HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-08-05, Page 3Tip! Sr-sAY, AUGUST 5th, 1843
On Sunday afternoon the . an -
nu N decoration' day and service
of remembrance was held at Dun-
'gannon Cemetery, which was
& established over severity. years
ago and where more than 5000
former • residents • •of the •district
have been interred.
' ^ "
PAGE waft
,The service Was conducted bj,
Reverends .H. J. Vickerson, Rev.
J. W. .Donaldsari .and 1.ev., C.• 'H.
, MacDonald„, .• ••• -• •
•• • . It was on December •'1,. 1870
• • ' :that a nut -libel.; of interested .oiti-
-Zens met and organized the'Dun-
.....• g.annon Joint Stock Cemetery C9.
The'amount or th.e 'Capital stock..
was. $50'0, which .wat • held 'in 25
shares of $20 'eaCh. 'The purpose
• * of the company ,.was to 'purchase
landand hav,e it. surveyed fora
• Public, .cemetery. The business of
• the company Was to be directed
by three trustees•to be.. elected by.
• .the shareholders from their num-
ber. •
. .
• Accordingly; three. acres of land
. . • .
.were purchased, -abeut one4third
• of a mile west of Dungarinon .on -
concession four, Ashfield
ship.:Thit • was 'suitably fenced
and was surveyed. A . driveway
was made on either side of which
were planted evergreen treei;'
• The site 'chosen lies at the top
• he river 1i -11, --and tir" boil
is light sandy toil1, which ismot
.satisfactory for the purpose for
• • , •. which it is intended:,
Among the names found on the
first list •of shareholders ate the
• folloWing: • Harry Cook, John
Cook, Robert Clendifining,
• iam Crawford, Thomas Ander-
son, Alexander McPherson, Robt.
Davidson,• Joshua Willis,. Moses
• McBrien, J. M. Roberts, -Edvvai'd
• PaceY, A. Dunfield, Alexander
Anderson, William Pennington,
John Pennington, John Hamilton,• .
Jam et Trimble! John G. Truax,
• Charles Girvin, Henry, Holland:,
• Jane t O'Brien and Richard Tre-
• leaven.
The first three trustees named
to 'transact the business we:
Robert Davidson, J: M. Roberts
• and°. Robert Clendinhing. These
• continued in Office for several
years. Now, after 73 years all the
• original shareholders are num-
bered with the dead, and their
interests have passed intothe
hands of some of their relatives
• a a younger. generation. To,niake
proVition for greaten acCornmoda-
tipn two additional acres of land
• have been purchased at the rear
of the present cemetery and will
• be surveyed into plots irr%the near
future. •
The Dungannon: Cemetery is
now one of the best -kept cernet-
eries, 'to be seen anywhere. Each
year plot -owners contribute to-
• Ward a fund Whieh 'provides for
• a caretaker, the work being care -
done at present by Thomas
• Park, who takes much pride and
interest in seeing that the cem-
etery looks its best at all times.
• Bequests for ," perpetual Upkeep
are being contributed by many
and thit fund, which is increas-
• ing rapidly, is put into a Sinkin• g
fund, the interest from which is'
devoted to care of the Cemetery.
Donations for this putpose are
• received and carefully looked af-
• ter by James Davidson, Dungan:.
• .1
It Happened In CluT,11 4
• Here's one; ive c: n vouch for.
• • The inan at down In # •local
••church and set his hat down On,
the seat. It rolled off an out into
th& aisle, corning to rest at last
• upside down. Several persons had
11, • noticed it. As it stopped, the*savc,
big ,piece of cardboard inside
the het: On it was printed 'n cap-
ital letters: "Like hell lit's your
-• hat. Put it back".—Fergus •News-
Recent visitors at' Mr. Alfred
Patterson's were Mr. and Mrs.
John Patterson and Mr, and Mrs,
Birch, all ofLOndon and Mr. and
Mrs: Merrill Cantelen 9f Wing-
Mr. .and Mrs, Wright of Auburn
spent a day recently with .Mr.'
and Mrs.,•Jams Forster.
