from the provin-
cial and federal farm authorities, and voice many other aids to the
'wartime farmer's gigantic task of raising and marketing the food
for victory. Here, is A. R.Kernp (right) as, he gives his•daily bul-
letin to the rural listeners of Ontario and Quebec, Monday to Fri-,
day, at 12.30 ,p.m. EDT, Seated on the other side of the microphone
is. CBC announcer Del Mott, who divides his interest between the
daily farm broadcast and eye-opening music for the early rise' s.
The. sympathy of the commun-
ity -is -e endedto-Mr Bert Ward:;
in the death of his wife which
occurred 'en Friday morning in
Wingham. Hospital Mrs. Ward
had been in failinghealth for a
t^•-ar" m' e -recently
had become almost invalided by
rthritis-and-a -heart -condition.
Mrs: Ward, 'formerly Marion
Cater, was in her ' 57th year and
hadbeen a continuous resident of
.Lucknow sincetwo years . of age.
She :was :a daughter of the late
James George : Cater of London,-
ondon,England and Maryann ' Edith
Harmer. of • Eastbourne, England.
Marione was anonly. child...., She
was . born'. at : Eastbourne on Sep-
tember 30th, =1886, and came to
Canada and to Lucknow with her
grandparents .at the. age of two.
Her • father come -to Lucknow a
couple_ of years:. later, where he
engaged in the ' jewelry business.
Her mother died°in . England.,, Mar:
ion's grandmother passed away
in 1922. '
• . On July 8th,1924, Marion • mar=
ried Bert Ward, who alone sur:
vives. Mrs. Ward was an indus-
friou`s person, until arthritis
forced busy fingers into idleness.
She• had many friends in :the
Village, and was highly . esteem-
ed as a good and kind friend, and
neighbor. '
The funeral service. was held
in St. Peter's -Anglican Church
on Monday 'afternoon conducted
by . Rev. J. W. Donaldson. Men
and ladies of the Orange Order
.attended the service in a body,
as wellas.'menibers of the Wing -
ham Branch of the Ladies .Aux-
iliary of which Mrs,. Ward was a'
member. The Auxiliary took part.
in the service at the graveside in
Greenhill': Cemetery where Mrs.
Ward_was laid to rest beside her
grandparents.' • The pallbearers
were N. H. Hedley,.Art Cann,
Sid Whitby, Clyde Rid, George,
Burgess and Wrn. Lockhart.
derful Jesus". Roll call, was. 'ans
wered by a versebeginning with
the letter N. 'Scripture lesson
from Acts 13, • verses . 1-12 was'
read.' responsively',' led. by" Mb`s.,,
L: McIver. and the. Bible Study
from. that passage was given by
Dean McLeod. 'Mrs. Alex
Sutherland ga 'interesting
reading by Ja ent Whittaker (one
.of themen saved from the wreck-
ed' plane Of Eddie. Rickenbacker
entitled "Other hands than'mine".
which told how Whittaker, pract-
'ically an atheist wasbrought to
realize show. the Hand of God
,brought them safely through their.
dreadful . ordeal. Mrs. Tom Mac-
Donald read a poem entitled' "He
,go'eth-before" . curd -Miss -Margaret
MacDonald, gave a reading from
the ,Glad Tidings. Mrs. Harry
Levis and Mrs;. Ale McLeod
then rendered a duet "Saved by
Grace." and two further repdings
were given by Mrs.: Dan McKin-.
-non and -Mrs. Philip respectively..
Mrs. A. Sutherland • tendered a
vote of thanks . to Mrs. McLeod
and Dean for their hospitality;
also..to 'Betty and Joan . Hamilton
for the ' splendid wayin which
they sang their' 'duet. Closing,
hymn, and prayer .by Miss Mary
McLeod closed the. meeting. •
'Mrs.. C. G. , ,Robson announces
the 'marriage" on July 21st, of her
sister, Marcia Lorraine, younger.
daughter of Mrs. Durnin;, Teulon.,
Manitoba, and the late E. How-
ard Durnin, to Lewis, • sori of Mr.
and. Mrs. Forest MacHardy, God-
erich: The ceremony was per
formed by Rev. R. J. Waldie at
St. George's Manse, London.
' The bride was lovely in• a dress
of pale blue • sheer 'with white
accessories. She wore white gar-
denias in her hair and a corsage
of Joanna Hill roses. She wore
a • triple strand of pearls. Miss
Marjorie Pierce, Goderich, as
'bridesmaid, was dressed inti two-
piece frock of yellow crepe. Her
The West Wawanosh Council
met on . July 13th with all mem-
bers • present and. with Reeve
Smyth . presiding. The ,minutes oft
last- meeting were read and ac-
cepted on ;motion of councillors
McPherson and Finnigan.. ,
Grants of; $30.00 to Dungannon
Fair' and $20.00 to Lucknow Fair
were ordered paid on motion of,
Councillors McPherson. arid Fin-
nigan,. On. motion, .of Councillors,
'McAllister. and Miller; 'signs pro-
hibiting dumping on the road-
sides, were«ordered to 'be .pur
chased. and . set tip. A .petition
from' the West„ Wawanosh Fed-
eration of Agriculture, asking
that one fifth of 'one mill be
added to their taxes as' i ember -
ship fee in the Federation,. was
accepted on motion of Councillors
Miller and .Finnigan,
The Council adjourned td meet
again on. August 10th at 1.30 p.m.
r :Durnin Phillips; Clerk.
corsage.. was Talisman roses. Mr.