Mr and Mrs. Ed McQuillin and
Grant attended the Grant reunion
• at' Goble's Grove. •'
Mn and Mrs. Ronald Forster
and Nan ey and Mr. and Mrs:..Tas.
Campbell of Coliingwood spent
the Week -end at the' homes Of Mr..
James Forstel,and Mrs.. John Car
ruthers. •••
Mr.. and -Mrs. R. B. Scott of
Armow visited with Mrs. Huilton
and Gretta. last Friday.
Mr. and. Mrs. Roy Hudspn and
family are spending this week at
the home of Mts.. Hudson.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dawson and
Mn and Mrs. Alex :Dawsbn of
London were week -end visitors:
at Mr. J. Davison's.
Mr. • and Mrs.. J. DaWson and
Master_lionnie .Daw-
son of London attended the fun-.
eral of the latter'grandmother,
Mrs. Jacobs of Sebringville• cin
Tuesday last. - •
Mrs. •Ed. McQuillin and Grant
and Mr. PhariS Mathers and Car-
line-spent-Frida-y-al terno on-Witf
Mrs. Jas. karster...•
Mr. and • Mrs. Henry Mafhers
of LticknoW:vistted with Mr. and
Mrs. Pharis Mathers a -few days
• last week. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Twam-
ley and family and Mr. Moet of
Loritturtspent the week -end with
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MacDonald.
Mrs. Roy McInnes and child-
ren a• Toronto are spending a
few weeks( at the, home of her
parents; Mr. and Mrs. John Ken-
• Mr: and Mrs. Birch of London
called on Mr, and Mrs. George
Kennedy on Saturday. •
Mr. and Mrs. Ed McQuillin
/spent Sunday in Lucknow with
MUt 'Archer.
• '
• Messrs. Homer • and Lindsay
Durnin. of Hamilton spent a„;, few
days with‘their- uncle, ;Orville
° Mr. arid Mrs. Ben Conifort and
Mrs. Ennis. Comfort of St. Cath-
arines spent the Week -end with
Mr.. and Mrs. Cecil Blake and
•Harold. ,,,
Mrs. • Lawrence Trernaine of
Terento is spending a few days
• with her parents, 'Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Treleaven, !
Mn and Mrs. Eldon Twarnley,;
Norma and Douglas were-iguetts
of their cousins Mr. and. Mrs.
Wilfred' Drennan on Sunday ev
Norma and Douglas re-
mained for a few days' visit.
Mr. and WS. T. M. Durnin and
Letitia spent Sunday with Miss
Letitia Dreaney, Dungannon.
A number from , here attended
the Gdderich races on Monday.
Miss Lorena Crozier who spent
the past two weeks at her home
here returned to London on Sun-
day accompanied by ..her sister,
Frances, who carne up for the
week -end. .
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hunter
and children spent Sunday eVen-
ing 'with Mr. and Mrs. Bert 'Fre.
• Mr. Jim SherWood spent a few
days with friends in London.
made to burn the. C.P.R. station
nt Teeswater. •, The timely dit6-
rovery of a ,hlaze in the freight
sho-1 1,•• -.'ay late:at night, saved
ling. An oil -soaked piete
of wnsto was found stuffed at
the base of •the door. • .
_ _
Special sittings of Revising Of-
ficers were held in Huton-Brute
on Monday for the official ap-
proval of proxies received frOm.
Ontario men and women in the
armed services • overseas or in
Canada 'outsIde'of the province.
••Only a comparatively few prox-
ies *ere presented for .certifida-
tiop by Dudley E. Iloknes, who
held' brief sittings in Lucknow
and iieighgoring municipalitios
• Proxies without the ,Revising Of-
-ficer'S signature were invalid.
Holmes Was, in LticknoW
for about arOlour at noori4Wori-..
day, when about ten proxies zere
•ii.resented, less 'thanhalf of which
were from overseas., At the Kiri,
loss' Township sitting two proxies
Were presented; orie o Which was
from overseas. ••
It was twenty years ag9 Mon-
day,, August 2nd that Dr. A. G.
Elliott died suddenly at a bali
game in DTEiiThtt
was tlie best friend I ever
• Bert Ward says, and since his
.cleath has never failed to place_
a floral tribute on the Doctor's
graveon August 2nd. •-
August- 2nd ihis-year-7-13ert-
exPerienced thedeep sorrow of
burying' his wife, bpt later that
• afterneon- he returned to Green-
hill Cemetery to place a bouquet
on • Dr. Elliott's grave, and no
doubt shed silent tears at another
graveside. In .the . years to come
August 2nd will be a day of
double significance to. Bert when,
the keenness 9f his two greatest
sorrows' will be very .real.
Among the message's of cori-
dolence received by Bert On Mon-
day was atelegrainfrom Mrs. El-
liott and from Mr. and Mrs. Ian.
.... (Intended for last week) •
Mr:- John Thorn of Wingham
visited Withhis cousin, Mr. Wrn.,
Purdon last Thursday afternoon.
• Mrs. • Wm. Roane of Teeswater
spent a few days last week with
• her daughter, . Mrs. • James .Mc-
Innes.' Miss Jane and Anne Mc-
Innes returned with her to' Tees -
water. •• ••
Rev. Mr. Watt and Mrs. Watt
of Grimsby are holidaying at the
home/42f their daughter, Mr. and
WS. Milan'Moore. Mr. Watt took
the service in the United Church
on Sunday..
Mr. arid Mrs: Nicholson of Au
burn were visitors here a day last
• week. •
• The' United WM.& held a tea
and sewing meeting at the home
• Ot. Mrs.. Joe Tiffin last Tuesday.
Miss Velma Scott who is sta-
tioned at Preston spent the week
end at her hothe here. She was
presented with a beautiful pert,
and pencil set at themorning serl
vice in the: Presbyterian church.
Miss Jean Wellwood ' who was
removed to Nova Scotia for a
few weeks was unable to be home'
this week -end. • •
The W.M.S. of the Presbyter-
ian •church held their sumer
rrxeeting at the home of Mrs. A.
Walters last Thurs. with a good
attendance' present. Mrs. (Rev.)
McLean addressed the meeting
•and a social hour was Spent at
the close.
Miss Betty- Gillespie is spend-
ing a few holidays' with'her 'grand
parents Mr; and Mrs. John Gill-
espie ,and ther relatives.
• Visitor: What's up? Had a 'bad
day? 1
Financier: Yes, I've lost more
than MON and the worst of It is
that sp of it was my own•money.. 'd
trotit the
Paramount Kennels
• will be on display at
The Purina Shop, Lucknow
Saturday Afternoon & Evening
These Dogs Are Fed Regularly
On Purina Dog Chow Meal
$ee The Difference Purina Make$
S rp oul.
Mitt 'Eugene Thompson of neat- •
Miss Jaqueline Elliott of Cal,
-gary....has_ arrived to spend some
holideFsTiFilh; her parents,
and Mrs.. Wilfred Elliott.• •.
*Mrs., Wrn. Blake 'returned tO.•
her home in Ashfield after spend,-
ing two weeks with her son, 11,1n
"--3-Orin Blake and Mrs. Biake.-
• M1". and Mrs. . Harvey Maiz
and family spent , Sunday Wit".
•-- -
Mr. and • Mrs: Stanley Dennis
Tilitoriburg is .visiting her
ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Rivett.
..Visitor t with Mr. and Mrs. Da-'
• vid S. Errington pver the week.::'
• end were Mr. and Mrs. Stanley.
Hughes, Toronto, Mr. and Mr
Roy 131aek and Wilfred of Luck-
e We are glad to know Mr. Sari- .•
Uel Roach is improving nicely
since being movedto thehome of ••(
his daughter, Mrs. G. C. Trelea•
ven, two weeks ago, after an •
operation at Victoria Hospital, •
Lendon. •
4A. memorial service was held at
• Dungannon cemetery on Sunday• ,
August 'ist with Rev: H. J. Vick-.
erson delivering a splendid ser-
mon to,a well attended audience..