Gordon: Harrison,. Goderich, was
groomsman.' • A wedding dinner
was served at the C.P.R., Hotel,
Goderich. The bride.will.. reside
in. Goderich. .The ' 'groom ,has re-
ported to Army Barracks, Lon-
Beautifully decorated with
summer flowers, Oliyet United,
.Church was the scene of a wed-
ding of- wide interest ,on Friday
afternoon :when Georgia Matilda,
daughter' of Mr. and Mrs: George
McGillivray, Ripley, was united
'in 'marriage to William. Charles
Smith,, son of Mr: Charles Smith
of Toronto.
The ceremony "was performed
by Rev. J. C. Nicholson of Pine
River: The wedding music was
played .by Miss Lilian Osborne
and during the signing of the.
register Miss Wilda Osborne sang
"I Love, You Truly". • • . •
The bride, given . in amarriage
-by her father, looked lovely in a
graceful gown of -white brocaded
taffeta, fashioned lin traditional
style. Her bridal veil fell- from
a halo.of white satin. She carried
a bouuiuet of pink roses and ad-
iatum fern; and wore a string of
'pearls belonging to the groom's
grandmother. Mrs. Oliver. Mc -
Charles; sister of the bride, as
• matron of honor, was gowned in"
old rose taffeta. Mrs. Hartley
acTavish and Miss Jean Mc-
illivray wore turquoise and
powder ' blue gowns 'of sheer
crepe. Their bouquets were roses
and blue cornflowers and they
wore flowers in their hair. The
best -man was Mr. Harry' Smith
of Toronto, brother of the groom.
The. usher's were • Mr. Hartley
MacTavish and )Mr.. Oliver Mc -
After the ceremony the wed,
ding party motored to Kincardine
where a wedding dinner was ser-
ved at the Parish Hall to guests
numbering thirty.. •
Out of town guests were pres-
ent from London, ' Wiarten; Tor-
onto and, Kitchener. ---
"I : say Smith", exclaimed. Jones,
"where's that silk umbrella I lent
"I found it was my own, s� E
kept it", replied Smith.
"You don't say• so. And here•
I''v°e been dodging old Robinson
for three Weeks, thinking, it was •
Members of 'the McWhinney
family held the annual family
reunion at Harbor Park, Goder-
ich. "Mrs. Lorne Johnston and.
Bert McWhinney, Crewe, had
'charge of :;the games, and Miss
Stella Johnston, { teacher, from
Midhurst, arranged •a "treasure-
htifit". Prizes were awarded to
the ffiilowing: the personcoming
thesgreatest distance, Miss Norma '
McWhinney; . Toronto.; parents of
the largest family. present, Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd McWhinney, cora,
cession' 2, -Ashfield; the person
most recently married, Mrs. "Clif-
ford Hoy, the former Miss Marie
Bogie; the youngest child present;,
Carolyn Johnston,' daughter. of
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Johnston, con.
cession 2, Ashfield; oldest person".._..
present, Andrew McllWain, God-
erich., -
. • Officersowere elected as -fol-
lbws: honorary presidents, 'Mrd.
Maria, McWhinney, Colborne, and
Mrs. 'Dougherty, Egmondville;
president, Mrs, Richard McWhin-
ney, I.R. 1 Dungannon; lst vice
president, Mrs. Alex Bogie, Col,
borne; 2nd vice president, Mrs.•
Lorne . Johnston, concession 1 3,
Ashfield; secretary,: Miss Mary
Bogie, Colborne; treasurer, Hugh
McWhinney, .conpession 2, Ash.;.
field: Members of the family were
present . from Ripley, Lucknow,,
Toronto, Goderich, Auburn, Port
Albert, Colborne, Dungannon and
West Wawanosh; ' 108 registering.
James McWhinney Jr., Dungan-
non, expressed the appreciation of
those present, to the officers and;
to all who 'had assisted in any
way in making the gathering a
successful„ one.. .
The late John .McWhiriney. and
Mrs. Isabella (Kirkpatrick) Mc-
Whinney front . whom this family
descended, Were amok the earl,-
arl=fest of the pioneer settlers, 'settl-
ingon the farm, lot 11, concession
1, Ashfield, in 1842. They were
married in Ireland., Mr. McWhin-
ney was born on. December25th,
1814, at Saint Field, nine Miles
from Belfast; Ireland. To then&
were born seven sons and one
daughter,. Andrew, Samuel, Wm.,
John, James, David and Richard,
and of w�Margaret,
have. new deps. arted �
parted OAT
life Richard, the last one, having
died two years ago.
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