• The other local clergy assisted
anda. choir of all denomination
• led in the singing. The flower*,
were lovely and a number of peo- 1
pre earne from a distance.• It has
been hoped. and planned by the
corinnittee -that 'the first Sunday
in July may be the decided date .
annually for the memorial ser-
vice and Decoration Dar at Dun-
gannon Cemetery. :
near W.ingharn.
Mrs. Maurice Woodford of Tor
onto spent the I week,end, with
her mother, Mrs. G. C. Treleaven.
• Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kidd and
• family of Tprorito are spending
August with Mrs. Kidd's parents
Mr. and Mrs.: J. J. Ryan.
° Mits:' Anita Hoffman, Dunn-.
• ville spent •a few days' last week
with her , cousin Miss Bernice
Blake., 1• • 6 \
BORN—Augnst 2nd to. Mr. and
Mrs. Goldie Carter„ Amberley at
the' home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. George Rivelt,. a little dau-
ghter, Edna May. ••
Mrs. Annie Campbell, who is
spending the summer , with her
son Mr. Cyril Campbell, Ash-
field, lathed on ,Tuesday with
her daughter,' Mrs. C. W. Alton.
Mr. and.Mrs. John Blake atten-
ded a Blake picnic. at Arnberley
Beach on 'Saturday. •
Miss Letitia Durriin of Fort
Frances is spending part of her
vacation with her aunt, Miss L.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Willis of
Detroit are expeeted this week
to spend ‘some holidays at Dun-
gannon and their Port Albert cot-
tage. • -
Mrs. Ed. Bowers and son Gor-
don .of Saltferd visited Mrs. D.
Spread over the week.end. •
Pte. George Moore, invalided
home from England two weeks
ago with neuritis, left last' week
• for London to receive treatment.
• Rev. H. J. Vickerson, Mrs.
Vickerson and little son Charles
Edward left 'ruesdaY to spend a
Month with Mrs. Vickerson's par-
ents at Windermere, Muskoka.
A reunion 'of members of Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. McClure's fam-
ily Was enjoyed at the week -end.
Those visiting Were Mr. and Mrs.
Sari Widcembe, Winds9r, Mr. &
Mrs. Alfred Ilefford, Douglas &
Lois ef Toronto, Mrs. • Wm •Mc-
Clure Jr. and little son Junior,
Mrs. Chat Durnin, J. C. arid Mar-
garet Joy who recently returned
from a ,three weeks' vacation at
Windsor, Sarnia and Goderich,
Mr. Widconibe returned to Wind-
sor the first of the week, while
his wiferemains for a longer
• Miss Clara Sproul returned 10
Stratfordafter two weeks hOli-
aYs w#h
Mrs. A. Durnin, Helen & Mary
of •Lucknow spent Sunday with
Mrs. E. Hodgkinson. -
• Mrs. F. Weis of Rochester and
• Miss Myrtle Netterfield of Tor-
• onto are visiting at the home -of
Mr. John A, MacDonald. •
Mitt Tena McKinnon. and • sis-
ter .Florence of Fort Erie visited
onr Saturday with Mrs. ----11 • Mc-
Kinnon. • •
The WIVI.S. of South Kinloss •
met at the home:Of , Miss. Dean
cLeod on Tuesday. •• .
Rev. Ward of St. Helens will
take charge of the evening ser-
vice at Blakes chnich next Sim -
day, August 8th at 7.30.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon , Twamley
and family wild have been en-
joying' a trip up the lakeshore .
in their cabin trailer "spent the
week -end in this vicinity:. '
• , Misses' Lob and Ruth Webb
rite spending this week with Mr.
and Mrs: Ti J. Anderson.•,'
Several fromthe other appoint-
ments attended the sacrament
services •at Blake's on Sunday.
Howard. Blake spent the week
in London.
Mr. George Saunders and Lob,
tie visited friends at West Mc-
Gillvray. Mr: John Wright re -
„turned with them for a visit.•
, Miss Anita Hoffman of
ilton visited with relatives • on.
• e